I like Leoncavallo more and more every day, he's great. Does anyone have the tenor's phone number?
@JURISMICH Жыл бұрын
Personne ne fut mieux inspiré que le malheureux Leoncavallo pour exprimer, dans la plupart de ses opéras comme celui-ci, la vie de bohème et la dure compétition même de ses amis.
@esteban_iribarne Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!! What a beautiful opera!
@OperaRaraOfficial Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoy! We'll upload our recording of Leoncavallo's 'Zaza' in the upcoming few months, watch this space !
It should be noted that this is the first and only performance which uses the original, uncut 1912 version. All other performances and recordings are based on a revised and shorter version republished in 1940 (21 years after Leoncavallo's death.) The original is superior in my opinion. The composer always cut too much in his various revisions, especially Zaza who's vocal score was reduced from 405 pages to a mere 185 !