Let's Talk About The Warhammer Price Increase

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Empire of Wargames

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@EmpireofWargames 2 ай бұрын
A more podcasty video, so no editing or anything. WarCom Article: www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/07/2024-pricing-update/
@koelkast9 2 ай бұрын
the only thing we can do to stop the constant spike hikes is to actually not buy all the new stuff. But we are are, because we are addicted to the plastic crack
@stylesheetra9411 3 күн бұрын
In my club right now everyone and their mother is going with 3d printed armies Actually unbelivable tbh I am basically the only one with GW models at this point (only because I like metal models), which is a bit of a shame, as imo GW was the best mini company back in the day
@Ghislain82 2 ай бұрын
Price is probably the biggest obstacle to getting new players to start playing. Not to mention, the value of the Combat Patrols appears to be ever dwindling. I've been playing intro games and Combat Patrol for a year now. Every game, people come by and watch us play. Eventually, they ask about price, and that's when it all goes downhill.
@joeycrosby167 2 ай бұрын
Looks like I'm gonna start putting in some quality control buys for a few recast sites
@darnokx9277 2 ай бұрын
You must be new to the hobby if you think yearly GW price rises are only NOW becoming a thing. With the exception of either 2020 or 2021 - due to Covid - GW has been raising their prices each year for the last two decades. They are more open about it lately, but it was happening for a long time already.
@snix7613 2 ай бұрын
The changes from start collecting to combat patrol was the beginning of the end, yet, still somewhat digestible. (Some CPs were good) Now they give us shittier CPs in general and keep increasing the price on yearly basis 😂
@Elmarto14 2 ай бұрын
Happy to hear that. Most of the time i prefer to buy bigger/value box and then second hand sell what i do not use. Started year ago with Blood angles and already have too mutch(4500pts). But is hard to sell something i might use in future. Like 3rd balistus dread, librarian or terminators. In the end i have 1-2 squads of everything i own. Exept intercessors. :D
@irAbyssion 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I’m out. Been over a year since I last purchased something for kill team and Necromunda, but things are just getting more expensive all around. Price increases and constantly sold out sets that they and influencers hype up is just unacceptable. Like how am I supposed to just accept this is the reality of things when we clearly see that boardgames are on equal footing with miniature quality with GW but half the price. Even for their citadel paint range accept for contrast is now falling behind and still they ask for the same price and now might even be for more. As I grow older the more I also notice that my time is becoming more valuable the more I rather just either stick with what I have or just move on. So I will just move on rather than to worry about if I can even afford something new or if I can even get it before it sells out within seconds.
@dakotawharton 2 ай бұрын
I'm switching over to OPR they've got rules for there own kill team and you can still use your necromancy models if you want. Definitely understandable if your out of the hobby after this though.
@bonkstrum9555 2 ай бұрын
I switched to opr as well i still play in my 40k league once in a while but most games are at home or a buddys garage. We are using opr grimdark future and the custom army builder to play ww1. Wargames atlantic has excellent minis for this. 30$ for 30 guys. And wehave been waging an altrtnate history western front in the trenches. If it goes on much longer some strange weapons from the realms of scifi might be developed.​@dakotawharton
@JanBaucke 2 ай бұрын
Du vielleicht nicht aber ich bin Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (bin gerade an meiner letzten Studienleistung für meinen Master of Science, meine Masterarbeit, bei der es um Digitalisierung in Familienunternehmen gehen wird, also BWL-lastig - meine Bachelor of Science hatte ich 2011 in VWL-Profilierung gemacht). Wirklich ökonomische Gründe gibt es nicht die GW hier ins Feld führen könnte, also nicht im Sinne von Inflation, Rohstoffpreisen, Gehältern etc. (in der VWL würde man die als Inputfaktoren ansehen). GW folgt im Wesentlichen 2 Trends/Konzepten wobei das erste mit den neuen Modellen etc. ja recht einfach ist und auch nachvollziehbarer bzgl. Marksättigung & popkultureller sowie gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung (z.B. von recht eindimensionalen AoS 1st ed. Sigmarines zu z.B. den Blacktalons als bunte Truppe, die ein Kondensat der ganzen Range ist). Das zweite Konzept ist etwas komplexer aber immer noch recht einfach. Es sind die Feinheiten von FOMO und geringer Verfügbarkeit. Am besten erklärt es m.E. das vor 6 Tagen erschiene TED Video "How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED". Das Video bezieht sich zwar primär auf die USA aber das Konzept der u.a. Immobilienpreise und Bildungsabschlüssen, welches darin angeschnitten wird ist so ein Ding, welches sich nach Microtransaktionen, Blockchain, NFTS etc. als neuer(er) Trend bei Unternehmenslenkern von Aktiengesellschaften durchsetzt: "Habe eine hohe Nachfrage aber eine künstlich verknappte Angebotsseite und Du machst richtig Schotter!" Ich war vor der Lehmann-Krise am Anfang meines Wirtschaftsstudiums ein großer Gegner von Economics of Scale (Produziere viel, prügel die Fixkosten fast auf Null und drück Deinen Kram in die Märkte), also einem puren Überangebot. Jetzt erleben wir das Gegenteil, welches ich eigentlich mal durchaus romantisierend gut fand aber in der pervertierten Form. Hier wird ja nicht nach Bedarf gefertigt & verkauft und das zu gesunden Preisen, nein hier wird eine gewisse Form von Sucht erzeugt aber diese Sucht nur minimal bedient, das aber zu perversesten Preisen. Bei Immobilien geht das schon ewig und eher unbewusst, teilweise zeigten Naturkatastrophen auch lokal begrenzt solche Dinger (Liter Trinkwasser für astronomische Preise nach Hurrikans mit Überschwemmungen), seit Corona haben aber offensichtlich einige Unternehmenslenker und Top Manager gelernt, wie viel Marge in ihren eigenen knappen bzw. verknappten Güter stecken kann. Und das wird jetzt halt stumpf so lange durchgezogen bis entweder die nächste Sau durch's Dorf getrieben wird, die mehr Gewinne verspricht oder die Nummer knallt, wie damals Dot-Com oder Lehmann Brothers. Es ist also beschreibbar, da relativ einfach zu erkennen wenn man den geschulten Blick und den einen oder anderen Punkt auch auf'm Schirm hat aber ändern lässt es sich leider kaum bis gar nicht. Für einen Selbst bleibt nur eine Awareness und damit auch bewusster Konsum. Dein Weg ist ein Gangbarer Weg dabei, wird aber wahrscheinlich von manchen auch falsch verstanden die dann blind alles an Value Boxen kauft, statt nur die, die zum eigenen Bedarf passen. Ich selbst fahre langsam runter, weil meine Collection relativ vollständig ist. Danach werde ich meinen Berg an Plastik verarbeiten und ggf. einzelne Boxen kaufen - ja, die werden immer Teurer aber wenn ich nur eine Box für 60, 70 oder irgendwann 100 Tacken brauche, warum dann boxen für das doppelte, dreifache etc. kaufen, mit Krams den ich nicht so wirklich brauche? Schlimm ist da nur, dass der Kram oft über Monate einfach nicht zu bekommen ist.
@Kettenhund82 Ай бұрын
GW erhöht die Preise, um mehr Profit zu machen-Punkt! Dazu braucht es keine "Expertise" eines wichtigtuerischen Studenten.
@JawaBob 2 ай бұрын
At the current rate, a combat patrol will cost over $200 US by 2029... big oof
@B1-997 Ай бұрын
welcome to current Aus and NZ prices, though by then we will be paying well over $300...
@JawaBob Ай бұрын
@B1-997 I'll take a guess that this is why the Aus printer scene his huge
@B1-997 Ай бұрын
@@JawaBob bingo
@ishitrealbad3039 2 ай бұрын
am i glad i found recast and scanned webstores that sell for dirt cheap compared to GW. might even invest in 3D printing too.
@brianhall4182 2 ай бұрын
The thing is, people say this is just to keep up with inflation, but it's still not something they HAVE to do. Reading the investor reports they've, again, made record profits. They're not some sort of small indie company where every penny matters. So a billion dollar company trying to play the "Ooh, we're hurting too and this is just a necessity to keep ourselves in business" card really rings hollow.
@feedweeb8856 2 ай бұрын
they are not a non profit companies don't owe you a nice deal though I would like the hobby to be more entry friendly
@_stork_ 2 ай бұрын
you do understand that because of a company making a profit it will allow lower mangers to go to "evil" "greedy" "suits" and get new ideas into development, you do understand that having a positive cash flow is good right? imagine if gw just broke even, no profits no loses, what do you think would happen? new projects OR space marine release number 6242 with 10 new captains? i know youtubers are good at scaring people with "evil corporation" and "evil shareholders" but I can assure you they are not actually eating small animals for lunch!
@Warpath1337 13 күн бұрын
Yes but you can pursue short term price gouging at the cost of losing your entire customer base. Did anyone actually think Games Workshop was a 501.c ?
@blkjet117 Ай бұрын
Yes, it will be a yearly thing, as inflation caused by central banks printing money out of thin air.
@quahodron2756 2 ай бұрын
Es ist nicht nur so, dass ich die Nase voll von diesem nie endenen Cash Grab habe, es ist auch so, dass meine local community inzwischen mehr anti-GW Leute hat, die nicht mehr Warhammer spielen, als GW Fans. GW "preist sich nicht nur raus", GW zerstört auch einfach die local communities. Im X-Neusprech würde man das "toxic behaviour" nennen.
@_stork_ 2 ай бұрын
60ish euro can easily get you started with the hobby if you just want to try it out. I really really want to hear what other hobbies that requires money and can be done solo comes close to that price to get started, no really i want to know. i guess drawing if you only draw in black and white? pad 10euro a pen set 15euro. awaiting a long list with sub 60 euro entering hobbies :) ps: i was considering Magic the gathering commander, but then i recalled they are now 50euro each, add 12 for sleeves, a playmat 10euro and you are left with a deck with maybe 1 good card lol and a power level of 1.5
@nicofolkersma2535 2 ай бұрын
Oathmark will get you a 30 man infantrybox for 30 euros, add a 3 hero set and a 3 character set for 10,50 euro each and you're bassicaly done. Bolt action has starter armies for around 125 euros, but in theory you don't need to add anything after that. They also have 2 battle starting boxes for around 110 euros containing 2 beginner armies. And if you eant to do your own thing, buy a box of 30 infantry ( 40.00) and a support weapon box (31,50) with you're command, MMG and mortar and you can play.
@Morrodin182 2 ай бұрын
Regarding MTG: I used to play the game and stopped collecting in favor of warhammer. It is a fun game BUT if you are, like I was, an entrenched player it is a constant money sink as new sets are released in fast pace. However, commander is one of the formats you can actually play for a decent price. There are plenty of KZbin channels which make budget friendly decks which actually stand their ground versus other decks. Preconstructed deck are also not that bad as you seem to think. They usually have several good reprints and a few new cards which are only found in that specific commander deck. That being said, every preconstructed deck will also have 15 to 20 totally not worth it cards (because they don't align with the deck or are just plain bad) and a manabase (lands) which are sub-optimal. All in all: If you want to give commander a try a precon is not the worst place to start BUT I would actually advise against it. Hasbro has been killing MTG the last few years. People in the hobby find GW greedy but they are nothing when compared to WotC/Hasbro.
@douglasmurdoch7247 2 ай бұрын
It already is and has been a yearly thing. Are we pretending that this is a new development?
@Morrodin182 2 ай бұрын
I really like your videos overall AND I will most likely be in a minority but I completely understand the fact that GW needs to follow inflation. Will inflation happen every year? No but inflation has consistently happened the past few years due to corona, war in Ukraine (and need to change oil supplier and effect of boycot towards Russia). Personally I find these changes less dramatic than when they decided to split Killteam/Warcry boxes into an army and a terrain box as those are secret price increases. Anyway just my personal view. I also have to add I am blessed to live in a country (Belgium) where wages automatically increase when inflation has hit a specific threshold so maybe that is why I am more 'so what?' about it, my actual salary has also been increasing the past few years not counting actual promotion or seniority bonus.
@_stork_ 2 ай бұрын
i used to buy pringles they went up from 2.5euro to 5euro here within a few months, my plastic soldiers going up a few euro isn't really anything to be mad over lol (they will also last longer than a can of pringles)
@BoldAndSpicy 2 ай бұрын
Its too bad the combat patrol magazine is terrible value unless you need almost every single thing from it.
@B1-997 Ай бұрын
and it will depend on how they part out the kits across issues.
@BoldAndSpicy Ай бұрын
@@B1-997 Last I heard it was 10 magazines per combat patrol for a total of 90
@Ryan-wf7sh 2 ай бұрын
They’re a business, their purpose is to make money, not do you any favors. they’re going to charge as much as they can get away with. If you don’t like it don’t buy it! Simple, not sure what you all think whining about it will achieve…
@UnkaStunka 2 ай бұрын
Im more bothered with how crap the rules are. Rules have never been GW's strong side but take 10th ed its just so flat and boring. Anyway I have moved on just ventilating a little.
@Rook986 2 ай бұрын
Someone pulled all the data for a lot of GW products over the years, turns out most Warhammer stuff has actually not increased with inflation, the prices rising less per year than inflation does.
@emanueleragazzi341 2 ай бұрын
But salaries are not keeping up with inflation everywhere in the world
@brimstonearmory5504 2 ай бұрын
I literally just had this conversation with my sister. I started my career about 20 years ago. It was and still is a good paying job in the US. But the wage range for my highly skilled trade has never gone up. Not once. For me, everything is just getting more expensive, but I make the same as I did 20 years ago. Literally to the penny.
@aizoid4735 2 ай бұрын
@@emanueleragazzi341thats a society problem, not a GW problem unfortunately :(
@Morrodin182 2 ай бұрын
@@brimstonearmory5504 Not my intention to be rude towards you (as I don't know you :D) but... that is what you get when people hear the word socialism and immediately link it to communism. I live in Belgium, here wages automatically increase once inflation has reached a certain threshold. This is thanks to social-democrats being part of our government from time to time. However in the US, as soon as something like that would be mentioned it would be automatically diabolized. I genuinely feel sad for you if your wage has not increased since the last 20 years but alas, this is not something GW can do anything about.
@brimstonearmory5504 2 ай бұрын
@@Morrodin182 I didn't mention it because I thought GW had any way of controlling this, but they do control thier prices. All I'm saying, as well as what the op said, was it's not exactly inflation if people aren't actually making more money. It's just price raises. I think for the most part, people have less money than they did 20 years ago, except for the very fortunate few. I just backed a kickstarter from Archon Studios and got like 400+ mini's for around the cost of a GW starter box. Same type of plastic, same quality. GW doesn't control global inflation, but they do control thier pricing. These raises aren't due to inflation, they are due to needing increased sales growth.
@cdude665 2 ай бұрын
They clearly don't want me playing their game (straight white male) but they want my money and more at that. Yea I'm allset, plenty of other awesome hobbies out there
@icebearcriminal1265 2 ай бұрын
You will not be missed lmao
@emanueleragazzi341 2 ай бұрын
First part of the comment is pure cringe
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