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@xXTheBigMatt94xX Жыл бұрын
Good video. One thing I'll mention as I didn't see you doing it a lot and a lot of people don't do enough is holstering your gun whenever you're moving. No one talks about this but not only do you move 15% faster but you can instantly slide from a standing still position after taking one step while sprinting (auto-sprint makes this much smoother and easier to do). The way to not get caught with your gun holstered is to learn a key button combo (I like to think of it like that as if it were a fighting game). You holster your gun, as soon as you see the crosshair change to a dot (which indicates you're in the holstered state), unholster your gun then run forward and slide jump. You then repeat this constantly. Holster, unholster, forward slide jump. You slide jump while you're in the animation of unholstering your gun because you're still moving with that 15% speed boost until the animation of pulling out your gun is complete. If you unholster after slide jumping then you'll only be able to shoot once you hit the ground. Unholstering first then slide jumping allows you to shoot midair Hopefully that all makes sense. 15% doesn't seem like a big difference but it's the instant slide that you can do while holstered that is a game changer. Being able to move as fast as possible at all times is definitely a game changer. If you've ever watched Faide play or any other movement Gods you see them do this
@LtKanada Жыл бұрын
I often holster my gun, but in a CQ fight like this, I felt it necessary to be ready. Especially since I initially expected to be dropped on.