A command is obeyed, a joy is shone, a desire is realized, a curse is bestowed, a weight is lifted, a measure is erased, a King is crowned, a God is killed and a Law is followed- now and for all eternity.
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@keox14052 ай бұрын
I watched every episode from the start and I am glad you finished it. The ending was bitter sweet but nothing more could be expected. I am a bit sad that we never got to hear Marsha but her death was fitting for how she appeared in the campaign always brief but with a bang also I wonder what else RJ would have said but he definitely deserved to die. The whole epilog was incredibly written and also quite sad the mistrust that opend the rift between them and the rest of the department was painful to watch but out of it came some of the best scenes and most impactfull decisions. There is much more to say but I just want to thank you for this incredible journey that you finaly brought to an end. I hope you bring us along on your next journey as well.