真心覺得這個影片拍得超棒而且process非常完整 以下僅僅我雞婆的一些tips跟news from my personal experience 1. 如果你只想focus在UC系列的學校的話standardized tests (SAT, ACT) will not be taken in the future 所以可以把時間放到別的方面 2. 如果不喜歡SAT的話可以試試ACT 雖然題目較多且多了一個science section不過題目簡單一點(個人是只讀了SAT然後做過ACT的diagnostic) 3. Activities的話如果能夠創club或成為team captain(math team, science team, 有參加比賽的club) 很吃香 4. 我的學校是沒有IB的(讀的是美國公立高中)不過爬過文跟認識的朋友都說IB難許多,沒有IB也沒事因為大部分applicants主要都是以AP為主 (個人建議是在力所能及的範圍下多拿一些AP/IB,然後focus在你要讀的科目爭取考高分, other subjects不需要aim for perfect scores能夠拿到credit就可) 5. If your struggling 或是沒有方向的話可以去爬reddit跟college confidential (reddit的話查college reddit就行了) p.s: 如果有機會的話真的可以去do a in person college visit這會幫助你在寫為什麼要選那間大學的prompt 希望這些小tips能幫助未來要申請大學的人 加油!
@KarinaYang3 жыл бұрын
Omg thank you so much🥺 this is so good as well
@phorusrhacidaeaves8113 жыл бұрын
@mmfkfgvgftfjkjb35653 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips! What college did you get into btw
@mandylin23103 жыл бұрын
@lukeyang5598 Жыл бұрын
@@mandylin2310 literally
@KarinaYang3 жыл бұрын
*SAT 2 (subject test) college board 說明 2021六月是最後一場!之後沒有這個考試! 下一支影片是我跟其他七個高材生(I'm not one of the 高材生) 回答大家的問題~ 獻給正在努力申請大學 覺得想問很多問題的人😚 請慢慢等待呀!
Hi Karina!我是公立高中的學生,今年升高三,想申請美國大學。但是我的科目之間分數分布非常不平均,像國文地理60幾,數理化都可以到8090,全部平均都在80以上。想請問在GPA會遇到什麼問題嗎?謝謝!
@diegowu25453 жыл бұрын
@nicolelai18203 жыл бұрын
妳好用心 好喜歡😻
@KarinaYang3 жыл бұрын
@justinnnma62353 жыл бұрын
@高珮珊-p5t3 жыл бұрын
@techwithlc3 жыл бұрын
@ninachang76843 жыл бұрын
可以再問一次iPad殼哪裡買的嗎~之前限動沒有截到 謝謝❤ 之後上大學繼續加油歐!
@KarinaYang3 жыл бұрын
在pchome~"Mass iPad Pro 2020 11 吋 無印風筆槽透明保護套"
@糖樂樂3 жыл бұрын
我雖然已經是大學畢業生,但還是很 認真的把你的影片看完
@糖樂樂3 жыл бұрын
@tiff96473 жыл бұрын
@KarinaYang3 жыл бұрын
@faiizoeyy3 жыл бұрын
@nicoleliu34063 жыл бұрын
@morlawitissakura60753 жыл бұрын
長知識了😃 謝謝很清楚的分享!
@irisofthei47563 жыл бұрын
Hi Karina, 我是正在準備去美國念大學的10th grader. 最近在business和psychology之間做抉擇⋯目前是比較想要研究所唸MBA大學就不念business了。想請問你會建議現在要做什麼project嗎?還有怎麼同時準備TOEFL&SAT?Or maybe just give me some advice from ur counselor! Thanks a lot!
just a couple things to add! georgetown requires sat/act scores as of this year (you would have to contact them if you really didn't get to take it) sat essays also don't exist anymore :') you can still submit your score if you have it though also superscores are really helpful for sat takers! if you take it multiple times most schools will allow you to report your best english score + your best math score 有些全英語的國際學校也不一定要交托福/雅思的成績,sat/act 就好 most colleges would require you to submit two recommendation letters that are both from academic teachers that have taught you in the past two years (so no PE teachers, coaches, or club sponsors) you can submit extra rec letters as supplements but there's no guarantee that the admission officers will even read them :/ hope this helps :)