Let’s get a few things straight….Let the framework begin!! INEX LEGENDS Normal vs. Big Boy Chasis

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Double M Motorsports

Double M Motorsports

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@vudu174 Жыл бұрын
That frame jig is fantastic!
@DoubleMMotorsports10m Жыл бұрын
Yes it is! That was a lifesaver!
@Country-Marshal Жыл бұрын
Now that's a true sportsman. Helping out a fellow racer. That's the way it should be and used to be when I was a kid, and my dad was in a team. Everyone pitched in when someone's chips were down. Those were great times. I am one of those guys you were speaking of, tryin to get in to Legends racing. In my fact finding stage at this point. I really appreciate your take on sharing what you've learned and are learning. I subscribed and will be following. Of course, I'll be rooting for you each time you're out on the track. Some day we'll be cheering on your daughter too. Until the next one be safe.
@DoubleMMotorsports10m Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Hoping I can help someone out as much as I’ve been getting helped so far! I’ve been fortunate to have friends racing them already. I couldn’t imagine trying to get into it without knowing anyone racing them
@fireplugrm Жыл бұрын
Just how big of an Ol’ Boy are ya? Seriously, with the big boy mod, will a 5’ 9”, 270 pound guy fit?
@DoubleMMotorsports10m Жыл бұрын
@@fireplugrm you bet! You can fit an 18” seat in there I believe which should make you more comfortable
@LegenDairyRacing Жыл бұрын
​@fireplugrm I'm 6'2" 250 and I fit, main issue is head room but being that you are shorter, you will probably fit better than me
@mrmidnight32 11 ай бұрын
I have a question, why do people opt for the longer ones with the rear side windows over the shorter? Isn’t shorter lighter and more agile? What do you gain from the longer ones?
@DoubleMMotorsports10m 11 ай бұрын
Bodies on the legends are mostly for looks, the chassis are pretty much the same. The coupes are a little shorter but I’ve never seen an advantage of having a coupe over the sedans
Installing the seat and much more on the Inex Legend car!!
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