Learn Russian with News | Why books in Russia are being censored

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Yaroslava Russian

Yaroslava Russian

Ай бұрын

Invitation to my webinar "Russian literature for Russian learners"
If you love reading Russian literature and want to enrich your Russian with it!
📝 PDF: yaroslavarussian.ck.page/censor
💻 Оригинал статьи: realnoevremya.ru/news/307878-...
Deep dive webinars for learners who want to better understand natives and speak like one!
(! This is not a history lesson, but the workshop to enrich your Russian language !)
Webinar 1 "USSR in Quotes": buymeacoffee.com/yaroslavarus...
Webinar 2 "Russian literature for Russian learners": buymeacoffee.com/yaroslavarus...
The podcast & transcript for B1+ to C level :)
In these weekly episodes, I talk with my friends and ask them everything you want to know about Russia, world, and stuff.
Levels: from B1+ to C1. But aspired to understand native Russian speech, and speak like a native.
Updates about things, playlists, pictures, and demos of my podcast :)
• Learn Russian with New... Russia might have a new candidate for president 🦄
• Learn Russian with New... Russian President RESIGNS in New Year's night 👋
• Learn Russian with New... Things Russians do to see BALLET 🩰
• STOP learning Russian ... How to stop learning Russian (to finally USE it 💁‍♀️)
• If you're feeling stuc... How to overcome learning plateau with my fave exercises (If you're feeling stuck)
• Podcasts VS Textbooks:... How to choose the learning strategy: Immersion VS Textbooks
• Speak Russian without ... How to be confident in your speaking and speak Russian without blocks
• How to start great con... How to start great conversations in Russian
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Пікірлер: 39
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
Такое ДИСКУССИОННОЕ видео получилось! Добавляйтесь в рассылку и получайте все PDF на почту yaroslavarussian.ck.page/censor И жду на вебинаре! buymeacoffee.com/yaroslavarussian/e/256436
@davidmares6053 Ай бұрын
@yukicross1104 Ай бұрын
When I download it it’s a text about Gagarin and not the subjects of this video 😢
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
@@yukicross1104 Упс! Я исправила :) И отправила правильный файл на почту! Отличного дня :)
@yukicross1104 Ай бұрын
@@YaroslavaRussianthank you 🎉 got it
@enverarslan9435 29 күн бұрын
Спасибо ❤
@lailakhan5907 Ай бұрын
thank you for including subtitles in your videos, your content is so helpful! :)
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
очень рада, что было полезно)
@burtmantooth8913 Ай бұрын
Hello, thanks for this wonderful lesson. :)
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
спасибо, надеюсь оказался полезным)
@orlandlna Ай бұрын
Ярослава, умница! Мне хоть и не приходится учить русский как иностранке, но все равно смотрю почти все ваши видео, спасибо вам!
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
благодарю, рада, что нравится 😊
@ericwanderweg8525 19 күн бұрын
The publisher is walking a narrow path to not break the law. Although I’m not a fan of censorship, the fact is that it happens in every country. Especially in the “liberal democracies” of the west. The people in power decide what we’re allowed to see, say, and ultimately think.
@jorgearcegarivera2698 Ай бұрын
Уважаемая Ярослава, привет из Керетаро! Ваш мексиканский подписчик всегда рад использовать чудесный язык Вашей огромной страны. Мне кажется, я уже написал это раньше и могу повторить это со всей искренностью, потому что мне это становится все менее и менее трудно. Поводом в данном случае является праздник 12 июня. С Днём России! По имеющейся информации, Вы сможете насладиться выходными, что ни в коем случае нельзя делать с чувством вины. Как говорится, мы живем не ради работы, а наоборот, и никогда не проводим слишком много времени с семьей, друзьями и даже домашними животными. (Да, ладно, не забываю, что Вы живёте в Аргентине). Надеюсь, у вас там к югу от экватора мягкий климат. Здесь, на севере континента пять недель подряд высоких температур наконец закончились, уступив место более прохладным и дождливым дням. Это особенно положительно сказывается на диких животных, а также на бездомных кошках и собаках (очень многочисленных в этой стране за последние 500 лет, с момента прихода европейских завоевателей и поселенцев). Ваш друг работал в недавний день выборов, в результате которых впервые в Мексике пост президента республики займёт женщина. Все сложилось очень хорошо, за исключением того, что в течение долгого и трудоемкого дня необходимо было охлаждать горло теплыми напитками. Из-за необычного спроса в близлежащих магазинах невозможно было найти бутылки с холодной водой или льдом. Мои наилучшие пожелания и ещё раз с Днём России!
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
Благодарю за поздравление! 😊
@hyanmarques8696 Ай бұрын
Could you make a video about the рвп ексамен
@barbaravilliger4767 Ай бұрын
Pasolini не был сценаристом фильма La dolce vita, а сам Fellini писал сценарий, вместе с другими авторы (между ними: Ennio Flaiano, отличный писатель, он написал «Tempo di uccidere»)
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
Да? Потому что он указан как один из сценаристов на IMDB. Но, конечно, я хотела сказать, что он был один ИЗ сценаристов :))
@barbaravilliger4767 Ай бұрын
Нет, никакого Pasolini: it.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_dolce_vita
@barbaravilliger4767 Ай бұрын
Не важно! Статья интересная, спасибо. Мне очень нравится этот формат🙏🏼
@cjburke4252 Ай бұрын
если кто-то из группы маскируется, группа вовлекает себя в это, не избавляясь от лжи. Это повлияет на последующую основную группу, к которой принадлежит подмножество, и заставит ее жить так, как лежат группы. Это врывается в честный разум и создает духовное вторжение. русский перевод
@mwgood523 Ай бұрын
Понравился вынужденный шахматный ход! ... и видео тоже))
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
@user-de2yy2gh8u Ай бұрын
@NiekLodewijkx Ай бұрын
It feels like a marketing trick.
@horiabarbul7462 Ай бұрын
It rather feels like a minimal yet real reaction against the censorship that the editors allow themselves.
@Marat_Kazey Ай бұрын
Дорогая Ярослава! Ниже или выше есть комментарий от бразильца про экзамен по русскому для РВП! Если учесть, что нерусскоговорящие иностранцы хотят ехать в Россиию, то мне кажется видео про экзамен на русский язык будет интересным и популярным при правильном заголовке видео
@YaroslavaRussian Ай бұрын
Спасибо за предложение!
@ZSUPINE Ай бұрын
2/2 We still say "God Bless the Good Ole 🇺🇸, but deep down I know we are no longer blessable. Even as Puritans, our [theirs back then] allowance for tolerance was excessive, and we had our Roy, Anne Bradstreet and plenty of secession--which I'm all for, if you pay the price and keep fair-- but these guys (Puritans) were the good guys who had immigrated out of the Biblical Whoredoms and Witchcrafts of the Bible, all those porneias, all those pharmacopeias, and by reason and logic pretty much all our modern messed up world. BUT, AND HERE'S THE TEST, unlike the Amish/Mennonite, unlike the Mormons who immigrated to Mexico to what is known St. Lake City, the valley, and Utah, only later to immigrate into Mexico a second time into their colonies by the border states of Mexico 🇲🇽 south of the Rio Grande, these secessions (Roy, Bradstreet, their kind) acted "soft" with subtilty, to some they were lose, to some dreamers, to others schemers rather than actual people-groups in-formation which would otherwise have the potential to form an ethnogesesis and compete for a nation of their own. In time, the "soft" and piety were eroded, dissolved, bred out of existence within a century, diluted by further English and Scots-Irish migrants, indentured servants, etc. Later on, when most "Americans" (95%) were still proud loyalists, but no longer purinatical per-se as much as self-sufficient traditionalists, the insignificant minority managed to stoke up, to climax, to aid & abet further developments for conflict, of radicalization, etc. which obviously would seduce the British (who had fightingstresses for a long time, also as Loyalists) to try to douse the flames and mat- down (trample) the embers, but even here the British failed due humanism. Had the British been entirely rational or robotic--as symbol-manipulations and the other weaponizers are out of occupation, training, employment, habitation--they could have run a proprietary census to choose concrete, narrow (actionable, objectively documentable by common or lightly trained observers) assignators, nuanced arrays of explanation to offer qualifications, etc. in order to determine where the problem was and how to segment or allocate the population, in principle to reveal the truth about the power of deception of the revels in light of majority and its complacency or trust or tolerance. If good men failed to come forward and form broad coalitions, authentic, genuine coalitions of longstanding or historical partisans, those whose partisanship can be explained with votes, rollcall tabulations, reports, etc., but broad enough to show in good faith that it shouldn't be possible that 5% of the people should highjack the population overall. Failing reason, if somehow the conflict couldn't be transformed, if it was a realized time to act intelligently through violence, the special census so obtained (a census to measure people's mores, people's values, behaviors, conduct, to figure out what they are and do not to depend on what they feel they should claim for whatever else happens to be disturbing their mind at any one single instant or flutter of time) to try to administer the violence, even to exercise full lethality or deportation or ostracism or defrocking of citizenship or legal status or presumed legal sanction or standing by the innocent bulk of the population, but only as seamlessly airtight as possible around real individuals actors, cells, nodes, rather than the innocent, dispersed, deleveraged, not on the know, etc. population (s) irrespective of traditional, recurring, rival, but of a clean, pure, undefiled law-abiding character, nature, disposition, inclination, etc. While horrible, even annihilation shouldn't be off-limits even as you intend to be more proactive and make the best of the roll of the dice to include more of the planted colonial population into the colonialism challenge. Often decades make change, for example the impoverished (primitive, poor) death traps of the English when the Spanish erroneously chose to defend their honor with the wrong season ahead, with regal (high capital-expense ships and trained crews) whose chief fault was being goaged into falling into the perfect mire for their adversaries more maneurable claptraps. Differences in technology also explain why White Supremacists from Dixie, the former confederacy, and Latinos have higher traces of foreign admixtures, namely that latter shipping and health was safer and allowed for bringing in large numbers of white women, whereas the south wasn't the best environment for good white prime breeding age women, given a host of diseases which needed the discovery of antibiotics, much of modern surgery, etc. not to mention the hostile climate of tropics year round and the moderation of subtropics only between late autumn's and early to mid winters with perhaps some flukes during "spring". In the case of Conquistadors 🇪🇸 , Conquistadores came as early as 1492 AD whereas Raleigh might have explored or hid by North Carolina waters, generally to pillage Spaniards, as early as 1518 or thereabouts, but I don't have my rolls of film developed from my visits to Saint Augustin's Florida's museums. If I recall, Raleigh was also involved in sanctioned piracy, per letters, in 1514, perhaps 1512, etc. if not in the New World at least on returning Spanish ships. The way to think is to remember that the English 🇬🇧 were an impoverished land vis-a-vis commercial Holland 🇳🇱 and imperials France 🇫🇷 and 🇪🇸, which made the English Queen a desperate beggar at best like Afghanistan 🇦🇫 's Taliban who were grateful 🙏 for the young men like Bin Laden and countless other financiers, engineers, ngo's, etc., up-to-and-including the former US government (s), agencies, budgets, etc. to finance, arm, train the Mujaddin (doesn't come on my spellcheck, it might be a different transliteration, but essentially the Islamist fighters exercising resistance to the secular Afghanistan Republic/USSR campaign of operation). Obviously, they were "terrorists", but as long as they weren't working here it was a great 👍 deal for the United States at the time. I've gotten side tracked, but I'm only starting to try to learn Russian off KZbin (jokingly here are my thumbs up 👍 👍 emojis' to encourage ("vicariously" "vote") for "Russian" "Propaganda" "Channels". Since I'm not a President I can't expect a billionaire to buy KZbin, rebrand it and reinstate my account, perhaps a revamped KZbin can flick a bird like the fonsi before selling out, perhaps it should be called fuTUBE but we don't an u/yu sound for our y-consontant which sounds more like a soft breathey jes/ye/ies but we call it something like oo-ay as a single perhaps shwab dipthong sound phoneme. But it would be a great kick in the pants 👖 or buttocks to style it with your Russian u which is your Cyrillic y letter. Maybe Russian's can rebrand KZbin again, but with your y and the English tube thus, yTUBE, and distribute it world wide with real-time vpns, encryption, anti-virus, etc. software source code options, all hosted with mirrors in Japan, Iceland, or even distributed "free of charge" to promote true humanity rather than the nonsense we've had since the Civil War (a northeastern seaboard Yankee + partisan-constituent + cohort-courtier partisan regionals elsewhere, and in general sundry collaborators and schemers succeeded in dealing a coup d' etat to our original/organic constitution, albeit this constitution was also another defacto coup d' etat against our articles of confederation which was done in a dirty and foul manner but more democratic than Lincoln pursuit of judiciary and remaining/partisan non seceding delegates). If I don't follow up to finish this after the leaving the ER I'll probably study at home in case of further edit for clarity. If not I hope to learn enough Russian to order that book and see how existential the absence of text is for the higher calling of truth for humanity versus: a desire which so many "enlightened", "progressive", "revolutionary", neoliberal, globalists have to shove themselves on anyone of those who are most truly and most genuinely vulnerable in psychic/mid-dwelling ruminating/neurotically-conscientious, etc. rather than taskmaster-conscientiousness such as that imputed to market-driven victims as our artistic author here. Again, the most vulnerable don't like to ask for help, they have too much too lose, their sense of self, of honor, of dignity, sometimes pride rightly and wrongly understood, sometimes shame, sometimes vanity, sometimes fear. But a clean stereotype is that those who are truly vulnerable are falsely imagined (through the application of misnomers such as fragile) as somehow being part of the problem, but with the exception of minor sporadic signal-cries or "tiny" symbolic-punctures in the fabric of time and space of the development of despotism as a milleu, as a cultural profession of faith, as an indoctrination and as a means-testing operating litmus-test to continually vet and keep them in their toes, the vulnerable in the right are vulnerable, not fragile, and in addition to their misnomer as fragile in lieu of vulnerable, we are also mischaractized as unsustainable & the continued augmented genocidal assaults are mischaractized as pursuing sustainability thus also mischaracterizing your false sustainability and misnomering our true sustainability absent your despotism. True sustainability means the end of despotism, not its endless, recurring, always advancing development. True sustainability is what we had before the world of Renaissance Latter-Humanism mixed with Latter-Scholasticism and emerging scientism.
@ExVeritateLibertas Ай бұрын
I always wondered what would happen if they allowed the psych ward internet access...
@Marguerite-Rouge Ай бұрын
Очень интересная тема, спасибо! Во Франции, у нас нет правительственная цензура. (У нас другие проблемы, но это другое дело). И у нас тоже разговоры о видах аббревиатуры. Например, covid - мужский или женский род? Люди использовали мужский род, потому что covid кончать как слово мужского рода. Но наши умные и (очень) старые Академики (из француской академии) решили, что covid - слово женского рода, потому что главное слово - английское слово "disease", и по француски - это слово значит "maladie" (женский род). Так что, слышали много раз "le covid" (мужский род), а очень редко "la covid" (женский род). Люди, которые использовали "la covid" (женский род), часто были немного претенциозными людьми!
@Marguerite-Rouge Ай бұрын
И про Пазолини, Евангелие от святого Матфея - шедевр! Но мне хочется что во Франции есть цензура для детей потому что я смотрела "Сало или 120 дней Содома" слишком рано (мне было 17 лет). Этот фильм просто кошмар и я забыла почти все из фильма, потому что это слишком травматический.
@HeroOfAnnihilated Ай бұрын
Не помню с аббревиатурами Но споры о роде слов иногда происходят в быту Например кофе Исторически происходит от кофий Что звучало как мужской род Но кофе осталось мужским хоть и звучит теперь как средний род В итоге разрешили оба рода как правильные Я говорю его как мужской, но больше по привычке (и потому что "напиток" звучит как мужской род, хотя и "растение" как средний) Говорить кофе в мужском роде это у нас не претенциозно Но вот настойчиво поправлять тех кто говорит иначе - уже да
@cjburke4252 Ай бұрын
сломать разум ребенка, сломать человека нации
@ZSUPINE Ай бұрын
1/2 Honorable system of compliance. I wouldn't call this what is normally meant by the connotation of of the word censorship. Yes, something is literally unprinted, or replaced with black block instead. But the main point is that this civil arrangement does is not absolute or really trying to attempt or to pursue to genuinely-rigourously-zealously-proactively reconstruct the nature of reality or its contestation, truth, it. It is self-evident to me at least that this is clean, perhaps pure, maybe even a desire to be reverent, but at the very least it is a recognition of vulnerability, of constituents who might suffer titillations and countless assaults just like regular protected classes are protected in the US, but in this case it attempts to leave what can be called value-neutral while blocking was can be deemed as weaponized-usages of symbol-manipulation, IQ, EQ, education, discourse, narrative, opinion, etc. which are the natural silage (feed, hay, corn provander, etc) of the urbanely cosmopolitan who worship globalism and its interests against true, genuine, clean, objective diversity which has been vetted and is vettable by the development of tens of thousands of languages, living, dying, dead and reconstructivable, by the thousands of ethnonationals, ethnicities, ethnic clans, and genetical-demes vetted with genetics over and above history, ancestry, sociology, geography, eugenics, etc. To me, this is clearly being to give you a heads up, to make it easy for you and to let you know that in no uncertain terms you are dealing with a "buyer beware" situation, that you reallycan go out there and really find what you're looking for, all with the courtesy of individually blocking lines, segments rather than printing a black sheet with a page number or just wiping it out as an infant, or an even an embryo, or even as a zygote. God Bless. At least you know. In the US of A our censorship is real. Urbane. Sophisticated. And usually is driven by the "global village" crowds' POV on globalism, homogenization, centralization, all three of which end in the same thing, one amalgamated mess with only a shallow veneer as top dogs, as the "meritorious" which really means monster's whose existence is all about genocide so long as it's therapeutic, so long as it's "peaceful". In the 🇺🇸 you are censored "more freely" by the "free" choices of thousands, often in compliance with their received perceptions of what their all-too-happy audience will pay for, namely a global village point of view. If you dissent ("anti" [diversity, lgtb, jews, blacks, welfare state, entitlements, any socialist or established, or "bipartisan" legislation, and in short anything so long as it's leftist, neoliberal, or globalist]). This goes from venues to submit, markets, submissions, slush buckets, readers, editors, acq. editors, perhaps a broader team outside the editorial department if you'll go alongside their censorship or if they have reason to believe you'll likely come their way, etc. to post-production, distribution, sales, etc. Heck, I know many people would feel safer with a common nut around to peruse their stocks, hang around and have a few beers or even buy a few trinkets because you can't or know that you shouldn't use your own traceable accounts to purchase books, take out books, download books, search for books, etc. Many of these friends probably hate having to drink a beer with a nut, hang, etc. but the indignation is worth the risk that this is someone connected, a mole, etc. even though you know there's nothing you can do (if you are on the so-called right, or as a God-fearing Christian, or $$$-minded libertarian taxpayer not on welfare, not on entitlements, not on a government sanctioned, mandated, doled-out job, etc., or even anyone outside these "stereotypes", scapegoats, "black sheep", etc. among the leftist waves who can still to have dignity, to care, to believe in integrity, liberty, etc., or just presumably anyone and everyone loosing out on despotism which we call civil, status-quo, law & order, progess, social policy, development, efficiency, and anything so long as it's not such a bad and ugly world as despotism, socialist in our case, albeit for a select group of connected collaborators for whom the right and left mean chattel, for whom ruling over which breed, species, program, etc. is a matter of taste, exposure in a spatial, jurisdictional, socioeconomic, etc. sense vis-a-vis their captives including their own believers whether left or right). We still say "God Bless the Good Ole 🇺🇸 but deep down I know we are no longer blessable.
@ExVeritateLibertas Ай бұрын
Have you taken your meds?
@user-mb2sn4it4d Ай бұрын
Foederatio russica(💣societas elevatio) - non est Russia❤. Memini Democratiae post Bellum Frigidum.
@cjburke4252 Ай бұрын
радуга принадлежит всем, а не одной группе. Даже радуга как пострадала.
@cjburke4252 Ай бұрын
Нарушать честность перед всемогущим богом - очень плохо для меня.
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