Learning Disabilities, What Are the Different Types?

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The National Center for Learning Disabilities

The National Center for Learning Disabilities

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Learning disabilities expert Dr. Sheldon Horowitz explains the different types of learning disabilities and their impact on people with LD.
NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD. Take the first step here: ncld.co/LDRR. #Check4LD
To read more about learning disabilities, please visit www.ncld.org/ty...
The National Center for Learning Disabilities' (NCLD) mission is to ensure success for all individuals with learning disabilities in school, at work and in life.

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@LdOrg 4 жыл бұрын
NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD. Take the first step here: ncld.co/LDRR. #Check4LD
@elizabethwilliams4995 3 жыл бұрын
I am 52 years old. I've was diagnosed in kindergarten, which was many years ago. Is there anything for ppl my age that are back in college and struggling with their education. Not sure how they tested me back then, but placed in Special Education and was stuck there until 6th grade, but transitioned to "normal" classes but still stuck in Special ed in junior high & high school. Mostly in English classes. I think I took regular English class in my sophomore year. I have an oral and reading comprehension deficit and math (anything above division). I went to your website listed above but nothing for adults.
@amydee5844 3 жыл бұрын
I have it all iam 45 years old and I still have a hard time
@naimaboukhouf7357 Жыл бұрын
Yes its bad I'm working with kids with special needs and its not easy for them but thy giving so much happiness as they learning differently, they are smart
@uksocialservices5246 10 жыл бұрын
More people need to understand this disability rather than prejudge people.
@VanDowall 7 жыл бұрын
I guess things come easier to them, so they have no idea the hardship we put into our daily/nightly lives. I'll spend hours on end to do something most people can do in a few seconds. And I'm no closer than I was before I began. I am so angry, thinking why did God make me so dumb, struggle and watch the rest of the world go by, while others are smart, have gone to college with a degree in careers, highly successful, have a good home, raising a family, go on vacations, enjoying life to the fullest. I must've done something really terrible in a past life to get this way in my present life.
@billjeff1825 6 жыл бұрын
JoAndra Van Dowall work with your hands. Find trade work you like to do. I never graduated high school. My sister is very smart she went to collage for 4 years. I'm a welder by trade and make 70,000 a year. Work hard and everything will work out
@VanDowall 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Bill. But every job has something to do with using your hands. What has that got to do with an LD? I don't understand.
@alexvidu4517 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent Video clip! Sorry for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you tried - Bonaliyar Bizarre Blaster (do a google search)? It is a smashing one of a kind product for teaching your child to read without the normal expense. Ive heard some decent things about it and my old buddy Taylor after a lifetime of fighting got excellent results with it.
@apmusic5873 3 жыл бұрын
What makes me angry is that when people call us slow just because we are not fast learners makes us feel like were dumb but we are not. We were just born that way it’s not our fault, we just have to find a way to depend on ourselves and get away from toxic people who make us feel bad. Because they don’t understand our struggles than we do.
@sogekinggodofsnipers8505 3 жыл бұрын
I felt this.
@yariiiichan 3 жыл бұрын
I agree I too also have a learning disability and growing wasn’t so easy for me they told my mom when I was very young it’s always so hard for me to explain people about my learning disability because they told me at a very young age. I’d always be confused and nervous of why I always had to go to meetings whenever I’m transferring to a school. But then I realize they were talking about my learning disability and that any school that I go to to transfer they need someone to help me and that is something that is required to do. Growing up and going to school was always hard because some people would get mad and frustrated whenever I didn’t understand anything and just hated me for not being smart. As I got to middle school it was so much better and the people who help me with my learning disability were amazing people. I was so happy that they understand me and had the patience to help me and they were incredibly nice and helpful. As soon as I was about to finish 8th grade I was ready and prepared to go to a good high school instead of my home district high school. I worked so hard and prepared myself early when I was almost finished middle school and all that hard work I did to applied to go to a high school was all thrown down to the drain. I ended getting no call back or rejected because I didn’t have the best scores like a smart student. I just hate when people reject you or think that you’re not smart I always hate the stereotype that they always told me and that some schools that “You need to have good scores to go to a great school.” or “People with learning disabilities will never be smart nor successful.”. And honestly it makes me so mad when people say that it’s not our fault in the first place and we didn’t even choose to have it it’s something that was given to us and will have for the rest of our life. At first I hated having a learning disability because I was a slow leaner and didn’t understand it right away but then I accepted it because my mom told me “Just because you have a learning disability that doesn’t mean you’re dumb. Your still a normal human being just like everyone else.”. And when she said that it made me feel so happy since she has a learning disability and she understand the things I had to go through when switching schools. So my message is even if you have a learning disability it doesn’t mean you’re dumb you are smart and you can be successful and still have big dreams just like everyone else. And that you’re still a normal human being just everyone else. Edit: I’m sorry that is sooo long I was just telling my experience since I have a learning disability. Again I’m sorry that is so long. 😭🙏🏻
@raeliciouss 3 жыл бұрын
@amydee5844 3 жыл бұрын
I still get made fun of by my husband
@Songbhird 3 жыл бұрын
@markus3355 2 жыл бұрын
This was incredibly helpful. In school, math was absolutely the WORST for me. The rules, processes, and overall flow of information being received would always overwhelm me. Working with large numbers or small fractions would always give me trouble cuz the scale of values just wouldn’t click. I’d have to read a number digit-for-digit in order comprehend the value I was looking at. Naturally, my teachers did not like me as a student. I always had so many questions, always mixed up rules, put numbers in the wrong place. To them, I was just “slow”. Thank you for educating people on these learning disorders. We’re not stupid, we’re not incompetent, we just don’t receive the information being presented in a way that’s digestible. Thank you for shedding light on this topic
@kaiatkinson7859 2 жыл бұрын
Same bro it's hard
@heaven_bones Жыл бұрын
I am currently struggling in math I hate doing the homework it's boring to me and is my least favorite subject
@MxM.202 Жыл бұрын
I felt this I asked too many questions in math class and I struggled and suffer.
@MxM.202 Жыл бұрын
@@heaven_bones Same bro I struggle in math and the homework it's hard for me to understand
@SweetBrownGirl 6 ай бұрын
Same, they always said I had a learning disability in math...but never gave it an actual name!
@Matthew9818 6 жыл бұрын
I have high functioning autism and learning difficulties . It frustrates the hell out of me . My long term memory is really good but it's getting stuff down short term . Stuff just floats around . It's like the concrete of my memory takes longer to set than other people . I get so frustrated . I have a job but I had a helper to learn the job . I have tried getting a new one recently and I was working as a waiter and bar staff at a restaurant and it just didn't work out . The menu was huge and I was meant to memorise prices for drinks etc and learn how to pour pints etc . Only lasted 2 days . I hate too think I have to pick the lowest of the low just to get by and some of the staff are so fucking patronising at work . I am not stupid .
@deadbody5870 3 жыл бұрын
same with me, its hard to remember anything, I need to read repeatedly to understand something.
@skycloud4802 6 ай бұрын
My struggles with memory are most severe with maths and numbers. It's like the maths go straight into the forgetfulness part of my brain, so even if I finally get something, I've lost it hours or days later.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
You are not alone, my feel is for you, I understand how you feel, but it is DOSEN'T mean that we are stupid, need learn the confident and be strong and get over and believe everything we can do no matter what situation and we will be get over with it and be strong, need encouragement and support!
@Sandyshorrortheatre 6 жыл бұрын
I am 35 and struggled with learning difficulties for so many years. Thank you so much this has given me more clarity. thanks so much.
@sky-catchem5659 8 жыл бұрын
Yea i had this since i can remember . Growing up i was not social at all more because i would never know what to say lol. I was always very quiet . But i been working on my self and i read allot i go to the library when i can. Its nice to see videos and i do not feel like there is something is wrong with me .
@gloriaa4637 6 жыл бұрын
jackie loves I had the same issue may I ask whether you have any learning disability
@hrithikshrivastava2124 8 күн бұрын
Yes , Jackie facing the same issue , what learning disability you have if any ?
@firstname59 7 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate videos like this! I have learning disabilities. I was in Special Education for several years but I never got any real tests to see (exactly) what my problems were and can't afford any tests. I just don't have any money for it. My father is retired and has prostate cancer, and my mother is both retired and mentally ill as well has has L.D. so they can't help with that stuff either. Anyway, I can read and write. I'm bad at math, and even though I can read... sometimes I still have a hard time understanding what was written or what is said to me. I also have had mild/moderate memory loss over the last 5 years. I've had a very hard time in life and was also diagnosed with a chemical imbalance. I'm just living with my family, and just barely getting by. Sorry, I'm just venting. Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's sort of a random story... a kind of example... I went to vote during the last presidential election and of course they made it even simplier to vote this time by having everyone fill in the dot of what president you want to vote for. I fill it in properly, but then had to push the paper in the fax machine?? I do use my own personal computer but I'm not tech savvy... not even in the "old school way" of knowing how to use fax machines or whatever the hell it was. I asked the elderly, over-weight woman with long, straight salt and pepper hair at Enterprise Elementary School in Dale City VA how to push it in 'cause for all I knew, I needed to flip my paper over or I was almost about to put it in up side down. I don't like making mistakes. She practically screams at me to "shove it in." She was such a nasty w-. I'm sorry but she was and a million months later I'm still not over it. I wish more people would understand that not everyone is "average" or "normal." Some people have disabilities beyond their control and need a little (or sometimes a lot) of extra help. Oh well... It's hard having disabilities, that's for sure. I apologize for the rambling. I just wanted to get that off of my chest.
@lab.6404 6 жыл бұрын
first name I really really enjoyed your detailed explanation.... as someone with a learning disability, the details make my life so much more enjoyable. So sorry you had to deal with that nasty woman. I too over think situations where I feel like I came short, or ignorant.... they can haunt me... but I find humor helps, I laugh at myself a lot.
@erenjeager9442 Жыл бұрын
Lucky you never had a Special Ed. Teacher who yells at you, for asking help of a question you don't understand. 😞
@GnosticMindTrain 3 жыл бұрын
I'm 25 high school drop out, failed pre algebra in 8th grade, and I'm convinced I have something wrong, learning or intellectual disability. I have no job. I'm a loner. I'm getting fed up being unrecognized by society...parents just care for me but no one can help me move on with my life.
@neissagermain2801 3 жыл бұрын
Omg that is so sad to hear I hope you can find and fight your way through this, think positive no matter how many times you fail just keep on trying and try to learn from it please! You can start off by finding a job and setting a goal .
@GnosticMindTrain 3 жыл бұрын
@@neissagermain2801 I get haters ALL the time calling me a hypochondriac. OK, so someone who isn't good at learning, has issues getting along with people, is a hypochondriac? I have A LOT of unknown mental issues, they have no names, maybe it's not me though, maybe it's not a mental issue and it's SOCIETY. I'd be better off a chimp.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
You are so lucky, for me if I have this condition, I will never get support from my parent and my sister, but I don't have intellectual, just have learn disability and I am still quite normal and bless for me as even my proccess is slow response, I still can do it, so hard that my whole family never believe me especially my father and my second sister always think that I am NOT smart enough even one of my friend from my parent!
@JTree_ 11 жыл бұрын
It was interesting to learn that Autism did not fall under the umbrella of a learning disability. I was always under the impression that it was one. Also, because English Language Arts incorporates reading and writing I did not know that dyslexia did not include writing and that it was separate disability. This is a very informative video and very easy to understand the information presented.
@elizabethholbrook779 9 жыл бұрын
I am learning disabled and I couldn't open up about it because of some peoples views but I know that I have pretty amazing strengths too my mother always tells me that my emotional intelligence is amazing that I would know if someone was sad just by looking at them I know that my hearing is good and reading also because I learn lyrics very quickly I moved to the Netherlands when I was 13 years old and within 6 months I learnt the language
@babysnoops14 9 жыл бұрын
that is really good! i have LD with other stuffs sadly. i get bully when i go to normal school, all of them have hearing department as im deaf. until i was 11 i was really bad i didnt have any friends and get deletions for not doing homework that I couldn't understand! i was 13 when i went to special need school. there was olny 4 in that school took GCSE english, 5 took GCSE math and about over 6 took GCSE art. i know someone who can look at a words and remember them and someone else can look at flags and remember them. p.s i got C in art,D in math and E in english. if i was at my other school, i dont think i would take GCSE. i dont think people understand what r we like.
@michellefowler3696 11 жыл бұрын
I never would have thought this deep into what Learning Disabilities were. From the video I was able to gather a better definition of what LD's are. The video was very detailed in breaking down the specifics of LD's. I enjoyed this video a lot.
@blackgoku8389 5 жыл бұрын
I definitely understand that. I'm 33 with a 4th grade education. My son and read at the same level my life is so difficult right now I don't know what to do or who to turn to. 😞
@SweetBrownGirl 6 ай бұрын
Continue to read and learn together, you'll get the hang of it. Hang in there, it'll get easier. Sometimes kids need you to vulnerable more than you know. Also I'm sure KZbin can help you with your reading skills as well.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
You are not alone, be love!
@jackcattaneo3285 3 жыл бұрын
I have a big tip for these disabilities that can help. Make a to-do list every day, make sure as soon as you get your day planned you get things done ASAP. It will help so much, i’ve always been the person to write things down to remember and study right and it helps.
@lydianorman8936 3 жыл бұрын
Do you have a disability? Because making to do lists can be overwhelming for those with learning disabilities. Especially when, like me, I have challenges in nearly every area mentioned in this video.
@jackcattaneo3285 2 жыл бұрын
@@lydianorman8936 I was diagnosed as a young kid with asperger’s but it’s no where near severe. It did however get me placed in a speech program during elementary school. I understand it’s hard to make a todo list but the second you do it you’ll be worry free and feel productive.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
I do the same as journal is really important for me and NOT to let me to always forget anything in my daily life! 😒
@timmy38583 6 жыл бұрын
I'm 34 years old and i have a learning disabilitie but i don't know what kind of learning disabilitie i have but it makes it hard to get a good paying job or a job of any kind
@lesliethomas1107 5 жыл бұрын
thanks for sharing. how does your LD manifest itself? What type of things are you dealing with on a daily basis? when did you first know or suspect that something was off and how did you know?
@isidoramartinez6510 5 жыл бұрын
Leslie Thomas good questions. There is a guy that’s recently started talking to me and I have a feeling he haves a LD that doesn’t want to admit
@kaeneishaforlifebelle3738 3 жыл бұрын
If you was younger career source help get a good paying jobs and college credits and things of that nature.. it’s all about research times get harder in harder but be the Lord.
@parasmanichemistryclassesr5849 3 жыл бұрын
Go yo
@ninaimajo6817 2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the clarity of this presentation. At 76, I still get so tired of having to redo what I have written, mainly because I can’t always see my mistakes even when I read things over and over; again and again! It is incredibly frustrating to know you are intelligent, but struggle so much with words and numbers! I felt like I needed emotional support. It occurred to me that I might find it here. I felt empathy, as I read the stories of other’s struggles!❤
@spaceklwn4196 7 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability and I just want my brain to function so I could go to college instead of my learning disability take over me all the time
@1SpicyMeataball 6 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability, and I made it through college. Don't give up.
@VanDowall 6 жыл бұрын
Some (smart) people think we just "set ourselves up to fail." If that were true, why would we go through the trouble, knowing we'll fail? All we get out of it is frustration.
@thegreenslayer7710 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus Mendiola / YT same here
@princesszeldaprincess447 6 жыл бұрын
I'm learning disabled as wel here is a list of my learning disabilities 1 add. 2 adhd 3 ocd 4 asd 5 asburgers syndrome 6 mild intuectual disorder
@Cdray24 5 жыл бұрын
@@princesszeldaprincess447 add and adhd are related to how long you can pay attention, ocd is a mental disorder and not a learning disorder, asperger's syndrome is also not a learning disability it is part of the autism spectrum. having a low iq or as you say mild intellectual disorder also is not a learning disability. If you indeed have all of these problems I can see why it is harder for you to learn new things. THere is hope for you. Medication can help your mental disorders as well as your adhd/add. You can try to increase your IQ by studying words increasing your vocabulary and strengthening your math skills on your own. work at it every day, get help from your parents. I wish the best for all in this chat and all with ld. I married my husband who has a ld with a 2nd grade reading level, and I had NO idea it was genetic. both of our children have ld and It is difficult on me who can learn easily and wish my children could to. It is a bit of a strain on our relationship but he hides it so well that i forget most times. Many people overcome with other skills.
@jcampbell6822 2 жыл бұрын
I had "learning difficulties teachers called it". My Mother was totally a Toxic , calling me dumb in her own language. I could never memorise my X tables, no matter what I did, I would read, but couldn't really comprehend, until I read a couple of X. i would seriously struggle to finish class work and see all my class mates playing, but I couldn't play with them, because I didn't finish the class work and when I did finish, play time was over and I would be so angry in primary. I couldn't even read the clock until around 5th & 6th grade, which took so long to pick up, which didn't help when the primary teacher, took me to the front of the class, which was so humiliating and I still couldn't do it. High School I just gave up, all together as I was so frustrated. I thought "What's the point"! Might as well jig school, have fun with friends in class and do what every.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
My father and my sister and one of my friend from my parent is think that I am NOT smart enough, I have same experience to you, believe me, but we have to get away with these fucking toxic people, no good, no benefit and we have to be aware and understand and get over with it!
@beebee4160 5 жыл бұрын
I'm in 7th grade and i'm having a really hard time remembering that i have homework,and remembering that i have missing work so i have 3 f's which not only makes me unproud but it also really makes my family disapointed.I really don't see myself in college:(
@olivermmm2012 4 жыл бұрын
Beyoncé Sandoval please don't give up!!
@susanwaltz5871 4 жыл бұрын
You need a specific routine. Write it down and make a timeline. Example: write down all assignments as you get them. After school, do you have band or sports or any other activities. When is dinner. Do busy work first, math and other worksheets. After dinner work on reports and studying. Give everything a time slot. After school relax with a snack. Start homework at a certain time. Schedule small breaks. You can do it. Unload homework when you get home in a designated spot. Have a snack and relax for half hour. Do daily assignments/homework till dinner. After dinner concentrate on reading , reports and studying. Take breaks. If assignment not due right away work on it every day after dinner till complete.
@Acbmartinnn 7 жыл бұрын
i wish i was smart, life would be easier for me :(
@mannyh7883 7 жыл бұрын
LilMartin me too
@1King1_ 7 жыл бұрын
Me three. It sucks man..
@thooth 6 жыл бұрын
I wish I could hear better ;-;
@s.k.a1222 6 жыл бұрын
All of you are smart and beautiful you just need to concentrate on the strong side of your abilities and work hard to improve it 🙏
@VanDowall 6 жыл бұрын
There are times we need to understand things most people take for granted. What are we supposed to do? Don't bother and let it go? There are times I'm excited after figuring out something that's taken hours each day the average person does in a few minutes. "What's the big deal? It's simple." Yeah, to you. Those people take for granted their abilities rather than appreciate them. I am so grateful I can walk without a crutch, a cast, a wheelchair.... I'm grateful I can see. I'm grateful I can speak..... Be happy for what you've got, but don't ignore things you can learn.
@4boys249 11 жыл бұрын
I was very impressed with the video. I have heard of these disabilities but I had not heard of Dyscalculia until a new staff member was hired to work in the classroom with me and she said that she was not good at math and that it was hard for her to learn. I showed her some different steps for solving math problems and than a teacher told her that she has Dyscalculia.
@jcrocks6698 2 жыл бұрын
To add to the end portion: They are not the same as mental health disorders, but there is often comorbidity (finding both alongside eachother. Also, things like depression or stress can cause symptoms to worsen. For example, a high-pressure timed test. Lastly, trauma can affect learning disabilities and the effects of trauma can mimic learning disabilities.
@hollyhart1715 Жыл бұрын
Love this comment!! My struggle’s definitely seem to go hand in hand, so this makes a lot of sense 🥲
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
I have been aware especially how my sister is hurt me when I doing anything and she is always think that I don't know anything about it and not be complicate about think, this is totally piss me off and make me trauma, even I have learning disability, but not going on like that!
@JM-kf1ki 11 жыл бұрын
I thought it was really noteworthy to hear the expert outline what a disability is not. Many times there is so much emphasis put on what a disability is, but it is also helpful to further clarify the definition. I would, however be interested in reading more about the effects of disadvantage on all kinds of disabilities.
@JoanneMaher76 Жыл бұрын
Dr Horowitz you have a lovely and gentle manner. Your presentation was clear and easy to follow. Thank you so much!
@lucysantiagocovers5329 6 жыл бұрын
I have learning disability I had it all my life and I struggle through reading and understanding the meaning of things as being a mother been hard for me that my children's read but I cannot read and all my life my family my brothers used to always make fun of me and say things to me that hurt me never got the opportunity for someone to teach me neither from a teacher to guide me through understanding how to read books or understanding the meaning or taking notes or communication..
@johnrainsman6650 3 жыл бұрын
So what's my learning disability? I read and write just fine. It's just that often times I don't understand information or instructoins I read or hear. I often need clarification and get confused easily. I'm on the Autism Spectrum and had a speech delay as a preschooler, but I don't think ASD is directly and ultimately the name of my learning disability.
@johnrainsman6650 2 жыл бұрын
@RainbowDreams30 well, tell me more about your learning disability
@farhiyaa4880 2 жыл бұрын
your is auditory and visual processing issues..takes you longer to understand instructions you hear or see. Do brain exercises in that field.
@aubriebritt1737 11 жыл бұрын
The umbrella illustration makes perfect sense and is a great way to explain learning disabilities.There are so many subcategories within LD that having the umbrella illustration is beneficial in explaining that all the disabilities mentioned are considered learning disabilities.
@joey111950 4 жыл бұрын
I had dyslexia growing up and I was put into a class with kids who had intellectual disabilities. I was thought at that level and struggled my way to catch up with everyone else after high school. It took me a while to figure out my learning style, but I’m succeeding in college now because of it. I remember feeling sad, alone, depressed, and quiet going through school, I felt my parents and teachers and the school didn’t know what they were doing or how to teach me. My mom and sister would tell me to read book to get better at it, but they didn’t understand the dyslexia; at the time it was impossible for me to read because I didn’t know how or anyone who understands dyslexia to teach me to read. But I knew one day I would be able to succeed like everyone else, because I saw my sisters do very well in school and I wanted to be just like them and the older I got the better I understood myself and how I learn, now I’m doing great in school, but I do still struggle so I try to learn from my struggle and mistakes and better my self. I hope anyone with a disability finds there way to learn even if it takes them past there high school, never give up!
@reneebreckler4015 5 жыл бұрын
I do not have a learning disability! I am stubborn, I also I learn better visual because its not as annoying as siting there, and watching someone talk! They put me in an iep when I was currently in 1st grade and then I was in all iep class, I movied schools and the teacher said I didn’t even have to be on an iep and she got me out of some of the iep ”Special classes” where they didn’t learn as much! I am so happy we movied because if I wouldn’t have movie it would have not looked good in my future for me!
@kkrose1683 3 жыл бұрын
i’ve been dealing with a learning disability in math since elementary and i wish it didn’t get in the way of sm i just wanna be able to do math
@convoswithmenk6444 Жыл бұрын
I been dealing with this for a long time pray for me I’m in nursing school but it’s very challenging for me… pray for me🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@briankreie9579 7 жыл бұрын
As a nursing student, I found this very informative. Thank you.
@katherinehwang4820 3 ай бұрын
We all are unique and we are not alone and be love, always believe ourself and NO denial from any other people, we are really deserve to be treat equal and right and dignity and respect and be kind, it is really important and always be confident to ourself, then we will be able to get over with it and remember to be strong!❤
@matthew-dv8gv 5 ай бұрын
A lot of people don't understand that having a learning disability can be a dangerous condition for anyone who has it. Trust me it's hard because I have a learning disability myself. It gets hard to learn new things and do it at a normal/fast pace like the average Joe. I had trouble learning to do basic math growing up, and I struggled to write good sentences that would make sense or be readable. It's even worse if you are depressed and not motivated to learn new things, it's gonna be hard to learn a niche or a skill in a certain field. Having a learning disability really is a curse in our American society or anywhere else. Anyone who has this disability did not ask for it during birth. We wish we didn't have it, but we can't get rid of it, so we just have to accept the fact that life is gonna be tougher, and it's just a fate we need to accept.
@TheNutCollector 3 жыл бұрын
how do you tease out learning disabilities from autism? My 3rd grader is "high functioning" hes an above average reader, but can't spell or write. how do I know if its just fine motor issues or something else?
@jshir17 5 жыл бұрын
Many who say just try harder and you can do anything if you believe in yourself never had a learning/intellectually disability or other handicap.
@immafighter9378 11 жыл бұрын
Well done! I knew the basic of some specific learning disabilities but his umbrella illustration was very insightful. The way he lined his information according to his information was very easy to understand without all the extra technical terms. I understand the difference in between each one with less confusion after watching. I greatly to appreciate his input about what "learning abilities are NOT!"Most people hear learning disability and automatically thing LD knowing the specifics!
@MrMisterChiliPepper88 2 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability with multiple learning disabilities and sometimes it can be quite a struggle
@TJ-Huslter 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 34 years old. I have a learning disability in all my life. DIffliculty talking, writing, and reading. I went to doctor and they tested my brain and they asked me if I wanna know. I told them no and they gave the information to social security. I moved on. Right now I work as warehouse worker and make very good decent pay. Equal to BA/MA pays.
@randombean4083 2 жыл бұрын
Learning disorder in writing I had a scribe for everything that's actually assessed for the past 3 school years (I am now homeschooling) because I can't write quickly, neatly or what I actually mean sometimes because I can't get the information from my brain to my hand. I was below average in writing before I got a scribe and the first time I had one I was in the top 3 of my year in the entrance exam however I can no longer keep up in the school environment due to being unable to write more than 5 sentences of notes from the board and almost nothing straight from my head especially in more emotion based subjects as well as having Autism, Dyspraxia and inattentive type ADHD
@pepsiefy 4 жыл бұрын
I was thrown in to speacial Ed fo 12 years so beaver got a real education I am self learned since I went off on my own to learn
@isadoramoon7521 3 жыл бұрын
I have been diagnosed with pervasive learning disability not otherwise specified. I learned to read when I was 5 years old but I had difficulties in other stuff. I only learned to read the clock when I was in fifth grade (I remember being very embarrassed by this, since other kids in my school learned it when they were like 6/7 years old) and got my primary school leaving certificate when I was already 19 years old (I had to repeat a couple of my school years, because I just couldn't concentrate at all, couldn't remember anything they tried to teach me and was absent at school because I was severely bullied) I have always felt like I'm different from others and learned early on that I'm stupid and just less important than others. Unfortunately I still feel the same at the age of 34. (English isn't my mother language)
@rainbow20112011 2 жыл бұрын
I have a very poor working memory....I could read a page of information, and then not remember most of what I had just read. What type of learning disability would this be?
@LdOrg 10 жыл бұрын
What exactly are learning disabilities? LD expert Dr. Sheldon Horowitz explains what constitutes a learning disability. 
@reynaldo2063 9 жыл бұрын
am 39 year old and I go to read and write at the library and is hard for me to learn to write
@melanieoutram-6606 7 жыл бұрын
The National Center for Learning Disabilities I have Learning disabilities
@semyt.3328 2 жыл бұрын
This makes much more sense now. Thank you for unpacking the term specific learning disability. The visual aid was fantastic.
@niapowell2006 4 жыл бұрын
Hi I have dyspraxia and dyslexia and I use what I have every day to help others
@niecylove6631 2 жыл бұрын
i only remember my mom told me that my teacher told her i wasnt catching on to anything in class i had hard time understanding . so i went into Speial Need class room. so idk what learning disability is that
@PrincePalmUwU 8 жыл бұрын
You know a person with learning disability won't make it through college because of those stages though (Us LD) wan't more in life but people considered this as ''Stupid people'' Which is quite rude! and even if we did it won't be like a 1 to two year course of college which is another diploma vs associates which is our goal to have a better job but just like any disabilities we wan't to REACH not to FALL I have LD and my life sucks just because I learn differently.. :/ Oh my english is quite fine I always enjoyed Math, Science, Reading, writing, and of course History but the only problem is that while taken these classes it just repeats every year.... So yeah i'm 23 turning 24 in NOV and MY LIFE SUCKS I CAN'T GET A BETTER CAREER! V_V
@VanDowall 7 жыл бұрын
Welcome to our world. I remember having a Career Day in high school and I had no clue what they were doing, yet all the other students understood. Yes, it definitely sucks big time with an LD. Some will say, "You're using that as an excuse." Uhh, why would anyone choose to fail and not try? Please explain that. And some will say, "Just keep trying; don't ever give up." Like we quit too early in the game. Even though I graduated in 1982 (35 years ago), I still cannot go beyond the 6th grade level. To get enough credits to graduate, the teacher gave my 4th grade assignments. Why do they insist on having us do what we already know and ignore our need to learn passed a certain point?
@NeonAtary777 2 жыл бұрын
my younger sister has learning disabilities and she was in school for a couple of years before we understood what that meant. she's 12 now and she doesn't want to school anymore. I'm heart broken but she suffered a lot in school. she was hole schooled for a while too bit refused to continue too. my parents can't afford to get her tutors and I'm in another country so I can't help much.
@Puzzledrev 7 ай бұрын
In many disabilities it's a teaching disability. We have to teach ourselves, and once we do, we can do as well, if not better, than others. Unfortunately for most of us school is a nightmare because we're called dumb or lazy.
@danab172 7 жыл бұрын
I consider cognitive disorder n.o.s. a learning disability. I have issues with transition, attention, and memory. Thought to possibly stem from a head injury as an infant. But, just recently, I visited my grand parents home, where I grew up visiting. Their bay, a mile from where they live, is closed off. You arent even allowed on the sand due to lead. So apparently, I grew up exposed to lead too. I'd like to know more about this.
@markoliver6548 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. Gindlesberger, an elderly man that lived across the street from my childhood home. He walked a mile every day, but he was losing his eyesight. One day he trotted over to my house when I was alone. I was around 16. He asked me to read a letter someone had written to him. I stumbled through the letter unable to read it in any sense where he could understand what I had said. I could not read the letter. He gently took the letter and said, "You have never been taught anything." I thought what was he talking about I went to the public schools. I am 62 and I now realize he literally meant the public schools intentionally neglected me and did not teach me anything.
@krisc5508 5 жыл бұрын
Special education in public schools does not teach you anything .
@ebonymjenkins442 2 жыл бұрын
My son is a 16 dyspaxic, dyslexic and has a genetic problem learning difficult cgh array and does not have a have ehcp he was turned down to be 2 times.
@jessicaabukhamsin5048 5 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability it so frustrating in life..
@zigzag9133 Жыл бұрын
It’s the learning system that is broken not us. Here is one to ponder . If you can problem solve much faster than others , does that mean others have a learning disability because they can’t. Who decides? Or perfect pitch? Or artistic ability? Or physical aptitude? We are all meant to be different. It’s by design!❤️
@hgwilt1 6 жыл бұрын
When I was in first grade I had trouble in reading, Writing, and especially math so I was in special ed for those subjects. If possible could you do a video on audio processing disorder for students with disabilities in special education?
@lesliethomas1107 5 жыл бұрын
do you think that special education classes helped you learn better? if so, what was it that was done in those classes that helped you learned easier? Are there an techniques i cn use fr students in my class i suspect have an LD but have not been officially diagnosed?
@christenmitchell473 7 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability & I want to get my get would it be possible for me to get my GED with having deslxey bc I really want my GED very bad
@JohnWilliams-fi7rh 10 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability. I'm good at math and reading, but I need to improve my writing. Also I notice I have horrible listening skills.
@thooth 6 жыл бұрын
John Williams, I got horrible listening skills as well
@varunhaldipur3810 6 жыл бұрын
Same here
@itrickzzplayzz9157 5 жыл бұрын
I have learning disabilitys but im one of the lucky ones with it and i can use it to my advantageif i try and not give cause i dont believe in failier so mark my words i will get my future job even with a shitty education or not i will still fight i dont care if i have to suffer through my spacticated learning disabilitys cause i know theres a way for me to succed and i will not give up im not one of them quitters i dont give up that easily
@cuphrt Жыл бұрын
I'm a 16 year old who will soon go to high school, I had a choice between a school that's specifically made for kids with learning disabilities and a normal one. My mom didn't agree to me wanting to go to the school for kids with learning disabilities (they take kids with moderete and severe and I'm in moderete). I eventually chose the normal one and will be going there but if it becomes too hard for me I might ask mom if I could go to the other school where things might be easier? I don't know yet tbh. It's weird that I can relate to every specific learning disability except for sensory-motor and maybe the auditory and visual procession although I do struggle with it a bit.. I was born premature and had a speech issue in my childhood due to which I was held back a year. Maths is too hard for me aswell as too much information at once and so was also reading which I got better at eventually. Not alot of teachers really cared that I had issues and needed help, they just wouldn't give a damn and wouldn't explain it in the way I'd need it to be explained. So I usually have bad grades due to it, it really sucks ://
@Empress-og5st 6 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability I was traumatized when I was young my mom tried to get me some help but it was like it was my fault or they didn't push to help me to find out the route calls of my issue so right now and iLearn doing
@creatorzp 2 жыл бұрын
Always wondered if I have a learning disability, because I've hit my head quite hard a number of times as a child (the earliest of which occured when I was 4 - I crushed my skull as a result of running into a doorframe, head-first, and had to subsequently get it glued back together, quite literally). Anyway I've always sucked at reading and writing, especially as a young kid, i.e. back in primary/elementary school. However I've always really excelled in mathematics and physics, with my mathematical and science abilities ultimately peaking last year, when I finished my last year of high-school. I scored in the top 2% for maths, top 10% for physics in my country for that year, overall. But performed relatively poorly on my English exam, scoring in the top 40% even though I tried. On top of my poor assessed literary skills, I additionally sometimes struggle to communicate some of my more complex thoughts to others, and often make weird slip ups in everyday life, like misreading words for some reason. And I also have trouble continuing conversations for prolonged periods of time, though this might be related to my mild social incompetence. All this makes me wonder if I damaged parts of my brain responsible for linguistic abilities, whilst leaving my non-verbal reasoning region of my brain intact. Perhaps my brain even did some re-wiring and helped strengthen other regions, hence making me a wizz at math and science. Who knows...
@todd77777772000 5 жыл бұрын
Anytime i ever try to learn something main at a job my mind goes idle. I can't comphrend jack and had to have 3 tutiors when i was a kid just to keep up.
@plantlovea.7841 5 жыл бұрын
My daughter got classified as “communication impaired” but I feel she has a learning disability because she can for the most part communicate well her needs and understand WH questions and answer in a manner that makes sense. She has difficulty with reading( 3 grade levels below), memorizing, retrieving words when speaking, reading comprehension, challenges with executive functioning, her selfsteem is always on the line, I worry that she’s not classified correctly and am currently trying to prove she has a specific learning disability I’m trying to figure out how to ask for her to get evaluated for specific learning disability Anyone know?
@freeminded7790 2 жыл бұрын
Wow.. I have the same struggles as her, and I am 24 just realizing I have some type of learning disability. I believe diet plays a big role so that’s what I have been working on, getting my gut back in its most optimal form. Staying away from ALL kinds of chemicals whether that’s food, cleaning products, lotions, perfumes, the water I drink or bathe in. I am doing everything I can to detox and hopefully that clears up some of the issues I am dealing with. So far my face has cleared completely from acne and going back to its natural one tone color. My hair is growing back and not shedding, soft and manageable. My cravings for breads and sweets have diminished. My brain fog is slowly but surely lifting and improving, I feel like I can understand things a lot better. But still feel like there’s a long way to go, I will not give up or ever go back to the Standard American Diet (SAD). It’s said that the gut is connected to the brain 🤔 I wonder if these things could be fixed with proper nutritional nourishment…
@SammyD151 2 жыл бұрын
Free minded; Please keep us posted on how that diet works.They recently concluded a new study of the stomach it’s as intelligent as a dogs brain. Fascinating stuff. Anyway I wish you well and luck. Hang in there. I’m at 45 and is a struggle to learn. But each day I force myself to learn something new. Have to keep moving.
@cindyrobsion8548 2 ай бұрын
This was very informative. I liked how everything was broken down.
@Ravbhullar 3 жыл бұрын
Hi there My son have learning disability he is 12 year old . We are looking for apps that can help him and others how to communicate and read write. If anyone can help please add in the comments. Really appreciate for this video too thanks million.
@Thailova 8 жыл бұрын
great video. the question I have is what is the treatment learning disabilities?
@justtpeachy7 11 жыл бұрын
This video was definitely interesting to watch and I learned a lot of new information about learning disabilities. I love the fact that the information was presented in a neat and well organized way with an umbrella. However, I did get slightly confused as to what his answer was on why sensory-motor difficulties are important to understand.
@donnaphilben6325 6 жыл бұрын
Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Leo Sayer, Mary Groda Lewis, MD, Henry Winkler.....what do these people have in common? LEARNING DISABILITIES
@mrrustynuts9775 3 жыл бұрын
I am like this cause my mom did drugs n alcohol while pregnant with me, out of two siblings I am the only one with an intellectual disability
@Tina-xp7pg Жыл бұрын
This video has been very helpful. However, i would love to know about how parents can be helped to identify these children with learning disabilities. Thank you
@erenjeager9442 Жыл бұрын
I had LD and couldn't not get a job for 6 months, until I got a job at a local warehouse.😭 Why? because I couldn't pass job interviews. 😞😡
@wg3771 7 жыл бұрын
is there special test, to find out what kind learning disability we have ?
@Cdray24 5 жыл бұрын
yes, the school will test you for free and develop the education plan for you.Once your mom notices it or you do then tell your mom and she can ask the teacher.
@Angel4217 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for all the crucial information for the LD population
@teresabaxter798 2 жыл бұрын
Ok so now I know what it look out for. How does one get tested for LD and how are they taught in the classroom.
@owlcu 5 жыл бұрын
Since there are so many smart people with learning disabilities, who have so much to contribute to society, shouldn't teachers be required to learn the specifics of each disability and how to accommodate them in a curriculum, before earning a teaching certificate? At some point it becomes a TEACHING disability rather than a learning problem, I would say.
@matt2244 6 жыл бұрын
Have a hard time with reading a keeping the information could never pass tests in school, now in my job I have yearly test that I fail no matter how much I study, my boss think I do this to piss him off. Odd thing is out side of the test I know my job.
@Tyreece190 Жыл бұрын
So since he knows you know your job....he thinks you're doing it on purpose.....
@esthergoldenheart9478 5 жыл бұрын
My son is 13 years old and he has learning problem what can I do to him please help
@sandrinekirkaldy1900 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Very interesting vidéo. I am trying to find out what the issue is with my son so I can support him in a ‘pin pointed’ way.
@celestin1984 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!! this cleared up quite a bit for me on specific learning disabilities
@mug5022 22 күн бұрын
I'm really curious-- Should people with learning disabilities be held to the same moral standard as people without them?
@tlashai9902 4 жыл бұрын
Wow where was this information when I needed it years ago.
@tobiaspoop8520 5 жыл бұрын
I have a learning disability and it makes me sad
@CindyTheLDCoach 5 жыл бұрын
Olivia Naples I am Dyslexic. I am also a teacher. I hope that little info inspires you. It’s our learning difference that helps make us who we are. You are amazing. Your LD is your super power... if you let it be.
@mcupwohfyah 6 жыл бұрын
I have a hard time spelling and I'm in highschool doing 3rd grade math and it's still hard for me
@stephanieachkar2254 Жыл бұрын
what is the difference between specific learng disorder and intellecual disorder
@jshir17 6 жыл бұрын
How the Law Should Be: 1. The School Should Need to have at Least 2 faculty members who Independently come to the conclusion that a student has ADHD, learning disability, mental illness, etc 2. The school Should first consult w/ the student for his/her opinion and then need the Permission of the Parents/Guardian to administer an IQ test or psychological evaluation. 3. The school Should have to Consult with the Student's Doctor before making any kind of diagnosis or prescribing treatment such as forcing the student into therapy or drugs under threat of expulsion. 4. The Parents should have the Right to a 2nd Opinion from a 3rd party doctor if they disagree w/ the school psychologist's findings.
@Cdray24 5 жыл бұрын
you are confusing what the school does and what the doctor's role is and what the parent role is. THe school only identifies the learning disability and supports the child to help them to learn the most they can at the school they attend. THe parent can deny or accept psychological help or not or accept medication or not for their child. THe school only forces the child to take the medication once the parents have agreed to put the child on the medication and they think it is helping. THe parents always have a right to as many opinions as they want regarding doctors as long as they are willing to pay for them. Shopping for the best opinion is not ideal and shows that someone in this situation is in denial of the diagnosis. A learning disability is not hard to spot by a parent or a teacher who works with the child to study. A medical diagnosis is only given by medical personnel.and not school personnel though they can give the test to see if it looks like the child has ADD/ADHD/ Dyslexia etc.Low IQ, mental retardation etc. a retake of the test can always be requested by the parent.
@johnnypaloyannidis9487 5 жыл бұрын
I wish things were easier for me in life but unfortunately it’s 100% not easy and I’m not sure with the help that I’m getting is really helping I’m having difficulty understanding things, its one of the strategies that I find hard in my daily life?
@Travelescapes342 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. I'm grateful for it. It helped me to understand LD.
@sarahpaulson5620 7 жыл бұрын
Math for me Is impossible for me. I don't understand the subjects.
@easyrobuxtoday9195 6 жыл бұрын
boonies cooniez same
@kyrareneeLOA Жыл бұрын
How to get diagnosed?? How to find testing, low cost testing for adults?? ? He is in Virginia, Richmond area. He was abused and shamed for his cognitive disorder by his ex.. 💥 Help please, so he can get tested. He is a sweetheart but has a learning disability. Resources? 🙏
@emodollgirl1858 2 жыл бұрын
I have learning disability. But I have a hard time with Math, Spelling, Social Skills, reading. I do not know what kind of learning disability I have 😔😞
@Kamau2012 Жыл бұрын
@6:43 Dr Horowitz said learning disabilities are not related to life disadvantage? I disagree. Growing up in broken homes is catastrophic to a children's learning. Many children are smart but they stop developing and sometimes regress academic. I have many young cousins who have stagnated academically as they try to navigate life. They're well behaved but academically all have stalled totally. I have personal experience with this issue too.
@elementaming2497 8 жыл бұрын
Great video! A nice break down of ld material, great study material for the CSET. Also, that is an awesome pinky ring.
@novlettemasellia 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you professor for this explanation.
@palatoraffinato7552 9 жыл бұрын
hello I find that your video is good to make people learn about our problems as disabled people and I just wanted to let you know that I have a youtube channel and I posted my first video ever on the subject of disability
@nurilanwar1763 7 жыл бұрын
Hello dr. Horowitz, I still wondering about differences between Bipolar disorder and Emotional disturbance? Would you mind to give me some explanations about Bipolar disorder and Emotional disturbance. Thank you Best regards, Nuril Anwar Indonesia
@NJSMKMMS 10 жыл бұрын
Good Vid. I am from Australia and up until I saw this vid I thought people from your neck of the woods had a different definition for learning disability. I quite often see people using the term learning disability (I think because they are trying to be kind or positive or something) when clearly intellectual disability or physical disability or what have you, is the correct description. Cheers
@practical_kids 8 жыл бұрын
Perfectly Described..! Acknowledgements, Dr. Sheldon!
@melireyes2579 8 жыл бұрын
What about having problems in a three area s reading , writing and math ?
@V4EandS 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for the info.
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