哈哈哈真所謂內行看門道,外行看熱鬧!這一些人高声批評別人的功夫,好像自己是行家功夫或是拳擊高手!?',誠所謂真假太極拳?你自己夲身对太极.究竟懂多少呢?如果你打了好多年的太極拳就想耍評論太極好壞和勁之类的,則如瞎子摸象,什麼都不像!曲高和寡,有多少人真的能懂貝多芬classic 音樂呢??哼哼流行曲是满街道皆是的!公園打太極可说是活動筋骨的好体操,对身体有健康帮助的,至於練到高層處的太极不光練体耍練得氣劲意,脚下生根,全身鬆柔不受力,氣遍全身,立如平準活似車輪,偏沉則隨双重则滞,懂陰陽能陰陽相济,所謂引進落空,四兩撥千斤,就如手緊按竹子即弹回身上,用跌搥捶打在充氣輪胎即被反弹回,愈用力捶打弹回力道愈大之理!如你能把身體意氣練習到如充有弹性的竹桿,如充气的輪胎,那麼廖老師能把學生反彈出去,你就不感覺是奇怪有如变魔術了,是怪你自已無知,學無術井底青蛙未見世面,口出乱言不知所語已!我拍攝廖老師早年2014,2016等年影片,學生握緊拳頭擊打廖老師充滿氣的丹田,瞬間學生上身極速斜飛出卅二feet,用力按在廖老師挤式手臂你的脚幾乎不着地退出卅多feet. What are you expecting on the tiny space of stage?soundly the host asked you doing a demonstration!閉嘴注意观看,没人会说你是啞巴,be respect maybe you can learn something!🤗👍
@WYEGARY My guess: 1. Stepping backward is to stay balanced so to avoid falling. 2. The teacher when rejecting the force( Jin 發勁), he can choose to make one fall, rise, or far away, and in some case, injured. So, when playing this with students, the teacher tend to use the harmless way.
I was suspecious about this kind of demonstrations until I tried to tackle a Taiji master and got similar "treatment". Obviously, the force used by the attacker and the defender is mild, just enough to let the viewer appreciate the ability to sense the force and to redirect it in minimum amount of movement. All I can say is that when the attacker is "directed" away, he simply has to follow the "direction", or to fall. If looking for street fight demo, this would not be worth the time.
@leekines7977 Жыл бұрын
@Blackangelsean13 жыл бұрын
This is pretty much what they do in regular weekly practice in Sun Yishen Memorial hall in Taipei. As I can tell in their regular practice, those look like jump put much weight on Mr. Liau. So, the backfires were more obvious.
@ateoh780811 ай бұрын
@ShenSpirit12 жыл бұрын
Who is this? Not saying he's bad or completely fake, but this clip shows a lot of very cooperative behavior by his attackers who I assume are his students. Students, especially in a public setting, are not going to take a chance on making their teacher look bad, so these guys are deliberately pushing themselves away or launching wide-open and gentle attacks. Don't understand why the audience seems so impressed.
@Llucius14 жыл бұрын
It's just that the floor is slippery , and those guys are too old to take a fall on their tailbone , that's why they choose to step backwards to reduce the impact , or they could choose to fall.
@Llucius14 жыл бұрын
And this is kind of the only real one I see out of most of the videos I saw , would be interesting if these master talk about the mechanic of 勁 more , so that people could have a better concept on this.
@josemartins7299 Жыл бұрын
For me this is nothing! What I want to see is the quality of his form! That is the bottom line to see the truth!
@Blackangelsean11 жыл бұрын
If you can live up to 88 years old, then you can comment what is a poor old man supposed to be.