[Lecture] China-India Relations In A Changing World

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Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

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@madmanjshum 7 жыл бұрын
It is about time China and India put aside their differences and start working together. I see both these countries are great nations with more in common then meets the eye. A good relationship between China and India will mean best security in Asia. Good luck China and India.
@raquazayu1350 5 жыл бұрын
Their is no similarity. Not at all
@martinleung5855 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar ,It won't happen until India is clear of the name of "world's largest raping country" .....!!!
@devonhunter1874 3 жыл бұрын
@paulmaking1980 7 жыл бұрын
Long Live Chinese-Indian cooperation & friendship!
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
paulmaking1980 ! Death to your brand of (Long Live, my foot) Chinese-Indian friendship & that has no cooperation!
@kangma4462 4 жыл бұрын
This Indian scholar is a decent person and deserves a huge amount of respect for his neutral and in-depth thinking.
@ishansharma9662 6 жыл бұрын
Prophetic words by Kishore when he said that Trump can become the POTUS.
@bejantabani5635 4 жыл бұрын
The world is currently changing. But the main actors are still glued to their old philosophies and systems.
@ROGERWDARCY 7 жыл бұрын
Well we have global leadership in world leadership!
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
Roger DArcy ! Go ahead & have some more in your arse.
@Dipps 7 жыл бұрын
Indian media is the biggest obstacle in achieving good relations with China 🇨🇳 The Indian media is day by day becoming extremely jingoistic under the guise of being nationalist. And because there are so many of them the competition between them encourages each one of them to be more and more aggressive. China badhing looks fashionable to them and for that they do one sided hostility stories. They dont try to strike any balance. On the other hand Chinese media does very less stories on India and hence govt of China handles India and thier people having neutral approach to Indians, here in India the common man is fed with extreme high anti China rhetoric. Govt of China to only see what Indian govt says and ignore pvt media and Govt of India should solely make the China policy and shouldn't consider public sentiment as the public sentiment is build up misreporting and high volune one sided rhetoric.
@ManishKumar-uf9tx 6 жыл бұрын
Dips Why not open the Indo China border and allow completely open trade system, cultural exchange and chinese brain, engineers and educators in India as a part of diplomatic summit. Dealing with strengths of ours and theirs should be the way. China is a natural friend of India, more so than any other nation in this world.
@pardeeptandon 6 жыл бұрын
Ban Republic and Times now. Arnab Goswani should be banned on doing programmes on China and Muslims he does more harm than good.
@cudacularry2720 6 жыл бұрын
That what happened when you let a hidden forces detached your foreign policies. Divide and ruled will always be there to exploited our resources or wealthy. The hidden hand never will let other country to be a new superpower. This people will plays on both side to let we fight on each other so they can maintain their prosperous forever. As always we are too simpleton to believe what ever their intelligence told us even we have the capability to do that by ourself. OUR LEADER ARE HOPELESS AND CORRUPT AFTER THEY CHOSE POWER AND FAME OVER THEIR OWN INTEREST.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
Dips ! You are trying pull wool over the eyes of ordinary Indians, into making them believe that "Chinese are my greatest bosom friends". Say, where is the foundation for such a feeling? I don't see any. From the day 1 of PRC ordering its PLA to patrol the "new" Indian frontier, India had nothing but chronic insecurity. You are trying to change the heads as per your plan, because you discovered that the brains inside can't be tampered with. It is your perfidy & is diabolical that Indians, should guard against for their own good. Shortly you'll see placards like "Chinese travelers unwelcome in India" at the airports (they are already there, if you want to know). China bashing doesn't look fashionable, unlike what you say. Why should be China-bashing unnecessarily (say this to USA)? India isn't USA. What is natural in Indian-Chinese friendship? On personal level I dealt with some Chinese in India & were friendly too. I would do that with anybody - an Icelander, Pakistani, Paraguayian or Canadian. What is so "SPECIAL" about Chinese? In fact, India's No.1 enemy is PRC (as a past defence minister declared). You need to overcome it. He did that because there is a reason for it. Try it. It is very hard, I assure you that. To hell with your media. Indians don't read, nor care to read nor want to know what is in Chinese papers either in Mandarin or English. Their neutral approach - "my foot", you lier ! Indians have pro-Indian approach only; please make note of it. There is no public sentiment on Chinese in India (except some very wild jokes). To start with, there is no basis for it. There was no prior history for it. You want to bet? You are living in a delusion, you made it for yourself.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
@@cudacularry2720! All bullshit. Your bad English makes you out, as troll or one who is on CPC's (Chinese Communist Party) pay. Writing like this with half-brains & contrived information, you will be doing more harm to your own government. Better keep quiet.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 7 жыл бұрын
Why leave this small border issue hanging.??? Both countries had vast land. For the sake of future peace , this should be settle immediately.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar china already ask india to swap land that both sides claim. Its india that is dragging her feet.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar so from your comment its you that is unwilling to cede any ground here
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar scs islands and sea belongs to china since ancient times. Even india and almosr all nation in the UN recognised taiwan as part of one china. You need to refresh your history and learn some humility.
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar its you that brought up the taiwan issue Japan invaded china. So you meant china belongs to japan?????
@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi 4 жыл бұрын
@Arun Sar india as do most countries recognised china and only had representative office in taiwan. Dont bullshit here. Yes taiwan had their own passport and military because they hv not complete the civil war with china. You are a shit for a master degree holder. I dont read books printed in china. Hows your sore ass after china kicked your ass during the 60s. Kicked so hard that its sore to this day🤣🤣🤣
@chfgbp6098 7 жыл бұрын
India and China had been natural friends until european imperialism (and its post war version in the form of cold war geopolitics) inserted itself into the relatipnship. there is really no natural rivalry between the 2; in fact they could be brothers who have each other's back, with complementary strengths and weaknesses. but isntead, now, they are made to square against each other and try to stab each other in the back. an alliance true btween the two would attract the entire Indochina into its orbit and possibly the entre north east asia, and half of central Asiatischen and maybe part of middle east and Afrika, along with it the entre indian ocean and half a pacific. IT s a scary thought for existing powers...so must be prevented at all cost.
@chfgbp6098 7 жыл бұрын
John Martin : lol. out of which damp smelly gutter have u just come, may I ask? clearly u havent a proper education in world history. but hey, that s not a crime. and ignorance is so blissful, isnt it? so i dont blame you for being proudly ignorant. what is inexcusable though is the uncalled for rudeness and meaness. that marks u out as a loser practicing self therapy on the internet, so as to compensate for some bitterness and inadequacy in your life. May I suggest u see a urologist? 😂😂😂😂😂
@Davenport1949 7 жыл бұрын
This is exactly how China used to denounce other people in the past two or three thousand years and finally got taught a lesson. And I wanna say this to anybody with a discriminating prejudice: the advanced culture and technology in your "civilization" is contributed by the sharp and good will minds in your society but definitely not by short and morbid minds like you!
@chfgbp6098 7 жыл бұрын
Robinson Lee : yep. 👍
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
How can they both be natural friends when there was no 'significant' contact (on the lines that India had, say, with the West, the Middle East) between them through out history till 1950? If at all it was there, it was very flimsy, not to affect either of them whatsoever. Indians read in their history lessons that two Chinese scholars came to India, to collect (copy) Buddhist (religious) textbooks. They are - Huan tsong & Fa hien (in sixth & ninth centuries). So what you say is a fig of your imagination, born out of hope.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
chf gbp ! India and China were never in touch with each other to a significant degree (except some personal visits by some). There was no shared history (neither Indian kings went to China nor Chinese Kings visited India), common border (separated by two thousand miles of Tibet that India knew as another independent country), there was no cultural contact (only Fa Hien & Huan Tsong came to India to copy Buddhist religious texts), no common ethnicity, no common language or belong to a linguistic group (Indian languages belong to Indo-European family of languages while the text of Chinese languages is pictures-based), no trade worth a cent & no wars. Alexander (the great) wanted to conquer the (known) world & India was the eastern outpost to the world. He, nor his mentor Aristotle never knew of China. He was a contemporary of the Magadha king, Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (Sandrocottus) whose grandson, Asoka the great who eschewed violence, embracing Buddhism sent emissaries all around his Empire & one or more to China too. If Buddhism spread to all over Asia in those ancient times, it is due to Asoka. To the west of India, later, Afghanistan in particular Buddhism was supplanted by the newly emerged Islam, with more than considerable amount of bloodshed. With it went to Graeko-Indian kingdoms there whose rulers embraced Buddhism. The Greelfeatures in some Hindu kush communities vouch for the Greek kingdoms then. No such thing can be found, of Chinese ! The relationship started in 1950 with PRC making a common border with India even without informing India about it. It started on a bad note. So there can't be sweetness in the relationship. Particularly so, in view of India's ancient maritime trade & ties with the West from the ancient times (unlike with China). The trade was huge (unlike the puny land trade across high, inhospitable mountain passes) that was the cause of Indian prosperity.It was also the cause for spurring Chris Columbus to venture across an Ocean (the first for any man) & end up in the discovery of America . Ever since the PLA on the border in 1950, India lost its sense of comfort & security. It has to learn new lessons on security & strategy,thanks to PRC. Don't bring in the 'cry wolf' of European imperialism, started in 1700s, not in ancient world. It isn't that India hates Europeans, like Chinese do. Hate isn't not on Indians mind nor their motive force. So you Chinese ! don't "teach Hate" Indians. In order to be called "cultured" amongst humans, Chinese must learn one thing - not to teach one as to what & how he or they should do or conduct. It is the least expected out of a human being(else Chinese won't be treated as humans, but someone below). Right now PRC is doing that shitty thing.
@rohithnaidu9302 4 жыл бұрын
Why dont china loving and supporting india instead pakistan
@keungpang2176 4 жыл бұрын
How does your illogical mind work. It's like saying why don't you divorce your pretty wife and marry a fat slope like me. 😂😂😂
@naiyayika 3 жыл бұрын
@@keungpang2176 so Pakistan is the pretty wife here?😁 that's nice👍🏻 India won't really fight you. Between the US on one end of the see saw and China on the other, we'll just stay in the middle and where we tip, will decide the outcome.
@veronmath3264 2 жыл бұрын
The problem I have noticed China has more dreams for Asian countries to uplift their standard but India needs to avoid Jeopardizing that potential for the Asian PACIFIC because India will also grow fast with China. China want to build Asian Architecture like what they did inside places like Shenzhen Sino Singapore
@veronmath3264 2 жыл бұрын
If these two countries work together then more problems that are caused by imperialism will be gone, Even Africa will have the opportunity for better education which is the problem today
@veronmath3264 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing China's work ETHIC, New Dehli has something to learn from Beijing and co-exist. We all do not want poverty Beijing has the plan to solve this pandemic
@avinaypratap760 4 жыл бұрын
These are two side of a coin as only one can survive let see if democratic values prevail or CCP aggressive and imperial mindset 👍👍😄😄
@dglolz7227 4 жыл бұрын
Professor Mahbubani, you are awesome! #OneHumanity #StrongerTogether
@harshitkapoor4765 3 жыл бұрын
India china cooperation will mean the collapse of the West there are enormous benifits for both sides in cooperation but it will not happen
@dglolz7227 3 жыл бұрын
@@harshitkapoor4765 time will tell. I remain hopeful for all. 🤝🤝🏾🤝🤝🏽🤝
@harshitkapoor4765 3 жыл бұрын
@@dglolz7227 yes are u from China u live in China
@dglolz7227 3 жыл бұрын
@@harshitkapoor4765 Chinese Canadian.
@harshitkapoor4765 3 жыл бұрын
@@dglolz7227 oh ok canada u like Justin treudo
@durgaranigiri6155 4 жыл бұрын
Good news Update sir
@patrickchong6579 3 жыл бұрын
It's ironic that the star of this talk is the host, Mr. Mahbubani, a Singaporean and not the Indian guy or Chinese lady. He is so far sighted and already predicted trump's new world.
@sc-to4uf 6 жыл бұрын
The big problem and stumbling block is India's envy of China's success and rise. Eating humble pie and learn from a success story is surely a more rational approach?
@RikthDcruze 5 жыл бұрын
India is not jealous... India is worried... and with a bad track record like China, you cant even blame India...
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
s c ! Hmm? Patronising is it ? If India's envy is your "stumbling block", what is it that you did, to remove it, to India's satisfaction of course. Not that you didn't do them but not to India's satisfaction. Don't be under the impression, that India will side with you because the two are A S I A N. If you do it, you prove that you are enjoying a fool's delusion. And don't take India for granted. That doesn't wash. There is an adage in India. If horse makes friends with grass, what will it eat then? This is called rational approach. India, if it feels there are some bushes blocking the way, knows what machete to use for the bushes. India has no preferences for any because one is Asian. American machete cuts the best in the world. India wants its path cleared . PS.: "Humble pie" may be a dish in China, but not in India. You don't know the Indian culinary details.
@cbcluckyii4042 4 жыл бұрын
See as an ethnic Chinese born in Canada, this is the kind of nationalistic behaviour that is hated globally. This baseless accusation of envy is the exact same characteristics that many dislike about American Hedgemony. India is developing at her own pace. Observing what is working and not working with China rise. The greatest philosophers in the world are from India and helped shaped Chinese culture. This comment about envy clearly illustrate that Indian philosophies have faded for you. My Indian friends, ignorance is bliss.
@deepakjain2506 2 жыл бұрын
divided by europe united by asia
@onlytruth-ep3lv 2 жыл бұрын
How there will be good relationship between India and China, when China claim part of Indian states. First they have to stop the expansionist behaviour and illogical historical claim.
@gaganbhattacharya9890 3 жыл бұрын
Really video begins at 47:00! Thank me later! Haha!
@tanielaloketi3538 4 жыл бұрын
Why is happen asdhole
@Tekhelet75 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting to see the Langley, MI6 and another certain agency’s useless people, trolling at Kishore’s and LKY school videos online.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
Tekhelet75 ! If they are so useless why does it bother you? Or, are you bothered of useless things only? Don't waste your brain (I hope you have one) but think positively. You'll go along way. Point is 'Langley, MI6 and another certain agency’ is bothering you. You can't be free of them, as your past actions got your baLLs caught in their palms & you want to free yourself. Face it, before they are crushed to powder.
@dglolz7227 4 жыл бұрын
"5-eye alliance" #rookiecultures #amateurspoliticking #sad
@HG-cy7wv 4 жыл бұрын
There are more than hundred thousand Indian working in Nepal, Indian hasitate to say that Nepal is a seventh largest, country that remittances from the worker to India.. It is absurd to heard that the truth that Indian even a high profile diplomats of India seems to be lier... From that we can see the whole picture of society relied on these myth...
@harshitkapoor4765 3 жыл бұрын
Indians work there because of the infrastructure projects india builds in Nepal
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
All of it, I heard is blah blah ... blah. The only point of some relevance is the last point in the summing up. Both must dig deep into their accounts of histories, to have a common basis. The speaker says that there was confluence of their cultures in SE Asia. True. But neither of them were fully aware of the other, even in such a confluence. It wouldn't be far from truth if I say that they were culturally competing. Over the first millennium after Christ, two Chinese scholars came to India in sixth & ninth centuries, Huan tsong & Fa hien. There wasn't any significant event between them both, with at least two thousand miles between their borders with a big country, Tibet, separating them. The world is led to believe by such scholars & egg-heads that they were in close touch & proximity continuously from the ancient times. That is wrong.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
@泫蓊余 ! Your argument/proposal/submission is like trying to pluck yhe feathers of an egg. It is the height of cleverness when you strainhourself to prove that you kniw the radinal directions better than be. I have been sering maps fir at least seven decades. Yet, I concede what you say is factually correct - to make you feel happy. Yet, you didn't catch my point (what I meant & you proved that you are not in my targeted readers). I recall a story in India. A very rich man was living in mansion, the ground floor of which was horse stables, as the man was mad of good breed horses. The best in.the stable was a beautiful white stallion. Another rich man who too was a horse breeder wanted to ride that white stallion. So, he visited the mansikn & requested for a ride from its owner. The owner didn't want any to ride his best horse said, "that horse isn't here with me now". The asker was disappointed & while climbing down the steps heard the horse nighing & saw it (white horse). So he went up the stsps & confronted the owner, who said "gentleman! You could understand the horse language'but not the meaning of my words".
@agusagus-ci2id 5 жыл бұрын
india wants british colonial rule of border line with china. so china must retreat and give back 100% all disputed area to india and never complaint, protest, or against. the same case with pakistan kashmir disputed area must 100% all back to india. and india 100% never retreat and give back anything to china and pakistan. india wants always the only one winning and the others must always looser, defeat, or surrender. india also wants tibet 100% freedom from china, to be indian protectorat 'puppet doll' country, just like bhutan and nepal. dalai lama were long been hidding in india.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
Gusti Chokorde ! I agree with you but for a mall correction - Tibet 100% freedom from china & India, not as a protectorate of any country (as it was before in all historic times). I know you, fucker, are a Chinese troll. Stew in your own hell.
@niravbhatt7819 7 жыл бұрын
very poor discussion india and china have lot of issue. they just talk goody goody talks which is not real. china building cpec in pakistan occupied kashmir and challenging indian sovereignty. theh want arunachal pradesh in china. india will not going to do it. china is big country and milatry power but with nuclear capability by india china can nott dictates its term on indai the way china doing on small country. china have to negotiate india on real terms which is acceptable to both. indian people have put lot of pressure on indian gov , now no gov in india can compromised on issue of indian sovereignty.
@johnmartin6579 7 жыл бұрын
Nirav Bhatt India is our pawn to contain China
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
Nirav Bhatt ! All your points are good. [Bava ! Nirav Bhatt, try writing in good English, so that we don't become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. mera bath mano. Ya, write in Gujrati]
@harshitkapoor4765 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnmartin6579 stupid person india is no one's pawn
@DipakBose-bq1vv 6 жыл бұрын
A perfect slave of China is talking about India.
@osmanjerry3272 8 жыл бұрын
1. Learn the hard lessons from the US. It is simply not beneficial to do military works. See how the US failed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and etc. To cover up the US taxpayers were make to believe the US had brought 'democracy' to this war torn region, and the US in major role created the ME migration problems. 2. China, in her role created the Belt and Road, the AIIB and other programs that are business and development in nature. Can you see the different approaches the US and the Chinese take? Yes, the US also did such programs in the past, but notice the insidious effects brought by the US. 3. Just rightly pointed out, India will come up very soon, even may overtake China because of her advantages such as the population, the English-based intellectuals and etc, but it is never the free democracy.
@osmanjerry3272 8 жыл бұрын
4. It will be great that India and China stay as it is now and mutually cooperate to further develop one's own country. Do not think anything military. There are still big rooms for India and China to go. And let's see the free democratic system and the one party system in actions. It may resulted in great enlightenment for all of us. 5. Opportune times are not always available. China is lucky to have hers, and now looks like India is about to have hers. India should treasure and value the opportunity and make good and full use of it, do not be distracted by vicious influences whether internal or external. It takes very clear mind to aware the danger, and we believe India has that good senses.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
@@osmanjerry3272! Hey, you jerry-can full of your own urine. Eggs won't boil in that to be sold in China ! Don't try to be patronising to India. You needn't. Carry your wares somewhere.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
@YuRay! It is for China to decide. It takes a lot of history & effort to retrace one's steps backwards.
@chfgbp6098 7 жыл бұрын
India and China had been natural friends until european imperialism (and its post war version in the form of cold war geopolitics) inserted itself into the relatipnship. there is really no natural rivalry between the 2; in fact they could be brothers who have each other's back, with complementary strengths and weaknesses. but isntead, now, they are made to square against each other and try to stab each other in the back. an alliance true btween the two would attract the entire Indochina into its orbit and possibly the entre north east asia, and half of central Asiatischen and maybe part of middle east and Afrika, along with it the entre indian ocean and half a pacific. IT s a scary thought for existing powers...so must be prevented at all cost.
@junjie8969 6 жыл бұрын
changing World The only way is your owning independent thought and opinion, not follow others way. If you want self strong and make rich yourself, what you should do is what others can't do things and others can't imagine things, that's wisdom. all successors depend on knowledge, knowledge is wisdom and change your lucky. On the other hand, Don't put your owning lucky and life and career on others hand, that's itself sorrow. meanwhile for successors it's very unreliable.
@MrPoornakumar 5 жыл бұрын
jun jie ! Hey, WISE GUY ! If I own my 'independent thought and opinion' why that becomes an itch, in between your buttocks? If my having 'independent thought and opinion' troubles you, something wrong with you.Consult your local physician. I will follow others if the need arises; no need to follow your advice - of all the people. I am rich as I am, but won't make you rich at my cost; so don't try your nefarious tricks on me. I know, you are creating conditions so that I run to you with folded hands & bent knees, to beg of you "please give me advice". That is your wet dream & will never happen in reality, however much you try. India is not Pakistan, for that matter. For me, you are a despicable, simple egoist & nothing more. Shove all that "should do is what others can't do things and others can't imagine things" wisdom, in your own fucked arse. You aren't my dad or grand-dad to talk like this. The most repulsive aspect in your character, is this preaching & Confucian teaching. Humanity willpve you, the moment you discard all such piggish superiority complex.This will even endear to your neighbouring Indians (if at all you still remain a neighbour till then). This comment section isn't meant for your shit. So don't. Above all, Learn some common English, for heaven's sake. Your English is killing.
@jimmyneutron9876 5 жыл бұрын
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