想不到看著你 我像有個夢 一切停止在考慮 不管天已黑 不管心已累 或是有罪 估不到 遠地裡 告別了以後 竟再度跟你相聚 忐忑的我心 絲絲的畏懼 默默愛誰 不知不覺中 又再想 你是動人的伴侶 若這刻匆匆告吹 誰願意一生都空虛 Oh My Love You're Ichi Ban 無論你跟我離開遠近 其實我全部愛已經奔向你 You're the Only One Oh My Love You're Ichi Ban 如令我一再狂想放任 彷似重溫夢的世界 Goodbye Loneliness
You sounded kinda dumb. Since you used the word 'again', it meant you knew exactly what would happen after you watched this video. Why you did that! Goodnight & sweet dreams lol 😂😂😂
@muibe1233 жыл бұрын
咁好條件嘅黎明竟然揀件咁女,實在令所有粉絲大跌眼鏡兼失望,he deserves a much much better woman....