| Let's Be Real - Do Wargaming Care? | World of Tanks Modern Armor |

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@moe5809 4 ай бұрын
I was in a fairly large clan. When update 6.0 came out almost half 40 + players quit and never returned. These players had premium accounts and spent money every month on this game. Update 6.0 reduced commander skills to 9 and they quit. There was a lot of time and in some cases money spent on getting commanders for their tanks. That was all stolen in one update. To me this was a mistake. The reason to buy a premium tank was to train crews for tanks. You had a Japanese crew that needed trained you bought Japanese premium tanks. Why play a tier 10 tank with a full 9 perk commander? It will never get any better no matter how much you play it. They stole money and time from the players and then made it so your favorite tank can mever improve. Tank customization was part of the fun. Now you get 9 perks but 5 or 6 are the same on every tank. They killed the customization and players quit. Another thing they did was reduced platoon size. Everyone like 5 man platoons so Wargaming killed it for no reason. Whats the point of playing the game anymore? Yeah I have an Era 3 tank with a 9 perk commander that will never improve what fun. The game use to have a point. You needed a German commander for a German tank. You needed German premium tanks to train your crew because you had 25 perks that took a long time to acquire. Now I can put my 9 perk American commander in my German tank. It doesn't make any sense. At one time they would have an Op for a French premium tank but to win it you had to play French tanks. The game made sense. Now the game is pay money for a season so you canwin a premium tank so you can move your 9 perk commander to it and play. Yeah great fun. They listened to bad players and made decisions based on crying players and now the game suffers from it. I don't think the game will ever return to being fun again because the people that make the decisions obviously don't play the game. Want to set up a commander. 1, Born leader 2, Sixth Sense 3, Situational Awareness 4, Rapid Loading 5, Steady Aim 6, Snapshot that your basi skills on every commander. Congratulations you have 3 perks to customize your tank. Great fun. Its stupid
@Three60Mafia 4 ай бұрын
Same here. Was in a very very active clan, we played 2-3 hours on weekdays, maybe 4-5 on weekends. 6.0 murdered this game and the clan immediately shrunk in half, and then remaining few people moved on to other games.
@perriallen7235 4 ай бұрын
My clan has reduced from 30 to 4 since they made the change from 5 to 3. Money grabbing Russians. And if you think they are not involved, how come there are more Russians playing now than 3 years ago. Put a Ukraine flag on your tank and see the trolling you get from Russian clans when playing early morning e.g. 7am gmt.
@Three60Mafia 4 ай бұрын
@@perriallen7235 it was fairly popular with russians already, they can live out the fantasy of their tanks doing well in the field, since they don't do really well IRL. Its also one of the few free to play games on consoles. The game however is made in Chicago.
@elLooto 4 ай бұрын
This might be a bit late but one thing you said screams to me the problem "The reason to buy a premium tank was to train crews for tanks." In other words, the reason to buy a premium tank _is to play a tank you dont want to play, so you can play the tank you do want to play at some future date_ Why would you give someone money to not play the game you want to play?
@moe5809 4 ай бұрын
@@elLooto incorrect. Premium tanks used to get a commander bonus. You could move a commander from a tech tree tank to a premium tank of the same country for free. So if you had 5 premium tanks for a specific country you could collect all 5 daily x2 on one commander by moving him from tank to tank within its country. There used to be 25 commander perks and it took millions of exp to max a commander out. I'm surprised nobody complained when they removed almost all the commander bonuses off the WW2 premium tanks.
@FrielyRFC 4 ай бұрын
What causes the matches to end within 2/3 minutes? It’s either your on a winning team with 10+ tanks still alive or the opposite where you have a defeat with the same numbers? I’ve been playing since the Xbox 360 days and can never remember games being like this.
@rmurphy3435 4 ай бұрын
Me either, 9 year veteran.
@aidenleary670 4 ай бұрын
This is so true because when I started playing I remember how it was actually good four years ago but now everyone fires premium so armor doesn't work anymore and their balancing doesn't really help with that
@danceswithmules 4 ай бұрын
The one thing I'd add would be to remove the crew skill cap. Continuing to progress a tank commander's skills was a big motivator for playing, including being able to acquire premiums as crew trainers. I had a 13 skill commander before 6.0 came out, and having that taken away did make me uninstall. I came back as some of the other major issues of 6.0 were addressed, but the skills revamp still niggles me.
@EcliipseHD 4 ай бұрын
I think this is a very valuable conversation that as a wider community we need to have. Gone are the days where you can continuously churn out the same stuff each week with little to no gameplay improvements or updates that aren't paywallled in the video game industry. There has to be a give and take relationship from my perspective when it comes to creating a healthy and exciting game. Without providing free content the gameplay never gets better it stagnates. The replay ability continues to decrease and the churn of players increases. People typically find the game less valuable over time and don't spend their money accordingly. So in the long run you shoot yourself in the foot. Understandably it's a business and overheads, staff, insurances all need to be paid so there has to be monetisation. But without the drive to provide as much value to the customer or consumer you leave the bucket half full and people's money towards the game will reflect that in a lot of cases.
@perriallen7235 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. But the problem is there is no community. If we stood up to WG and all stopped playing for 1 season or even one day or one hour to show the money hungry so n so's how unhappy they're community is it might wake them up. But that would have to be organised by content creator's such as yourself and for all content creator's to give it to wargaming in the neck by being more critical of wg regardless of Consequences.
@chuckgraham1695 4 ай бұрын
Eclipse, for over 9 years I've watched this game grow until 6.0 hit. I've played games that timed out many times, until 6.0. What changed??? Wargaming did, the player base did not. They implemented a brand new game without telling anyone, not just small upgrades, they changed the entire game, all at once, and expected everyone to just suck it up and move forward. I know it's been a couple years since, and they have made improvements and advanced the in game play, but players were not only shocked but outraged over the changes, which caused many to just stop playing. As a game producer, the ONE THING you do not do is piss off you're player base, and that's exactly what they did. But they did, a complete overhaul of the game from HUD to Commanders skills, without saying jack shit. YES...the players were PISSED. I understand they need to make money, but there are better ways to do so...like locking CW until you grind out a Tier X line in WWII with additions of Premiums, used for commanders and skills training, like they used to do...purchasing at a FAIR PRICE...$10 U.S. Or adding a different game mode to encompass only premium vehicles, a 7 on 7 with respawn with added bonus's to the winners. How about a "battle to the death" map, 15 on 15, last tank standing with highest XP score get's a prize... Random gold tanks, the person that kills it gets XP bonus or gold... I mean the game has endless opportunities, but the Dev's and suits just cannot get out of their own way and continue to monetize a game that is dying, because they are just to stupid to see what it could be... t
@Three60Mafia 4 ай бұрын
The game is, to my mind, undead. It's not dead since its clearly funcitoning, but its not growing steadily and its definitely not improving in right direction. Devs are drip-feeding small useful improvements, releasing one good update a year or so, while adding 100 premium tanks per year to milk the last of the remaining whales. Their balance updates are jokes, that show they are completely disconnected from the day-to-day realities of random battles. The game is, instead - undead. Not dead, not alive, just a rotting festering corpse, kept "alive" by whale donations. How long this will last is determined by when the last of the whales stops buying broken premiums.
@chadofchads7222 4 ай бұрын
The Nurgle game, rotting life
@Three60Mafia 4 ай бұрын
@@chadofchads7222 the unholy magicks keeping the game in its current state
@stevedavis920 4 ай бұрын
I have not put any money into the game this year. I have no intention of doing so.
@chuckgraham1695 4 ай бұрын
Really good points Riki, and I agree 100% with your assessment of the game to date. The Community feels like Wargaming is only interested in the money, period. There is no reason at all to think otherwise as they pumped out the 292, Turan, Weasel, 477, and the Thumper, before it was power creeped, and provide Tier X vehicles for sale to anyone with a wallet, and the prices are ridiculous. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Wargaming needs to not only STOP the sale of anything over a Tier VIII but they should also LOCK CW so players HAVE to grind out a Tier X line in WWII before unlocking that game mode. It is suppose to be the pinnacle, but it's now just a turd swirling around the bowl. They have ZERO training, so you get crap games. Put premiums back to where they used to be, a little WORSE than the tech tree, but used to grind out silver/crew skills. (Economy in WWII needs to be addressed as well). I would like Wargaming to lock Premiums for now and just get the game back under control. As a player, I would much rather have solid game play than the next premium tank that is way over priced. MM blows, has for years, so if you need to pump in more bots, so be it, but playing two tiers higher is not indicative to adding players, it's actually VERY counterintuitive. Upgraded servers would really help with Ghost shells and other issues due to latency, that is an easy fix if they wish to spend the money. That is one fix... Paying attention to those on the super tester is another, why even have the damned thing if you don't pay attention to the feed back? Dropping the 477 and Weasel in to CW was just flat stupid, everyone KNEW they were OP and game breaking. But here we are...that's two easy one's. Maps, this one REALLY ticks me off. Wargaming knew they were dropping 6.0, but failed to upgrade everything that made this game good. Maps were a "no brainer" yet they dropped the ball on that, bringing in an upgraded game with only a few maps ready. Playing the same freaking 4 maps for months sucks, it shows just how much they care about the game. Lazy, incompetent, neglectful, the devs deserve all those names for not being prepared. 6.0 was a killer and we are still feeling the reverberations of that decision...I would suggest Wargaming to just stop, put everything on hold, and do a complete audit of the game. What made it what it was, why did people enjoy playing, what age group continues to play, etc... I've played for almost 10 years but have stopped over the last 4/5 months, it's just not worth it to me anymore. Why would I provide my time to play a game that has shown me they could care less? Love this game, but since 6.0 I've not spent a dime on it and refuse to do so to a company as lazy/dysfunctional as this one. Sorry about the long reply, but it could have been WAY longer as these issues have been apart of the game for YEARS with no fix in sight, and that bothers me, it's a great game, could be MUCH better with some attention, listening, and ACTION...I do not care what you hear, I do care about what you DO...
@matthewandrews9052 4 ай бұрын
Good idea on having to grind a tier 10 before unlocking Cold War tanks. 👍🏻
@Polle6870 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video Riki 🙏🏻 I'm 42 years old, I've been playing this game for 10+ years now, but I'm by no means am I an ultra unicum, nor am I trying to be😉 But this game has for years and years been a refugee for me, it's been my place to breathe and take my thoughts off things, it was with me through all sorts of personal stuff, when i got diagnosed with cancer and the aftermath when i was recovering, i could use this game to just exist. Got a lot of feelings and memories within this game, so I'm terrible sad that it is in the state, that it is now. I'm finding myself just not caring about finishing seasons anymore, getting utterly burned out and just quitting after 1 or 2 matches. Nothing ever changes, tiers 8 to era 3 is almost unplayable. Matchmaking and power creep are insane. I really loved the CW update/mode, but somehow they messed it up. Insane premiums and mario kart in era 3, changes to the economy in CW, insane amount of autoguns + atgms and the new German line broke the era 2, and now I'm stuck in era 1, with suddenly 6 fv4005 on each side 😳 WG keeps on saying they are monitoring the game and stats, but nothing changes, just more and more ridiculous priced premiums are released. Season rewards consists of inscription and sticker wouches, x1.25 boosts ect, worthless. For me It feels like what WG cares most about, is money. I really hope they still care about the game and the players, just a little bit 🙏🏻 and are willing to make positive decisions and changes. Just want the game to feel exciting and fun again, just want to feel grinding tiers and tech tree tanks to be useful again, without it feeling like a useless chore.
@TheBol103-rk5zd 4 ай бұрын
Have been playing regularly for the last 10 years but I feel this is my last season and I doubt I will even finish it. My friends quit a long time ago and I have lost interest as well lately.
@flemishlion69 4 ай бұрын
To be honest i think they only care to make money on the short time, they don't even think on the long term.
@badczech8485 4 ай бұрын
*BINGO!* Therein lies the problem! I've been preaching exactly that point for at least 5 years now (perhaps longer), as have dozens of other players, to no avail. Consequently, scores of players have left the game entirely. The first rule of business is: "Give the customers what they want. Do this, and your business will grow, and you will prosper. Do it not, and you will go bankrupt." As alluring as short term revenues may appear, long term profitability comes *only* from long term customer satisfaction. WG seems to have forgotten this basic principle... *if* they ever truly knew it in the first place!
@Three60Mafia 4 ай бұрын
That was always the case. They always cared about short term sustainability, nothing long term. that's why we never see something like long term roadmap etc. Thats why our seasons are also extremely short, to keep the premium gravy train going.
@michielroos7636 4 ай бұрын
I liked cold war in the beginning, now era 2 and 3 are a shitshow
@Tom_J23 4 ай бұрын
the first era is killed by swarms of light tanks
@matthewandrews9052 4 ай бұрын
Unless I missed it I don’t think you mentioned +1/-1. Skill last week said it’s needed on PC. I have always been a fan of it. Would make overall experience in WW2 much better IMO. MM hasn’t been too bad with +2/-2 of late but maybe that is because player base seems to be much worse the last few years. 👍🏻
@BuffySwartz 4 ай бұрын
Riki here’s a REAL question for you & them.. why the hell does wg KEEP making new tanks for ww2? Any and I MEAN any tank blueprints or made for army use, like m60, built AFTER 1946 ie. ‘50 or later. Need to in Cold War PERIOD . Like the brand new tank they just released. Japan in ww2 has at least 3 tanks wg put in Ww2 that could have been in independent era tanks❤ thanks
@jordandaniels6438 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. If not a full commitment to history, at least start pulling a few more “on the line” tanks to E1 from WW2
@JustaCone 4 ай бұрын
You are definitely not alone in this. Coming up on 4 years and still waiting for many quality of life things to change from just the 6.0 update alone, like a tanks filter on the stats page and LVP to have shared modules and many supposedly minor things that get a ticket that then becomes ignored for months on end. Been very frustrating to see the average price of premiums released outside of the season passes go up but the quality of the updates and games do the usual one step forward two steps back or no steps at all. I'm losing my marbles over here
@robdunnett1258 4 ай бұрын
As a strictly Co-Op player, I have noticed a large influx of multiplayers into Co-Op over the last 3-4 months, ever since the silver earning in MP was nerfed. Don’t blame them, one seems to earn more silver in a win against the bots than a win against other people these days. Would be interested to hear from any multiplayer that has come over to Co-Op as to your reason(s) for the switch (and welcome, BTW). 👍
@kingnick4884 4 ай бұрын
When the wolf packs and yolo's start, I move to Co-Op and just play it to make silver.
@robdunnett1258 4 ай бұрын
@@kingnick4884 Yeah, I hear ya, whenever I try MP, I don’t last very long, getting ganged up upon by half the enemy team. Really like the new K1, it makes silver hand over fist, usually 150K+ per game.
@jayjones3727 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate you being respectful and I have always been respectful to the individuals I am conversing with but long gone are the days of being respectful about their product. I am thirteen years into WoT, it’s always been this same story (I play because of the community) with one exception, when Victor came to San Francisco to shut down that office. They grabbed a dozen or so players from the area and let them talk directly to Victor and many changes were made, none of those changes broke the game and they showed it can be done quickly.
@oghm20 4 ай бұрын
Im glad you made this video and have the chance to talk to wargaming directly. I think all of your points are valid and well thought out. Ive been playing since the begining but i got frustrated a few years ago and stopped for a bit. Im a very slightly "above average player". I wasnt great, but i watched the videos tried to get better, learned the tanks and their weak points. Now i see so many new premiums that i dont even know what to do to learn about all of them in order to do any damage. But the problems ive seen: - matchmaker -tier 10 premiums -bugs like ghost shells And when you see enough issues like that you start to go a bit mad and go into tinfoil hat territory. I played five games this morning in different tanks and the first time i got hit in each game i lost either my ammo rack, loader or gunner. Did the critical hit chance change? And ive noticed it when i hit the enemy too, so its not that i think the game is plotting against me. Its more a general question.
@The_Straightener 4 ай бұрын
I think one of the main questions you need to be asking WG should be…..how many of the people who are core to making decisions about the game actually play the game? It just seems to me that everything you’ve quite rightly been raising regarding fixing the game would not be evident if these people were actually time invested players like the rest of us because surely they wouldn’t be happy confronted by the issues you’ve raised on a daily basis. I do believe there’s a disjoint somewhere between the game platform and those who make the decisions that affect said platform. Keep fighting the good fight Riki, we can only hope for a decent outcome.
@BabaGanoush-S0 4 ай бұрын
This game has always been a challenge. Challenge is great. The problem is that too much of the challenge now is developer-related instead of competition-related. Getting beaten by competition is palatable. Getting beaten and feeling like there's a developer at your back door is not so palatable.
@brianblanchette8054 4 ай бұрын
Riki, good video. I feel the same way about much of the WoT discussion. I have played approx. 90,000 games over 10 years. I too feel like I no longer happily play the game. I find that I often, end my sessions in anger over the current state of play. When I began WoT play, I was interested in the true-to-history tanks put in the game. Wargaming stressed, in a promo video, that the tanks in the game were drawn from tanks used on the battlefields across the world, prototype tanks and blue-print tanks. After years of play, it seems that learning the game (tanks, armor and terrain) has mostly gone out the window. The influence of the Cold War style gameplay has leaked into the WWII side of the game to the detriment of the WWII game. In addition, I believe that Wargaming did the right thing when they balanced artily taking away their ability to one shot kill but it seems they immediately undid their good deed by introducing a large number of tanks the ability to one/two shot-kill most other tanks (Taran, Ruthless, Avre, etc., etc.). Instead of rebalancing these tanks I believe the answer should be as follows, if you want to play a Ruthless, that’s fine but you will only be put into games with other tanks like the Ruthless, Avre, Taran, FV4005, Deathstar and the other cartoon tanks, etc. Only the Deathstar and FV4005 can play in the regular tier 10 lobby and only 1 per team.
@nealcorbett7243 4 ай бұрын
I want some kind of anti atgm consumable, like a trophy system that'll shoot it down, and ffs, if im in a heavy tank...and i shoot a premium light tank.....i want it to hurt.
@kingnick4884 4 ай бұрын
my favourite is my premium heavy tank being one shotted by an undetectable light tank in the first minute of the game.
@kevingonzales7499 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! I couldn’t agree more, your comments are spot on! We all feel this way, but they don’t seem to listen!
@ct4040 4 ай бұрын
I could not agree with you more. I just find the game is not fun anymore. I really hope they take the community serious and work on making things better. Keep up the great work.
@deltasquadforce2158 4 ай бұрын
Microsoft used to have a similar user issue and now have a way you can ask for features on their website and others can 'vote them up' ... If that was available, and everyone voted up 'balance the AVRE' and they actually did it...that would be awesome.....
@JustWarped 4 ай бұрын
This actually happened in the official discord. Over 400 users supported it and it was the most supported feedback thread for months. Only response WG gave was that the AVRE had under 50% win rate and if anything was underperforming. After a few months the person who made the massively supported suggestion ended up deleting it
@deltasquadforce2158 4 ай бұрын
@@JustWarped that's too bad...another idea down the toilet!
@dirkbullet 4 ай бұрын
After 10 years I gave up last xmas. I do not play now nor does my regular platoon mate. my garage full of premiums. Its very sad THAT I JUST CAN NOT FACE PLAYING WW2 OR CW.
@whf3826 4 ай бұрын
I would love to see much larger maps, and more "terrain" dips that effectively allow artillery to hide out of site. With the ever increasing speed of light tanks, they ZOOOOOOM across the map & find me before my Tier X can reload & take the second shot.
@RunsWithSissors 4 ай бұрын
I find that coop games are more fun in Cold War and WW2 the team for some unknown reasons (the green team) are better coordinated play with more consideration more awareness of the map more understanding of what I am doing and how they can support and vice versa yet go in to multiplayer and it is Wacky Races and everyone for their selves?
Runs with scissors, cool name 😎
@RunsWithSissors 4 ай бұрын
@g-rumpy-ogre-playstation-fun 4 ай бұрын
I go play coop now and then to get away from the Wacky Races and joy stick jockeys as well lol
@tankyou4204 4 ай бұрын
This game is burnt me out. I don't even play it much anymore these days. It's just a big circus now just way too many premium tanks. I quit rage all the time. It's not fun anymore like it used to be for me. And I'm not spending another dime on this game. I probably won't even finish the season and I really don't care anymore. I still watch all your content all the time. Keep up the good work your doing. Take care
@DaveGM_ 4 ай бұрын
Good Vid Rikki. We’re all avid players who want the best for the game, to enjoy our experiences with it, but there’s still a strong disconnect between player sentiments and how the feedback is absorbed and utilised. They made strides with the Wiesel and Molot recently, but only because of indirect attributes, those vehicles should never have made live release in their strongest forms to pretty much dominate that Era, and it’s the case often with so many tanks released they arrive and feedback given even over years is never reflected down the line. It has a lot of potential, it’s just difficult, and eventually we all have our time where we just lose interest in the repetitive (or lack of) physical responses and behaviours to critical talking points.
@richardprice2394 4 ай бұрын
Just stumbled across your video sir you have made valid points in here im a former wot pc player switched over to console about 5 years ago. Im definitely frustrated with the matchmaker being unbalanced for example 5 fv107 on the enemy team and none on my team
@mikefarris7788 4 ай бұрын
Very, very good video. I will be honest, I do not enjoy WWII as much as I used too. I feel in my opinion that it is broken from tier 8 on. I feel it should only have +1/-1 for match making. It could also benefit with a better vision buff. Nothing like Cold War to keep it somewhat historically correct. I have played this game, from the beginning as a beta tester. I was feeling burned out. I also feel for myself, that Cold War has saved me personally from moving on from this game I loved. I really enjoy the more modern feel in a market that is oversaturated with WWII in general. I have always loved tanks even as a child and was so thrilled when this came to console. I would like to see these improvements that you have mentioned in your videos. I would like on the weekly Friday live streams if Wargaming did tell us what they are making better, what issues were addressed to make us feel heard as a community. Sorry for my rant and thank you.
@BuckRogers007 4 ай бұрын
Been playing for 10 years and even a little PC before that. Like everyone else i played Cold War in the beginning to fund WW2. But found myself leaving WW2 behind. So from a purely Cold war perspective, id like to see larger maps designed with true vision and speeds of Era 3 in mind. If bringing back old WW2 maps is all they want to do then definitely expand them out a few grid squares like they did with scorpion pass and maybe adjust cap times for that. Add various weather effects to make old maps feel different. (I know they toyed with that many years ago and i liked it). Different times of day. 2. Heres an idea i been toying with. There are many tech tree tanks i really enjoy but the better i do in them the cost to play them competitively is pretty high. So my idea is this. Instead of forcing you to buy and play premium tanks all the time, open an option to purchase for gold, premium status on an elite status tech tree tank to get a basic premium earn rate. I think it would bring a large amount of tech tree tanks back into average lobbies and a good amount of revenue to wargaming. 3. Rockets are ruining the game. Everytime I see a new premium tank in the store it's a disaster for Era 2-3 because it's just more rockets. Looking at the lineup prematch used to be looking for 2-3 rocket tanks. Now it's 80% of the lobby. Since I don't think they can remove them, maybe add a trophy system as a consumable set as a one time use but on a charge for premium consumables. But definitely stop adding more rockets!!! People don't even like playing Era 3 anymore. It's NOT fun!!
@Bigdaddymikey 4 ай бұрын
Im 52 and downloaded WoT for free 8 months ago..that was the only reason I started playing. Its the only game I play on PS4 now. I really enjoy playing and the speed and pace is perfect. I do agree that the map can get boring. I would like to see perhaps the some maps but at night...that would make it more difficult and the light show would be awesome 😎
@emeraldforest 4 ай бұрын
Spot on! Last week I put in a ticket. Due to my colourblind settings my platoon mates are the same colour as the enemy! You can imagine the problems this causes. I have tried other settings but they don't work for me. I took screenshot and wrote it all out and got an automated reply and they did NOTHING! 10 years of this nonsense. Another ticket I put in the platoon chat doesn't work. Have to use the foggy old party chat. They don't care! It is quite obvious. They should adapt the rail line motto. " See it, say it, sorted" I too loved this game. But it is getting worse not better. 48k battles played. Doubt I will make it to 50k. The d pad on my K1 doesn't work at all. Wonder if I will get a response to that.
@georgestemple3310 4 ай бұрын
Very well put I've been playing for going on 11years and still love the game their will always be tanks that are hard to kill but they can be killed 50%of my tanks are premium that were affordable but I don't buy near what I have because just to much money and why should I buy more if they are going to get nerfed this is going down the same path they took to ruin arty the one thing you could ask is why did they raise the prices in ww2 so I am not making the Same amount as before this was brought up in a livestream a few months back thanks Riki goodluck your probably going to need it lol
@The_Straightener 4 ай бұрын
Hey Riki, Just thought I’d tell you about something interesting I’ve just watched from Cloneguys channel. He created a new account to simulate what new players are introduced to when starting to play and the interesting thing I observed, which ties into what you’ve been raising about the annoying yolo culture ruining gameplay, the game actually teaches new players how to play in the yolo style whilst omitting info about how to survive, game mechanics, tank skills or tactics. All whilst having a lovely time against bots. I remember when I first started the game, it taught you quite a lot of the basics before going up against real players and how to effectively use cover. Also, the start up info for new players doesn’t even mention WW2 at all. Do you think this maybe a reason why new players have adopted the yolo style in the faster tanks? Some food for thought if nothing else.
@flemishlion69 4 ай бұрын
Another thing that annoys me a lot is they sell Higher tier premiums tanks 8-9-10 and era 2-3, so a new player can buy (or win) a top tier tank without even know anything of the mechanics. Side scraping map awareness weak points tactics etc...
@russelhedley9490 4 ай бұрын
I agree. I also think you can claim a premium of a particular tier untill you have a tech tree tank of that teir and have played a certain number of games
@kylegorf8180 4 ай бұрын
Good question Riki. I'm sure some of the team do care but then there are those who continue to push £50+ premiums without any thought of how they might affect the existing game ecosystem. The problems aren't confined to new premiums "shaking things up" - I took my Object 120 out yesterday, first time since the German TD/Lights line was introduced. Facing 8/9/10 ATGM-armed opponents makes the 120 completely obsolete. I was wondering what buffs would be needed to help it and came up with the conclusion that dropping it back to Era 1 is the only thing that can save it. Shan't be bothering with it in future - no fun and just bleeds credits when you only get one shot in before the inevitable fiery death.
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 4 ай бұрын
That's what I think too, it doesn't belong in era 2 at all. Atgm lights replace TD's and do there job better. It's like that in reality also.
@jacobsekela8691 4 ай бұрын
It's clear that, since 6.0, the Devs' focus has been on short-term profits over long-term survivability. Cold War was initially forced down our throats and the Devs wanted it to become the "future" of WoT here on Console and eventually have it overtake WW2. Three and a half years later, however, that simply hasn't happened. Their goal has failed, and I think they've realized this ... but instead of admitting they made a massive mistake by implementing 6.0 and Cold War, in my eyes, they have pretty much completely given up. Look at the balance updates that make absolutely no sense. The rinse-and-repeat Season Passes with zero originality. The constant flow of broken, overpowered premium tanks that players now have to do literally NOTHING to earn. The absolutely shocking state of gameplay and the continuously-worsening playerbase. I've played this game for almost nine and half years now, and I'm at my breaking point. I'm just burnt out and don't care anymore. It's clear, to me, that these Devs do not have a long-term plan in store and are simply riding the wave until the stream of whales and window-licking wallet warriors dries out. When that will happen, no one knows. But it may be sooner than we think. This game is dead in the water and it will only be a matter of time before it completely slips under the surface.
@iwanhoogendoorn2183 4 ай бұрын
I mostly agree. I have my reservations if they are capable of changing though. I hope they do, but looking back at their achievments so far, WG does not doing to well. That is also why I have refused to put money into the game sinse 2019. Dont get me wrong, I like the game, but WG has to do better much then they have been doing sofar.
@666kapu 4 ай бұрын
How about enemy team 7 Ignis Burgrato 2 Bergleiz 1 Marder. 10 missiles firing tanks. Stypid.
@die_monstros 4 ай бұрын
I've been asking for probably two years now to get the damage standing and individual stats for each tank added to the paging menu in the garage. WG has never once even acknowledged my question.
@HELATTV 4 ай бұрын
Great video, very well put, asking questions that anyone who cares about the QOL of the game would like answers to, let’s hope we get them ❤
@gamingcentral562 4 ай бұрын
They care. I have played multiple times with one of the lead developers. He is always asking about our thoughts. Part of the problem is the player base doesn't agree on everything. They are also a smaller team and it takes time to get to everything.
@mrmarksman718 4 ай бұрын
You wanna get burnt out just load up WoT
@TheWhite1303 4 ай бұрын
Big like. War gaming do you care? 😢
@FlippDogg75 4 ай бұрын
More events like Dday, and Halloween more often. Bring back war stories, or a updated version of it. And a Marks of excellence progress indicators, in match preferably. Just no name a few that aren't tank balancing issues. Oh and either True vision at 10, or a event/game mode (again) to get WW2 players used to the mechanics in playing cold war
@g-rumpy-ogre-playstation-fun 4 ай бұрын
I don't think you'll see things really get fixed or serious progress begin until Wargaming has their "Bud Light Moment" when the community vote with their wallets and time spent playing and walk away from this game for longer than a couple days. 2 weeks of vey significant loss of logins and 2 weeks loss of income (or longer) is what it would take to shake them awake.
@theprodigy4986 4 ай бұрын
We want to see change but guaranteed wargaming would just say we submitted a ticket but here's a new premium tank coming out
@Fortniteboy12390 4 ай бұрын
After taking a break for over a year I have found (I'm the first to admit I'm not very good and only play for fun), that about 80% of the time, that the team with more Xbox players tends to win. PS5 myself and don't want to get into the pros and cons of each of the consoles. But it can be disheartening when the game starts and you see more Xbox players on the other team and think to yourself well this is a loss before you even start. I have also noticed that I'm bottom tier a lot more especially with tier 8 tanks.
@deankurowski9202 4 ай бұрын
The Wiesel is a TOW missile system, wire guided. You can not fire it on the fly. It is unrealistic in the game and is killing Era 3. Either player sits still to fire and wait for it to hit or... it's a dead missile at impact.
@reelgquan 4 ай бұрын
Great starting question and really nice list of followup questions.
@sr20driftz66 4 ай бұрын
You’re asking the same questions that I want to ask them rikitiki. I really want to enjoy Cold War again, especially era 2 and 3, but the light tanks and weisels are up to clown car shenanigans and they just ruin the fun, the tactical feel of the game. Tired of 15-0 team wipes in less than 2 minutes of game time. If they could bring the game back to what it was early on in Cold War I’d love it again.
@limelight982 4 ай бұрын
As a pc veteran i can safely say, no they do not. Womp womp
@TankingWithFoody 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video. Thanks Riki 👍👍👍👍
@patricksottek5913 4 ай бұрын
It is clearly obvious that WG's track record speaks for itself. Don't even expect them to answer that question and, if they do, don't expect the truth.
@jordandaniels6438 4 ай бұрын
Also, Rikki, ask for the BL 5.5 gun for the Era1 Conway. I miss that gun so bad. It would be a nice fit between the chariot and FV4005.
@marcoaurelio8277 4 ай бұрын
You are not alone Riki. All these points need to be discussed and most importantly put into practice soon.
@d.e4971 4 ай бұрын
❤ luv this video 👌 right to the point couldn't agree more community getting burnt out the way things are its a shame that the company is divide hopefullythey can get on the rightpath .... thanks on behalf of all the community for trying to get this situation sorted out i hope they listen good luck for tank fest --- keep up the good fight 🤜🤛
@d1g1talman13 4 ай бұрын
I’ve played this game since beta, I totally agree with what you’ve said. Personally I think it’s the obsession with high alpha coupled with high accuracy and camo has really ruined the game. They’ve basically buffed the skill out of the game.
@Tankhunter2511 4 ай бұрын
He just keeps talking and does nothing about it. For WG, the priority is making money, not bringing better maps or improving them, or introducing tanks that people will enjoy. Simply put, WG's policy is all about money and what premium tank they can introduce to line their pockets. They don't care about the community.
@rmurphy3435 4 ай бұрын
Yes I agree. When they closed down the player forums the writing was on the wall imo. I quit caring after that and play for free, for fun, and leave it at that.
@Felwinters.Lie69 4 ай бұрын
I dont think they do, but i would love for them to prove me wrong.
@jordandaniels6438 4 ай бұрын
I like to pout about op tanks and all that as much as the next guy, but honestly, if WG would just fix the MM/RNG, this game would be so much better. I have some saddle time. I’m a 4600 wn8 player. I have a 65% w/r. My skill and knowledge means absolutely nothing about 35-40% of the time. It’s so frustrating and defeating that I will eventually quit. I don’t feel like I get to influence my outcome. The game does. New players will and can learn the game no matter what the environment is. If current players don’t get rewarded with engaging and real skill dependent matches, they will leave. It’s that simple. I would say WG has their focus upside down. A bird in your hand is worth two in the bush.
@Armchair.extraordinaire-bo5mv 4 ай бұрын
I feel the same, the game artificially holds me back big time with nonsense gun RNG and broken MM. It's why I will not buy one thing from them. The games overmatch mechanics on shells don't even work right either, it's broken too.
@maxwellhatkow6209 4 ай бұрын
Short answer? No.. Long answer............ no.
@cb3391 4 ай бұрын
No they don't, but if you count making a few coin and surviving that's goid for me. They should just make an unlimited or 40k world
@nytro7522 4 ай бұрын
Dude , my crosshair got bugged after last week update , contacted wargaiming answer was we are aware of this situation stay passionate. After this week’s update nothing changed. They don’t care .
@injusticecombohub2620 4 ай бұрын
The game needs more real development. It needs to be more in line with PC and its mechanics. The game needs to evolve i left and returned after years and was shocked that it was literally the same game with just new tanks. 😳 i mean has WG not played warthunder once? There's soo many small details that are missing in WOT that would've been easy to make. But no WG only cares to re model tanks for money. Its annoying that theres not change to the core gameplay after a near decade. Its a reskinned game. Coldwar was a great addition it was new when i returned. It shows promise for WG to make a whole new set of teirs but its sad that the gameplay is just the same. I want to see changes like [kill cams / shell casings ejecting / 2d commanders for silver / PVE modes or story like cod campaigns / UI progression / XP sales on tank lines / free xp being actually free xp or a larger percentage of free xp becoming free xp and not banked for gold use / increased earnings for all / a store thats not seasonal and has all things purchaseable and no more exclusive tanks - lvl the playing feild / free content updates to reward participation and player activity creating loyalty and thanking those that give u a job. Idk some creativity its 8am ive thought of enough ideas and im not getting payed now its WG's turn. ]]
@goober7127 4 ай бұрын
I am pretty much only playing ERA 1 at the moment. Finding ERA 2 to be a crap show. ERA 3 don't even touch.
@ethan-ht8ov 4 ай бұрын
Rikitikitave would you buy the mbt70 for 10000 gold?
@d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f.594 4 ай бұрын
Nope it's not worth 30+ dollars or pounds is it really. (unless you saved up the 10000 gold & makes it ""free"" then don't buddy be patient save your gold) Got 3 tanks this way so far, took awhile but they were sort of free 😂
Um, that's 10.000 gold on sale . The standard price is 14.000 gold , that's basically £ 50 pounds. It's a good tank and fun to play. I would recommend it . I got it in exchange for free XP sale .
@snakevale46redstar22 4 ай бұрын
Es un buen tanque y buen precio en mi opinion le falta algo mas de blindaje pero es divertido de jugar buen daño , misiles, metralleta no creo que te arrepientas de tenerlo✌️😜
@d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f.594 4 ай бұрын
@@snakevale46redstar22 🤔 translation thingy broken all i got was missiles, jaguar & money😂 sorry buddy hopefully it will translate later. 👍where you from ??
@snakevale46redstar22 4 ай бұрын
@@d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f.594 spain mbt 70 for me is very funy good damage with proyectil and atgm secundary machine gun , i play as if mediun / or sniper suport and not a front line tank in my opinion if you buy you will not regret ✌️
@perriallen7235 4 ай бұрын
I have 2 squad members who are testers for wot. Wargaming don't listen to the feedback that they give them, so you can take it that they don't give a s#!£. The only thing they are interested in is making money. They recently changed the currency programme which means all players lose silver every time they play. They also sneakily changed the season pass rewards so that we all get less loot boxes and xp and silver boosters. As I said they are only interested in the bottom line. MONEY
@perriallen7235 4 ай бұрын
P.S. Im a vet. How did WG repay my loyalty. Nothing for the anniversary. Not a sausage, zero, nada. That tells you what they think of us.
@Tom_J23 4 ай бұрын
After all, wg never listened to his players.He always did what he liked, not necessarily to his community. 6.0 killed this game
@thenaylorl6913 4 ай бұрын
Another thing is about the game with all the things said wargaming need to try to entice new players in the game and put and actual training regimen in place instead of teaching them you can 1 shot tanks in the tutorial and then you have them running out doing suicide runs not playing tanks to there advantages and as stupid as it may sound maybe bring back war stories so then you don't have to play multiplayer or co-op all of the time. Wargaming could also try +1 -1 matchmaking on weekends again like it was before cold War was added. The game for most people has reached a dead end and many players are just getting bored of mid premium tanks being brought in to play against insanely OP tanks like the AVRE or the Taran and maybe us as a community say we would like to see stuff be fixed but it might not be that easy they just need to try and that's whats annoying Wargaming are not trying to get there game in a better place you would expect the game to get better as it expands not get worse and maybe a tank as its brought in will be broken but then maybe leave it like that for the season then nerf it. Saying all this about premium tanks I don't know what wargamings policy is on needing premium tanks on console but if it is like pc then they say they won't do it because they don't want to have to give refunds for certain tanks being nerfed but as I said I don't know the premium tank policy but if it is like pc then they won't or don't want to
@bane-980 4 ай бұрын
Pre light tank update was the golden age of WoT. After that the power creep, the overall accuracy buff and ridiculous premium tanks that break the game have all but killed this game. I barely touch tier 8-10 now as it’s just horrible.
@stevemcqueen1523 4 ай бұрын
It’s just a money making game now….you said it yourself Riki….£51 for a pixelated tank!!! WTF! It’s got that bad I can only play era1 and tier 6/7….the rest is just an unplayable shit show. A few more weeks and I’ll move on if it doesn’t improve and that goes for a number of my platoon mates as well.
Thanks, riki . For me , like you just said, it's charging over £ 50 pounds for premium tanks like the new Swedish light tank. It's far too much for the average player to pay . Also, charging 90 gold to change crew skills sucks. It comes across as greedy.
@badczech8485 4 ай бұрын
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... players had the option to change or swap *one* Commander skill for 10 Gold. You could always totally "respec" all of a Commander's skills *if* you *wanted* to... but it was *not* mandatory. During that time, the game worked just fine (at least with regards to changing Commander skills), players were happy, and the player base was experiencing explosive growth. Now, sadly, this is *not* the case! 🤷
​@badczech8485 I remember them days, I've been playing for 10 years, I had crews with 18 or 20 skills and perks , took me ages to get them 😢
@badczech8485 4 ай бұрын
@@FERRETMAXIMUS Yes, sir! Back then, I had one Commander for each of the six nations in the game at that time: - USA - UK - GERMANY - FRANCE - USSR/RUSSIA - JAPAN About a month after I started playing, MERCENARIES was added as a nation, so I dutifully trained a Commander for that as well. It took me quite a while, but I eventually got all 7 of my Commander's fully trained, which in those days, meant having 25 "skills/perks" as they were called then. With the advent of the infamous Update 6.0, *all* of my 25-skill Commanders were replaced, literally overnight, by pathetically weak 9-skill Commanders that still populate the game. "Frustration" doesn't begin to express what I felt when that happened, but to keep this comment fit for publication, allow me to simply say, "Aaarrrrg!" 🤬
​@badczech8485 Do you think we can get compensation for the crippling arthritis in our fingers and thumbs, too only end up with 9 skills .
@badczech8485 4 ай бұрын
@@FERRETMAXIMUS LMAO! 🤣 I doubt that! But, it would be at least some semblance of compensation! Great comment! Rock on! ✌️👍
@kashyapiluri1560 4 ай бұрын
Why ami not able to comprehend any of this nd the comments, maybe because im jus 2 months old. Someone jus said they have playing for 9yrs….uffff
@patton4512 3 ай бұрын
The announcements on the changes coming up, has gone a long ways to show that they care. In my opinion.
@ricolives1166 4 ай бұрын
They will care once they start losing money. Basic businesses and capitalism. Every company knows they can do what they want until the consumers stop purchasing items. Look at Gaijin with the protest. Once people stopped spending money, Gaijin took action within 2 weeks. EA did the same with Madden.
@lupolupo4987 4 ай бұрын
The answer is they care about your Money and only about your Money.
@Nxlkz 4 ай бұрын
I'm a world of tanks supertester, I get upset to see that with each passing day it seems like it's becoming a cassino, the lack of motivation to play and have fun the price of tanks, you need to pay to get something new.
@rmurphy3435 4 ай бұрын
I remember when the WOTC logo was dice. Like the roll of dice was what the game really was and still is imo.
@d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f.594 4 ай бұрын
TANKFEST 2024 ✌️🤪 whoop whoop the year has gone so fast
@sandsman07 4 ай бұрын
2-3min games are not value add to the community. Longer game play with added excitement is gone. Most of you know the feeling of last tank alive that are reading this. It can be an adrenaline rush for sure when it seems fair that rng isnt trying to end the game. WG must have a metric for number of games played so shortened games in the same time means better metrics for them. We have a large clan and many left after 6.0 update and also felt robbed of the hours of commander skill boosts to get 20+ perks. 5 man platoons are fun when balanced correctly. Clans encourage others in the clan to buy more tanks and are a revenue engine for sure. So many more things, but game not broken, just needs to be more customer and community based rather than profit based. Make it more like Warships… ?😮
@rip2025 4 ай бұрын
If you had 6 figures sitting in your bank would you care ?
@badczech8485 4 ай бұрын
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but my net worth is in the low 9 figure range, and I care. Why? Because as an old man who is nearing the end of his earthly existence, there are very few activities remaining that I am physically able to enjoy, and this game has been one of those very few for nearly 7 years now. The wealth that I have been able to amass during my lifetime has already been designated to be bequeathed to my progeny; I've provided quite well for the next three generations of my family upon my eventual demise. Therefore, money means essentially nothing to me at this point. All I'm interested in now is to enjoy my day of leisure playing a game I love. I still like World of Tanks, and I still play about 75 battles (3 sets of 25 battles each) every day. However, I used to really, really like the game... and when I first started playing it (more than 62,000 battles ago) I used to *love* it. But not anymore. These days, I honestly only keep playing because I don't really have much else to do. I find this extremely disappointing, and frankly, rather sad. Just my perspective. Thanks for allowing me to share! All the best to all! Rock on, my Brothers!!! 👍✌️
@kingnick4884 4 ай бұрын
more like 9 figures
@DavidTurner-on2bb 4 ай бұрын
ITS NOT GOING TO GET BETTER… IT IS A BUSINESS… IT IS ALL ABOUT MAKING MONEY….PERIOD. The game has been overhauled to keep newer younger players playing. Younger people are impatient and want to have fun NOW. If they play the game and it requires a lot of time developing a decent crew and earning tanks and advancing through tech trees and have to compete against more experienced and skilled veteran players and keep getting destroyed then they will get frustrated and quit and go look for a game that offers instant gratification. WARGAMING has to make it possible for the younger inexperienced players to be competitive NOW in order to keep them interested and playing and paying money for premiums , boosters , skins etc… and in order to do that they have to develop premium tanks ( AVRE , TARAN etc…) that can get some kills each with no skill needed. That’s all it takes to make them happy and keep them playing and spending mom and dads money on the game. The parents fork over the money because it’s like free babysitting and a distraction for the kids do the parents can have their alone time. It’s not hard to figure out. You use to never see HOTWHEELS or WRESTLE MANIA seasons or any of the anime and ridiculous emblems or childish commanders or fluorescent or puppy dog CAMMO in this game. It has been entirely shifted to a kiddie game entirely designed to keep the kiddies interested and playing and paying… PERIOD.
@RAPR117 4 ай бұрын
They can’t give us status on the fixes they are doing, bc all they are doing is creating more premium tanks for $. They honestly have zero intentions of fixing their game.
@swansgirly 4 ай бұрын
A resounding.. NO. 10 years in and it's more of the same old same old. It's actually disappointing. I'm still annoyed at the mess up of the FV4211, even though i am mostly a light tanker, and now the ram damage on lights, jeez! Oh and for 10 years playing, they give you 7 days premium time... 7 effin days!😂😂
@michaeltolanojr3024 4 ай бұрын
I mean World of Warplanes is in the state, actually a worse state but no one wants to talk or bring awareness to that.
@JokersWild777 4 ай бұрын
To me why this game is hard to is because to many noob teammates that dont know what they doing sooooo need fix the teams if u just starting out dont give a tier X or era 3 tank to a freshly new person they need play lower era and tiers to learn before advancing to high eras and tiers!!!!
@XEboi 4 ай бұрын
Things have changed since paingod & Jeff left for the better I don't know, maybe. For me the game died with 6.0 still hate ww2 mode it just doesn't play the same anymore
@jameslacey858 4 ай бұрын
The biggest problem I see is the developers and the rest of WG staff ..........are not good at the game and don't play it 😅 So how would they ever understand player's issues 🤔
@van_d3pp317 4 ай бұрын
I wasted 7 years of my life and a lot of money on this game and Wargaming. For years, Wargaming🤬 promised nothing but empty phrases, then came the Cold War mode and it got worse. More lemming trails, more Tier 10 tanks for little money, etc. You watch videos of pro gamers for years and then Wargaming🤬 opens the gates to beginner's hell.🤣🤗❤
@richardprice2394 4 ай бұрын
To further expand on my previous comment im no outstanding player nor do i think im an absolute horrible player i play the game just to unwind most of my best games happened by dumb luck or garbage teams that have no clue or lemming train to one spot
@markbright7238 4 ай бұрын
Plus one minus one no more two tiers down all the time
@ghettostreamlabs5724 4 ай бұрын
If you have to ask the question, the answer is no.
@rmurphy3435 4 ай бұрын
Just played a couple of games after watching your content and first game was a blow out loss, second game l literally shot right through the side of an enemy tank from 15 feet away, went straight through with no effect. Ghost shells are really bad now, and of course l get first shot ammo racked from across the map. I quit after just two games as doing anything is better than playing this garbage right now. I used to love the game.
@burgboy2459 4 ай бұрын
Also the M3A1 Bradley is useless now just like its big brother. Also idk how much more you all want them to hurt the Wiesels you graze a heavy now and you’re dead. I don’t understand how everyone finds them so hard to kill or overpowered because I typically don’t pay them any mind until the come towards me and I kill them just like any other tanks and or they kill me but they are not hard to deal with I think for unskilled players they might seem better than they are.
@flemishlion69 4 ай бұрын
The problem is also they don't know there own game or play there own game that much.
Yeah, i understood that by watching the community streams 👍
@jameslacey858 4 ай бұрын
Exactly my comment 😅 they can't fix a game that they are terrible at , trying to make things easier for new players only puts them in matches that they are skill less to perform😮 😮😮
@reviewsandprojects 4 ай бұрын
they for sure care about making money. The game is in decline and WOT is now trying to milk it for as long as possible until it becomes uneconomic and then they'll move on
@lpanades 3 ай бұрын
They do not care. I play PC version and will put you a dificult situation. They pushed over player a vehicle called Grille 15 when they take out of the game the WT auf E100. They do not offer any option for compensation of anything. After a shot time they NERFED the vehicle to complet trash. And the vehicle was a piece of shit even before the nerf. But how there are a lot of player playing with Grille, that is the forth worse TD of tier X, they simply do not fix the shit they did, they simply do not buff Grille 15 to decent condition *THEY ARE DISHONEST SO THEY DO NOT CARE". How will dishonest people care? Really you wanna that people be respectful with Wargaming after this kind of dishonesty? Are you kidding me? Why would I be respectful with dishonest people? *Your are wrong* !!
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