להקת שלוה - שלום עליכם

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להקת שלוה - הערוץ הרשמי

להקת שלוה - הערוץ הרשמי

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לביצוע החדש בכל שירותי הסטרימינג: fanlink.to/Sha...
מילים ולחן: עממי
הפקה מוזיקלית: ערן גולדברג
שלום עליכם מלאכי השלום
מלאכי עליון
ממלך מלכי המלכים, הקדוש ברוך הוא.
בואכם לשלום, מלאכי השלום,
מלאכי עליון
ממלך מלכי המלכים, הקדוש ברוך הוא
ברכוני לשלום מלאכי השלום
מלאכי עליון
ממלך מלכי המלכים, הקדוש ברוך הוא.
צאתכם לשלום, מלאכי השלום,
מלאכי עליון,
ממלך מלכי המלכים, הקדוש ברוך הוא.
להקת שלוה מבצעת את ״שלום עליכם״ עם משפחות החטופים במאהל החטופים בת״א
על רקע מלחמת "חרבות ברזל", מפיקה בימים אלו להקת שלוה ביצוע חדש וקליפ מיוחד לפיוט השבת המרגש, "שלום עליכם", במסגרת פרויקט משותף חדש של משרד התפוצות, מנהלת עמ"י ומוזאיק. אשר ייצא בקרוב בארץ ובעולם.
- לשימושכם קטעים מהביצוע המרגש היום עם משפחות החטופים.
לפרטים נוספים:
עופר מנחם תקשורת ויחסי ציבור
אריאל אלקלעי, דבי תקשורת
יועץ התקשורת של מנהלת עמי
ביצוע: להקת שלוה
קולות: דינה סמטה וענהאל שירה כליפה
קולות נוספים: שי בן שושן
בימוי קליפ: שי בן שושן
צילום עריכה וצבע: שחף בגר
צילום נוסף: עומר מזרחי
הפקה מוזיקלית וקולות נוספים: ערן גולדברג
ניהול וייצוג אישי : אוסנת מיכאלי , ספיישל קאסט הפקות וייצוג אומנים בע״מ 052-8398157
הפקה וייעוץ: אופיר לייבוביץ
ניהול מוסיקלי: שי בן שושן
עיצוב עטיפה: Avoxvision
Preformance: The Shalva band
Vocals: Dina Samta, Anaelle Shira Califa.
Additional vocals: Shai Ben Shushan
Clip directer: Shai Ben Shushan
Filming, Editing and Colouring: Shahaf Beger
Additional Filiming: Omer Mizrahi
Music Production and Additional Voices: Eran Goldberg
Production and Consulting: Ophir Leabovich
Musical manager: Shai Ben Shushan
Band manager and representation: Osnat Michaeli 052-839-8157

Пікірлер: 74
@user-ps1wg2jy3m 8 ай бұрын
דמעות דמעות בלתי פוסקות להקה מרגשת ומדהימה אין עליכם קשה לי לעצור את הדמעות מקווה שנגיע כבר לאחדות עם כולם ביחד 😥😥😥😥😥
@user-rk8fz7eb6p 8 ай бұрын
הלוואי ונזכה לברך את כולם "שלום עליכם" כשיחזרו מהשבי במהרה בימנו אמן🤲🇮🇱💙🤍
@francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734 7 ай бұрын
Time to learn war no more Isaiah 2:4 Time to repent and stop sinning too... Jesus Christ is returning and this is all written in The Holy Scriptures... perhaps the extreme killing is what man needs to listen to God? God help us please... Armageddon Para Sympathetic Nervous System = Love: Joy; Faith; Goodness; Kindness; Mildness; Patience with Self Control not to sin or hurt another for Peace, Twofold Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace from The Holy Spirit of Peace; The Whole Spirit of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Come... Sympathetic Nervous System response - Fright, Fight, Flight Syndrome Adrenalin Response of Fear... Stress hormones and fleshly traits... Galatians 5: 16 - 26 Love is not a cortisol stress hormone of fear but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell for healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Come... Do not 'Positively Die' Genesis 2:17 We are saved by Grace through Faith... With thanks to God/Love for Faith: ' the assured expectation of the things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities not yet beheld ' Hebrews 11:1 Happy Easter, Happy Christmas via The Holy Spirit of Peace...Pentecost where we at One with Peace and Love, Atonement, At One ment with Love for Light and enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiac in Jewish, Isa in Arabic, Krīstös in Greek... who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... Come... Time to end all abuse Time for Heaven on Earth as Love is not a cortisol stress hormone of fear but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell... Time to cleanse our minds, body and environment...rivers, seas, soil, homes, towns, planet... Time for Thy Kingdom Come...Come... HalleluYah... Praise Jah. Revelation 7, 12, 19, 21, 22 and all scripture Babylon the Great is falling... 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨ God bless us all in every language and tongue through God's moral and righteous Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly... Isa in Arabic, Assalum Aliakum...Yeshua Hamashiac in Jewish... Shalom Alekhem... Krīstös in Greek... 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊
@lgaug 8 ай бұрын
אוף אוף מרגש אי אפשר להפסיק לבכות😢 איזה עם יש לנו
@user-bb7bc3vb3w 8 ай бұрын
Когда возвращал Бог пленников Сиона,были мы точно грезящие во сне.Тогда уста наши наполнились радостью, язык наш-пением.Великое сотворил Бог с нами-мы радовались.Возврати, о Бог, пленников наших, как потоки воды на землю иссохшую(Тегилим 126: 1-4). Мир Израилю!
@francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734 7 ай бұрын
A poem...Jerusalem which means Twofold Peace Jerusalem Oh green and pleasant land of the dove, What has happened to peace and Love? For Jerusalem that is being made here, Is now being turned in to terror and fear. Oh green and pleasant land do you hear? That Jerusalem that is made here, Is Twofold Peace that is meant to be, From living a good life Positively. Positively living means not to die From negativity that is the lie Lies from Love's opposition called stress, It is stress that creates in us such a mess. Jerusalem, negative you are not meant to be, But healing our lands with Positivity...+ Love is always Positive + God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning... Love will conquer fear ...but we must choose... Amen, no shalom from 6, no shalom from 666, no shalom from fleshly traits which are sin Galatians 5:19. Golden Halos can only come from us attaining to Fruits of the Spirit of God's Love Anointed... Galatians 5:22-23, No Peace of The Holy Spirit of Peace without Self Control to over come sin...no quiet conscience with guilt from sin, no integration of mind and body: 8 from the righteous teachings of God's Love:7 to attain to Spirit:9 for ataining to Oneness:Wholeness: 10: atonement from the Wonderful Counsel of our Eternal Father, our honourable Prince of Peace, our Messiah who is returning for Salvation and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Thy Kingdom come with the governmental rule upon His shoulders...Isaiah 9:6 We must examine ourselves, seek the truth to set free the grief, hurt and pain as God promises to do at Revelation 21... I love the book of Isaiah, is Isaiah 60 Revelation 12? Jesus Christ is the Light of this world and is returning for Salvation, Peace, Heaven on Earth... Time to end all abuse: Time for repentence for Salvation:Truth. Salvation The End The End is the beginning of the word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of Love’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. To end inner turmoil and confusion To end abuse, regret and shame To end the sickness of mind delusion To end the trauma, grief and pain. The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of God’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. The End is the promise of salvation The End is the promise of re birth The end is the conscious healing message For Peace and Heaven here on Earth. The End is the beginning of the word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of Love’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. The End is the promise of New Heaven Where truth will set us free from pain Where mourning will be completed For Love to reside in us again. The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin Where ‘ the stones will cry out’ for rebirth The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin For Peace and Heaven here on Earth. 🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨ 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵 A New Song in progress... Halleluyah #Timetoendallabuse #endabusenow #Timetoendallabuse #Healthisnotacortisol #Peaceisnotacortisol #Joyisnotacortisol #Parousia Maranatha ... 🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨ 🎁🌲🎄🌲🔥💝 Greetings, Jesus Christ is returning... A Vision of Light, Sun Revelation 'Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted...' I see a new heaven and new earth... Revelation 21 God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... HalleluYah #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by lies, betrayals, corruption, division, abuse and sin which pays the wages of death...Romans 6:23 Death of God's Holy Spirit of Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others... #Timetoendallabuse Time for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone of fear but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell...The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin His Love in our blood 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨ Amen, Ameen, Shalom, New Jerusalem: Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth...our body is The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Peace of The Holy Spirit of Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others via The Holy Spirit 🕊💖🕊 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who is returning...HalleluYah ✨✨✨✨
@057510091 8 ай бұрын
להקת שלווה האדירה,הצחורה והטהורה, גרמתם לי לבכות ולהזיל ים של דמעות. אין על הנשמה הצרופה שלכם!
@user-zu5ft4kr8u 8 ай бұрын
וואו וואו. בכי טהור. מנגינה שהנשמה היהודית מכירה דורות על דורות. מרגש ויפיפה.
@user-ec9bk3fn5c 8 ай бұрын
❤minha querida judia. Minha filha israelita. Não temas. ❤Jesus te ama ❤eu não sei o seu nome. Se quiser que eu saiba,escreve aqui. Vou orar por voce. Oro por Israel e pela paz em Jerusalém ❤um beijo,minha filha.❤tchaul ❤
@user-uh6lp7dr4o 4 ай бұрын
@Minhakombinaestrada 8 ай бұрын
Eu aqui do Brasil estou orando a Deus por Israel!
@lauriesarahsmadja9867 3 ай бұрын
גרמתם לי לדמעות. כמה טהורים אתם וזה כל כך עושה בתקופה כה קשה. תבורכו❤
@user-ny8fq9wv8f 8 ай бұрын
וואייי להקת שלווה אתם מטורפיםםם אני מאוהבת בכם!!!!!! איזה קליפ מטורף!!! והשירה שלכן מושלמת!!! לא הפסקתי לבכות מהשניה הראשונה עד האחרונה! אוהבת אתכם
@user-vr3yk6hc7k 8 ай бұрын
אתם מדהימים כמו תמיד❤️❤️❤️❤️
@007OrlyOK 8 ай бұрын
צמרמורת💔❤️‍🩹 הנה זה בא באים ימים טובים לישראל וישובו- בנים ובנות, נשים וגברים, לגבולם• 🌿🕊️🌿🕊️🌿
@antoniogiudice6709 4 ай бұрын
❤ Israele sei l'amore del Mondo ❤
@SheylaMoraes Ай бұрын
Amo essa música linda ❤❤❤ do povo eterno ❤❤❤
@user-is4yd6fz9e 8 ай бұрын
איזה יופי הלהקה הזו ממש מדהימים ובמיוחד יוסף המתופף תותח עלל
@alizasivan9045 8 ай бұрын
מדהימים ומרגשים כתמיייייד❤❤❤❤
@myzrahit16 8 ай бұрын
אהובות שלייי מאוד יפה!!!
@BenCover 8 ай бұрын
מרגש ביותר!
@user-rn6og4bj6x 8 ай бұрын
מרגש ביותר המון בהצלחה קרדיט ליוסף עובדיה הנסיך ❤
@Pazmedan 7 ай бұрын
כמה עוצמההההה ואוווווו
@user-jv7zm2pu6x 7 ай бұрын
וואו באמת מיוחדים ומשרים שלווה❤
@user-gd8sl8yj5m 8 ай бұрын
ב"ה שישובו כל החטופים לביתם לחיים טובים ולשלום
@user-bh8uy5br2l 8 ай бұрын
Very moving!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@EliadGoldOfficiial 8 ай бұрын
אלופים ממני מנהל באתר נושמים מזרחיתתת
@user-jn1jd7mc6p 8 ай бұрын
מרגש מאד שיחזרו בשלום
@florenceneri8240 7 ай бұрын
Superbe chason ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-wz7hk7sc4c 8 ай бұрын
איזה ומרגש הקליפ
@user-iz7cu8lg1w 8 ай бұрын
אמאל'ה צמרמורת 🥹🥹🥹
@raz1255 8 ай бұрын
@user-gd8sl8yj5m 8 ай бұрын
ב"ה שכל עם ישראל יזכה לשיר בשמחה שלום עליכם בקבלת שבת קודש❤
@liliaisar3383 8 ай бұрын
כולם יחזרו הביתה, אמן❤
@user-ld8du6dn1n 8 ай бұрын
Swift deliverance , a hedge of protection to every hostage 💯❤🇮🇱 psalm 91 Lord keep them as an apple of Your eye 💯❤❤🇮🇱❤
@amirnoy8749 21 күн бұрын
@user-uw8tj6ed2z 3 ай бұрын
מדהים❤ קול של מלאכים
@SheylaMoraes Ай бұрын
@alin-catalinbucatica-preda1029 4 ай бұрын
Nu vom uita niciodată!😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@eyalhar-tuv803 8 ай бұрын
מהמם ביופיו
@MichaelFedder-v5n 18 күн бұрын
Possibly the most moving video on KZbin.
@andrewanderson5415 3 ай бұрын
God Bless Israel and its people
@lukaskamin755 7 ай бұрын
Wow that's so beautiful, I love this Shabbat song so much. I believe such videos should be shared as much as possible with English subtitles added, of course the art speaks even more powerful, than words, but still consider adding English translation, unfortunately not so many even Jews outsude Israel can read Hebrew, and it's such emotional videos of art, that can break through the wall if lie , propaganda
@sankarmukherjee9576 6 ай бұрын
Incredible singing. Love from Kolkata, India.
@stefaniehegmann6250 7 ай бұрын
This is so heartbreaking 💔 Praying for Israel and my beloved people. Your pain is my pain too 😢🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇩🇪
@joseantonioleonbenitez7550 8 ай бұрын
Shalom Israel 🇮🇱
@jozueelizeusraboni4997 8 ай бұрын
@user-ei1vw6ei7q 4 ай бұрын
מרגש בגדול
@gilital8 8 ай бұрын
@shokoshokoshoko73 8 ай бұрын
@user-dp8lg3th6b 7 ай бұрын
Мир Вам Израиль, желаю удачи Тебе Израиль.
@antoniogiudice6709 5 ай бұрын
@antonellabaluganti8109 8 ай бұрын
Cari vi benedico grandemente nel nome di ascen io non sono alchem sono sion geruschialaim che ascen ha salvato sul monte sion dove io abito da eserciti di tutte le nazioni che sono venuti da tantissimo tempo
@francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734 7 ай бұрын
Prayers for Peace 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼 A poem...Jerusalem which means Twofold Peace Jerusalem Oh green and pleasant land of the dove, What has happened to peace and Love? For Jerusalem that is being made here, Is now being turned in to terror and fear. Oh green and pleasant land do you hear? That Jerusalem that is made here, Is Twofold Peace that is meant to be, From living a good life Positively. Positively living means not to die From negativity that is the lie Lies from Love's opposition called stress, It is stress that creates in us such a mess. Jerusalem, negative you are not meant to be, But healing our lands with Positivity...+ Love is always Positive + God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning... Love will conquer fear ...but we must choose... Amen, no shalom from 6, no shalom from 666, no shalom from fleshly traits which are sin Galatians 5:19. Golden Halos can only come from us attaining to Fruits of the Spirit of God's Love Anointed... Galatians 5:22-23, No Peace of The Holy Spirit of Peace without Self Control to over come sin...no quiet conscience with guilt from sin, no integration of mind and body: 8 from the righteous teachings of God's Love:7 to attain to Spirit:9 for ataining to Oneness:Wholeness: 10: atonement from the Wonderful Counsel of our Eternal Father, our honourable Prince of Peace, our Messiah who is returning for Salvation and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Thy Kingdom come with the governmental rule upon His shoulders...Isaiah 9:6 We must examine ourselves, seek the truth to set free the grief, hurt and pain as God promises to do at Revelation 21... I love the book of Isaiah, is Isaiah 60 Revelation 12? Jesus Christ is the Light of this world and is returning for Salvation, Peace, Heaven on Earth... Time to end all abuse: Time for repentence for Salvation:Truth. Salvation The End The End is the beginning of the word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of Love’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. To end inner turmoil and confusion To end abuse, regret and shame To end the sickness of mind delusion To end the trauma, grief and pain. The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of God’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. The End is the promise of salvation The End is the promise of re birth The end is the conscious healing message For Peace and Heaven here on Earth. The End is the beginning of the word endorphin The End is the beginning of The Word The End is the beginning of Love’s promise To end Manmade trauma, grief and pain. The End is the promise of New Heaven Where truth will set us free from pain Where mourning will be completed For Love to reside in us again. The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin Where ‘ the stones will cry out’ for rebirth The end is the beginning of The Word endorphin For Peace and Heaven here on Earth. 🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨ 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵 A New Song in progress... Halleluyah #Timetoendallabuse #endabusenow #Timetoendallabuse #Healthisnotacortisol #Peaceisnotacortisol #Joyisnotacortisol #Parousia Maranatha ... 🕊💖🕊 ✨✨✨✨ 🎁🌲🎄🌲🔥💝 Greetings, Jesus Christ is returning... A Vision of Light, Sun Revelation 'Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted...' I see a new heaven and new earth... Revelation 21 God is Love and Light for enlightenment of Love Anointed namely Jesus Christ who is returning quickly for Healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... HalleluYah #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone caused by lies, betrayals, corruption, division, abuse and sin which pays the wages of death...Romans 6:23 Death of God's Holy Spirit of Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others... #Timetoendallabuse Time for Heaven on Earth as promised for The Promised Land to come... God's #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone of fear but a naturally occuring endorphin blood made whole and One in our body which is The Temple for God's Love to dwell...The End is the beginning of The Word endorphin His Love in our blood 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨ Amen, Ameen, Shalom, New Jerusalem: Twofold Peace for Heaven on Earth...our body is The Temple for God's Love to dwell for Peace of The Holy Spirit of Peace via a quiet conscience with God and self for Peace with others via The Holy Spirit 🕊💖🕊 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour who is returning...HalleluYah ✨✨✨✨
@user-re3lp9ox9s 8 ай бұрын
@dubnationbabyklay1159 5 ай бұрын
God bless israel
@user-rk7rw7qq4v 8 ай бұрын
מלכי המלכים, לא מלאכי המלכים.. תצליחו !
@antoniogiudice6709 5 ай бұрын
Israele ❤ti amo 💖
@user-ne8vt4yv7m 7 ай бұрын
Ам Исраэль Хай🇮🇱❤️ , спасибо нашему Творцу за такое Единство нашего народа 💪✌️🔯🕎🇮🇱❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@user-jb1mn7rl8k 7 ай бұрын
אין יותר מלאכי ממכם דמעות של אהבה
@ristorulamo3579 8 ай бұрын
@Elena-bu6oy 6 ай бұрын
עם ישראל חי❤🇮🇱
@dubnationbabyklay1159 5 ай бұрын
God bless israel have peace on jerusalem may the hostages return home soon ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪❤️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@juancarlosbecerra1138 6 ай бұрын
@user-ng9cz4gr9h 7 ай бұрын
Am Yisrel Chay 🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱😢❤
@barryw.gaugler3442 7 ай бұрын
Am Israel Chai 🇮🇱 ❤ 😊
@user-cq7yn6cm7q 7 ай бұрын
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free!!!! We stand with Palestine 100%!!!!!
@rikyviky2291 8 ай бұрын
כל באישה זו בושה..אישה לא שרה בפובליק סליחה...כל הצרות באות ביגלל כם....לא מספיק מה שעברנו ליפני חודשיים וחצי 😢😢😢..מה כל התערובת הזו..ממש חבל 😢,🙏🏻
@juanmiguelsanchezamat8753 7 ай бұрын
@juanmiguelsanchezamat8753 7 ай бұрын
Amén ve amén 🙏🧿
@user-fz4wz3yr2o 5 ай бұрын
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