sunny sun 我也觉得他是有野心,所以那么隐忍。刚刚和甄嬛在一起说得第一句话是“能和你在一起,以前我失去什么都值了”,那个时候好像没有失去什么,除了他的皇位,连骑射都是先帝亲自教的,本来是要传位给他的吧。所以感觉他明知道皇帝最喜欢甄嬛,他也喜欢。得不到皇位那就得到皇帝最喜欢的人。他看得出皇帝是真心喜欢甄嬛。皇帝每次都说不能动情不承认,但是每次甄嬛的事他都是很上心。只哭过三次都是为了甄嬛。
As 允禮 said, he's familiar with the palace's m.o. and not unfamiliar with the poison wine bottle and you might have noticed that he was watching closely which button 嬛 pushed. Remember, the first cup has to be regular wine, the 2nd cup poisoned. This is contrary to CHN table manners [which the JPN adopt also.] One always pour for the other person first, then for self With the poison wine flask. It has to be reversed. Reason out why that has to be so.
They both love 果親王. The first turning point was when 寧嬪 told 熹貴妃 about the hacking down of the 合歡花 from 果親王's old home then 寧 told 熹 that she have the 合歡花 transplanted to her place. The 2nd turning point is 75 - 寧 discovered the drugging of the staff watching over the twins. Then 熹 told her that the twins are 十七爺's children at the end of 75.
This is quite a poetic situation, the emperor main wife the empress killed her sister because she was jealous and wanted the emperor affection and power for herself and that was the main reason why the Emperor disowned her but here the emperor is doing the exact same thing by killing his brother, because he is jealous and wants Zhen Huan for himself.
@blueizumi17 күн бұрын
Also poetic in how the Emperor had Zhen Huan kill Gao almost identically to the way he got the Empress Dowanger to kill Longkodo.