Legion Hype - Damage

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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@ianfacerollsyou 9 жыл бұрын
@Cryenelol 9 жыл бұрын
19:10 Skipp to the Kripp
@cloqin 9 жыл бұрын
+GooglePlusBlows I love the Kripp. Every night at 12:00 AM I turn on twitch in anticipation for the Kripp. As every minute passes I talk to myself. With all of the lights turned off I say silently "heyguyshow'sitgoinkripparianhere"
@RitshGamer 9 жыл бұрын
+cloqin ok
@harioschtroliki 9 жыл бұрын
+GooglePlusBlows Thx bro cured my cancer
@Clariselol 9 жыл бұрын
+Uros Popovic gave me cancer, suggesting using volley on mimi HC. what a joke.
@harioschtroliki 9 жыл бұрын
Clariselol Guess you have never been on Kripp's channel
@hmmhmm3452 9 жыл бұрын
Love this, going to recommend it and your dps video to some of our dps...both to see what they can be thinking about and to understand where some of us, who think a little closer to how you do, are coming from!
@tobkus 9 жыл бұрын
As an Arcane Mage main, i can only agree on your points Preach. My worry isn't all there though, it's on the Artifact weapon's power in Legion. Hear me out Blizz has already stated ( not final of course) that Artifact power and the big powerful buffs you put into your weapons will not go over into another artifact weapon from another spec. This is understandable, but highly damaging for multi-spec classes such as Mage. Rogue and Warlock will also be hurt by this, but i'll just use Mage as the example, because i know it so well. Right now, the mage specs differ from eachother, i call them niche-specs. Arcane is singletarget, Frost is cleave and Fire is AoE. This is what makes the spec interesting and gives it character. Everyone gets that. This means that from encounter to encounter, you will need to change specs. A choice the player gets on each encoutner, which encourages learning all specs and becomming a better player. Knowing when a spec's toolkit can be used best. In this expansion Frost, as always, started out the strongest. Low ilvl and random stats were better suited for Frost without any setbonuses to add damage. Blackrock then proceeded giving more stats, so Arcane became a better choice, especially talking setbonuses. Fire suddenly became viable with a crazy 2-setpiece, which allowed for double Inforno Blasts. Then in Hellfire, Arcane and Frost became good because of trinkets and tiersets. Now, this is all well and good. Being able to change specs on a high level of play is mandatory. Even though you may prefer a spec, you'll need to play the others to kill bosses and compete. But with the introduction of Artifact weapons, this may now be a burden. As Frost might from the getgo be the strongest raidspec, most raiders will get this first. Therefore, they get the artifact from Frost leveled up and ready to raid. They raid and it gains a lot of power throughout the tier on progress. Because of how close tiers are to eachother, and maybe not all raiders get to have the raid on Mythic on farm, it will be hard for them to start progressing the other specs weapon. They might not even know which spec. Maybe they need to drop frost completely. Going into the next tier, where as seen in WoD, Fire and Arcane is now best. Players won't have the time to get their artifact weapons for BOTH SPECS up to a level that competes with Paladins, Druids and Shamans. Another thing to note here is, that because you need different specs for different fights, you now need to make a choice. Do i put all artifact power and the extra strong slots they were talking about, into one weapon or do i share them? In either case, you lose. If you only do it on 1, the other one will be lacking greatly on those fight, where that specs is nessesary. If you chose to share them, you again fall behind others, who have a fully empowered weapon. This is, as said, also true for Rogues and Warlock. I don't really see how they should manage this. They could ofcourse remove the penalty from switching specs. But i'm fairly certain they really wanted this.
@goran77ish 9 жыл бұрын
+MaxeII Lol. You use mage,warlock and rogue as an example for multi spec class problem in raids? You have way more cases when tank or healer switches to DPS then spec change of any of those. Or even some DPS going tank one week because main tank could not make it... I main pally and this hurts bad.
@Wheellos 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, you need to choose between your speccs now as a mage, which only seems fair as multi-role classes already need to do that. Atleadt your Intellect cloak is viable for all 3 of your speccs. As a Balance/resto druid I need 2 claoks because spirit is worthless for Balance. I need the same weapon twice (Archimonde Staff) because otherwise I need to run around with a ton of enchanting mats/scrolls all the time to switch between Mastery Proc (for Balance) or Spirit/Haste proc (for Resto). If I want a 2nd viable specc I need to replace about 5 or 6 items now, while a mage can do just fine (not oerfect, but still fine) with 1 set of gear. I don't think mages should be the people that cry about having to get multiple sets of gear (if anybody should complain about that at all).
@tobkus 9 жыл бұрын
There is a big difference between flat stats from gear, as you are referring to, and Artifact weapons.But you must remember, playing a healer and boomkin spec is your choice. If you chose to only go boomkin and only go restoration, then the story would be different
@tobkus 9 жыл бұрын
goran77ish This is not a problem currently, but can be one in Legion. And i see your point. But, switching between tank, healer and DPS happens, atleast what i see in my raid, not that often as it does with multi-dps spec classes.
@tobkus 9 жыл бұрын
Fallerup Totally agree. I'm not a melee either. And i love Fire, but because of raiding Mythic, i can't really play it.
@ColCoal 9 жыл бұрын
So preach, you basically want to crucify RNjesus?
@karmagator2312 9 жыл бұрын
+coltheawesomeable Please don't.... not again....
@sushanalone 9 жыл бұрын
+coltheawesomeable Dont forget the second cumming oif RNJeebus.
@volrag 9 жыл бұрын
+coltheawesomeable The RNjesus will always be with us, we just need him to stop being so irritating :P
@alanhaupert 9 жыл бұрын
Having the ability to change the way your trinkets proc sounds like a really good idea. The only thing that I would be worried about would be feeling that you _had_ to use a PPM version of the trinket on really tough DPS check bosses praying that the stars align and basically be in the same position that we are now. Still, definitely a better system than what we have currently.
@tremonray2483 9 жыл бұрын
6.2 Windwalker Monk 18 - 26% Free Rising Sun Kick via certain spells - Sacred Draenic Incense (SDI), Monk class trinket 8%*2 Combo Breaker - Jab (2 spells come from Combo Breaker) 30% Rising Sun Kick chance to proc Combo Breaker - T18 2pc 5-10% Chance to gain 35% Multistrike on successful AA's - Tiger Strikes X% Chance at an additional charge of Tigereye Brew - Mastery: Bottled Fury Not including the T18 4pc or Enchants (everyone gets those). Spells listed on the trinket SDI can proc the 2pc which can proc Combo Breaker which in turn can proc the class trinket granted you got the correct 1 out of the 2 or lucky out with the 1 spell all the while Chi consumption gives an additional chance to a charge of Tigereye Brew, your main dps cooldown to which you tickle things outside of. One fight never looks like another.
@goran77ish 9 жыл бұрын
I agree on all but this should be two part video. But, where is what class changes you want/expect?
@kristopherfernalld7665 9 жыл бұрын
I removed my OSM (One-Shot Macro) awhile ago. More because of the fact the Fury Warrior Tier 18 4 Set makes the cooldown of Recklessness completely variable. I then realized, after about two weeks of raiding like this, that my damage greatly improved from both the set bonus and the increased thought process about when to use my cooldowns, now separate from one another.
@downey6666 9 жыл бұрын
This is were logs really come in handy, because it lets you get a good base line of time between events such as boss abilities, add waves etc; I havn't dps-ed myself since wotlk, but same is true for healing and tanking, plan your cooldowns. There may come a day when DPS are in the position of "Healer", and your spot is on the line.
@EvanForbesIF 9 жыл бұрын
I think it would be cool if trinkets could be enchanted to proc in different ways. Like all trinkets start with just base stats/effects and you have to use professions to change how your trinket works. And different professions could provide different types of procs, enchanting could cause trinkets to activate on use without increasing the power of the effect, inscription could be for internal cool downs and increase the power of the effect by 10%, and alchemy could be for RPPM and increase the power by 20%. They could even be changed during a raid so you can choose if you want more control or more power on each encounter.
@nethis93 9 жыл бұрын
The way he described his middle finger made this video deserve a like by itself
@johnkillingsworth5135 9 жыл бұрын
i laughed out loud at the description of the middle finger prep, thanks for some humor in a time for wow that has very little.
@Wheellos 9 жыл бұрын
I do like 1 thing about the Random Proc Trinkets, the way u have to think on the fly. I think having to react to unpredictable dps increases is nice, but they are too strong and random. An easy change that would improve it a Lot would be to make the effect weaker, but make them proc more often. If my trinket is active for 10 seconds every 2minutes(-ish) you have to be luckier for it to line up, if its 15 seconds every 1 minute(-ish) (and a weaker proc to compensate) its much more reliable. This keeps means u cannot plan out a fight before it begins and always have (pretty much) the same numbers, but it does influence a good players use of cooldowns slightly so they line up with these procs. It doesnt force you to combine the cooldowns and the procs but it does allow you to do so if desired.
@Zapzdoughnut 9 жыл бұрын
I have to agree totally. Especially on a fury warrior in BRF. Wild strike procs/Raging blow procs from crits/Raging blow procs from 4pc bonus/2 enchant procs/trinket procs. There were numerous times when i would start a fight out doing the most dps i have ever done for that encounter, we wipe, next attempt 5-8k less doing the same rotation.
@morrigandoerner1146 9 жыл бұрын
Oh hey, thanks Mark of Doom for proccing on my crystal at ~1 second left, I'll see you in 2 or more minutes, thanks. [Internal screaming]
@Nightstalker314 9 жыл бұрын
When it comes to powerfull trinkets, personal situation: Switched to the BRF multistrike-use-trinket (the amount of rating makes it reliable) on Iskar mythic just too bring the best burst dps on the Phantasmal Radiance, since it's the only thing that matters (occuring every 2:XX mins). Not that strong for sustained DPS. But the best choice for burst every 2mins. Not surprised there are NO on-use-trinkets for strength specs in HFC.
@mhdoe 9 жыл бұрын
At least multistrike is going away that's a good first step. Now I don't mind set bonuses being rng but I would definitely like control of my trinkets back.
@zydian_ 9 жыл бұрын
+mhdoe why was it bad in your opinion?
@scrappybristol2011 9 жыл бұрын
I liked multistrike, especially on classes with good visuals like Destrolock or Boomkin.
@jxhunger 9 жыл бұрын
+Александр отрыв They should remove both..
@tinyclangers 9 жыл бұрын
+Александр отрыв There's not much wrong with versatility, it's a crap dps stat but that can be fixed. Unfortunately, multistrike is something that can't really since it's a ton of rng on top of rng with some more rng.
@mahvipallo12 9 жыл бұрын
We should remove crits aswell! Damn those rng stats!
@jasminpoljak6115 9 жыл бұрын
DPS sounds so smart when you describe it.And on the other hand we have people who after 10 years still cant switch to adds. I find that I delay my CDs too much. I have done some testing, and found that dmg meter wise it rarely pays off to save your cds, tacticaly its gold ofc, but then you are in postiton that nobody knows how awesome you are, (they suspect at best). I played recently with a high lag, and had a big drop in dps, what do you think is highest ping to keep playing well, depending on dificulty, that is what ping do I need to compete on mythic level?
@dreadgear9683 9 жыл бұрын
I'd love powerful trinkets with not cooldown which are basicly are charged from 0% to 100% based on your healing or Dps. you may use your trinket at 20% charges and get 20 multistrike or fully charge it to unload it when you need it.
@Gamsterjeff600 9 жыл бұрын
I enjoy your videos and I really appreciate you as a gamer!
@Detinator247 9 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons I've moved from fury warrior to assassination rouge. Damn near 40% crit and missing 4 bloodthirst crits in a row? Fuck that
@Detinator247 9 жыл бұрын
+ the 30% and the extra % from wep ench
@GrumpyParasite 9 жыл бұрын
same, couldn't stand it anymore RNG on top of RNG
@360ftw 9 жыл бұрын
+Smiles Well, I hope you enjoy a 30% chance to get dispatch procs then - it's just as ridicilous - go sub! :)
@Detinator247 9 жыл бұрын
Martin Johansen Yeah I actually am, just like warr I enjoyed getting Sudden Death Execute procs , those are fun. At least im not depending on envenom to crit to do decent dps. Maybe once I get used to rouge Ill try sub, right now its too complicated for me xD
@d.thomson4265 9 жыл бұрын
+Smiles Yeah I hate warrior this tier, we shine on maybe 2 fights. single target fights your raid wonders what you did wrong because your damn near the bottom.
@Zanzubaa 9 жыл бұрын
I remember using my trinkets in vanilla on my mage. The ZG trinket and another. They were both active trinkets. I used a macro to activate both at the time. My frost bolts crit for over 4k, which at the time was more life than most people had. I remember using the system in AV. I used frost nova, pressence of mind and then frost bolt. It was great fun. I was one-shotting a Thunderfury warrior with 2 pocket healers. Great fun. OP ofc, and limiting trinket activation to one at a time was fair but lots of fun.
@GoruWoW 9 жыл бұрын
I think they should make trinkets that stacks a buff again often (like the trinket activates once per minute)or constantly, so that we will be able to work towards/decide the time that the trinkets can proc at max stacks (if they make some spells unable to proc trinkets like Volley in WotLK) and then we can have a better way of controlling our cds.
@DirtCheapFU 9 жыл бұрын
this video reminded me of why i choose to play assassination on my rogue(alt). i feel more in control of decision making as assassination oppose to my affliction warlock. its a dumb spec, but you have to make some right time decisions. combat... get red buff. ignore all other things in game and reality
@Nightstalker314 9 жыл бұрын
I think the removal of multistrike is the biggest step towards controlled damage/burst.
@johnhanes5520 9 жыл бұрын
This idea is genius, give a profession the ability to give players a choice in what kind of trinket/enchants they can use. Would give the limited amount of trinkets and enchants pros and cons to each spec that uses it for each type, be it on use, ppm, or internal cd.
@Hjiel 9 жыл бұрын
You should check out Ret paladins at the moment. In full HFC gear a ret paladin will have no RNG based set bonuses, but actually have bonuses that increase the amount of choices a paladin have to make. We use no RPPM trinket for the majority of scenarios (there's a couple of standalone fights where we swap in an RPPM trinket) also our rotation generally does not include a huge amount of luck, we only have a couple of procs that doesn't impact our rotation that much, especially if you elect to run with Seraphim. For AoE that's not entirely true as the Empowered Divine Storm proc plays more of a role.
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
I believe he didn't want to play a pally because then he feels personally responsible to have a set for prot and holy and know to play them in case he ever gets called upon to do so.
@maxdlehman 9 жыл бұрын
+Hjiel archimonde trinket is pretty much garbage for all the fights unless we're ignoring mechanics and just sitting on boss. Rets are espcially RNG dependent because of the 4 pc...
@Hjiel 9 жыл бұрын
+Max Lehman So... I'm not sure how much experience you have playing ret, but here goes. For the majority of encounters inside HFC (on mythic obviously, HC is not worth mentioning) LoV is the best second trinket choice (The first one obviously being EDH). Now there's a couple of choices where I'd elect to go for Unending Hunger or Discordant Chorus over Libram, and those are: Socrethar, Mannoroth and maybe Iskar. Any paladin who even have a clue of what he is doing will have a focus macro set up for Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous so as to be able to focus adds while still keeping the Focus of Vengeance stack up (Think Kilrogg or Vel'hari). There is an argument to be made for not using LoV on Archimonde mythic, (i personally elected not to) if you're in a position where you have indepth experience on said fight, I'll be glad to discuss it but i don't think that is the case. As for the second part of your statement, I am curious to know which part of our 4 piece bonus adds any kind of RNG to the rotation? Especially considering that there is NO chance involved in any of our tier 18 bonuses. Ret being RNG dependant is a relic from tier 17 where it was very much the case, for this tier the only RNG added to ret is for longer duration AoE (lasting more than 5 seconds) and for the weapon enchant (which is frankly not that important generally). Now if you have anything to add to this discussion, feel free to post here, or on the weekly reddit DPS thread or in the MMOchampion theorycrafting thread and i will be delighted to answer your questions.
@maxdlehman 9 жыл бұрын
+Hjiel aside from boosting the damage of ES, the 4 pc makes the first 10 seconds of AW extra volatile. Getting crits, multi's, trinket and DS procs during that 10 second window has a drastic effect on my burst and often leads to a significant gap in my opener. sometimes I open for 110k and sometimes I open for 150k. from personal experience I've noticed that I'm ending the same fights, without any differences in fluidity during the fight, with a 10k gap between highs and lows. perhaps that is because I elect to not use seraphim/emp seals on relevant fights. could you link armory or logs? I'm kinda curious about your secondaries, and if you bother to seal twist.
@Hjiel 9 жыл бұрын
+Max Lehman Apologies for being a bit condescending before, it appears that you actually know what you're talking about, either way i still think you're wrong in calling ret "RNG dependant". We're talking about that 10 seconds window during our opener where we kick ass with Wings of Liberty (our 4p) active. Looking at the specific examples you listed (Crits, Multi's, trinket procs and DS procs). Crits have always been a part of the game and a part of the game that is out of our control since Preach was talking about WoD compared to previous expansions crit is not the issue he's talking about. Multistrike adds to the RNG that crit provides but ultimately doesn't make that much of a difference imo. Those two stats certainly do impact our dps, but nowhere in the same manner as say a fire or frost mage. And typically over the course of a fight, i have so many opportunities to get crits and multistrikes that the damage evens out over time. (Granted, getting Multis and crits during the 10 second window does result in more damage, but certainly not a 10k difference over the course of a fight). As for trinkets, generally you use Libram of Vindication and Empty Drinking Horn, both of which adds no RNG to the fight. Obviously that is not the case if you use Discordant Chorus, or Unending hunger (UH especially can have a huge impact on DPS due to RNG) but that is typically not the case. Then for DS procs during that opener. They have their occasional use, but generally you don't want to use them during your heavy burst (Either because a) You're using LoV and need to get the focus stacks running or b) you're running Seraphim and it's a DPS loss to use them this leaves DS procs to affect anything when you're running with UH/DC and Final Verdict at which point i have already pointed out that RNG affects our dps a lot more). I am curious as to why you find LoV to be a piece of junk, i don't think the reason you posted above is a valid excuse tbh. My character is Hjial on Frostmane EU, i play for Galvanized. That should be enough to find both logs and armory, if you find anything weird on any of those feel free to ask me and i shall explain my self if it makes sense, or admit to my mistakes (i make those, believe it or not :P ). Cheers.
@Artemisthemp 9 жыл бұрын
Doesn't debris only fall in Phase 1 of Blackhand? I get what you are talking about. I remember Maiden of Virtue back in TBC where, I use my Blessing of Sacrifice to break the stun and use Blessing of Protection to ensure that, I still had Divine Protection if, I didn't place my self right to break the damage or we couldn't effort healers getting stun by Maiden since, the Tank would get smash by Damage need to break the stun.
@w5Ax3zs2khASCgrp 9 жыл бұрын
2:47 this is amazing and why i listen to preach
@abiybattlespell8401 9 жыл бұрын
makes me glad the bis unholy dk trinket is vial of convulsive shadows i generally use that thing on cd but if i need to hold it or wait a few seconds then i can wich is nice
@Mortenen 9 жыл бұрын
Agree with you a lot about the dps control rant in the start of the video! I've played all the expansions, and Blizzard should look back to WotLK for clues on how to give control back to the players. Fine tuning rotations and positioning etc. was what it was all about back then! It was amazing!
@BPN25 9 жыл бұрын
I love salt too.” Reynad confessed, as he slipped his feminine hand into Kripp’s and smirked. “Are you trying to top-deck me?” protests Kripparroni, as Saltnad blushes, the boyish figure undressed before Kripp. “Weak tempo play, Reynad.” The two kissed, deeply and passionately, and for a moment the two felt unsalted.
@AsbakNL 9 жыл бұрын
i remember how much fun a destro lock was at bosses no embers but every thing procs at the first hit
@dunethewanderer8944 9 жыл бұрын
I remember when I complained about Shadow Priests getting the RNG shadow orbs back when Cata dropped. It's kinda sad that problem not only stayed, but spread.
@Larry4life 9 жыл бұрын
Soul capacitor is pretty awesome. It's the first trinket you actually have to time effectively to cancel it for the explosion. Preach makes it sound like you just "cancel" it and nothing happens. It's an innovative idea on trinkets and it works well. The game shouldn't be so easy. Otherwise everyone is just the same and there's no real difference between a "good" player and an "incompetent" player.
@CeilingNinja 9 жыл бұрын
The loss of choice is the reason I deviated from my Boomie. I can't choose how to play my Boomie. I'm stuck to the phases as they are. There are many times where Sunfire would be better than Moonfire. The pendulum is okay, but why can't I pick when I want to use my spells?
@freckles7507 9 жыл бұрын
what we should take from this is that preach is PRO - CHOICE. :)
@corybooth2530 9 жыл бұрын
I know what Rng is but what is ppm?
@benshelstad1054 9 жыл бұрын
+Cory Booth Procs per minute.
@nadendas 9 жыл бұрын
+Cory Booth It stands for procs per minute. Proc is short for procedure. No idea why it's called that, but, basically, the proc happens, and you get a powerful buff. Ppm means that the trinket (or whatever) will proc a certain number of times per minute, no matter what. The problem with that is you have absolutely no control over when it procs. There are no internal cooldowns (meaning you don't know the time frame of when the next proc will happen), and no way to delay it. So, there's nothing you can do to actually improve your game play, other than make sacrifices to RNJesus.
@MakashiOwns 9 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised with the lack of mention about how much damage comes out of random procs that can be quite unforgiving, like Soul Shards from Nightfall on Affliction, Fingers of Frost on Mages (a bit better than the 8.5% chance/tick Affliction gets), and other similar RNG/proc mechanics baked into the very talents and passives of varied specs. I have way more of a problem with that than I do with the state of trinket procs.
@volrag 9 жыл бұрын
It would be really interesting if this became a niche for inscription, if scribes could (hypothetically) create items to change a trinket from RPPM, internal cooldown or on use, and scale it's magnitude as well (RPPM being strongest, on use being weakest and internal cooldown in between). Not only would it be good to give scribes some more reason to, well, exist but i think it could go a long way to adding flavour to each spec. I would say it would be best if blizz improved the default UI to highlight the importance of these choices for the less attentive players (at least to start with) but the standard ui is kinda crap atm.
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
No, fuck RPPM, if it was the best then you would have to use it
@volrag 9 жыл бұрын
That's a misunderstanding. RPPM would have the strongest proc, but the lowest control. I imagine some specs would be an awful lot better with a slightly weaker proc but more controlable (such as internal cooldown or on-use). Specs such as windwalker monk and destruction lock would be best with RPPM as their playstyles work well with it. Some specs with lower(ish) cooldowns may work better with an internal cooldown, and those with longer cooldowns may be best off with on-use. Honestly i think the biggest issue would be balancing internal cooldown vs on use. It may even be worth considering removing one for the other entirely.
@seirahime 9 жыл бұрын
Oh Thank you for letting us know that the Soul Capacitor can be canceled. It's mind boggling how much damage it can pump out but kept going off at horrible times for me.
@chadwickhjones 9 жыл бұрын
I've always hated how my crit usually goes off when the mob only has like 10% health or less. Also as a druid, Omen of Clarity (back in the day) or whatever the new version is that locks your balance meter and lights everything up hits - both of these always proc at times that are extremely useless, like when the mob died and there's nothing else to attack. The combat is not fun.
@chadwickhjones 9 жыл бұрын
Ah, yes.
@lamplot8241 9 жыл бұрын
What was this video about?.. I was too busy reading Preach's guild chat.
@cooltv2776 9 жыл бұрын
interestingly enough, this would also make gear a little bit more interesting, which is what blizzard is trying to do anyways its a massive win-win situation, we get control of what we do, and gear is somewhat interesting personally I would go with on use, as I dont care about tracking procs, or internal CDs or any of that, I just want to use everything at the same time and do massive damage when I want, as opposed to doing MASSIVE damage when the game says I can
@Prebz100 9 жыл бұрын
I dunno man, playing an arcane mage atm I dont really mind the RNG. But when you have RNG ontop of RNG, e.g 4pc bonus it is starting to get bad. At the start i was fun, but that one pull in 20 when you dont get a single arcane missle proc and therefor no 4pc procs is horrible. Trinkets like Prophecy of Fear are awesome tho, they are just so much fun. Sure it can proc at that perfect time and you'll do insane dmg, but most of the time that is mostly meter-padding and other than having fun because you are topping the meters on Kromrok, it isnt something that you NEED to rely on to kill the boss. Meaning that it is fucking awesome when it happends, but it dosnt matter if you dont get the perfect proc.
@brim-skerdouglasson 9 жыл бұрын
New profile picture and name?! I LOVE IT!
@Desidipdo 9 жыл бұрын
i actually love the rng in the dps, lets it feel more dynamic. Hate the old school dps playstyle which was you just hit the same buttons, in the same order, forever. Atleast now you can react to procs, see all the bells and whistles going off. Ideally it would be nice to have that as a style of the dps, some are super simple and smooth whereas others are ret pally-ish
@DoodeWarrior 9 жыл бұрын
Your talk about the tendon phase of spine made me nostalgia for cata, fuck you preach. being able to plan out archangel mindblast/spike phases with the 4 pc T13 set to maximize burst damage for the short window you got was so fucking satisfying.
@vaughansport 9 жыл бұрын
OMG i LOVE this talk at 16:00 in! Maybe...MAYBE... Inscr. can craft a Rune for trinkets to change the PPM/On Use/static... I don't know ! lol GOOD show Preach!
@roryormiston6546 9 жыл бұрын
they could just make everything except your weapon have states and everything else is cosmetic. this will make getting a weapon upgrade super epic. Also, the balancing and tuning would be easier.
@Phantom288288 9 жыл бұрын
I stopped after highmaul. So I might be out of date here. I absolutely hated how I had no control over haunt proc's as affliction. I would go sometime 40 seconds with no haunts or nightfall procs. I think its lazy they add the better chance to proc it in tier sets in later raids. It should be a passive we get off the bat. or just removed entirely and rework haunt so we have more control over it.
@altsadhara 9 жыл бұрын
I went through an entire 5-man on my frost mage without getting a single brain freeze proc, and very few fingers of frost (none from frost bolt, only ice orb and the pet's spells ever procced). Switched to my fire spec, and I didn't get a single crit during any of the boss fights. Those dungeons killed the fun I was having on my mage so much that I stopped playing him. I don't enjoy feeling worthless just because my RNG powers are severely lacking.
@TheLedgendaryGamer 9 жыл бұрын
No single crit on a fire Mage is bull shit.
@altsadhara 9 жыл бұрын
***** It was the only dungeon that had every happened to me-- most dungeons, I had fairly decent luck in Fire. That one run was just discouraging, though.
@vladimirseven777 9 жыл бұрын
+Papa Grimly Would you like extra buttons instead? As warlock long ago I had like 80 spells to chose.
@zelda12346 9 жыл бұрын
Well, the disparity of the base line and the top end is too great in the past. there's always going to be a difference, and that's fine. It's just flat out harder to balance encounters when the difference is so big. What would probably happen in Legion is just destroy trinket efficacy and make them look visually appealing a la DBW while letting them be on demand.
@Knives7777 9 жыл бұрын
that statement at 3 mins tho.... is why u will probably never get a community spotlight.... BUT it was crisp..... couldn't agree more.
@miller_explores 8 жыл бұрын
Whats your UI setup?
@reboundTTV 8 жыл бұрын
He's using ElvUI with some specific addons for it. I can't easily tell from the clips which ones, but the base is ElvUI.
@DigQuagmire 9 жыл бұрын
I play a dps shaman. Our wod story has been the saddest to date out of all the expansions. After the hybrid healing nerf, we literally offer zero game changing utility to a raid grp. Other hybrid dps or pure dps, offer the same or better in ALL aspects of the game. We couldn't even switch from enhance to ele because they were both good at the same fucking thing (sustained aoe). I'll only buy or get hyped for legion if there are wholesale changes to dps shamans. The class but more specifically the dps specs have been left in the cold for so long. On a positive note. Resto shamans are always great. They are shite for farm bosses but who cares, they are almost a must have for progression.
@RM-nf5eq 9 жыл бұрын
As a mage i would LOVE if POF was on use, i can't tell you how many times it procs AFTER i need it wasting 90% of its use. I'd rather have an on use but have it weaker than not dps for 30-90 seconds so it has a better chance at procing when i need it.
@Rhordric 9 жыл бұрын
0:00 dat bladestorm doe, wait till i get my bladestorm
@namelessness42 9 жыл бұрын
Is there anyone who can help me get a similiar UI to this?
@zhain0 9 жыл бұрын
what worrys me is every major patch you have to change spec as they always make one op.... with the new weapons almost everyone will have to grind another weapon up all over again and it just ganna be a hellish grind over and over
@gametenor 9 жыл бұрын
that conversation in raid chat tho... 2:00
@gametenor 9 жыл бұрын
Also dem dkays no crispy grips :(
@mimer101 9 жыл бұрын
I miss the time where trinkets were one of the weakest slots :d Either way, love the videos, much love n respect.
@Joffaz 9 жыл бұрын
bloodlust is 40 sec preach ;P
@ujembi155 9 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised as much as you mentioned RNG and the fury footage shown that you did not mention the ROTATIONS of dps specs themselves. Reminds me of your critique of legion arms, where you are waiting for the game (through a proc of colossus smash) to tell you to "go" again. The RNG is a bit much with lots of specs (fire) and takes away much of the decision making. Procs, in moderation, are fun but I hate the sort of "whack a mole" gameplay where you mash something when it lights up. Part of what is fun to me about DPS is when you think and plan ahead. A dot class, like affliction or shadow, will have to predict about how long something will live, for instance. Things like specs dependent on crit or procs, or more static rotations that do not leave much room for decision making, I think should be looked at. Plus side, they are changing balance to a resource they control... downside doing the same thing for spriests making void form totally our of player's control and passive =/ (and would have effect on healing in PVP with a powerful vampiric touch). We'll have to see.
@bremwynn9090 9 жыл бұрын
I've never played a fury warrior, but why does it look like preach always has ability procs in the middle of the screen up and he's not using them?
@djodjekg81 9 жыл бұрын
Guys i've learned something today Preach will FOK Legion :D
@Dolphinsz 9 жыл бұрын
DemonLock! Curse of DOOM on all Boss adds! lol then the trinket proc! BOOM! 9000000000000 little imps
@dagowow 9 жыл бұрын
Gosh, this video craves me raiding hardcore so badly. Must. Raid. Again.
@LightupX 9 жыл бұрын
It's not that easy for me to determine whether or not dps should have more control. It doesn't stop in trinkets and enchant as you said in dps week and few other videos the changes in wod to dps made people care more about mechanics and thus allowed for better encounters . Dps will always be a iffy subject because of the gain and lose effect.
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
Better encounters is not a substitute for player control over their dps
@LightupX 9 жыл бұрын
+SalvLav It is When people get that dps is not in their control so they start looking at other stuff (position, mechanics, etc...).
@LightupX 9 жыл бұрын
+SalvLav I wouldn't argue about anything because it's not my point and I will be clear this time people are willing to do more mechanics who require not dpsing because they don't give a fuck about their dps, now it's not like it's brand new that people drop dps in favor of progression but with dps being shitty people volunteer more and it open doors to more creative bosses (guilds who only cared about dps are progressing foreword and looking for people who want to down bosses not dps whores)
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
What you saying still makes no sense. What kind of scrub-a-dub-dub guild do you raid in that relies purely on people ‘volunteering’ for mechanics? Bad raid leading is not solved by PUNISHING everyone else who isn’t a dps tunneling dipshit. You know what happens in any decent guild? People are assigned to mechanics, even if they lose dps doing so. You know what happens to dps who refuse to do their assignments because of said dps loss? They get kicked because they’re bad players. Guilds that aren’t progressing because they are keeping idiots who refuse to do mechanics deserve to fail. Stop punish this bullshit narrative that dps having control over their dps means that blizzard can’t also design more interesting encounters.
@mlewis8535 9 жыл бұрын
very specific...that bit about your middle finger...veerrryy specific
@vania5000 8 жыл бұрын
wait so you are saying that you DONT want the game to make decisions for you? like playing a twohand shaman or frostdeathknight or brewmaster monk/rogue with fist weapons or any weapons? or did you want to be able to choose the ratio between dmg/defense/mobility? like having a fire mage that accually does way more damage and is more mobile then a frost mage at expense of all defense? or a tank that changes part of defense to offense? nooo no THIS GAME tells you EXACTLY how to play and dont even try leaving the path one inch in an attemp to become more then a static league of legends character. you even get awesome talents that further increase your ability to play exaclty how you dont want to play right? customization was a vanilla only feature you see
@mjshorty101 9 жыл бұрын
I dont like how much damage people do overall, Questing is extremely easy, and you never get to low health, an Elite used to just flat out kill you unless you used everything (and sometimes that didnt even work) but now you can solo dungeons at low levels
@jvjd 9 жыл бұрын
Hope they don't add more mandatory buffs in the legion We already have flasks+ pots + augments unlike gears where its one enchant and its over Kinda bummed our class alone cannot get demm high dps numbers but i guess alchemy has to make money somehow :)
@johnauner5139 9 жыл бұрын
I got an extra 7k dps one night purely because of lucky trinket procs... It is an annoying cock tease when I can't pull higher numbers because I keep getting unlucky. Good video, Preach.
@Flydroi 9 жыл бұрын
+Avery Cecil That's why I largely prefer on use trinkets, so you can decide when you want the boost. Nothing is worse than having everything proc like 3 seconds before a new phase where the boss is invincible during the majority of the effect.
@johnauner5139 9 жыл бұрын
Cynical Inquisition On use forever.
@Flydroi 9 жыл бұрын
+The Evil Empire Constant effects are fine too. Its just the random procs that are no fun, seeing your dps rise and drop several thousand based on it and having no control
@KemiKaze 9 жыл бұрын
fury warrior is playable at 50% crite
@theinsfrijonds 9 жыл бұрын
Wow sucks now. I'm playing Golden Sun: The Lost Age (2003) on a 2.5 in. screen instead. Playing a game midway between Final Fantasy (STORY - Weak characterization but each area spins a great cohesive thread; Legitimate BATTLE SYSTEM with mini-summons that confer abilities with different combinations) and Legend of Zelda (excellent puzzles that incorporate battle magic) is pretty amazing!
@benwilliamson1623 9 жыл бұрын
but tell us how ya REALLY feel, c'mon preach dont hold back!
@mrpinkshirt4 9 жыл бұрын
WoW needs another major overhaul of classes and stats like MoP. Only do it right this time.
@Invhytas 9 жыл бұрын
Please, Blizzard, give me 5.0 affliction Warlocks back. It was so awesome. Keep your kil'jaeden's cunning but please give me back that smooth and fast playstyle. It was awesome D:
@jasondeutschbein8102 9 жыл бұрын
I really dislike the whole numbers = good thing that goes on with dps. I want dps to realize "this phase needs to end quickly", not "I'll be more valuable if I do the best raw dps".
@megarural3000 9 жыл бұрын
Glyphing trinkets? You may be on to something.
@marnikxvandorth1205 9 жыл бұрын
Preach why u replaced gizmo D: u owe of a explanation ^^
@Anyguy4321 9 жыл бұрын
RNG was a huge failure. So the spread between good and bad players is less but the good players hate having their skill completely devalued and leave the game and bad players are still bad and don't stay with the game long anyways because they can't get anywhere.
@Fatallica1985 9 жыл бұрын
As a caster wow was ALWAYS about RNG and how to take advantage about them
@MookSam 9 жыл бұрын
Random proc trinkets are so much more interesting than on use trinkets.
@MookSam 9 жыл бұрын
Also having to make too many decisions to get dps isnt very fun for me, i would rather learn mechanics than a way too complicated method of lining up procs.
@MookSam 9 жыл бұрын
Random proc trinkets arent meant to be lined up with other procs the whole point of it is for some extra damage
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
+Sam lol woooow
@Nothiqify 9 жыл бұрын
I sooooo agree with what Preach is saying about the trinkets. We really need to go back to how trinkets use to work in WoTLK cause the way they've been working lately is really retarded. Logs really don't mean much today. Cause you're not really playing the game. All you do is use your offensive cds on cooldown and hope you get trinket procs and that's it for the most part. I my self got rank 1 on mannoroth mythic as sub rogue and I really really really dislike the way trinkets work especially durring progress.
@juiceinmyface 9 жыл бұрын
Hold up, hold up. What's ppm?
@SalvLav 9 жыл бұрын
Procs per minute
@Apoxiosis 9 жыл бұрын
Jesus how did I ever play this. Every expansion they just fuck it up more.
@ladamere 9 жыл бұрын
hunters don't have volley anymore
@dragonithv 9 жыл бұрын
@GnomesPwns 9 жыл бұрын
On use trinkets weak? I always thought they were the strongest trinkets in the game. Vial of Convulsive Shadows anyone?
@insane666ism 9 жыл бұрын
i miss snap shoting dots on my unholy dk
@johnkillingsworth5135 9 жыл бұрын
by the way, your guild chat was almost as interesting as your rant (dont get me wrong, i love a good rant)
@antonalexandrov4159 9 жыл бұрын
If you haven't played frost dk, you don't know what RNG is. Like the difference between lucky and unlucky is ~20k dps
@playeroneirl1886 9 жыл бұрын
Imagine playing Dark Souls and not being able to control when or how you attack. That's what DPS in WoW feels like right now.
@6789uiop 9 жыл бұрын
Pandaria was Rogue-fun in BG's
@1stBuckethead 8 жыл бұрын
what the hell are you going on about in the first 4 mins?
@scrappybristol2011 9 жыл бұрын
I swear to Thrall he said "It's Peacher" in the intro.
@darcraven01 9 жыл бұрын
+scrappybristol2011 he did...
@KingCatoChaos 9 жыл бұрын
All good points, but you know it in your heart of hearts they're too busy with all the new weapons to get anywhere with rng...
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