Let's Watch Bowser VS Eggman | DEATH BATTLE!

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@Solohunter6 Ай бұрын
Bowser protecting his army from Death Egg Laser!? Now I see why his army respects him so much! Certified HIM energy!
@videogamer678 Ай бұрын
Not only that he PAID his army and gave them free healthcare in 1Ups!
@thegamerMainlyfocalizer8352 Ай бұрын
And he cares for his son too
@thisisanickname231 Ай бұрын
No wonder Orbot and Cubot jumped ship.
@pietro4rri Ай бұрын
He was also protecting some of his troops from Infinite's power
@theherohartmut Ай бұрын
He gives a damn about his people, even if they don't want to fight. When he encountered some defectors from the Koopa Troop in Super Mario RPG who just wanted to live in peace, he grumbled, but ultimately gave them his blessing.
@valydendor4472 Ай бұрын
Fun fact. Those alternate scenarios aren't deleted scenes. Moro made them as an excuse to animate things he wanted to but couldn't fit into the fight.
@PumpkinEater9001 29 күн бұрын
It just goes to show how passionate the DEATH BATTLE team was for this fight.
@orangeblaster500 Ай бұрын
The fact they were able to naturally fit the iconic and now canon Mecha Sonic’s line “I’ll crush you!!!” was just the cherry on top, what an episode!
@CeHee123 Ай бұрын
Neo Metals lines are soundclips from Sonic Heroes. He has said that line in canon.
@Rubyshedinja33 Ай бұрын
The fact I keep seeing people not know metal has said this in heroes is concerning me
@orangeblaster500 Ай бұрын
On one hand yes, on the other hand… come on guys. Like the imagery of an emerald charged sonic robot(btw Super Neo never says that line as far as I can tell) says I’ll crush you before fighting while rising up in the sky is very clearly an SMBZ reference.
@orangeblaster500 Ай бұрын
like if Infinite getting thwomp stomped is a reference, then the way they reuse that line definitely is.
@MammalianCreature 26 күн бұрын
Sad that people ignored that you said, "and now canon".
@danielferrieri7434 Ай бұрын
Highlights for Bowser vs Eggman: - Metal Sonic carrying most of the Eggman Empire King Boo kills Infinite with little effort, showing how lame Infinite is - Sage and Bowser Jr survive - Fury Bowser vs Death Egg Robot - Bowser protecting his minions from the Death Egg - Dry Bowser sucker punches Eggman into the Giant Mystery Block - Among Us vs Fall Guys
@mystrenula3911 Ай бұрын
With the context that Infinite was using the Phantom Gem to massively increase gravity, King Boo using a Thwomp to kill him becomes much funnier and marginally less pathetic.
@thisisanickname231 Ай бұрын
MORØ confirmed Infinite survived in his Q&A on Twitter, in his own words 'He's fine, but questioning his existence'.
@janisrivera229 Ай бұрын
Don’t you dare disrespect my boi Infinite!
@Leet-iz2fz Ай бұрын
@@thisisanickname231 I imagine he'd rather die than live with the humiliation of being clowned on by King Boo.
@Loremaster68 Ай бұрын
​@@mystrenula3911What was Bowser doing with his magic? And how did king goomba and king bo-bomb die?
@godqueensadie Ай бұрын
I love that when the Death Egg is firing, all of Eggman's army flees, but Bowser's stands their ground. Like they knew their leader would protect them and they refused to abandon the battle, so in the aftermath Eggman is left alone but Bowser's army remains.
@Nin-Saber Ай бұрын
Funny detail is that you can see a Koopa praying in the background during that scene.
@danielwilson8604 Ай бұрын
I love that eggman started this all with a cardboard fakout, so that's all junior left him with in the end
@xenoguy1233 Ай бұрын
I didn't notice that, and that makes me love this fight even more.
@rezhafauzi5428 Ай бұрын
I know this fight gonna be epic, but never expect it to be THIS EPIC. My fav part is when Bowser lose it after see Junior got hurt. "How dare you! Keep your hands off... MY... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!" God that line is Epic as F***
@magicbadjames2810 Ай бұрын
Yeah, last thing you want to do is piss off a father
@cryamistellimek9184 Ай бұрын
Bowser got so angry he’s the first death battle combatant to outright overpower a super form. Not wait it out, he ripped Metal out of his super form and dusted him.
@doctortuxito7532 Ай бұрын
Infinite: His power is without pier. It is the ultimate strength. King Boo: SHUT YO STU-
@MWkillkenny84 27 күн бұрын
Fun fact: they asked the animator, and King Boo's Summoned Thwomp? It did not kill Infinite (you can see in the video the limbs twitching too). I suspect Infinite is wishing the attack had killed him in the end.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
DJTiki’s writing and editing skills are legendary, MORØ cooked with the fight, Arthur Romeo did an EGGCELLENT performance as Eggman, Zack Watkins stole the show as Bowser, and Brandon Yates, Tyler Anderson, and Victor “BURY THE LIGHT” Borba NAILED IT with the track, Game Over.
@hellbot.9666 Ай бұрын
My thoughts on this episode. Overall, this was an absolute JOY to watch. I love both franchises to death and the fight was amazing. I know this is episode is gonna have some backlash here and there, but I don’t care. This really was peak fiction to me.
@theexecutioner5244 Ай бұрын
Bowser will forever be a real one for taking a star destroying laser for the boys. Behold The KING.
@JustPanda2305 Ай бұрын
33:16 That shot is just so good, the animators really cooked with this one. It looked like Bowser Jr summoned a powerful stand
@FlamePurple Ай бұрын
15:01 the “L” is not an L at all,it’s actually an uppercased i for “Mr I”,the giant eyeball enemy from Mario 64.
@DiagonalTanooki Ай бұрын
glad i wasn't the only one who though Mr. L was gonna be in here (well until the person i was watching it with reminded me of Mr. I)
@honguy1705 Ай бұрын
Fan Fact: Infinite getting crushed by a Twomp is a reference to Scoutthedog1 Animations. Who did his own version of Bowser Vs Eggman where Infinite died the exact same way
@mysterykiddo2167 Ай бұрын
I see
@smaugsauron4000 Ай бұрын
@HelenaSan425 Ай бұрын
Dry Bowser using Black flash at the end lol
@judie6727 Ай бұрын
According to the animator it was the critical hit effect from Smash, but they look the same but whatever.
@HelenaSan425 Ай бұрын
@judie6727 i don't see it
@Leet-iz2fz 19 күн бұрын
Not "critical hit", the black-and-red spark effect when the game predicts a hit is going to KO. According to the Smash Wiki, the mechanic of the spark appearing is called "Deadly Blow." Smash 4 introduced it and Ultimate added the "Finish Zoom" to further emphasize it when it's the final blow of a game.
@doomer5467 26 күн бұрын
14:55 It said Mr. I, not Mr. L. Mr I are those giant eyeballs from Mario 64 you kill by running in circles around.
@angrybrony Ай бұрын
26:26 it's from the murder of sonic the hedgehog.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Liam Swan as Popeye, Billy B Burson as MY BOI SCOOBY, and now Zack Watkins as Bowser. When Death Battle has their production people throw hands, the fight becomes PEAK FICTION.
@Player_UT Ай бұрын
Fun fact According to Moro He animated all the alternate scenarios in 1 day
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
I heard 2, but either way really.
@LoneWolf81684 Ай бұрын
Best Death Battle I've seen in a very long time, maybe the best ever. The animation, the music, the way the characters were represented, the explanation behind their abilities. It was top tier!!!
@johanstenfelt1206 Ай бұрын
My favorite Death Battle so far, a great improvement from Eggman vs Wily, i really hope this wasn’t as much of a pain to make, The return of Post-Battle Scenes and the Alternate Scenario Scenes were a nice touch too. Say, do you know of Super Mario Bros. Z and/or Freedom Fighters (Sonic x Freedom Planet)? They WebSeries that could be worth checking out if you’re interested?
@MrAuthor3DS Ай бұрын
Worth noting: the Yoshi who hit Raphael Raven hard enough to make a constellation? That was one of many REGULAR Yoshis, not the Star Child Yoshi (who was born at the end of Yoshi's Island DS's events). ...I guess also worth noting is that Bowser can also last in a battle against Culex 3D, who with his new third dimension gained the power to "consume all time and space". Yeah, Bowser was in a team of five, but so was Culex with his 3D Crystals, each one potent enough to fully restore his new power (so also a plus for Mario and Peach, and potentially the other Star Children).
@MinMin4theWinWin Ай бұрын
Metal sonic MvP? How about Jr? He revived his dad turning him into fury bowser, turned into shadow mario and used the paint to protect his dad from getting hit, got rid of Eggmans eggmobile his only way of escaping, turned the death egg into the mystery block, and turned Eggmans gun into cardboard! Jr is the real MvP!
@Loremaster68 Ай бұрын
Wonder what would happen if eggman hit Bowser with that gun in the first place?
@4zechan271 Ай бұрын
@@Loremaster68 He'd get shot.
@torradafriakk4367 12 күн бұрын
@@Loremaster68 the gun need to charge, the wand is instant so there is no such scenario
@FrancisL4D Ай бұрын
This is easily one of the best episode's that they have ever made, I had back to back chills with the biggest smile on my face while watching this fight, They did pretty much everything i wanted and even then they broke my expectations. Easily Top 5 episodes of the whole show, Best modern episode by far. 10/10.
@NamelessNameless-j4l Ай бұрын
32:27 bowser literally concentrated all of that grand star’s energy into one blast, AND he was pissed off, of course metal is done for
@Bruh-wtf-did-i-just-watch Ай бұрын
It took me time to realize bowser is holding metal sonic head while eggman roby habe kamek reflection in it That a great thumbnail
@pokie7996 Ай бұрын
Bill cipher vs discord was number one at the time until this episode came out during the waiting period I met so many people while waiting for the episode. It was such a fun ride and I'm so happy that I watched it definitely my new number one for sure!
@meta4240 28 күн бұрын
The fact that Bowser hit a black flash on Eggman is crazy. We really got Bowser hitting a black flash before megumi
@MarcusLam-ks7kb 9 күн бұрын
It’s the effect that appears when dealing the final blow in Smash Bros Ultimate
@TheObicobiHD Ай бұрын
The *"GET A LOAD OF THIS!"* and *"SHOWTIME!"* were perfect 💜🎮🔥 Love the reactions, btw has anyone told you, you sort of resemble The Anime Man, Joey on KZbin. Maybe its just me 😂
@maymaysnow Ай бұрын
I like how even though he’s human, you could make an argument Eggman’s far more of a monster than Bowser.
@lozofspielereien 26 күн бұрын
Some would rather say BECAUSE he is human lol
@redman8828 Ай бұрын
47:52 you actually do see it, Bowser Jr. fires two shots after Bowser goes dry. First hits Eggman’s pod thing, the second is aimed a little more upwards, and that’s what transmutes the Death Egg Edit to add: speaking of, I’m very glad the kids didn’t die. Heck, Jr. is the one that setup the kill and Sage is currently plotting to overthrow the Koopa King from within. It’s fun
@Imtrashbutimfree Ай бұрын
It took me forever to notice Bowser jr had Kamek's wand in the end
@Silverwind87 Ай бұрын
Infinite died the way he lived, with underwhelming style.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Can we agree on one thing? CHAD BOWSER VS EGGMAN > Virgin Bowser vs Ganon
@Mario-s5z3o Ай бұрын
The Gannon vs bowser fight was rigged
@sonomni Ай бұрын
Yep, Bowser definitely should’ve beaten Ganondorf, especially since if they gave him the star rod like in one of the alternative scenarios, that would’ve given Bowser a huge advantage.
@mysterykiddo2167 Ай бұрын
@AmericanBrit9834 Ай бұрын
Actual PEAK
@Falcovsleon21 Ай бұрын
14:55 Actually that's Mr. I. Those are those little eyeballs in Mario 64 that you beat by running around them in a circle.
@boltthelunarian1405 Ай бұрын
For those who don't know: Among Us Vs Fall Guys was one of the matchups for the Champions Poll of 2022, which the DB Champions can vote for two of the matchups, one for 2D and one for 3D which will become an official DB Episode for season 10. And Among Us Vs Fall Guys is one of those 2D Matchups. However, that matchup was lost in place of Bill Cipher Vs Discord(Gravity Falls Vs My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic) for the 2D Matchup for Season 10. But to see this actually becoming an actual Death Battle episode after 2 years is wild.
@Mario-s5z3o Ай бұрын
3:40 dreamy bowser has entered the chat
@afoolishk9266 Ай бұрын
I’ve never played a game from either franchise, but damn this became my favorite episode of all time. Each analysis really had my attention. I wish I had words for that fight, blown away doesn’t begin to describe it. And the conclusion is so well done that the inclusion of alternate scenarios really showed me how much love and care everyone put into this episode. Even if I got Baki vs Ohma animated by Torrian, I don’t know if my most wanted could surpass this. I have nothing left to say. Immeasurable outta 10. We are so back.
@ThegrandKrild Ай бұрын
The underdogs of animation and writing just cooked the best one in years
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Bowser vs Eggman is so AWESOME, it went from my 5th most wanted to my 5th favorite Death Battle.
@RedBoi88 Ай бұрын
Bowser is lucky that Scratch and Grounder didn't show up
@aureliamastergoomba1278 Ай бұрын
32:39 Apparently Metal’s the first character to die in Super form, but it took Fury Bowser with a Grand Star power boost to beat him. Metal Sonic is the MVP of this fight!
@MultiMario2306 Ай бұрын
Not long after watching the episode, I realized it wasn’t “Mr.L” they listed but “Mr.I,” a minor Mario 64 enemy. In retrospect, it doesn’t make sense for Mr.L to even be part of Bowser’s army since he works under Count Bleck and not Bowser himself. That's entirely on me for making that mistake during the reaction
@nhbons783 Ай бұрын
It's genuinely so fucking PEAK! DEFINITELY better than scourge, probably even better than billcord!
@alexace5042 Ай бұрын
Thumbnail is def 🔥 but what is Bowser holding in his hand?
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
Metal Sonic's head
@angrybrony Ай бұрын
9:21 the foreshadowing goes hard.
@nobodyspecl3071 Ай бұрын
Episode is a 10/10, but for the memes we need to see Jack black and Jim Carrey voice overs.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Here is my top 10 favorite Death Battles 10. Omni-Man vs Homelander 9. SpongeBob vs Superfriends Aquaman 8. Xeno Trunks vs Archie Silver 7. Omni-Man vs Bardock 6. Joker vs Giorno 5. Bowser vs Eggman 4. MY BOI GOKU VS SUPERMAN 2023 3. Saitama vs Popeye 2. Bill Cipher vs Discord 1. MY BOI SCOOBY VS COURAGE
@Loremaster68 Ай бұрын
For me I'd swap SpongeBob with sauron vs lich king and Scooby and courage with Choborn
@Kirbman Ай бұрын
14:51 That was Mr. I, not Mr. L. You know, the giant floating eyeball.
@fengshuimaster7880 Ай бұрын
Apparently the alternate scenarios were things that hadnt come out yet since the start of production for the episode. Might be wrong on that tho
@somany3669 Ай бұрын
Both Dreamy Bowser and Time Eater are from the early 10s.
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
It's stuff that wasn't in the storyboard, but Moro felt like animating anyway, more or less.
@eclipse9727 Ай бұрын
@@Redrunner613Bruh, it was just stuff moro animated just because? Hiring him was the best thing imaginable.
@fengshuimaster7880 Ай бұрын
​@@Redrunner613moro is the goat man holyyy
@crim50nr8er Ай бұрын
I hear that Sleeping with Sirens in the Pre-Video Discussion lmao
@JakobRuss-l7l Ай бұрын
Metal sonic tanking the blast for Eggman was 🔥 he potentially came in clutch. Now if he absorbed the phantom ruby like he was originally going to do and went super Neo Metal sonic, I think we can all agree he would have won this fight by a long shot.
@Bruh-wtf-did-i-just-watch Ай бұрын
Hé didnt tank the blast for eggman hé tried to over well the blast and got overpower even if hé took the ruby its power is nothing compared to the stars and emeralds Stop coping
@JakobRuss-l7l Ай бұрын
@Bruh-wtf-did-i-just-watch No he tanked the hit and wasn’t even infected and you can’t stand it lol! You cope with the fact I’m right and you’re wrong and you’re just clueless on what happened in the fight and to sonic villains.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Looks like Bowser SCRAMBLED Eggman and ATE him for BREAKFAST.
@Flutterdark_ 6 күн бұрын
you said it yourself at the start, they have to pick and choose with superforms. thts why the alternate scenarios. not everything fits in one fight but moro is so nuts he just made more.
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
Late upload, and also the longest Reaction I've uploaded to date, hope you enjoy!
@BJGvideos Ай бұрын
Wow this was even longer than my reaction! By 17 seconds.
@charlesnguyen9272 Ай бұрын
Hey Red. If you see my comments, please let me know. Bowser vs Eggman is so AWESOME and BASED.
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
That it is!
@EnerJetix Ай бұрын
It’s about time
@lozofspielereien Ай бұрын
So, it came down to a casino owner (Chance Time) versus a gambling addict (Egg Dealer). Did I get that right?
@Bruh-wtf-did-i-just-watch Ай бұрын
Bowser do have a casino train
@lozofspielereien 26 күн бұрын
@@Bruh-wtf-did-i-just-watch Well, in addition to the presented chance time. Eggman is also more into pinball and such.
@janisrivera229 Ай бұрын
FAVORITE EPISODE IN THE SEASON! Also here are my Top 10 most wanted episodes of Death Battle (I bet you what number 1 is) 10: Meta Knight vs Hakumen (Kirby vs BlazBlue) 9: Sans vs Ghost Rider (Undertale vs Marvel) 8: Springtrap vs Entity (FNAF vs Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse) 7: Sub Zero vs Weiss (Mortal Kombat vs RWBY) 6: Alastor vs Mr. Puzzles (Hazbin Hotel vs SMG4) 5: Gengar vs Snatcher (Pokémon vs A Hat In Time) 4: Megazord vs Optimus Prime (Power Rangers vs Transformers) 3: Peashooter vs Pete Pirhana (PvZ vs Mario) 2: Sauron vs Lord Zedd (Lord of the Rings vs Power Rangers) 1: Venom vs Filia (Marvel vs Skullgirls)
@voltingmaster5458 Ай бұрын
The biggest nail in the Eggheads coffin was his lack of loyalty and Respect to his Army. Even Metal Sonic was bound to fall due to his defiance towards the doctor.
@Loremaster68 Ай бұрын
I thought that Mecha sonic was essentially lobotomized to not go against eggman?
@Azmeam Ай бұрын
​@@Loremaster68yeah he was reprogrammed with complete loyalty to the point that even when he thought eggman might've died he was still controlling the remaining badniks solely to try and find eggman again and give him his army back.
@tristanbowles7258 Ай бұрын
I think the true biggest nail in the coffin was the lack of defense against Transmutation. And Bowser having an entire battalion of transmutators in the Magikoopa brigade
@ReeceConnor. Ай бұрын
For anyone who knows anyone who hasn’t watched this episode this episode yet before they watch it make them watch Eggman VS Dr. Wiley before and then allow them to watch this video and especially this fight I think it will help show how far Death Battle and how this fight could of been if it was done in the early days of the show existence
@red5158077 Ай бұрын
This episode more than made up for Mario vs Sonic 2018. I would have loved for Eggman to win but this episode gave love to both characters instead of favoring one like that ep. This episode was awesome. And also next time Wtf?
@MegaVolcano1 Ай бұрын
What’s wrong with Mario vs Sonic 2018?
@red5158077 Ай бұрын
@MegaVolcano1 They made Sonic look like an absolute joke and Mario super aggressive for no reason. Sonic barely gets any offense in and Mario always makes him look like a joke. It was terrible and I've been bullied and harassed for daring to dislike it. Always being called a "Salty Sonic Fan" or a "Sonic Fag" and whenever I show my distaste for it people always have to bully me for it and can't accept that I don't like it.
@MegaVolcano1 Ай бұрын
@@red5158077 Well, I don't agree that it's bad. I will not mock you for not liking it though seeing as I'm sure if there was an episode I didn't like, I wouldn't want to be mocked either.
@bobhandsome4606 Ай бұрын
⁠@@red5158077as a Mario fan even I agree that sonic was heavily downplayed, i feel sorry what the death battle fandom did to you
@red5158077 Ай бұрын
@bobhandsome4606 Thank you. I appreciate it.
@DjZeroGalactica Ай бұрын
What an amazing battle qwq YESSS BOWSER :3 GO AMONG US :0 Well done folks ;0;
@Joh-o1r Ай бұрын
One thing to note is that eggman tended to kill everyone on the battlefield with the death egg laser, including cubot and orbot, along with the rest of his robots too
@Warking19 Ай бұрын
It makes it more fitting that it ends with eggman being truly alone while bowser still had jr and other minions backing him up
@Joh-o1r Ай бұрын
@ yea, it shows that his robots are nothing but disposable to him, very easy to replace, only one he has family affection for is sage
@ttarion Ай бұрын
14:52 Mr. I lmao. The big eyeball from 64
@minihatsunemikufan Ай бұрын
My favorite part of this episode: That random-ah korone edit
@truegrit2060 Ай бұрын
24:27 If you're talking about Death Battle. He already had his episode against Zero from the mega man series.🤔
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
I think he was making a joke at the expense of Cell VS Metal.
@truegrit2060 Ай бұрын
@Redrunner613 OK. I thought maybe he forgot about the Zero fight, after all it was an old episode.🙂👍
@Noname-ud4he Ай бұрын
Red runner seems kinda hard to impress ngl lol
@josephvargas7887 Ай бұрын
Hello Redrunner, For Fanmade Death Battle Teasers Ideas, Can you make? Jack Skellington VS Charlie Morningstar (The Nightmare Before Christmas VS Hazbin Hotel) 🎃💀🍎😈 [Disney And Tim Burton VS Spindlehorse And Vivziepop] #JackSkellington #NightmareBeforeChristmas #CharlieMorningstar #HazbinHotel #DeathBattleIdea Spinel VS Mommy Long Legs (Steven Universe VS Poppy Playtime) 💔🕷 [Cartoon Network VS Mob Games Studio And Mob Entertainment] #Spinel #StevenUniverse #MommyLongLegs #Poppyplaytime #DeathBattleIdea
@thecenturion1634 Ай бұрын
Eggman kinda sounds like skeletor no?
@la7402 Ай бұрын
Honestly, I can generally agree that this is basically a fight where Eggman and Bowser both have countless ways of beating each other and generally speaking, there really isn’t a right answer to who wins on paper. Though, with some things I know about Sonic scaling, I just personally see Eggman winning more times than not, and I’ll give some reasons as to why, but before that, I want it to be clear when I admit to not knowing much about Mario scaling. So if someone wants to give me examples of how Bowser can match the levels of power I’m about to present for Eggman, feel free to do so. To start with power, Eggman’s strongest stuff is at least 5D, to 7D and likely above. To explain, Sonic Shuffle introduces a character who was going to destroy a 4D reality and Adventure era Sonic was able to beat this character in base. Given what we know of the Chaos Emeralds and the things it has allowed Sonic to fight, Super Sonic should be at least a level of dimensionality above Base Sonic, so Adventures era Super Sonic is 5D. Metal Overlord scales above Adventures era Super Sonic, and can’t be hurt by the Hedgehog, and Sonic at that point needed a chaos empowered Knuckles and Tails to help him take down Metal with their team attack. Base Shadow in Generations can beat Metal Overlord in a 1 vs 1, so he’s at least 5D and since Shadow viewed Sonic as his rival still, Sonic should be 5D in base, especially with him beating Perfect Chaos in Base form when in the Adventures era, he needed Super Sonic to do so. The Time Eater could one shot Generations Base Sonic both in the beginning and end of the game, and could actually fight Classic Super Sonic and Modern Super Sonic, so that is 6D. Infinite was considered stronger than the Time Eater by Eggman himself and out of verse material, so Infinite (and the Phantom Ruby powered Death Egg Robot, which is stronger than Infinite) is 6D and can make a massive army of at least 5D combatants to help fight for Eggman. And Sage piloting Supreme is equal to Frontiers Super Sonic at least, and in Forces, Sonic in base could fight and harm Infinite and the Phantom Ruby powered Death Egg Robot, so he should be 6D and with the super form, Frontiers Super Sonic would be 7D with that in mind (which makes sense with how Sonic can fight things that helped trap The End, which called everything Sonic had fought up to that point as finite, and it did have Sonic’s memories and thus would know what it’s talking about). Now for Speed, Eggman and many of his forces have immeasurable speed, since Modern Eggman and even Classic Metal could move in a place where time doesn’t exist and in CD, it’s confirmed Classic Sonic time travelled through his own speed (aka those goal posts were only for the sake of gameplay), and of course Eggman, Metal, Time Eater and Infinite should all at least scale to this speed. And lastly, one final thing that I believe Eggman has that lets him win, is the fact that only Bowser with his high tier stuff can potentially scale to all of this and will need to deal with it solo. Sure, Junior and Kamek for example are big help early on, but they are not likely going to scale to Fury Bowser, let alone something like Dreamy Bowser, who is probably getting jumped by like, 3 things of comparable power since Eggman can use multiple of his strongest fighters and gadgets at once.
@chrisninja1676 21 күн бұрын
@AzrafiqAiril 29 күн бұрын
For among us versus fall guys can you use show yourself by CG5 for the among us breakdown
@raiwserkoopa2221 Ай бұрын
as much as i love bowser, i don't want to live under a rule by any of them. cough cough, toad enslavement flashbacks from mario and luigi paper jam
@frostbyte4637 Ай бұрын
Give me 4 sponsers if the next episodes are half as good as this😭😭😭😭
@SlyKnuxRealist4 Ай бұрын
26:25 That art was SPOILER ALERT Part of the ending for the game "The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog" both Sage and Metal Sonic had on Let's Go Dad shirts as Eggman was upset of getting bested again after the games Events.
@Numbuh24Insane Ай бұрын
Is there any reactor that is Pro-Eggman!? It really sucks being an Eggman fan here.
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
I mean me and Ishi were.
@Numbuh24Insane Ай бұрын
@@Redrunner613 Realized that later on, I just saw the two Bowser names and got a bit bummed since there has been like no Eggman fans on anything except for Reddit.
@eddygarcia3503 Ай бұрын
Sorry if my last suggestion wasn’t to your liking. For Among Us VS Fall Guys, can you use this music for the pre-video discussion? kzbin.info/www/bejne/m3TCiYBvgpt0d8Usi=rtsatSJN88Dd8WKp I think it just encapsulates the pandemonium we’re soon to witness.
@Redrunner613 Ай бұрын
Oh, nah, don't worry about it, lol I like hearing your suggestions, but I won't use all of them!
@eddygarcia3503 Ай бұрын
@@Redrunner613 Hey, no problem. ;) We can’t win ‘em all.
@AzrafiqAiril 29 күн бұрын
For among us versus fall guys can you use show yourself by CG5 for the among us breakdown
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