🔨 *==== LIAR'S BAR W/ KAELUARGA ====* 🔨 *=== SPECIAL TIMESTAMPS ===* *[ A LIL BIT OF SCHEDULE UPDATE ]* 03:55:18 Kaela will be back again today. Need to work on something. Not sure will stream in the morning or evening, we'll see *[ KAELA HAS PERSONAL ISSUE TO HER OWN TIMESTAMPER ]* 01:02:40 TAGGER TAGGER POINT ON THE TAGGER, NEED TO GO BACK TO WORK 01:03:58 TAGGER TAGGER! (PewNyaa died bcs Kaela told Felix to aim it to him) 03:14:32 chat: La itu ada tagger la. Kae: Oh tagger? Tagger should die first okay okay (personal moment with tagger) 03:19:08 Now try to gaslight to shoot tagger 03:22:07 Proceed to gaslight other pemaloe to kill tagger again 03:23:01 We need to make him focus and not distracted you know (Told to chat satria is a timestamper) *[ AND HAS PERSONAL ISSUES WITH PEMALOE AS WELL ]* 00:24:17 Kaela personal with kacang beruntung 00:25:18 THATS RIGGED, I WASNT SUPPOSED TO DIE BY DED ONE (one of pemaloe betray her, aim other pemaloe at first but change the aim in last second) 00:35:39 Kaela personal moment, she said cant move the hand and lock to doostin 00:36:50 Koneko arvi i remember that (after aiming to ela) 01:19:13 LIAAAARRR (aim zephyrus and call liar but its not lie) 01:23:21 HAIYAAAA ZEPHYRUS HOW MANY TIME, at this point zephyrus never learn 01:45:05 PLEASE KILL THAT GUY, YEAH YEAH BOOM BOOM (personal with albetrox) 03:01:22 Chio: Ini personal sih ini personal, aku kutuk jadi batu (Kaela told ruby to called him out, but he save) *[ EVERTIME CHAOS CARD SHOWED UP, IT'S CHAOS! ]* 00:19:53 HAYOOOOO (they got chaos card, shoot each other) 00:20:24 EH WHY ? WHY IM NOT DED, AIM ISSUE ! (pemaloe shoot her but kaela not die) 00:46:09 YEAHHH! LET'S GO! (Chaos card but all point at Kaela) -------------------- 01:35:31 Lets goooo (got chaos card) 01:35:43 WOW! OKAY OKAY! (Chaos card called but all survive) 01:36:36 WHY WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN?! (Chaos card called again but all still survive) 01:37:12 WHATTT WA- STOPP STOPP (Got chaos card again) 01:37:48 Both Kaela and Pemaloe shot each other -------------------- 01:42:44 YEAAAH LETS GOOO (got chaos card already) 02:14:32 Chaos card called but all survive 02:27:31 HAIYA GAES! NOT NICE LAH! (Chaos card got called) 03:04:14 Ok nice lets gooooo, ALL SHOOT TACHIO (chaos card played, tachio very lucky, he survived) 03:04:33 All shoot tachio! All shoot tachio guys! (Chaos card called but still survive) 03:23:48 Chaos card got called and tagger got shot *[ HELICOPTER STRAT IS WORKING ]* 01:15:55 HELICOPTER! (saved). OH! 100 PERCENT GAES HELICOPTER! (strat working) 01:55:51 HELICOPTER ? OK HELICOPTER TO DODGE THE BULLET ! (spin her char so fast) 03:12:35 HELICOPTERR TO DODGE THE BULLETT (Rubywolf win) 03:48:18 ADIOS HELICOPTEEEEER, Ok helicopter save my life *[ PEMALOE LOVEY DOVEY MOMENT, SO ROMANTIC ]* 00:54:30 Why both of you is super romantic huh? They're just both chilling, super romantic 02:30:03 DONT BE SO ROMANTIC, ROMANTIC IS NOT ALLOWED HERE (2 pemaloe looking to each other eyes) 02:31:34 What is this love me in the eyes? (Pemaloe lovey dovey moment) *[ WHO WANTS KAELA DAKIMAKURA? ]* 00:04:39 Just now when meeting, Mchan ask her if she want to have dakimakura merch or not. She said it straight no 00:05:56 The dakimakura is possible if only Mchan who want it, like Mchan force to have it. If not than ADIOS 00:07:33 K: CKIA DAKI ? | LC: Ckia daki is yabai | K: So you think kaela daki is not yabai ??? *[ EVERY GAMES PLAYED ]* 00:13:51 Game 1 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Corned beef, Kacang Beruntung, Lodong) 00:28:35 Game 2 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (koneko arvi, behosu, doostin) 00:43:58 Game 3 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (cohlin, anvlLuck, mini) 00:58:44 Game 4 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (kotak2, pewNyaa, FelixDT88) 01:07:18 Game 5 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode(CookieTheRadNerd, ha//voq) 01:17:22 Game 6 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Zephyrus, MoomingFanGB, MamikoP) 01:29:48 Game 7 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Hanka, cronous, psyduck_36) 01:40:23 Game 8 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Tmo, albetrox, vnrg) 01:49:05 Game 9 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Big Head, Arceykayzee, Daniel_W) 02:07:15 Game 10 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode(danzelsiew73, segar, silentkeluarga) 02:25:34 Game 11 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Simian, Maskawaih, deniven) -------------------- 02:34:18 Game 12 - Liar's Dice: Tradisional Mode (Koegin, Skibidi Gyatt, Kuma-chan) 02:45:16 Game 13 - Liar's Dice: Traditional Mode (Saje, Latief jr, jasonred79) 02:54:41 Game 14 - Liar's Dice: Traditional Mode (FayNatico, Image) -------------------- 02:59:26 Game 15 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (LEWINK, tachio, Rubywolf) 03:13:44 Game 16 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (polymertrash, CoronasdeLaurel, SatriaRP) 03:31:40 Game 17 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (Joefu, Super_SSG, Jeane) ***===== FULL TIMESTAMPS IN REPLY SECTION ===============***
@Vousbxr18 күн бұрын
*===== FULL TIMESTAMPS =====* 00:01:54 Stream start 00:02:33 Actually kaela doesn't have plan to play liar's bar tonight 00:03:48 Tomorrow still don't know how many stream. If possible she want to have 2 stream 00:04:13 Reason why music is different bcs she got red copyright from previous stream 00:04:39 Just now when meeting, Mchan ask her if she want to have dakimakura merch or not. She said it straight no 00:05:56 The dakimakura is possible if only Mchan who want it, like Mchan force to have it. If not than ADIOS 00:07:33 K: CKIA DAKI ? | LC: Ckia daki is yabai | K: So you think kaela daki is not yabai ??? *==[ GAME START ]==* 00:13:29 Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode ---------------------------------------- 00:13:51 Game 1 - (Corned beef, Kacang Beruntung, Lodong) 00:14:18 Oh no its lagging, its lagging again (her 3d) 00:15:49 Censoring herself with fugi then make smoler her 3d 00:16:47 Wait can they hear me ? hello hello (turn on voice chat) 00:17:47 K: Dont shy shy | P: You are my queen | K: GSH ! 00:18:06 Kaela save from first shoot 00:19:53 HAYOOOOO (they got chaos card, shoot each other) 00:20:24 EH WHY ? WHY IM NOT DED, AIM ISSUE ! (pemaloe shoot her but kaela not die) 00:21:20 Kacang Beru, not Kacang Beruntung (not lucky after miss to shoot Ela) 00:23:07 WHAT ? FIRST BULLET LETS GOOO (corned beef ded by first bullet) 00:24:17 Kaela personal with kacang beruntung 00:25:18 THATS RIGGED, I WASNT SUPPOSED TO DIE BY DED ONE (one of pemaloe betray her, aim other pemaloe at first but change the aim in last second) 00:26:18 EAAAAAAAAAAA EAAAAAA (2 pemaloe shoot each other but lucky no bullet) 00:28:03 SEE? LODONG! THAT'S WHAT YOU GOT (Kacang Beruntung Win) -------------------------------------------------- 00:28:35 Game 2 (koneko arvi, behosu, doostin) 00:30:48 Behosu died with first bullet 00:32:51 Booom wuuuuuu (one of pemaloe aim another pemaloe but save) 00:34:10 kaela laugh when she aim to pemaloe, lucky pemaloe still save 00:35:39 Kaela personal moment, she said cant move the hand and lock to doostin 00:36:15 IDK HOW TO MOVE THE MOUSE (still aim doostin) 00:36:50 Koneko arvi i remember that (after aiming to ela) 00:37:28 EHEM~ ADIOS! (but still survive) 00:37:38 ADIOS...this is so bad. Im super lucky i guess (kaela save) 00:38:33 NOOO! THIS LIFE IS UNFAIR! (Died) 00:40:08 4th bullet ? WOOOOH OK OK OK (doostin save) 00:40:52 Wow so it's like that? Wow (Koneko aim it to kaela corpse, all survive) 00:42:13 Kaela save someone who actually kill her 00:43:22 ADIOS! Arvi win -------------------------------------------------- 00:43:58 Game 3 (cohlin, anvlLuck, mini) 00:45:04 Please let me win, i will win 00:46:09 YEAHHH! LET'S GO! (Chaos card but all point at Kaela) 00:46:29 This is gonna be first bullet lets go ! (Kaela jinx works, she's dead) 00:48:13 Kaela predict cohlin gonna win 00:49:56 ADIOS! (AnvlLuck died) 00:52:11 I don't know what's happening in this game because every single time we play this game the l2d is lagging 00:52:29 UUUWWWWWWWW (2 pemaloe so lucky, pointing each other but still save) 00:54:30 Why both of you is super romantic huh? They're just both chilling, super romantic 00:55:20 NOOOOO (mini win) 00:55:47 Checking settings first 00:56:56 Nice the game is broken 00:57:33 WOW UWOW UWOW UWOW (Check 3d) -------------------------------------------------- 00:58:44 Game 4 (kotak2, pewNyaa, FelixDT88) 00:59:37 LC: Minggir kocak | K: GAK MAU GAK MAU 01:00:26 LALALALA ~ (rotate her 3d, now she face the table) 01:00:56 WHY LIAR HUH ! ADIOS ! LAH ??? (pemaloe ded in first bullet) 01:02:35 Woy don't liar liar wehh that's not nice (Felix called out kaela) 01:02:40 TAGGER TAGGER POINT ON THE TAGGER, NEED TO GO BACK TO WORK 01:03:58 TAGGER TAGGER! (PewNyaa died bcs Kaela told Felix to aim it to him) 01:04:45 OH NOOOOOO (last pemaloe still save) 01:05:42 BOOM BOOM EUUGGHHHHH (aim to pemaloe but still save) 01:06:26 LETSGOOO (got chaos card) 01:06:40 WHAAAAT ? (kaela dead) -------------------------------------------------- 01:07:18 Game 5 (CookieTheRadNerd, ha//voq) 01:10:27 WOI GAME DOKO 01:10:41 Someone's gone? Oh let's goo now we know who to shoot right (Jeanie gone) 01:13:13 WHAAAAAT (Ha//voq ded) 01:13:44 Naaah i'll be fine, BRING IT ON BOOM BOOM (Kaela save) 01:15:02 Haiyaa~ I guess you really want to rest quick right? (pemaloe called Kaela lie but it was true) 01:15:17 OWWWWWHHHHHHH (pemaloe still save) 01:15:55 HELICOPTER! (saved). OH! 100 PERCENT GAES HELICOPTER! (strat working) 01:16:49 LETSGOOOOO (kaela win)
@Vousbxr18 күн бұрын
01:17:22 Game 6 (Zephyrus, MoomingFanGB, MamikoP) 01:18:18 Is that kaela ? The vtuber ? AM I PLAYING WITH KAELA RN ? BAU BAU BAU BAU 01:19:13 LIAAAARRR (aim zephyrus and call liar but its not lie) 01:20:20 They got chaos card and all aiming to mamikoP 01:20:33 WOW THAT'S- *laughing (MamikoP died) 01:21:26 Do not bully guys haiyaaa, why you bully other pemaloe~ 01:22:08 BOOM LAH BOOM ! (try to jinx pemaloe but not work) 01:23:21 HAIYAAAA ZEPHYRUS HOW MANY TIME, at this point zephyrus never learn 01:23:50 Ask zephyrus to do jiko to reset luck 01:24:08 MoomingFanGB please call me a liar, I'll not betray you (Kaela aim to MoomingFanGB still got betrayed, pemaloe saved) 01:25:41 WHY YOU CALL PIG, YOU ALSO PIG ! 01:25:59 NOOOOOOOOOOO (kaela and mooming pointing to zephyrus, only zephyrus aim to kaela and kaela ded) 01:26:28 Kaela doing jiko bcs she is dead 01:27:57 Waaaaa owh!(Zephyrus still save) 01:28:06 Pemaloe want Kaela to do custom jiko but she refused 01:28:40 Wuuuu ok (zephyrus still have luck) 01:29:24 Zephyrus win -------------------------------------------------- 01:29:48 Game 7 (Hanka, cronous, psyduck_36) 01:33:34 Why this is so quiet, this is very intense 01:34:12 Hmmmm who should i shoot ? owh (blank) 01:35:31 Lets goooo (got chaos card) 01:35:43 WOW! OKAY OKAY! (Chaos card called but all survive) 01:36:36 WHY WE NEED TO DO THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN?! (Chaos card called again but all still survive) 01:37:12 WHATTT WA- STOPP STOPP (Got chaos card again) 01:37:48 Both Kaela and Pemaloe shot each other 01:38:17 That one just now it's a very exhausting content, it's an epic content if four of us die 01:39:37 Adios GG otsu (Psyduck_36 Win) -------------------------------------------------- 01:40:23 Game 8 (Tmo, albetrox, vnrg) 01:41:42 SANTAI BANG (one of pemaloe sounds like using xbox mic) 01:42:44 YEAAAH LETS GOOO (got chaos card already) 01:42:59 WHAT IS GOING ONNN STOPP (Kaela died) 01:43:25 JUST GIVE ME THE DICE IM SO DONE WITH THIS 01:44:47 Pemaloe: La kok kamu mati duluan la?, K: Pertanyaan bagus 01:45:05 PLEASE KILL THAT GUY, YEAH YEAH BOOM BOOM (personal with albetrox) 01:46:22 YOU BE FINE...ADIOS (vnrg ded, thanks to kaela jinx ) 01:48:13 LET'S GOOO (tmo win) -------------------------------------------------- 01:49:05 Game 9 (Big Head, Arceykayzee, Daniel_W) 01:50:39 K: LIAAAAAAAR | ArceKayzee : I never lie kaela | K: Owh really ? owh... (kaela pointing to herself but still save) 01:52:11 Uh huh hmmmm hmmm, why ??? (pointing to big head, but blank) 01:55:51 HELICOPTER ? OK HELICOPTER TO DODGE THE BULLET ! (spin her char so fast) 01:59:15 Hmmmm hmmmmmmm 02:01:07 I like dying anyway ! (call liar and need to point gun to herself but still save, for now) 02:02:27 Let's go! (At last someone got DUAR) 02:03:43 You pressuring me by being honest, in this game you cant be honest 02:05:35 Wow thats auto call huaaa huaaaa dhlh (kaela ded) 02:06:38 Wow GG (big head win) -------------------------------------------------- 02:07:15 Game 10 (danzelsiew73, segar, silentkeluarga) 02:07:42 chat: dice la. Kae: Takut kalah aku, nanti kalo aku kalah rekor 100% win rate ku hilang guys 02:10:17 This is even funnier with this bgm 02:11:21 Ok ok after this call ye (told danzelsiew73 to make call, lucky danzelsiew73 still save) 02:12:58 How many times you want call me liar, when im not lying ! 02:14:32 Chaos card called but all survive 02:15:28 Kaela try to gaslighting pemaloe to not call her card lie 02:16:04 Haiyaaaa dont kill me laaaah, i still want to play (saved) 02:17:28 No i said noooo, i dont even answer it. Now you regret it lah...*DOR (one of pemaloe run out of luck, call kaela liar and ded) 02:17:50 This is an honest table~ Everyone trying to be honest 02:20:47 She really really want to have coffee i guess (Segar ask silent kaeluarga to point to him) 02:21:55 Again gaslighting pemaloe not to called lie 02:22:07 Haiyaaaaaa no coffee lah, see no coffee ? (silent kaeluarga ded) 02:23:40 Bad hands...wait whaaaat ?i think adios already (kaela still saved) 02:24:49 no no coffee for you, oh no (kaela win) -------------------------------------------------- 02:25:34 Game 11 (Simian, Maskawaih, deniven) 02:27:31 HAIYA GAES! NOT NICE LAH! (Chaos card got called) 02:27:44 Adios! (Deniven died) 02:28:52 I just trying to be honest and i still got shot? Wow... (Maskawaih shot kaela, kaela died) 02:30:03 DONT BE SO ROMANTIC, ROMANTIC IS NOT ALLOWED HERE (2 pemaloe looking to each other eyes) 02:31:34 What is this love me in the eyes? (Pemaloe lovey dovey moment) 02:33:17 Dhlh (maskawaih win)
@Vousbxr18 күн бұрын
02:34:18 Game 12 : Liar's Dice; Tradisional Mode (Koegin, Skibidi Gyatt, Kuma-chan) 02:36:30 Ok lets see lets seee yayaya (koegin call liar and need to drink poison) -------------------- 02:36:48 Ah Raora welcomee, welcome to the stream. Welcome chattini. Thank you for the redirect! (Raora raid) Give me all your luck and I'll give you jetpack -------------------- 02:39:15 kaela tease pemaloe to make call or increase the number 02:39:31 Goodbyeee good~bye~ (Koegin died) 02:42:04 Thats not nice...ok ok ok very intense (drink her first poison) 02:43:00 LETS SEE WHO GONNA DIE OK OK (kuma chan ded) 02:43:27 This is hard though 02:44:10 Kaela win -------------------------------------------------- 02:45:16 Game 13 - Liar's Dice: Traditional Mode (Saje, Latief jr, jasonred79) 02:45:33 Wow why suddenly dead laugh 02:46:02 Oh yeah jiko jiko first | Pemaloe : KAELA IS CUTE KAELA IS CUTE 02:46:54 JUST SPOT ON LAH SPOT ON, why you guys got no one lah (kaela drink poison) 02:48:51 ADIOS WORLD ! (saje drink poison 02:50:27 WOW EVERYONE JUST BLUFFING AT THIS POINT (only one 1 dice on table) 02:51:43 WOOOOHHHH WOOOOO (kaela so bold calling liar, lucky she survived) 02:52:14 Kaela told Saje to do jiko to reset her luck 02:52:51 NOOOO! MY WINRATE! (Kaela lost at long last) 02:53:48 Jasonred79 win -------------------------------------------------- 02:54:41 Game 14 - Liar's Dice: Traditional Mode (FayNatico, Image) 02:55:26 Wait where is the other one... (one dc) 02:56:06 Thats so well, thats so wow (faynatico call spot on and its really spot on, kaela and image drink poison) 02:56:54 LIAR ? WHATS THAT LIAR 02:58:08 Kaela dead 02:58:46 WELL... (faynatico win)
@Vousbxr18 күн бұрын
02:59:26 Game 15 - Liar's Deck: Chaos Mode (LEWINK, tachio, Rubywolf) 03:01:22 Chio: Ini personal sih ini personal, aku kutuk jadi batu (Kaela told ruby to called him out, but he saved) 03:03:48 WDYM? All shoot Kaela? GSH! 03:04:14 Ok nice lets gooooo, ALL SHOOT TACHIO (chaos card played, tachio very lucky, he survived) 03:04:33 All shoot tachio! All shoot tachio guys! (Chaos card called but still survive) 03:05:48 Bang darah tinggi bang tiati bang (talk to Chio) 03:06:32 Kaela laugh so hard after LEWINK kill tachio. K: OH NOOOOO MY STOMACH HURTS 03:08:00 Well honestly speaking no one gonna listen to ghost (ghost tachio trying to persuade lewink to shoot ela) -------------------- 03:08:39 Ollie's raid -------------------- 03:10:11 Tachio sc said you gonna change oshi | Ghost Tachio : YE YE YE | K: no thats not real tachio, its a ghost 03:10:52 ADIOS! (LEWINK died) 03:12:35 HELICOPTERR TO DODGE THE BULLETT (Rubywolf win) 03:12:54 I think someone is literally broken guys -------------------------------------------------- 03:13:44 Game 16 (polymertr4sh, CoronasdeLaurel, SatriaRP) 03:14:32 chat: La itu ada tagger la. Kae: Oh tagger? Tagger should die first okay okay (personal moment with tagger) 03:17:17 First bullet tagger let's go (Satria saved) 03:17:50 Pemaloe: Kasih lah waktu main bang. K: Okay2 setelah ini lah 03:19:08 Now try to gaslight to shoot tagger 03:20:53 Why not try to shoot yourself? Can we try to shoot ourselves? (Satria shoot kaela but she saved) 03:22:07 Proceed to gaslight other pemaloe to kill tagger again 03:23:01 We need to make him focus and not distracted you know (Told to chat satria is a timestamper) 03:23:48 Chaos card got called and tagger got shot 03:24:55 NOOOO!! wait what why i didn't die? (Kaela got shot but didn't die again) 03:26:14 I'll avoid that again (chaos card called, everyone save) 03:29:24 Adios (Polymer died) see? If it's not to me the gun just works 03:30:12 Tararaaa~ (Kaela win) -------------------------------------------------- 03:31:40 Game 17 (Joefu, Super_SSG, Jeane) 03:34:37 Wait wait why liar ? (jeanne make a call) 03:35:32 SHE SAID PLEASEEEEE, SHE USE THE PLEASE CARD (jeanne) 03:36:11 Kaela learning please is the magic word 03:38:17 Trying to shoot female pemaloe but got laughed instead 03:41:19 Nice try though~ You dodge lot of bullet (female pemaloe adios) 03:42:34 I will not lose in my last game! Never ever... right? 03:46:59 I SAID DONT CALL IT, YOU WILL REGRET IT (joefu) 03:47:23 OWH LAST BULLET LETS GOOO (for joefu) 03:48:18 ADIOS HELICOPTEEEEER, Ok helicopter save my life 03:49:38 Helicopter to save your life? (Super_SSG still died) 03:49:55 Pemaloe: La gamau coba turu la enak loh. Kae: nah nah nah, no turu turu 03:51:10 I have no other options adios then, adios my life 03:51:23 WOOOOO WOOOOOO (kaela still survived) 03:52:03 GG! GG! That was so intense! (Kaela win) ---------------------------------------- 03:52:45 Today i need to be work again but i'll stream 03:53:35 I think thats all and happy thanksgiving ! 03:55:18 Kaela will be back again today. Need to work on something. Not sure will stream in the morning or evening, we'll see 03:57:03 PJS will be back on Monday
@Vousbxr18 күн бұрын
Tags Credits: Satria, PewNyaa, and Vous.
@joefu18 күн бұрын
amazing stream, still can't believe how intense that last game was!
@Behosu18 күн бұрын
This new chaotic mode in liars bar sure resulted in some goofy moments today. Thanks for making time to play with us again. Next time I'll have to get my revenge.
@annes508918 күн бұрын
otsulemao.. thanks for the stream
@grindstone-e7p18 күн бұрын
Yeah ~ PGS will come back I’m so excited for that ❤❤❤ Thank you Kaela play with us
@coronasdelaurel18 күн бұрын
Thank you for the game Ela. I don't know how you dodged that bullet but it's an honest work Thanks once again for hosting since it was really exciting and fun, but I'll take my revenge in the future See you next time
@PewCha18 күн бұрын
Thank you for the stream ela. GOOD LUCK with your work. See you on the next stream
@Rusty-EN18 күн бұрын
Otsulemao, thanks for the streamalthough it was rigged, i hope you and everyone who played had fun Also happy thanksgiving 🦃🎉
@xrubywolfx908218 күн бұрын
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and if you don't celebrate it I wish you all a wonderful day. Appreciate the games and so many getting to play. I honestly thought I wouldn't get a chance to play since these type of games don't stick around for long. Also hope you are having a good vacation or if it's over I hope you had alot of relaxing moments. till next time take care stay safe everyone
@Veyy_20Cya18 күн бұрын
Happy Thanksgiving and take care
@xrubywolfx908217 күн бұрын
@Veyy_20Cya Thank you also long time no see
@khoonkitlim596318 күн бұрын
Thank you for the fun -getting-shot- gambling luck in the Liar's Bar stream with the Pemaloe, Kaela!
@zephyrus5618 күн бұрын
Kerennn thanks for the game darling~
@Jasonred79squeek17 күн бұрын
1:20:10 a HILARIOUS Chaos Card call out. MamikoP thinks this is his moment of glory but it backfires.
@Raz-eo2qb18 күн бұрын
Happy thanksgiving everyone!
@PrivMeTime18 күн бұрын
Thank you for the stream kaelaa More play together with Pemaloe pls
@ツトム-b5t18 күн бұрын
@Segar-Brunei18 күн бұрын
Gg ela I am so awake cause the msg coffee
@bighead907718 күн бұрын
@Nigen696917 күн бұрын
27:26 😂😂
@tutiwijaya435516 күн бұрын
Ela semangat di event😘
@dinaryunus913118 күн бұрын
3:25:05 Belajar ilmu kebal dari siapa la? Keris sakti kah? 😂