有沒有經歷過一種愛情,用最壓抑的心情相處,用最笨的方式守護,然後在心裡設下一道銅牆鐵壁,卻仍渴望被傾聽、被看見... 但懷疑、忍耐、委屈、妒忌...終究在心裡萌生,也生成了遺憾;過了爛漫的青春,用剩下的餘生坦承。 每個人心中都有一個刻在你心底的名字,不同的際遇,同樣的雋永,profiter du moment,「晚安」。
No one likes waiting,but everyone wishes to have someone worth waiting for.
@flyingzone3563 жыл бұрын
I have watched this movie so far 10 times already. (An American KZbin commentator told me he had watched it over 30 times.) Every time I watch it, I cry. But in the last few times, I cried when I was watching the two middle-aged guys and their interaction, probably because I am closer to their age. A lot of guys in our age have a similar story to tell. I am not an exception.