🟡 Leica M Size 645 Rangefinder Camera | Fuji GS645 Review & Photos + Fuji GA645 vs GS645

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Matt Osborne

Matt Osborne

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@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
✅ Check price on eBay: (UK) ebay.to/3dAdxcS (US) ebay.to/3lNUXRE ⭐️ Patreon: Join us today for more videos! From £1/mth - www.patreon.com/mrleicacom ▶️ Watch Next: Voigtlander Perkeo 6x6 (Smaller than a Leica!) - kzbin.info/www/bejne/aJzHk4d5ltqefKs 📝 Blog post with photos in full res! mrleica.com/fuji-gs645/
@malbeats3600 3 жыл бұрын
I have this camera, GS645, bought it from a Japanese Ebayer a few years back, I love it, one of my all time favourites. Many of my favourite shots have been made with it, such a joy to use too!
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks yes I really must use mine again! I’m always testing gear so I’ve not had chance. Thanks for the reminder! :)
@stevecoffey5290 4 жыл бұрын
I've had mine for a year and a half or so now and it's my favorite camera. I bought mine for $40 from a local facebook ad. I bought it before checking prices and was astonished to find out how much they are going for. After using it almost every day and having taken it on several trips, It is totally worth the price.
@stevecoffey5290 4 жыл бұрын
To be far, it was $40 because it needed work. I replaced the bellows, and did a CLA after reading the service manual. That fixed any sticking shutter issues.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Wow Steve that is the bargain of the century!! You put me to shame using it that much. I can't leave my 35mm cameras alone so they get most the action.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevecoffey5290 ah soyou are smart and modest ;) Sadly I wasn't blessed with DIY skills ha.. well I can build custom bicycles (from off the shelf bits) but not much else :)
@stevecoffey5290 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom I worked as a bicycle service tech for 5 years
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@stevecoffey5290 ah nice, well then I build TT aero bike(s) for Ironman triathlon and full carbon single speed for training on..gives me life balance after 7-8hrs of KZbin vid editing
@SuperNinner 10 күн бұрын
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 9 күн бұрын
Thank you!! Very kind
@panagiotiskalapaseas6980 4 жыл бұрын
Found you firstly on Flickr...love your amazing job there! Now i'm watching your sooooo helpful videos, that make me to fall in love with medium and film!
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Great to hear you joined here from Flickr :)
@endnami 4 жыл бұрын
you cranck these out so fast. You are the best man!
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
N Molina thanks I had a location shoot due this weekend cancelled figuring the week so I decided to go all in and do 3 days of KZbining! Hopefully it will pay off in the long run!
@endnami 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom I'm sorry for the cancelation. But I binged about 5 videos back to back and subbed. I am excited to see the Fuji gf 670 boy is that $$$. I own the Fuji gx 680 and love it but I need something to be able to be more portable. Hoping to find something fuji or pentax medium format in that body style below 200 usd. Any recommendations?
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@endnami Thanks for binge watch and sub! GX - Nice! ..
@brucecggallagher1949 2 жыл бұрын
I believe a leaf shutter can be serviced with the use of graphite for cold weather use.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Bruce, great info.
@Kneedeepinstock Ай бұрын
great vid. quick question, do you remeber what temperature the lens was sticking? Is it under 60 degrees fahrenheit? I dont shoot in snow or anything so im curious how cold it was when you mentioned it stuck on you in the cold in romania.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom Ай бұрын
Thanks. Sadly it stuck in different temperatures, not just super cold.
@invisibility1987 2 жыл бұрын
Another great review! I once was really trying to decide if i should get the GS645 or not ,when i looked online ,many of the GS645s for sale had cracks in the plastic body, and after some more reading it seemed that there's another common problem which is the rangefinder lagging due to a spring not being stiff enough. I ended up getting a super baldax with the ennit 2.8 lens ,not as ergonomic as the more modern cameras but it is still a coupled rangefinder and automatic film advance which are all that matters really ......The depth of field is just so much better and the body is all metal .
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Great tip. I’ve not heard that but I know some require new bellows etc.
@randallstewart1224 Жыл бұрын
A lagging rangefinder is quite common among all brands of rangefinder camera these days where most are 30+ years old. The cause is almost always dried out lube in the pivot points of the rangefinder mirrors or prisms. It's a very easy fix if you have the tools and will to pop the top to clean and relube that mechanism.
@benjamen434 6 ай бұрын
Hello Matt. Thank you for such an informative review. I’ve just bought the camera mostly based on your review. The problem I’ve noticed is that I sometimes can’t change the shutter speed dial beyond 30 mark if the shutter is cocked. Have you ever experienced the same issue?
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 6 ай бұрын
Hi Ben, no problem. Hmm I don't think I have. I'll admit I go through phases with different cameras and currently I'm back to Hasselblads (and my usual 35mm cameras)
@Raevenswood 2 жыл бұрын
Another great option that is more affordable than the GF670 is the GW670 II or III. It's basically the Texas Leica 6x9 body but shoots 6x7 and the lens is amazing. Obviously not as compact or advanced as the GF but it's about $2000 cheaper.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks yes I never did get the T-Leica. It was always a bit big and still limited as a RF camera (ie. not suited to portraits).
@jacovanlith5082 3 жыл бұрын
The viewfinder of these Fuji 645 is unique. You can mount different eye correction glasses( -3 /+3 ) in it and a 90 degree angel fineer/ waistlevel finder. All items of the ST 701 /801/901 will fit plua the glasse of the Niko FM ..........! There is a macro focus frame plus close up lenses dor the 645. It was a great review and "those were the days" Fuji made in Japan.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
That is a pro tip right there Jaco, many thanks. I have the FM diopter so I just tried it. It fits as you say. Amazing. Now I can see :) I need to use this camera more but they dont like cold weather too much, get the sticking shutter (even after a service by a top guy)
@randallstewart1224 11 ай бұрын
Re the GS645, Fuji never made eyepiece diopter lenses to accommodate vision issues. They just said in the manual to use the Nikon items which fit The Fm/FE series of manual and some of the later auto-focus models. There is a close-up accessory for the GS645, but it is not a :frame:. It is a conventional close-up lens, which like the filters must be screwed into the custom hood, then mounted on the lens. Focus and framing of the image is by an auxiliary viewfinder which has a micro-prism focusing screen, mounts in the hot shoe, and adjusted for viewing parallax - quite a complex little device for what it does. On the other hand, the viewing image is reversed, and it just lets you set the lens/camera focus to minimum, then jockey your body forward and back to achieve focus. Overall, a hassle to use and of limited utility. However, as a kit it comes with the viewfinder, the close-up lens, and an extra hood to mount the lens. So, you do get the overpriced, hard to find hood for other uses.
@efword1200 2 ай бұрын
If you have to cock the shutter to close the camera, does that mean you are expected to store it with the shutter cocked? I always thought it was bad to leave the shutter of any mechanical camera cocked for extended periods.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 ай бұрын
It seems to matter less with leaf shutter lenses but I’m no expert on this. I try to fire the shutter on most other cameras.
@---us7qf 4 жыл бұрын
You are correct Matt, fewer problems with fully manual cameras. I do sooo want that Leica M-A, but first things first, I am getting my Hasselblad CFV with 907X.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks! M/A and Hassy setup nice!! I have the 500cm, 501c, SWC/M (see vids) so will wait for the new digi back to drop in price a bit :)
@mackrun7029 4 жыл бұрын
I think the Makina 67's lens has a gentler and more pleasing rendition than the GF670's. And slightly less barrel distortion. But the GF is my overall favorite also.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, especially if you have both 👍🏻 Sorry I will try to share the GF670 early next year!
@pdiseris 3 жыл бұрын
Also 5 times the price so there's that also
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
@@pdiseris good point!
@alzathoth 3 жыл бұрын
hay matt. as much as i drool when i see these cameras, IMO you should do a medium format series on cameras that cost less than $1000 USD. i'm still shopping. ;)
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I’ve done some, watch the film camera playlist. Some MF are cheaper ones (and more to come!)
@leslumieres1237 3 жыл бұрын
BronicaRF 6x6 and 645
@Gramayr 4 жыл бұрын
My old favourite folding camera is the 6x6 folding Zeiss Ikon Nettar. I've got three and used to use them at college. My first is a 517/16 and has a 75mm f6.3 Novar Anastigmat and vario shutter, and my favourites are a mint 518/16 with a 75mm f4.5 Novar Anastigmat and Velio shutter and a tatty 518/16 with a 75mm f4.5 Novar Anastigmat with Prontor-SV shutter (both with Rodenstock lenses apparently according to wiki) . Unfortunately they aren't rangefinders but they are pretty slim when folded and used to carry one around all the time in my pocket. Having just found them in a box I'm really tempted to source a few rolls of 120 and have a go with them again as it's been over 20 years since Iast used them.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rhys, great to hear about your Nettar. I think they are similar to my Voigtländer Perkeo cameras (see vid). I love the size and great optics. Yes you really should grab a few rolls of film for them! :). This video made me want to shoot another roll in my GS645! :)
@randallstewart175 2 жыл бұрын
Between the 1930s and the end of the 50s, folding cameras like these using 120 roll film in a 645 format were commonly made by almost all of the German and Japanese camera makers. Most were lower cost, low technology cameras, sort of the snapshot cameras of their day. Some used 127 roll film. Interest in these cameras vanished around 1958-59, and they were dropped from the makers line-ups instantly. The last probably was the Konica Pearl IV, which is a bit rare, very expensive on the used market, and a truth impressive camera. The Fuji GS645 was a high-tech revival of the design more than 20 years later. Subject to the limitations of this folder design, it is an incredible camera.
@DuncanDimanche-sreview 3 жыл бұрын
Great video ! I have the GS645 Pro as well and I have a few questions/things happening : 1) mine does dry fire even with the back closed. 2) I cannot close it without cocking the camera (so the camera needs to stay cocked all the time) is that normal ? 3) My last two rolls of film were all black cause somehow the leaf shutter was not working but I could hear a sound so I did not think that it wasn't working properly. Now it seems to be working fine and I looked silly when I brought it for repair cause all seemed to be working fine I would love to get your opinion/help :) cheers from France
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Duncan! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry to hear your issues. I thought I could only dry fire with back open but I have a lot of cameras so I must be mistaken. It might be the GA645 I was thinking of or GF670...or Mamiya 6 / 7. (See those vids!) Cocking - yes normal with many leaf shutter folding cameras, I can't explain the black film though but if it's working again then cool. It you worry about it maybe try to trade it for a similar camera? Check out the Voigtlander Perkeo video I did, even smaller and 6x6!!
@randallstewart1224 Жыл бұрын
(1) Normal operation. (2) Norma; operation. (3) Assuming you mean that the processed film was clear, no exposure shown, you may need an adjustment to the linkage between shutter release on the body and the shutter in the lens. It is a cable. It gets sticky from old lubrication. My guess was that what you heard was the trigger of the mechanism which releases the interlock allowing you to advance to the next frame of film, but not the shutter actually firing. If that is your issue, then the shutter may work or not in the future, but I'd have the camera CLA'd to avoid future disappointments.
@stephanpaier9887 3 жыл бұрын
I would really love to see a review of a Kiev 88 done by you. In my opinion, it is the cheapest way to shoot film in medium format, given you get a good one ;-) If you are lucky, you get great image quality, exchangable lenses an filmbacks and do not have to waste a fortune. Thanx for the brilliant stuff, you produce, Stephan
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Stephan, it’s on my list! Yes great cameras :)
@stephanpaier9887 3 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom I am looking forward to it..... Have a nice day!
@quite1enough 3 жыл бұрын
How common is sticking shutter problem? So far your video is the only one which tells about this issue. I find this camera is almost perfect, compact medium format at relatively affordable price is a dream for me. But sticking shutter... I like to shoot in colder conditions as well :(
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Hi John, it was common enough for me to find it on Google but I’m not sure if we are only 2 of 1000 cameras for example.
@randallstewart175 2 жыл бұрын
Not that common a problem. It is more like "what can go wrong with this camera?", and that is the #2 issue. The source of the problem is that the shutter release on the top of the body is connected to the shutter through a cable, much like an ordinary cable release, and that can get sticky with age. It's an easy repair for any service guy familiar with the camera or event a DIY project if so inclined. An alternative shutter problem comes from someone trying to force the bellows to collapse and close the camera front without winding the shutter first. There is an interlock to prevent the user from doing this, but if enough force is applied by someone stupid. it can break that mechanism. There are no repair parts, and that breakage is often a camera terminating event. (My 1st GS645 was stolen and later recovered because the thief had played around and tried to force the camera to close without winding the shutter. Although otherwise recently serviced with CLA and new bellows, that camera ended up as a parts source at Camera Wiz..)
@declanhues 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Matt, just got this camera and I’m stuck trying to change the asa dial for the metering. Are you able to let me know how to change it? Would really appreciate the help!
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 жыл бұрын
If I get a chance yes. I’m often overseas
@randallstewart1224 Жыл бұрын
You need good eyes and tiny fingers. The ASA (ISO) scale to set the film speed on the camera's meter is on a tiny ring located between the shutter speed and aperture rings on the lens. You use a finger nail to move an index marker to the film speed you want to set. It 's a pain in the ass, second only to fitting and removing the custom lens hood which clips into the front of the lens.
@jacovanlith5082 3 жыл бұрын
Is Mamiya UK on speakig terms with you ?
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
I thought they closed down years ago haha
@mrdasboot45 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely picures ,but I have a question I have got the GS645S and if I'm correct they both have the same film transport. I'm asking this because on my camera the film transport broke after only 2 rolls (has been repaired),I wonder if that is a common problem with the GS645 series
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Hi sorry to hear your experience. No i've not seen or heard this before. All I can say is go careful on film advance lever and fingers crossed. I think some issues are just bad luck/ bad copy.
@mrdasboot45 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom I think your right, but thank God I've got it repaired ,it works now buttery smooth.The camera did warned me before breaking by making a crunching sound when advancing the film. So if that happens to you ,you will know what to expect.
@randallstewart1224 Жыл бұрын
No, not a periodically reported problem. However, the GS6645S has its own, unique issues a plenty, so never bump that lens into anything.
@johnt.thompson1945 3 жыл бұрын
I also have a Fuji Fujica GS645Pro. Beautiful folding camera reasonably priced and no downsides except for the possibly unreliable bellows. I dream of Plaubel Makina 67, but in my opinion its price is too high.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks John yes nice camera!.. no so good in sub-zero temps, I get sticking shutter on mine and read some others do too.
@johnt.thompson1945 3 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom The shutter of my camera is quiet at low temperatures and it seems as if it is frozen, but oddly enough this does not affect the quality of the pictures.
@red92diaz 4 жыл бұрын
That gf670 is a dream of a camera. Wish I could afford one
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Yes the price went crazy. Stay tuned I need to still make that video!
@filtrcollective8216 2 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom still waiting on the video! Looking forward to it
@Dahrenhorst 3 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering, if there is any high-end film camera you don't own? The GF670 is not quite the dad of the GS645, its some 30 years younger - and therefore _very, very_ pricey. Another thing, what I've seen in another video of yours as well: The Moskva-5 is not pronounced Mosk VA 5, but actually the same as it is written: Moskva 5. Moskva is nothing but the Russian name of Moscow. Subbed.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rabert! Yes good point about the age of the GF670.. I still need to make that video! I was lucky to get into film a few years after the bottom or when it was just picking up again so I paid less than current prices for everything. Thanks about Russian pronouncing, yes I knew it was Moscow. Nice camera for the money (I enjoy cheap cameras too!). :) Check the Voigtlander Perkeo video - really good camera but less cheap now.
@randallstewart175 4 жыл бұрын
The GS645 is in modern era a unique camera. It is fairly light and compact. The 75mm lens is incredibly sharp. It's weakness is light leaks (pinholes)in the bellows. These are getting harder to replace for lack of supply. A camera comparison is more properly done between the GA645 and GS645S, as they have the same lens, and part from auto focus and auto-exposure on the GA, their features are very similar. Between those two, I'd recommend the GA over the GS as the GS645S has a seriously weak and breakable focusing mount and shutter linkage, really requiring the crash bar mounted to protect the lens. The GA645 does not suffer these issues. I've owned and had to replace the bellows on two GS645. (The first was stolen.) Assume that to be a necessity if you buy one, unless the seller can produce written proof of replacement. The one odd and unhappy issue with the GS645 is that to use filters (40.5mm thread), they must be mounted in the custom shade sold as a camera accessory. Originally about $4, now $35 -50. And the shade is a bastard to fit onto and remove from the lens. As the GS645 has no threaded lens mount for filters, it's this way or no way.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the details and especially the GA645 filter. I forgot to mention that in the video. The GS suffers from pin holes but the GA suffers from electronic failure so both can be a risk sadly.
@randallstewart175 3 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom Unlike the GA electronics, which as they go, so goes the camera, the GS645 bellows can be replaced. Perhaps 15 years ago, the supply of bellows dried up in the US. More recently, there are two sources. Bellows are easily had through ebay; these are made in China and are reported to be very poor quality. The other source is in England, reported to be very high quality. Demand is apparently so high that they keep an inventory on hand rather than making them to order. In the US, I think if you can supply a good bellows, Camera Wiz in Virginia can still do the replacement. Fuji no longer provides parts or does service.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
@@randallstewart175 thanks for info. Yes I prefer manual cameras for these reason. Yes my bellows were replaces 6+? Years ago from memory (before I bought it)
@Jimbojam Жыл бұрын
I was able to get new lens bellows made from china and reputable repairman installed it and said they were quite well made.
@randallstewart1224 5 ай бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom That worry about electronics failing is always mentions re the GA series of cameras, however I've never seen a YT video or in older fays read a magazine article, where an actual failure of that sort is confirmed. The big exception on the GA645Zi is failure of the info LED in the camera back, That is actually not an electronics failure, as it results from technical breakage if of lines in the data cable between body and back, which is a design flaw/ That breakage is easily avoided if you know the problem act accordingly.
@leslumieres1237 3 жыл бұрын
Dont́ forget the Bronica RF 645 rangefinder.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Yes i'd like to try one!
@yzteh86 4 жыл бұрын
Do you have any issues with focusing at the close focus range, 1m - 2m? I tested 2 units and find myself back focusing alot. Trying to figure out if it is user error, camera behaviour or just bad luck with finding off calibrated units.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Zhan Teh hi no mine seems to be spot on. The yellow hat photo in video is recent and at 1m and f3.4. (The cameras was recently serviced though*)
@randallstewart175 4 жыл бұрын
You may have a calibration issue, but the contrast between the rangefinder patch and the rest o the viewfinder is much lower than in most rangefinder cameras, which makes it somewhat more difficult to focus in less than bright light.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@randallstewart175 yes agreed re. the other viewers comment. I'm used to RF cameras so it isn't the worst but there are many with far better patches. You will see me talk about this in future videos for other cameras too.
@Juliane2412 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it the case, that there are just 15 frames with this camera?
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, sorry for the delay, yes it is easy to get 15 frames but you can get 16, see this post and near the end it is mentioned - mrleica.com/fuji-ga645-review/
@Juliane2412 3 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom Thank you and no worries for delays. I've tested your tip already a couple of times - unfortunately it never worked - but I keep on going ;-)
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
@@Juliane2412 hi sorry for this hmm, I use a lot of cameras but next time I use it I try to remember. If not assume I’m wrong ha. Still a nice camera.. and if you like 645 the Hasselblad H2 is amazing!
@Juliane2412 3 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom I don't think, you were wrong. (And don't seduce me, with other cameras. I already have (too?) many. :) Thank you for your work.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
@@Juliane2412 Haha sorry! No problem :)
@brucecutts8841 4 жыл бұрын
My Fuji GS645W is a rangefinder
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, nice camera!
@brucecutts8841 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom sorry thought you'd said that the 645W wasn't a rangefinder. I do love it, occasionally get problems with film tension on the take up spool but the optics are amazing and it's perfect for Moto trips and walking as its so light and easy to pack
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@brucecutts8841 thanks Bruce, no problem at all and thanks for the reply. I say in the GA645 video that it isn't a true RF camera but yes the GS645 is. Agreed, such a nice weight and good lens.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@brucecutts8841 ..if you can cope with something less wide and you like small check out my Perkeo camera video. My smallest folder.
@anthonymiller8979 3 жыл бұрын
The GS645W with the 60mm lens is a rangefinder but the version with the 45mm lens is a zone / scale focus camera. Both say "Wide" on the front so it gets confusing.
@AlejandroGonzalez-AGS 3 жыл бұрын
Great review Matt…looking for one but nice curved ball with the GF….mmm will have to see..! Cheers..
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Alejandro! Ah yes the GF is nice too! I guess you've seen that video? :)
@MrNafrics 4 жыл бұрын
Id love to be in a house where I can just open a box and voila an Xpan amd a BessaIII. How big is your house that you lose these cameras and not worry about finding them? Hehe
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Haha the trick to giving yourself nice surprises is have a room full of boxes and other ..stuff, then hide cameras in some of them and then wait 1-3 years and then go look for them ha! I've been shooting 35mm film cameras for what feels like forever so my MF cameras haven't seen much action in a while, nor the Xpan. As a model shooter the Xpan is only really suited to trips and with Covid no trips!
@MrNafrics 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom by the way, size wise, how does the GS645 compare with the PerkeoII?
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrNafrics Perkeo wins easy! :)
@MrNafrics 4 жыл бұрын
@@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom Thank you. Love your channel by the way.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrNafrics Thanks I appreciate it. I'm not a natural speaker at all but i'm passionate so i'm trying! :)
@Photinos 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent review Matt, indeed Fujica would be a great camera if it weren't for the fact that it only gives 15 frames per roll which over time becomes a lot of wasted photos. I don't understand why Fuji engineers took so much effort to design a 15-frame camera, honestly it sucks and that's why I don't use mine.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it’s strange when others like Hassy H shoot 16. Maybe because film used to be cheaper so they didn’t care but agree you’d expect 16 on all 645 cameras.
@randallstewart1224 Жыл бұрын
If you look at the great majority of 645 format cameras made going back into the 1930s, you'd find that they all yield 15 frames per 120 roll. Exceptions tend to be the SLRs with interchangeable backs, probably because they have to be designed and constructed to a higher precision. My best example is the Fuji GA645 and GA645i. They are in almost all respects the same camera. The GA645 gives 15 frames. However, when Fuji made the GA645Zi, they added a few new features including a sensor controlled system to automatically advance the roll leader to the first film frame without having to manually index a starting point like nearly all other cameras of the type. This allows a very precise positioning of the film, thus able to pick up that 16th frame. So, they retrofitted the system into the GA645, making it the GA645i.
@daryljohnson9010 4 жыл бұрын
Mine is fully rebuilt with a bright red bellows. Ha!
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Ah very cool! My 4x5 Intrepid has red bellows! :)
@rcraigbateman 3 жыл бұрын
Back your head up a little ... too close
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Robert, see some of my other videos they might be better. Yes i'm still learning KZbin and what doesn't work so well!
@sgiruc 4 жыл бұрын
Wide angle lens. No thank you. For portrait I really like compression which give you tele photo lens.
@MattOsborne-MrLeicaCom 4 жыл бұрын
Almach99 thanks I like mostly 50mm+ for portraits and wide for walking round a city. Because of the design. I think it’s great to walk with them I use my H2 for portraits (for example).
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