5:46 Start 32:27 Go home ww 35:02 Welcome to Lethal Company Moona! 41:08 Ladder 41:41 Moona jump 43:12 Risu, Zeta, Moona almost, Yopi die in quicksand 1:03:26 Eggsplosion 1:25:07 Dog in the ship 1:31:28 Expedition 1:55:06 Mimics 2:26:34-2:33:27 Dies from mimic. Spectating Iofi 2:35:29 Ollie jump scare 2:49:02 Toilet + whoopie cushion 3:20:55 K: How about holoro? 3:24:52 Tomorrow Metal slug collab with Iofi, 8 PM 3:27:51 C part 👆HAHA 19:01 24:49 39:21 Zeta 22:55 38:35 [More timestamps] 6:15 Bjr 6:51 Tututurutu. Risu intro The BREWEKS ww. | Finding Moona. Intros 8:40 Babies 9:10 Y: Sou desu ne 11:27 Kaela. Y: Sou desu ne. R: Kaela the flogger 12:03 Filogger 12:54 220 Assurance 13:08 Sqrl crunch ASMR 13:48 [EN] R: you know what? i found a snack. [EN] R: snack and gummy bear that didn't make your throat sore. I: i want that. R: it's deliious Yop. | (Thank you for the translations Katya!) 14:35 Turrets 16:03 [EN] Ka: omg, holoh3ro. A: what's with holoh3ro? 16:51 ww 18:14 wkwk 19:01 All: 👆HAHA. [EN] O: hahaha you died? hahaha 20:30 Ayo ayo 20:42 220 Assurance 20:54 _ww_ 22:11 Njr go block! 22:25 Radiasi 22:41 Singing hati2 ada turret~ 22:55 Zeta?! 25:40 Mmm 26:16 Performance report. Welcome back! 26:59 220 Assurance 27:29 Monkey sqrl noises. Roronoa Risu. Where is the main entrance ww 27:49 Monkey sqrl noises 28:16 Monkey sqrl noises 2 29:25 ww. R: Sou desu ne. Y: Sou desu ne. K: Sou desu ne 30:37 Buka pintu~ 31:05 Owowo~ 31:13 Monkey holoID noises 32:27 ? [EN] Ri: nevermind, what was that, guys. [EN] Ri: idk what was that, let's just go home www. [EN] Ri: which way home? idk guys www 33:10 ww ? Zeta ? ww 33:32 Performance report 33:44 Let's a go! 34:09 Selling 35:02 Tentacle gets Moona ww. [EN] A: yes, like that. Ri: what a prankster. [EN] A: this is lethal company tutorial, guys 36:01 ? yey! 36:39 O: Risu. *Sings Rabbit Hole 37:33 Lele 37:55 Z: Ampar2 sigma. | Dancing with Zeta 38:35 Zeta. [EN] I: Zeta www Ka: what to say. [EN] O: let's go back. Ka: Yea, holoh3ro is like that. [EN] Ri: the heroes are part-timers 40:14 220 Assurance. Flashlights. Going with Moona and Zeta 41:08 ww ladder. [EN] Ri: whoa, whose b**t is this? M: Moona's b**t. Ri: oh right www 41:41 Moona jump. It takes practice 43:12 Dies in the quicksand. Go blog 43:43 No! Zeta! ww. [EN] Ri: Nooo Zetaa. Z: why i drowned as well? 44:02 No Moona! 44:39 Moona also almost dies in quicksand but not. Nice! 45:05 [EN] Ri: i didn't see it because its dark. Z: i was thinking positively that i can run through that 45:50 No Yopi! Yopi dies in quicksand. Welcome 47:15 [EN] Ri: what is this? oh Kaela, i though you were a horse 47:36 Kaela tidak! [EN] I: where to go? Ri: don't go there Kaela oo. oh it's safe 48:22 Performance report 49:29 20 Adamance 49:41 Bridge. Run run! [EN] Ri: because she's running. M: what happen? Re: she fell www 50:26 Moona has animal on her head 52:24 Lift 53:34 Baby monster 55:42 Teleport sfx sqrl noises 56:58 Performance report. Zeta hidup 57:41 61 March 58:13 [EN] Ri: let's gooo, we go to the main entrance. | Singing sqrl 59:43 [EN] Re: which way home? Ri: way home, where was it www. [EN] Ri: which way to go home~ idk. [EN] Re: squirrel and peahen. Ri: getting lost in the forest 1:01:43 Halo teman2! 1:02:51 Dancing 1:03:26 Eggsplosion 1:04:01 M: ? . | ww 1:04:51 Performance report. O: *Singing HA HA 1:05:36 Selling 1:08:08 A: Do you know how to use a jetpack? K: No. | R: Aku mau senter 1:09:48 [EN] K: Moona buy teleporter, O: NOO NO INVERSE TELEPORTER, I BEG ON MY KNEES 01:10:11 Party. Re: Unts unts 01:10:59 85 Rend. [EN] Ka: whohas goo gacha? do the inverse teleport. Ri: me me, i got ghost this evening 1:11:36 Teleport. Hello! 1:12:28 Singing holoID noises 1:12:42 Re: Sapi sapi🐮🐱 1:12:53 Ri: Sapi sapi🐮🐱 1:15:07 Exit mana? 1:15:51 Oh ini exit 1:16:06 id:entity~ with Ollie 1:16:32 Aku pulang! 1:16:47 ww. [EN] Ri: we left the flashlight. I: yea indeed 1:17:27 Party. R: Jenjen 1:18:02 Performance report 1:18:30 85 Rend. Aku mau! Teleport 1:19:08 A/Z: Risu~ 1:20:13 ww. [EN] Z: i won't forget your service. Ri: goodbye. Z: wait noo i can't get out from heere 1:20:43 Njy! 1:20:57 id:entity~ with aku nyangkut lyrics, Zeta joins 1:21:59 Mamma mia! Mamma mia! [EN] Z: mama mia, don't die. [EN] Ri: i'm cornered mama mia 1:22:35 Coilhead! 1:23:17 Monster noises 1:23:49 Teleport cat noises 1:24:03 ww, Risu gets teleported back. [EN] M: what happen Ris? Ri: so in front of the door, there's a coilhead, and in the room there's a nut cracker 1:25:07 Dog in the ship. 1:25:52 Performance report 1:26:47 85 Rend. Teleport 1:27:02 Huh 1:28:48 Wao! Kampai! With Iofi 1:29:02 Sqrl slorp drink. | Going back together 1:31:28 [EN] c: HoloID's Bromo mountain expedition. Ri: www 1:31:53 Kaela~2 1:32:30 Hati2. [EN] Ri: we go to the right a bit. careful of the cliff Zeta. Z: there's a cliff? [EN] Ka: is Zeta not saying anything or what? Z: i'm focusing 1:33:56 Wao 1:34:24 Guys! ? ! [EN] Ri: i can't see as well, guys. [EN] Ri: where are you guys? Z: where are you? 1:37:23 A: Ada orang! | Dancing 1:37:51 ww, teleport, Zeta goodbye! ww 1:38:32 A: Moona MVP. | ww. Performance report 1:39:26 Selling. O: SELL! SELL! | Anya panik 1:40:06 [EN] c: must be taken into news, this story of people getting lost in mountain. [EN] c: headline news, 5 hikers lost for 2 days are safely rescued 1:44:53 Kaela invite me! Kaela! 1:45:19 RTA 1:46:42 Risu's back 1:48:23 8 Titan 1:48:40 Others teleport 1:49:29 O: Risu! ? . R: ww 1:49:47 O: ww. [EN] Ri: i rember. O: yes, that's right 1:51:13 Large axle. | [EN] O: they said there's an item back there. Ri: how to use this? O: click it 1:51:42 Halo bang! ww 1:53:29 Monster. Dies. Spectating Ollie. Ollie's teleported back 1:55:06 Mimics in ship ww 1:55:48 Performance report 1:56:31 What? [EN] Ri: bug? [EN] Ri: ooh Yopi 1:57:06 Singing sqrl 1:57:29 [EN] Ri: yea, i got hugged by a bracken 1:57:52 Monkey sqrl noises + 1:58:07 Back in game 1:58:15 Monkey sqrl noises. Monkey holoID noises. ww 1:58:53 8 Titan. Teleport 1:59:05 Monkey sqrl noises. Zeta! 1:59:29 Turret shoots Zeta. A: ww. | [EN] Ri: careful, landmine. A; there's a door, careful. [EN] A: we need to jump it seems 2:00:42 Let's go~ [EN] A: Risu, walk backward, a bit more. [EN] A: you can do it. A: it's a dead end bruh. R: aah 2:00:57 Let's a go! 2:01:38 Halo! 2:02:15 Tsumi tsumi oyatsumi 2:02:38 Apa kamu halu 2:03:28 Monster 2:04:30 Monster on Risu's head, turrets. Dies 2:05:42 I: ? . R: ww 2:06:01 Dog in ship. No! Ollie! 2:06:32 Performance report 2:07:07 Dancing 2:07:19 8 Titan 2:07:35 OtsuZeta! 2:08:15 Teleport 2:09:05 Hahahihihahahihihaha 2:10:09 Singing sqrl noises 2:11:02 Parkour! Yi kowai. I don't want to see the nutcracker! Although I like nuts I don't like nutcracker 2:13:32 K: Nobar watchalong. R: ww. [EN] Ka: we are doing a watchalong. I: wathcalong of our friends' fate 2:13:52 Monster nearby the ship 2:14:55 Performance report 2:15:11 M: ? . R: ww 2:15:43 Selling 2:20:00 "Hello world". [EN] (Kaela and Ollie teaching Moona how to use the comp) 2:20:12 Monkey sqrl noises. Jester 2:20:29 "Dog ship" 2:21:08 Toilet 2:22:37 85 Rend 2:22:49 Teleport. Y Teman2! Yopi! 2:23:24 [EN] Ri: do you know, i was about to be haunted. [EN] Ri: i want to be haunted. O: you can see around. [EN] Ri: i want to be possesed. Re: who possessed? Ri: i want to be 2:24:10 Coffee mug, ashik. | [EN] Ri: metal slug collab, tomorrow 8pm 2:25:06 Teeth, gigi 2:26:34 Mimic. Dies. [EN] O: because of mimic? Ri: yes, i thought it was a friend 2:26:58 Njy! I: ? . R: 2:27:35 ww. | [EN] Ri: what did get you Kaela? O: want to know how i died? Ka: how? 2:29:01 Yopipi ww 2:30:07 ww. [EN] Ri: what's behind Yopipi, so big 2:30:30 wkwk. [EN] Ri: last words "whoa so big". [EN] Ka: Yopipi, your last words 2:31:49 ? Moona ww 2:32:05 Ada giant 2:32:15 Risu sneeze 2:32:35 Iofi dies from mimic. Yopipi! No! 2:33:13 O: Moona MVP! R: ww 2:33:27 Performance report Continue in reply
@blunygeorge3 ай бұрын
2:34:10 85 Rend 2:35:29 Ollie jump scare. Njr kaget! ww. O: NUT CRACKER! 2:36:36 "Main entrance nut" 2:37:41 Zz charging sfx sqrl noises 2:38:34 Anya jump scares Ollie 2:39:51 Dog, dies 2:41:18 Performance report 2:42:12 Cihi 2:42:44 85 Rend. Teleport 2:43:00 I: Risu! 2:43:36 Kunci~! "Dog" 2:44:10 ww 2:44:27 Teleported back to ship 2:45:00 Iofi is teleported back to the ship too 2:45:27 Sh sh 2:46:41 Performance report 2:47:44 Selling 2:47:53 O: ! 2:49:02 Toilet. Whoopie cushion 2:49:30 Aku e2 2:50:50 ww 2:52:23 [EN] I: i gotta otsu, because of the med's effect. [EN] Re: i'll go otsu as well, i can't take it, too nauseous. | Otsu! 2:53:20 85 Rend. Teleport 2:55:07 Ioforia raid. Obisa! 2:55:46 A: _We're so back!_ 2:58:15 Performance report. Khodan. Monkey keris noises 2:59:16 O: Let's a go! R: Me last round. A: *monkey keris noises 2:59:39 Gas! | Monkey keris noises 2:59:54 85 Rend. Teleport 3:00:14 Entrance! 3:00:45 "Dog ship" 3:01:01 Tissue 3:01:17 Monkey keris noises 3:01:42 "Dog ship". [EN] R: how to avoid the dog? 3:02:38 "2 dogship" 3:04:28 Ship. A: *panting ww. M: Sh 3:05:52 Dancing 3:06:37 Dancing. Anya whispering. Kaela is back. Let's go! 3:07:11 Toilet. Berak. O: ww. [EN] R: i wanna p00p. A: the time and palce is yours. | Performance report 3:07:51 85 Rend 3:10:34 *Speaks in high sqrl 3:12:19 Dancing 3:17:30 Sqrl faces 3:18:47 Anya is back at the ship 3:19:12 A~a. Performance report. O: NICE! 3:20:28 Selling 3:20:55 [EN] K: how about holoro? O: only me. oh right there's Anya. A: wooow. [EN] K: if it were me i'll become ex best friend 3:21:17 ww. [EN] A: maybe without me holoro can collab together more right? O: don't be like thaat 3:22:02 [EN] K: the boss is busy watching. M: Anya is not holoro, she's holoni (ni=japanese for 2) 3:23:26 Aku otsu. Leaning back 3:24:13 Otsu 3:24:33 Apa guys. Oh yeah otsu ww 3:24:52 Tomorrow Metal slug collab with Iofi, 8 PM 3:25:17 OtsuCompany! Bye bye 3:27:51 C part. Raid! We say "Ollie we come to love you!"
@Unknown_Rulll3 ай бұрын
woooooooooow tq
@KHNT0LBadag3 ай бұрын
Bnyak kerjaan yang ngasilin duit bang
@ardiansyahzw-nk3fi3 ай бұрын
@RK-jk6fi3 ай бұрын
That was a really fun and chaotic collab!
@satousuzuki89973 ай бұрын
Thank you for the fun stream . That was a Chaotically fun Lethal Company collab, had so much laugh and some intense moment watching it! Also Moona did pretty well considering this was her first time playing Lethal Company . Anyways, rest well Risu
@khoonkitlim59633 ай бұрын
Thank you for the fun squirrel shenanigan in the Lethal Company collaboration stream, Risu!
@OnlyZephyra3 ай бұрын
Thank youu for the chaotic and fun stream Risuuuuu
@Raykanaeru3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your time Otsu RISDUAR
@黒猫-d6x8e3 ай бұрын
Itu menarik, seperti kisah petualangan yang tidak diketahui. Terima kasih.
@aidenozky32973 ай бұрын
La obra de Dios se hace cuando damos generosamente el tiempo, el amor y los recursos que El nos ha provisto.
@MONO-z8g3 ай бұрын
Otsu RISU!! Thanks for all the good times! Have a good rest
@aidenozky32973 ай бұрын
Escucho sus palabras de ustedes . maravilloso es nuestro Dios 🙏
@zehellyerfeg15023 ай бұрын
thanks for the fabulous time
@Septria-pj7vn3 ай бұрын
Otsurisdu~ Thank u for the fun stream cihuy Walaupun menontonnya habis stream
@ツトム-b5t3 ай бұрын
@aidenozky32973 ай бұрын
Nuestro Dios es trino padre hijo y espíritu Santo , señor lleva me a tus atrios al lugar santo al de bronce señor tu rostro quiero ver oh altísimo oh amado espíritu Santo me acostumbrado a hablar contigo
@aidenozky32973 ай бұрын
La unidad es la fortaleza 1:57 😅
@aidenozky32973 ай бұрын
En cuanto lo hicisteis a uno de estos mis hermanos más pequeños,a mi lo hicisteis. Mateo 25:40 no solo los ricos deben dar, sino todos 😅
@ramzybaguspramudya79203 ай бұрын
Pas tau Zeta ikut teringat clip landmine😂
@leexndrs7433 ай бұрын
@HeijiHOK3 ай бұрын
Lah judulnya "With HOLOID" tapi kok ada Anya? 🗿
@amatasora50583 ай бұрын
@Unknown_Rulll3 ай бұрын
@IzanagiCh-l8n3 ай бұрын
Nanti juga rame 😄
@52107023 ай бұрын
@KHNT0LBadag3 ай бұрын
Plizzz istriku sayang Adain part 2 nya y ... Breng sama si paling mantan sahabat...
@shuyuki58593 ай бұрын
mantan sahabat tidak begitu bagus lebih baik ada lengkap tanpa ada pertengkaran