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Reading for Vocabulary is a four-level reading series for young learners of English at ages 10 or above. The series aims to develop young learners’ vocabulary and overall language skills through exposure to a variety of topics. The series instructor Brian Stuart provides for learners a highly dynamic and entertaining lessons. So learners will be able to learn a large number of vocabulary with fun and ease.
💓 Lesson 13 Computer Movies
Have you ever seen an old horror movie? Did the monsters in the movie look real? Many of those creatures were just people wearing costumes . They didn’t look scary at all. That’s why today, movies are being made with computer graphics.
Before computers, it was hard to put an imaginary monster in a movie. Usually the creature looked. The audience wasn’t fooled and this made the movie less fun to watch. But with computer graphics, all this changed. The monsters in movies started to look realistic . Movies became scarier and more exciting.
In the movie, Jurassic Park, the heroes have to run away from a hungry dinosaur. Audiences were so frightened that they were on the edge of their seats. It looked like a real dinosaur was chasing the people in the movie! Of course, there wasn’t really a 30 foot tall T-Rex running after the actors. But the audience frightened believed that there was. The dinosaur looked amazingly lifelike . It could breathe, swallow, and even move its eyes. No one could distinguish what was real from what wasn’t.
Computer graphics also let us make more creative movies. The Day after Tomorrow is a movie about the earth freezing. Before computer graphics, making a movie like this would have been very difficult. How do you cover the whole world with snow? This kind of scenery is only possible with computer graphics. Nowadays, it seems like there is no limit to the kinds of movies that we can make.
Thanks to computer graphics, we can make a movie about almost anything.
💓 Check out other KZbin English-learning resources at WorldCom Edu
Sight Words with animations: bit.ly/2W2hpux
Sight Word Lessons with Brian Stuart: bit.ly/32hlyMx
Easy Story House(Read Along stories for kids): bit.ly/2ONDFa4
Brain Bank Kindergarten Science : bit.ly/2qeFfaI
Brain Bank Kindergarten Social Studies: bit.ly/35B1CHu
Reading Start(3 level reading program for children): bit.ly/32X41dZ
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