Letter to a dear friend

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Moodesty Inthemood

14 жыл бұрын

1.Fidel Castros letter to Nelson Mandela.
Mandela, an anti-apartheid legend who spent 27 years in prison, turned 92 on Sunday as Cuba marked the internationally recognized Nelson Mandela Day on his birthday.
The leader of the Cuban Revolution refers to the last years of Mandela's imprisonment when the then-ruling Apartheid regime turned South Africa into an instrument of war against Cuban and Angolan internationalist fighters that were advancing toward the then occupied Namibia.
2. Nelson Mandela´s thoughts about Cuba
3 Nelson Mandela´s thoughts about the fascist Miami exile cubans
"the miamians" :))

Пікірлер: 61
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
.... And I wanted to make a commitment that we will never let our friends down, friends during the most difficult period of our struggle, especially Cuba. Mandela has never let Cuba down
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
"Sometimes people become obsessed with leaders" Agree
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@solidarnoscme You are welcome ,, Very interesting dialogue indeed
@rigaspathi 14 жыл бұрын
υπεροχο !
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
"The more the Cuban people can KNOW , the more they can use to decide what is best" EXACTLY !!! They will decide and none else.. :) Or as the vice-president of Cuba said Cuba will change what needs to be changed , at our OWN pace, WITHOUT bowing to ANY external pressures" So all others shall keep their fingers from Cuba.. History of Cuba will NEVER be repeated.. I am glad we agree Nikola :)
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@solidarnoscme I totaly agree ,, And I have heard those words, I am allergic to those governments too. It takes a strong leader to admit his regrets After apartheid we saw Mandelas acts in South Africa (Truth and reconciliation commission) When Fidel was in S Africa he pointed out that South Africa its a model and If S.A can so are we able to do so ..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Of course change is good.. Thats what revolution is about,, The ideological revolution must be alive all the time, To be critical and look forward. Many believes that its about taking power.. Well to take a power is easy compare to continue the revolutionary idea.. Thats was the East collaps.. They made power concentrated .. I agree with you .
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
ahhhhh we have one individualist here :)) Good for you! :) Well that´s our difference .. I kind of like to think that people shall have equal rights and the same possibilitys
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Yes Indeed There comes a time when the power needs to be left in good and trustful hands to make sure that history wont repeat it self .. And yes I know about Poland being dominated,, In Greece we had the same thing,, with Usa , plus a civil war ,, I doubt anyone was thinking Mahatmas kind words regarding enemys,,
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Between 1965 and 1968 some prisoners considered to be counter-revolutionary were incarcerated in the UMAP forced labor camps in an attempt to reform them. Supplied with information from local Committees for the Defense of the Revolution The camps were closed in 1968 after Fidel Castro visited one such camp incognito to experience the treatment for himself. He was followed by 100 boys from the Communist Youth whose identity was also kept secret. Shortly after these visits, the camps closed.
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I dont know much about Poland except some friends i have from there. But the polish ppl made the decision to change ,, and thats good .. its the ppls choice . Now ppl can do what ever they want. The most i have seen though is that many ppl comes here to Sweden for work to make a living. Labour imigrants. One friend told me, "Before we had work but not much things to buy, now we have alot of things to buy ,, but no money" I dont know how much is true here
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Mandela´s speach about Cuba "Many people, many countries, including many powerful countries, have called upon us to condemn the suppression of human rights in Cuba. We have reminded them they have a short memory. For when we battled against apartheid, against racial oppression, the same countries were supporting the apartheid regime They now want to be our only friends, and dare to ask us to renounce those people who made our victory possible.
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Oliver Stone made a documentery (which i havent seen yet) about the South America ,, particular Venezuelas Chavez, He talked with Lula, Morales, Raul Castro and other leaders. According to one interview with O.S .. What they all have in common (about usa) is they want to be treated EQUAL , Its good with talks etc,, but all nations has to be equal in the discussion
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego I agree,, thats why most of us sees peoples acts and not what they say ,, There can be a huge difference in theory and practice :)
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego But on the other hand my dear Nicola.. I do understand you .. It must be painful to see one legend and the symbol of love.. as Mandela to admire Cuba and the revolutionary leader FIDEL CASTRO,, I can comfort you with ...that you are not alone I see many yankees to have a huge complex on this issue,,
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Cuba is one Caribbean island where people has similar problems as any other nation in that area. The differences is that (despite a murdering blockade) they still manage to have free education, free healthcare, food at work + schools. And actually a free will. Dont forget that they have the most popular antiCastro blogger living there , who gets her blogg translated in 5 different languages WORLDWIDE..look it up..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Last comment .. Its funny how they make us believe that KZbin, Facebook, McDonalds, etc,, is a symbol of "free will" ... maybe it is,, maybe not.. I prefer to keep some distance, Anyway.. This veideo is about Mandela/ Fidel.. My two loved legends .. we need more leaders as them
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@jimakos61 Poli sosta Efxaristo Dimitri :)
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman In a revolution there is ppl against it, specially those who looses their benefits, I am sure that there also were ppl who thought that the constitution would be the same..and still have the same benefits as before Well they were wrong.. Revolution means change 100%..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
It depends , Can you maintain that ppl with no education, no abilty to write and read, or literate dysfunctional people are free to choose? Are those kind of millions in Latinamerica, Caribbean, Asia Africa ,, free to choose and do as they pleased? Are all those polacks ,we have here in Sweden, working from day to night for 70 crowns / hour free to choose?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@zhnokritos Efxaristo poli.
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Hello again :) I see you are from Europe. I believe its amazing to compare a former colonized island as Cuba with every in Europe, Its very common argument, Cuba vs Usa or Cuba vs Europe. But i never see the argument Cuba vs Haiti or Cuba vs any other similar island or nation in latinamerica .. :) No I wouldnt like to be told not to chat with you,, I found it too interesting . It would be terrible if we had internet blockade in Sweden from Google .. as Cuba does . So lets start talk
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
You say: "And of COURSE we all have equal rights. " Do you really mean that or shall we discus about it?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman Its quite sure that Mandela don´t think diffrently about the Cuban revolution. He is still one of Cubas greatest friends and not to forget that last year Fidel Castro was awarded the Order of the Companions from S.A
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I wonder on what bases you compare Cuba with Poland communism ? You mean that Cuba is exactly as Poland was? On what bases?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@solidarnoscme By all means about Mahatma.. Truly a great person and I admire him alot.. But if India and its ppl are free,, thats another question .. Believe me at least I have been there ,, and there are very high absence of basic human rights,, FOOD healthcare education , atleast have a roof to live under,, mostly food though.. I think thouse things shall not be a privilege,, but a HUMAN RIGHT,, Dont you agree?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Anyway this video is about Nelson Mandelas and Fidel Castros long friendship ....Something that the former friends of the apartheid dont want to talk about and try to do anything to hide it!! As for example.. talking about that there is concentration camps in Cuba..Show me then ..where'?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@solidarnoscme Its a change of the existing system From capitalistic to socialistic After the revolution Cuba changed the existing constitution by that time. the voting system etc There are needs to build a new society, For Cuba it ment that the FIRST needs was education for the ppl, work ,food, healthcare.. Cuba is a former slave island (like Haiti) and it ment a huge project and work to do progress
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Where are the new open files? where are the documents? videos? Cause its very similar as the news about Castros millions in Switzerland ,, But none could prove ANYTHING.... I dont have to remind you what Castro said about that matter?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
last post Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, first Vice President of The changes will be 'Made in Cuba' and not 'Made in Washngton D.C. or Miami' during the celebration for the 57th anniversary of the Moncada attack, was a very good one. I am sure that Barack and Hillary will not like it, because these two persons are living in an 'Uncle Sam in Wonderland' fairytale. They continue thinking, wrongfully, that they have a right to stick their noses in the internal affairs of other countries...........
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@rigaspathi Efxaristo
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Nicola my friend ,, I will answer to your comment very similar to what Castro said ones.. If the yankees and their puppys wouldnt see Castro as a freak .. Then I would be worried and start to think what he has done wrong!!!
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
"Sexual relations between same-sex consenting adults 16 and over have been legal in Cuba since 1979, although same-sex relationships are not presently recognised by the state. Despite elements of homophobia in Cuba's history, Havana now has a lively and vibrant gay scene." Cuba is a country where citizens can have sex reassignment surgery for free.
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
"I believe in MAN! We have control over our lives. " Exactly ,, thats the main reason of the revolution, They want control over their lives, they want control over their island, Thats why Texaco and United Fruit were the first to be kicked out of the country.. Cuba has allways said that they are ready to talk with any usa president about EVERYTHING on EQUAL bases,, But none has been willing to do so.. Not even the colourful Obama ,, Dont that tell you something?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@solidarnoscme Oh i missunderstood you. Good then ,, we agree,, Ofcourse ppl dont like to be told to do things,,,, Thats why we have propaganda.. so ppl can think they came up with this idea by them selfs.. Or even better!! FAIR,, so ppl can "choose" to invade other nations.. Anyway,, I am glad we agreed.. If you want to know more about Cuba ,, I am glad to be a help Cheers
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Every nations who is under terrorist attacks and under threat of invation has the right to defend its sovereign and the right to exist! And never to forget (I bet none does) Castro is breaking yankee balls !!!!!! Thats why we love him
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
...HOW WRONG THEY ARE! Might makes right is the policy that the Roman empire followed. Where are they today? The United States continues to lose friends around the world. No one likes the company of a bully! General Fulgencio Batista used to kiss the ass of Uncle Sam every day of the week. When the imperialists talk about a "transition" in Cuba, that is the kind of government they would like the Cuban people to go back to. NEVER AGAIN!
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman About the UMAP now , I think Mandela answered that " who are they to talk about human rights?" We all know about usa´s lies and massive propaganda against Cuba..Maybe they should concentrate to the genocide concentration camps in Iraq Afghanistan Somalia etc We also know about miami mafia cuban groups who constantly terrorise Cuba with bombs and guns bought with drugmoney
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I didnt say Cuba is perfect.. But alot more close to perfect then other nations.. Still you compare Cuba with any other country ,, But Cuba remains to be one island in Caribbean and compare to that area , Cuba has done the most progress internal and external ,, there are over 60 000 cuban educators and doctors working for free in the third world.. There were 400 doctors in Haiti before the earthquake and more where sent when Uncle Same was busy to send the army..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman Mandela dont have to see the issue of UMAP . He knows very well that the ppl (nations) behind it is the same who supported the apartheid ones Where was the UMAP when the black ppl were killed cause of their colour? where were those nations when a black woman couldnt sit on the same bench as whites?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I wonder .. what makes you believe that in Cuba there is someone who tells you what to do? . You admitted that you dont know much about Cuba.. but still.. you believe that people dont have a free will... how come?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Besides .. Cuba DOES have elections.. Of course this dont fit Uncle Sam.. but we know Cuba doesnt care,, Thats why we love Cuba :) And of course we also see how the Latin american nations is following the Cuban model.. Now we have the trade system of ALBA.. more and more countries wants to join,, Cheers :)
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I answered you.. :) And of course i would be disappointed of him,, A man who was in the front. risked his life , went to jail, almost got killed several times, Had over 630 attempt to murder him Gave his life to change the slave island where ppl can make a dissent living and have the basic human rights,, Him to be hypocrite?? Ya
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
"Am I to understand by that you would accept being sent to forced labor if that is what some government " I dont see your point here.. Arent you forced to work to live? or are ppl free to do and work as they pleased in our world? I know ppl who has two jobs to make a living and pay their kids education. on the contrast of other neighbour nations Cubas youth is "forced" to go to school. That little island has the most well educated ppl.
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I can tell you one thin Nicola,, Cuba hasnt the guns and weapons as for example Uncle Sam or France or UK ,, They cant win a possible invasion if Uncle Sam wants it.. But you know why they dont dare?? Cause Cuba has won the IDEOLOGICAL WAR.. If they touch Cuba they have to deal with all the Latin America, Africa..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Did I type anywhere about Irans elections?? Or do you believe we shall invade any country who doesnt have the elections we like? I dont give much for theocratic nations Islaam Christianity Buddhism or what ever.. But I believe their ppl have the right to have them or to change them .. Its the ppl who shall run the nation ,, not religion or companys..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
... next.. Cuba has never harm any other nation, never invade any other nation, Never send its citizens to war in other countries for colonization and sleal the resources So companys can get more powerful They have helped Africa with their experience to fight the oppressing colonial countries,, Do you think its wrong that some african countries got red of the oppressors? I can show you the video how Fidel and the cuban delegetion was welcomed in Namibia and S Africa if you like
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I am looking at N Korea,, And i am looking how bloodthursty usa looks at this nation too.. We can all see in mrs Clitons eyes how much she wants WAR!! Tries everything to provocate cause NK is a BAD nation,, But Kuwait!!! where women cant go out side with out their husbands, cant vote cant drive cars, getting married by the age of 10,,A king and his family rules with out any election Thats a GOOD nation . Isnt it funny that we can see whats right or wrong?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I it was proven that religion institutions is hiding paedophiles, even move them to other towns so they can work more free and spread Gods,,,,, ahum ... love Would you band them as hypocrite .. dismiss them and their right to spread information??
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Save meeeeeeee Nikolaaaaaa,, Which catholic church do you mean?? The one who hides pedophiles...... ?? lol Thats a good a thing about Cuba.. Religions is only allowed private , they dont get any state contribution,, Thank GOD for that
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman You have to understand one thing my dear Robert The fascist nations including the mainfascist USA has eat up its ass about Mandela And they know When Mandela talks the world is listening
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
First I would see where the information comes from ,,,, :)) Who is "proving" facts.. Its like Ches diary who was published from one us-publisher as "facts" till Ches widow showed the right diary which was send to her,,, (what a bomer) Or Fidels money .. He still waits for the proof and accounts to be shown Or the "proven" nuclear weapons in Iraq ,, Or that Bush and CIA wasnt involved in 9/11 Or us-cubans is NOT involved with CIA and deals with drugs to buy weapons and bomb hotels in Cuba
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
Show me a nation without prostitution.. Cubas ppl are very well informed and very known to be educated,, I have seen ppl though..from the "free" usa who believes Africa is country.. lol (Palin,, you know) Tourism is good for Cuba,, They have alot from Europe ,, But If you mean by "influence" Mc Donalds BurgerKing and the "american way of life" Forget it ,, in the revolutionary island,, this will never happen
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Its ridiculous to call nations "free" just because they have a voting system who fits the big nation of America. Venezuela has that kind of voting system but still the yankees refers to Chavez as "dictator".. come on!! Cuba has a model that scares the capitalistic world,, Cause they see that another world is possible.. A world that oil companys and guncomapnys dont have to run everythng in a nation
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@robertkingfreeman ha Raul castros daugher was here and spoke about homosexuality in Cuba and how strong the Catholic believers is against it.. Cuba has laws against oppression cause of sex read it you might be surprised otherwise i recomend you this video watch?v=PlTHYGbKxJQ
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
I saw you type about the Strong Catholic faith,, And i wonder what faith did you mean.. The one in the books or in practice? Besides you talk about Fidel as he is still in power. He did what he wanted to be done and it took him many years. The only interest now is that Cuba wont be the usa brothel again, You cant compare the Pope who is running one institution of fairytales with a man who acted to educate the ppl and give them healthcare.. :) You need to know what Cuba was before
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego ha ha Those camps are closed after the revolution. there is no concentration camps in Cuba Is talking of the past all u wanna to do?
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Besides you cant compare Fidel to anyone,, Cause Fidel and Raul fight united with the cuban ppl.. He has been there, Seen it, Done it.... What did you expect? He had his place cause of DADDYS oil money???? lol or cause a huge company contribute to his election??
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Show me those laws.. And Ill show you what other nations laws is about that matter,,, ;) Maybe you should start to look at the Catholic church and their pedophiles priest.. . who thinks is OK to rape little children BUT its wrong to men love each other ..
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
@nicolaselgriego Well Nicola Usa (your nation) has the same power for over 200 years, Slave owners and their kids runs it.. Except this president now.. he is a former .. who runs for the corporations errands.. Have you seen any change in Usa´s politics? Every president you ever had has always bomb a nation,,, So pls save me from your statements,, its like playing curling.. we know the stones direction
@elektra1968 14 жыл бұрын
so whats ur point.. other countrys has two parties but are exactly the same SHIT!! working for multi companys And still theyr ppl dont even have a free school system or a decent human healthcare ...... They have 40% literate disfunctionality .. OH I FORGOT!! they are FREE TO VOTE... Well it must be very stupid ppl to vote for parties who dont give a shit for them .. and when they need them for Iraq or Iran,, they talk about "patriotism" No Nicola I dont give a shit for that democracy ..
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