Feel so sad…., 人類不該如此被控制,都什麼年代了,如今各國的重點是要努力的愛惜這已經傷痕累累的地球,而不是浪費時間搞這種傷害人的事,ㄞ…..,看了很心疼,主角的心靈該有多受傷要承受這樣的事情,希望他一切安好! 大多數人通常是絕望了才會想到投靠宗教的力量….,而陳老師還那麼年輕,就要經歷這種像地獄的煎熬,他只不過是稍微做自己,這樣有錯?
thanks for liking Taiwan. thanks for spreading Love and good expereince. I am an expat Taiwanese living in England for 29 years. I also miss the warmth of , ocean, food and most of all the kindness of Taiwanese people. Hope you spread to millions people back in China too. Enjoy your LIFE!!