[在雨中] lyrics of this beautiful duet: F: In the rains, I had bidden you farewells M: In the nights, I had kissed you F: In springs, I held you M: In winters, I left you F: Conjugations and separations M: Life is but an opera/play F: We had laughter we had tears M+F: Who can evade the past? chorus (M+F): You said life is beautiful - I had no objection You said life is depressing - I kept my silence To bear all (tribulations) in quietude To endure countless springs and winters Male Female switch lines: M: In the rains, I had bidden you farewells F: In the nights, I had kissed you M: In springs, I held you F: In winters, I left you M: Conjugations and separations F: Life is but an opera/play M: We had laughter we had tears F+M: Who can evade the past? chorus (M+F)