Liberty Engine 2: THE PORTABLE FREE ENERGY GENERATOR that you can build yourself

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The Liberty Engine Project

The Liberty Engine Project

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@user-fq2qh7ce4d Жыл бұрын
Hello, I am a person who repairs transmission in Korea.After watching the video, I also finished spinning.I ordered a 3000 RPM motor online.Thank you for your hard work.
@alsetpsm1373 Жыл бұрын
If you want a power output to the loads greater than this, than you must have a bigger size gauge for the 4 coils than what the microwave XFOs have (which are around 16 AWG wires). Using 8 AWG size wires or even lower AWG sizes wires for the 4 coils will give you way more power to the loads than with the current wire size gauge for these 4 coils. Bringing the 4 coils closer to the magnets will also be a great improvement.
@user-cn8qp1yg7h Жыл бұрын
Спасибо за разяснения
@fredfeldmeier8228 Жыл бұрын
The perpetual motion holder is independent from the generator.. first time a saw a perpetual motion holder in Dubai made out of 6nines fine silver rotor and neodymium magnets combine with a Japanese mabuchi ac/dc generator.. very impressive architecture.. thanx for changing..👍🇺🇲👏
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
Ignorance is not a virtue.
@viktorbaraga4514 Жыл бұрын
yes it's perpetual motion, but it's not free energy. it comes from permanent magnets and geometry.
@corywolf8285 3 ай бұрын
@@viktorbaraga4514 opp
@kd4dhk Жыл бұрын
If that really works then you wouldnt mind myself or others coming to test it for ourselves, right?
@squigglesmcjr199 Жыл бұрын
Do it and post your results on youtube
@kd4dhk Жыл бұрын
@@squigglesmcjr199 He doesn't seem open to the idea.
@squigglesmcjr199 Жыл бұрын
@kd4dhk he showed the whole world how to make it and told you to, so do it
@kd4dhk Жыл бұрын
@@squigglesmcjr199 Ah, I see. I'm not interested in spending my time building something that's a novelty at best. No useful energy is going to be extracted from that.
@tenthplanet3342 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't let any of u near me, might end up like Stanley Meyers!!!!
@neilunderwood7367 Жыл бұрын
A UPS power backup would work instead of using the pull cord. Power directly to the motor will autostart it. Better yet, a circuit to detect when the UPS is half empty to start the engine and recharge the UPS to 100% before shutting it off again would be great! I've "performed" actual "magic" with dice, and never can speak of it without being met by complete disbelief. Who cares? I know what's real, and that's enough for me. This is not free energy. It's the efficient recovery of stored energy. It takes a lot of electrical energy to manufacture neodymium magnets. If they were naturally occurring, this would be free energy. You are not getting something from nothing, as some would claim this is.
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
There are a dozen other friction points in this heap of spinning illusion to guarantee it's motion will never be "perpetual".
@neilunderwood7367 Жыл бұрын
@@malcontender6319 I didn't catch the part where they claimed this to be perpetual motion. That would be an incorrect assumption. A generator is not a perpetual motion machine any more than the sun is. It works until it doesn't work anymore. Neodynium has stored force. This isn't something from nothing, regardless of the fact that everything that exists has originated from nothing.
@jamesprice6243 Жыл бұрын
It's a silver infused aluminium rotor...silver cannot be magnetised but when placed into a rotating magnetic field it creates a diamagnetic affect....I'm very impressed with how this was made good work to those who committed to this life saving invention
@rogeliomartinez5703 Жыл бұрын
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
Life saving?!?! It's a trick for suckers like yourself. You fell for it, hook line and sinker.
@eternityseven6200 Жыл бұрын
Its time for the world to be free from the grip of power hungry control over resources. There is a limitless supply all around us, its time to bring it to light. And to let it shine, for all the world.
@Allanpaul784 Жыл бұрын
Too many sheep and greedy people the water engine has to be a open source then people will stop getting killed over it then start making Pattons on stuff but they always hide one piece of the engine once it’s out there we won’t need gas and oil so much
@canalouronegro Жыл бұрын
Verdade quanto já gastamos com combustível e energia muito dinheiro
@manley-un8go Жыл бұрын
Greetings you have done it keep up the good work .please tell me the type of magnet you are using thanks
@sleigher5189 Жыл бұрын
​@@manley-un8go neodymium magnets
@Kupte.electron Жыл бұрын
You have to test it with welding machine
@danielortega2351 Жыл бұрын
Many people think it's impossible to create a self running motor but, it is possible and this motor is one of the best creations that I have seen to date. We need to save our planet from the oil greedy rich crooks. Post in line all the schematics for free for all the world to make. Thank you.
@TWGStorms 8 ай бұрын
@danielortega2351 8 ай бұрын
@@TWGStorms why not?
@jahongirqobilov4647 6 ай бұрын
Actually we are doing this kind of testing with machines as a same. It’s very difficult to keep rpm stables once connected load for motor. Will be gets low until nearby to stop. But if will install n52 neodymium magnets for the rotor then maybe would be good. Good job guys.
@gazsm1 Жыл бұрын
Another 'KZbin' perpetual motion machine giving us 'free' energy. Well done, you've managed to change the laws of physics and thermodynamics!
@IamTheRealZODIAC Жыл бұрын
The use of the pull start doesn’t break the law of thermodynamics.
@redwhiteandbluebonnets8180 Жыл бұрын
OMG! You have disproved physics!! Expect the Nobel Prize committee to be calling you soon!
@vinetss Жыл бұрын
Всё по честному, без обмана у волшебника Сулеймана... Конспирация великолепна! При изготовлении в перчатках, а на природе без... Спецслужбы уже на хвосте??? А если серьёзно, господа, в этом видео у вас столько запуток мимоходом, что даже идеально повторив результата не будет. Пока мы видим только фокус.
@PavelSumin Жыл бұрын
А нельзя ли более опытным и знающим предоставить посекундный хронометраж фейков, а то человек так старательно всё делал, что любо-дорого смотреть. А то я, к примеру не специалист ни по фейкам, ни физике, ни зачем ему это всё надо... Просто вижу, что меня наЯ... и наЁ..., но не могу понять - зачем столько труда и материальных и временЫх затрат? Только для того , что - бы втихаря посмеяться над лохами? Еще один Тесла - ...едрён-батон ....!!!
@vinetss Жыл бұрын
@@PavelSumin Уважаемый, изучай основы инфобизнеса. Как делается привлекательный крючёк-приманка, как затем подогревается интерес хомячков- лохопотребителей и всё станет на свои места. Это у нас в России монетизацию на ютубе прикрыли, а там без конкуренции и чёрта лысого можно продать, особенно в слаборазвитых интеллектуально странах. Не переживай в России светлые умы работают не хуже чем в СССР. Всему своё время.😉
@PavelSumin Жыл бұрын
@@vinetss Уважаемый, мне не мало лет, и я твёрдо знаю, что такого не бывает, по тому что учился я в правильной советской школе, даже неплохо. Нов школе, в армии , и институте меня не учили показывать фокусы. Вот и прошу Вас куда надо глядеть и на какой секунде. Вы же, я так понял, это увидели (или знаете)Помогите разобраться старому дуралею: где там фикус-пикус? Не всем же Копперфильдами быть... А я Вам: анекдот на эту тему...
@Ali__Hussain_22 Жыл бұрын
А как же закон сохранения энергии? Как этот асинхронный двигатель( ротор магниты, стартер - обмотки) обходит его? На кого и для чего это видео создано, двигатель подключить к двигателю любой может и запитать 230В
@PavelSumin Жыл бұрын
@@Ali__Hussain_22 : Мой лучший друг, военный летчик, рубака и задира, поручик Ржевский просто курит в сторонке пока был жив произносил фразу: - За банкой водки... по Гималайски... - это и я смогу, а ты мне конкретику давай!!! Незьзя ли без общих ленивых фраз типа 2-е начало термодинамики ... и прочая правильная мутотень...:факты жудьничества, на какой секунде?, почему в перчатках? и тд. ------------------- Обещанный анекдот: Девид Коперфильд приехал СССР, чтобы дать большое представление, но где-то на таможне потерялись 3 вагона с уникальнейшим оборудованием для шоу... ... Он мечет икру, сам едет на таможенный терминал, ставит на уши таможенника Таможенник с спокойным видом выслушивает предъяву и просит пока ищут вагоны показать коллективу таможни пару фокусов. - Вы, я знаю, фокусник мирового масштаба ... - Но я же не могу! В вагонах в всё моё оборудование! - хуя се....!!! Хошь ? тогда я тебе фокус покажу... Состав со спиртом за окном видишь? - Ну!... Вижу!... Таможенник достаёт какой-то бланк, шлёпает на него печать: - Всё... "Зелёный горошек"!!!
@RadiantFreeEnergyResearch 8 ай бұрын
john bedini (study energy from the vacuum science series dvd’s) create generators very similar to this. except he charged batteries with the transformers. and utilized a separate battery to run the prime mover motor. and john taught us that we can keep the prime mover battery “a” charged by connecting an inverter to the charging battery (battery b) and then connect the output of the inverter to a battery charger which keeps battery “a” charged. it appears you create a way to run the system without batteries. which appears to be next level, john bedini work. great work! beautiful design!
@user-zn8xp7sz6l 6 ай бұрын
Приемного благодарен, смотрю не знаю сколько раз.немогу оторваться видя мечту моего детства.❤ Самолёты,пароходы, машины, всё теперь с двигателем. Оказывается летающие тарелки, и весь транспорт на пороге недалёкого будущего . Осталось разработать невидимую оболочку (щит) ,и защитное поле . И вперёд. В космос..... . Берегите себя. И технологию . А маховик я сделаю из стекла. 😊
@CarLifeStories 6 ай бұрын
Автор тебя открыто нае_ал, а ты и рад....
@DanielDobmeier-jf3rp 8 ай бұрын
Hallo ich hätte ein paar fragen zu ihren vorgaben und bitte sie mir bei der Problemlösung zu helfen! 1. ich bekomme an den spulen wenn der Motor läuft nicht mehr als 1,3 Volt Spannung. wie haben sie es geschafft dort 230 Volt zu erzeugen? haben sie die spulen in einer bestimmen Anordnung angelegt ? wenn das Video kein betrug ist und sie wirklich den Leuten die Möglichkeit geben wollen das nachzubauen, es auch funktioniert wie sie sagen, bitte ich sie bei der Problemlösung zu helfen , ansonsten finde ich ist es ehrlichgesagt einfach nur Betrug und sie wollten nur Geld durch youtube und ihren Kanal verdienen .
@simonaaldoiu9037 7 ай бұрын
Er ist ein großer Betrüger, erstens sind die in den Zeichnungen angegebenen Berechnungen nicht real, sie überschreiten die Berechnungsquoten, zweitens müssen wir ihn dem Landkreis anzeigen, weil er die Welt in die Irre führt und Geld für Lügen ausgibt.
@hamadmatar8733 Жыл бұрын
التقنيه والهندسة تمام وتفصيل البدي ممتاز لكن عندي سؤال لا أعتقد أن قوة المغناطيس هذا يعطي هذه القوه لان الماطور يريد امبير وطرنبة الماء تحتاج امبير والمنشار الكهربائي يحتاج امبير وانا ظني ان هذا على حسب خبرتي انه غير صحيح لأن كلما زاد السحب زاد الامبير وزادة مغنطة الملف فيزيد الجهد ويزيد الحمل من أين يأتي التعويض انا ظني ان هذا المولد لا يصلح الا للاضائه فقط هو لم يرينا كم الامبير المستهلك من المولد أثناء التحميل الأمر فيه غرابه وفيه نظر وفيه نوع من التعتيم وهو مبهم والله اعلم انا هذا رأي قد أكون مخطي او مصيب والسلام
@placidoparadacubides7791 Жыл бұрын
Revisando un poco los comentarios, se encuentra que hablar de lo que no sabemos es demasiado fácil. El modelo no muestra que el motor sea el generador. El motor es solamente el encargado de activar el rotor y las bobinas, que en mi poco conocimiento es el verdadero generador. Ahora bien, hasta ahora nadie responde que haya hecho uno similar, además, no se tiene el plano del cableado eléctrico ni de los componentes que controlan la potencia y estabilizan el consumo. Todo es posible. En resumen se ve un dinamo de X potencia movido por un motor, pero el motor no es el generador. Miremos y leamos bien, seguramente eso acabará con la crítica destructiva y si tenemos conocimientos sobre el tema, por favor compartirlos para construir, no para destruir. Gracias
@zaacckatbo1341 Жыл бұрын
Tienes razón al decir que el motor no es el generador peroooooooooooo el motor con los imanes todo chulo si te puedo generar 100-200-400V y lo que quieras pero el problema radica en el Amperaje o corriente el tamaño de ese motor y el calibre del cable de esas bobinas de microondas genera una carga tan pequeña que no va a prender nada porque hay una caída de corriente y por ende de voltaje por descgracia estos vídeos son atrapa bobos y si estos experimentos se realizan en prepas o universidades
@jslevenson101 8 ай бұрын
Every junior, high school, college, and shop class should teach kids how to make their own solar devices with CDs or aluminum, some soldiering, and simple electronics. And kids that want to purchase kits to put together in class, like two used electric motors to create electricity, would be really good to teach people about available sources of energy and a super fun task for students, ready for bigger and better things. ❤
@natewilson6760 11 ай бұрын
NO SARCASM! I really enjoyed your video, and I learned a thing or two. I thank you for that. I especially love the fact that you went above and beyond. You didn’t just build a generator, you made a stylish generator. Not only is the chassis very stylish and practical (you want to see the insides for numerous reasons) but you also painted the whole thing reflective black. You gave it strings of neon pink lights. You embedded logos. You clearly understand presentation. Its not just some bland generator, it is an artistic product. I love how you found a practical way to disconnect the generator via switch, and how you developed a pull cord. Next step is to use a starter motor instead eh?
@jonnykielbasa Жыл бұрын
You can't manufacture them and if u do a little research you can find what silver aluminum alloy reduces eddy currents go to a metals worker welder and he can melt that down and cut on a lathe. Lastly he is giving this as a free gift don't criticize unless you build one yourself. Then say it didn't work! All you need is battery cells for a house setup like a tesla power wall and just one of these to generate power. You will have every oil company after this or him so it's given out as a gift I clued you all in why this man is SMART ENOUGH not to show his face.
@vanhuykieu9998 3 ай бұрын
Cai nay co gia bao nhieu tien vay sop
@ugoliniRiccardo Жыл бұрын
My friend, publish the blueprints of this wonderful machine and set the world free
@sideswipe147 Жыл бұрын
They SELL that information.
@harisubagio7715 4 ай бұрын
1. How to connect 4 transformers, whether in series or parallel? 2. To determine the expected rotation speed, how do you determine the exact desired motor specifications? Thank You.
@Pallarpad Жыл бұрын
If it works as you claim, why don't you manufacture them and sell them. For example, how much does the Liberti 01 generator cost? It's interesting that everyone who makes engines with so-called free energy, when you want to buy an engine, refuses you or doesn't I answer the phone. The secret of these motors with free energy is the high-power capacitor that ensures operation for several minutes, enough time to present the great gaselnita or the technical abortion to earn some money on KZbin.
@DjToxicCandy Жыл бұрын
@neonoviy2012 Жыл бұрын
Because it doesn't work without of power)))
@jonieshark7507 Жыл бұрын
because this patent will be challenged by the governments with orders from the big energy producing industries. Do you think they intend to lose billions of dollars in electricity bills???
@boonlimp7558 Жыл бұрын
@@jonieshark7507 Are you in a dictatorial country?
@boonlimp7558 Жыл бұрын
Only god give free energy ! No free energy ! No stupid god !
@josepepetb.flores1954 Жыл бұрын
With your great invention, comes great responsibility to help; so please let massive production begin for all to avail.
@Rular786 11 күн бұрын
I have an idea that you can make a bike with this engine which will run without fuel as it is producing unlimited energy, right?
@sincitybikeworks9979 5 ай бұрын
Anyone that doesn't believe this needs to go back elementary school. Just a fact. This is beyond simple, this works, the problem is magnet "wear" due to heat and bearing wear. This is not infinite or perpetual due to this but it's so damn close. How much heat does it generate? How long can you operate the device before the motor bearings fail? These are my questions. Can't wait to build my own!
@nolongeravailable108 4 ай бұрын
That's the correct answer. It's a simple energy conversion process and does not violate any laws of thermodynamics. Even heat and magnet wear can be greatly reduced by incorporating an back EMF design
@kingimatthews4481 4 ай бұрын
magnetic bearings are on the market
@faradaysage15 4 ай бұрын
I have an engineering degree from the most prodigious electrical college in the country. This guy is full of shit. He could basically sell his device if it worked for several million dollars and continue to make more. for the simple fact that he wants investors to give him money to finance the production means this is nothing but a con game and he's going to disappear with their money. He won't let anybody inspect this machine because he has a power source hooked up to it. This can't possibly work especially the way he has designed it. Why cut apart a flyback transformer when he can just buy a coil? It's all smoking mirrors to people like you, not insulting you, they don't know anything about electricity, to live in the clouds and believe free energy somehow works. It absolutely can't. It's just like you can't make matter from nothing.
@serkan5262 9 ай бұрын
First of all, I congratulate you for your work, you promise that it is 20 kW. I ask you, can you turn on the heater, refrigerator and oven in the next video?
@obipixel Жыл бұрын
Is it for sale? If not are you going to be releasing plans to the world to save the planet or are you going to try and make millions first? Either way the world deserves this.
@syednoorpasha2631 Жыл бұрын
How much it. Cost
@syednoorpasha2631 Жыл бұрын
What is the cost
@ryanlane2503 Жыл бұрын
This is what every home & business should have. Each home & business can have it's on free magnetic technology energy generators. No More Bkackouts
@user-eb5en9hx5x 3 ай бұрын
You have done a very great job with a 1000% success rate. I am glad that there are such People! I would like to know how you can get a project to make such a generator yourself?
@cristitoader9052 Жыл бұрын parere de rau, cred ca este ireal. Am urmarit toate episoadele de prezetare,dar in nici un episod nu se verifica tensiunea pe celelalte doua infasurari ramase libere,( in testele anterioare), de aceea trezeste suspiciuni de functionare reala.O alta neregula la testul final este : consumatorii indicati sunt conectati,ori in paralel cu electromotorul ,ori cu celelalte doua infasurari in timpul rotirii electromotorului. Ca totul sa fie plauzibil, deconectezi electromotorul de la alimentarea " generatorului",cu consumatori pe infasurari.Daca turatia electromotorului scade, datorita nealimetarii acestuia,trebuie sa dovedesti ca tensiunea scade pe consumatori..... succes,dar slabe sperante in a dovedii realitatea
@diy_ebikesq8162 Жыл бұрын
@diy_ebikesq8162 Жыл бұрын
Try and make It, sorry need money
@wolfemanhumble Жыл бұрын
Most people believe that magnets last forever. They might in a neutral field, but any action against the magnet uses energy, and will eventually deplete it. The more resistance applied, the faster the depletion rate.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
@Гран33 Жыл бұрын
I will try and build it soon.this is great idea.this can only be checked by creating the copy of this motor- generator.I wont lie i have my doubts about the product,but there is only one way to find out if its true or not--- build it.
@scotschafer2176 7 ай бұрын
9:45 that's amazing. I'd love to be able to build one to help out my friends an nabors. When hurricanes come marching in. Really Kool stuff.😮
@nabeelasghar6883 Жыл бұрын
i am electrical engineer , i disapprove this law of conservation of energy + perpectual motion impossible
@ifarhad1 Жыл бұрын
How you claimed that it will give you 20KW output.....??? better make another video with a maximum load for at least 30-40 minutes running & show us how much maximum current is drawn during the test. Many thanks for considering my request.
@freepowerm8260 Жыл бұрын
Did you notice the loads? All are universal motors?!!
@user-kg6eo8dm6v Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful work of inventing. Something so very useful. Which most people won't give you much credit for. 🍀
@user-kg6eo8dm6v Жыл бұрын
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
That "beautiful work of inventing" (you can barely spell) is caused by a blue LED light off to the side. Anyone who thinks this is real is an honest fool.
@_boxing.Rus. Жыл бұрын
Супер мастер класс 👍👍👍 Не кто рады какой-то дёшевы лайков так и не старался б, столько большая расходы, время, не какой дурак не пошел бы на такой вариант
@metropulosjerrod Жыл бұрын
Put the meter on the power strip the motor is plugged into, then unplug the motor. I wanna see the voltage drop as the motor slows. Good scene cuts when you hook up the power. I'll give props for that.
@trinitario6573 Жыл бұрын
Podrías utilizar una única pieza: Utilizar el mismo motor (u otro adaptado para la ocasión) de forma que en el mismo cuerpo, tengas la parte motora y la generadora (Manipulando devanados, y cambiando si hace falta la aleación del material, para optimizar tanto el torque/par, como la generación). Otro tema a tener en cuenta, es el tipo pode motor, si es con escobilla o de tipo electrónico (mucho más eficiente). NOTA: Aún no estoy convencido de que realmente funcionen tus montajes, pero si así fuera, cualquier optimización del sistema, es un buen aporte.
@adventureisoutthere8064 Жыл бұрын
the premise here is given the diameter of the rotor, with the 2 coils (upper/lower) in parallel then one gets 220v 50-60cycle, system appears to not require a governor to maintain the cycles for the 220v electric engine, the (right/left wired in parallel) pair are excess power (220v 50Hz that the system does not need) this is free for charging voltage or power a unit. (similar wiring to Tesla patent US382279A image 1, output Z with (r/l pair being Z')) The Aluminum/silver rotor contain the magnetic poles (would like to see an iron fillings apparatus placed over the rotor to have an understanding of what the Al/Ag rotor is doing to magnetic field) You state eliminating/reducing eddy currents that are being produced. But could not a standard Al rotor with a coating of Amumetal shielding product same result? Per this premise the only part you need to supply is the rotor, for anyone to then 'kit' build this unit to validate this video. But, you state you cannot sell the rotor (due to patent infringements, may we know the patents that this would infringe on?) Tesla patent does not assert that an alloy mix is not required.
@beanhead61 Жыл бұрын
Tesla died over 80 years ago. Any patents he had expired many years ago. Patents are only good for 20 years.
@EelingStudios Жыл бұрын
Blimey, that huge cap on the end of the 'generator' is big enough to house quite a large battery...
When are you going to sell these machines to the public???? Most people don't have the equipment or knowledge to build one of these...... why don't you start making them in mass and start selling them,...... I see a lot of people would buy one if you made some more,....... you could put them on a waiting list. until the general public has this machine in their own hands, it is just a real cool video... great engineering work BTW... good job !!!
@cephalopodx7587 Жыл бұрын
The reason he is disguised is because people get killed for coming up with alternative energy machines. I can't count how many I have seen murdered for it...but if we all build them...what are they going to do?
@fredfloppel7378 Жыл бұрын
​@@cephalopodx7587I think at least one way around this issue would be to simply give it to the world for FREE. A common theme I've noticed regarding free energy, and even other areas like pharma, etc, is the person who comes up with the breakthrough pretty much always tries to market the idea to investors. It's during this period when they are looking for investors that they usually end up dead. I see the way around this being to simply give the breakthrough to the world for FREE, by dumping the blueprints, the formula, the whole idea, online FREE for EVERYONE, and let go of the dream of becoming a billionaire. Let the cat out of the bag. The ONLY thing the mega corporations could do in that scenario is start producing these options, or get left behind when others do. But yeah, that's the common theme I see happening over and over...someone tries to get super rich from their hard work, and they get killed for it. Then their work mysteriously vanishes without a trace, never to be seen again. Sort of like EXACTLY what happened to Tesla's work after he died, only after his funding was pulled and he was effectively stopped in his tracks. And what was his focus at that point? Oh yeah, he was working on giving the entire WORLD free, wireless electricity.
@forex1015 Жыл бұрын
@cephalopodx7587 Жыл бұрын
@@fredfloppel7378 Yes, agreed. If they want 'the original' they can purchase it from you. There was a recent 'mass shooter' event that just happened to end up murdering a man who had built a working engine for cars that ran totally on water...and it WORKED. This is only one of around 15 people that I have seen murdered for coming up with alternative energy ideas. I was told that 'if I wanted to develop something and not tell anyone else or share it with anyone' that 'this was acceptable' in the governments eyes. Anything more was 'problematic'. And it isn't just our government that watches us...think of what would happen to a place like Dubai if suddenly no one wanted oil anymore.
@wolfemanhumble Жыл бұрын
Simple solution, as with every magnet motor. The magnets contain the energy that runs the "motor". Running the motor will eventually deplete the magnets. It seems the motor is reversing the polarity of the coils allowing it to run perpetually until magent depletion.
@YDONESPCB 10 ай бұрын
At 25.42 minutes, look at the red light and hear the click of the switch being turned on.😂
@scamchan Жыл бұрын
I want to learn how to hide the batteries like this. Take note there isn't any long run time or use of devices plugged into this unit.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
My bet is that the batteries are hidden in the hollow metal frame.
@jeffmachul9562 Жыл бұрын
Question at 67 I am to old to do the project. How much would one cost❤❤❤ Jeff and Robin
@sideswipe147 Жыл бұрын
They do not sell them. Only "plans" for them. Which is how you know these are not real.
@prettynitty0131 Жыл бұрын
High Pressure hose a little shorts - I bought a 50' high pressure hose - now it is perfect
@cephalopodx7587 Жыл бұрын
If you put the entire device inside a vacuum it will produce a lot more energy. Just an FYI for you. It also rotates at a [lol] sort of 'dangerous' 18,000 mph which I am not sure how that translates into rotational energy. Best to encase it in concrete
@pwmlow4684 Жыл бұрын
pena que eu não consigo postar o desenho do Pinóquio aqui nos comentários, por mais leigo que vc seja, raciocina da forma correta; mesmo que as bobinas de micro-ondas conseguissem realimentar o motor de uma forma que ele conseguisse manter a rotação especifica isso talvez só fosse possível se a tensão fornecida pelas bobinas fosse maior do que a tensão nominal do motor que é 220 volts, e isso não acontece porque vemos uma tensão de 228 volts na rotação máxima do motor que é 1500 rpm, outro detalhe é a carga, quanto mais carga ligada no circuito menos tensão é fornecida, então como que um motor que tem sua rotação máxima alcançada somente quando é alimentado com a sua tensão nominal no caso 220volts vai conseguir manter a rotação quando forem ligado as varias cargas nas tomadas? e não é isso que vemos no vídeo, quando se liga as várias cargas não tem redução nenhuma na rotação do motor, um dia se você tiver a oportunidade de ver de perto um gerador com motor a diesel vai observar que quanto maior a carga mais pesado fica o rotor do gerador e mais força o motor tem que fazer para rotacionar o gerador, resultado disso é a diminuição do rpm.
@luismanueldiazoliva9099 Жыл бұрын
el motor es de 3000 rpm
@pwmlow4684 Жыл бұрын
@@luismanueldiazoliva9099 usei 1500 só para exemplificar o raciocínio, mas se o do video é de 3000 rpm a situação fica mais difícil ainda de se estabilizar uma rotação inicial, porque quanto mais alta é a rotação nominal do motor mais tempo leva para as bobinas realimentarem até se estabilizar.
@cesarcesar1961 Жыл бұрын
@@pwmlow4684 o duro eh ver o pessoal pedido pra comprar, pra mostrar as plantas e tals. kkkk Estudar o basico de termodinamica ninguem quer.
@luismanueldiazoliva9099 Жыл бұрын
@@pwmlow4684 si tienes razón amigo
@johngeorge5080 Жыл бұрын
I need the plans for this please, exact please let me no if there is a charge for this. I’m proud of you for giving people hope, the utilities companies are just destroying peoples lives, I’m going to build these and give them away to good people of my state, thank you!
@CharlyDuesentrieb Жыл бұрын
Dann erklärt mir doch mal, wie aus diesem Perpetuum Mobile ganz ohne Regelung genau 230V und 50 Hz heraus kommen sollten und das auch unter Last stabil bleiben soll. Würde das Ding wirklich funktionieren, so wäre der Erbauer längst Multimillionär und würde in Serie produzieren!
@car9167 Жыл бұрын
probably the 50Hz can be explained by the diameter of the rotor, magnets dimension and their strength. Some combination will create that equilibrium at 50Hz. But as you said under load it should change the frequency and we should hear a change in motor pitch. We can't hear anything. I'm thinking some thin wires are hidden and powering this or there is post production on the video to hide it
@gregoryguzek1193 Жыл бұрын
Its sitting on a Metal welding table, I'm sure a current is running through it. Use the multimeter on the table! Anyone watching this who is educated will know this is a trick. It will always cancel its self out unless there is an additional net force added to keep it going.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
My guess is that the batteries are hidden in the metal frame. Or maybe, as you say, the table itself is powered.
@ÉnergieNouvelle31 Жыл бұрын
Le moteur ne doit pas faire long feu étant donné qu’il est sur-alimenter il faudrait utiliser en instantané l’énergie générer ou la réinjecter sur le réseau électrique pour éviter de cramé l’équipement qui génère la force mécanique 😮 mais très intéressant comme concepte !
@alanangelfire1217 Жыл бұрын
i wonder if there's any way we could get hints to the composition of the rotor alloy? i know it's Against 10% of All rules, possibly Since were talking, it might be Zippier if you could drop a few Custom nuggets - not like a Mgazine, eh? The mass of the rotor is unusual - the AlAg alloy is expensive, so why make one that large when much smaller would work? Probably needs the rotary intertia? They gave the volume and weight in another video, we can get the density - but it doesn't help determine exact composition. The magnets are axially magnetised (not the usual diametrically) N52 neodymium. The only other snippet of information I can deduce is that the generator pole count must be a multiple of the motor pole count - they use a 4-pole motor - Liberty 1 used a 12-pole alternator (3 parallel) and Liberty 2 uses just 4-poles - something to do with the asynchronous timing of the inductive drag on the rotor. Also, note the RPM of the motor - to generate 50Hz with a 4-pole generator, it needs to spin at 1500RPM (50Hz*60/2) not the 1400 RPM motor noted during another video. It's also a permanent capacitor motor, for those wondering. That affects the magnetic dynamics as the second coil is 90degress out of phase permanently.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
The rotor is made from pure pixie dust. The wires are a-grade unicorn hair. And it is lubricated with top quality snake-oil.
@hekerjager Жыл бұрын
Hello, can you help me with the specifications of the components, the silver and aluminum alloy rotor, where to get it or how much silver and aluminum the piece needs, in addition to its measurements. and where do I get the N52 neodymium magnets. thank you.
@freepowerm8260 Жыл бұрын
Hello Fernando I see ,you haven't any ideas about generators ? !!
@johngalt4657 Жыл бұрын
You dont need epoxy resin you can bevel taper the sides and a channel for them and slide them into place. If the epoxy fails magnets will fly off.
I am ready to carry out the electricity generation project with angular resonance together with investors who agree to make an official protocol. I have worked for 15 years for this project. After the official signatures are signed, everything will be done openly.
@gianlucamakipiro3560 7 ай бұрын
Wow, i hope you will have success. It's years i would be part of a thing like this. But i am not able.,..
@@gianlucamakipiro3560 We can use Faraday's law to generate this quantity and the answer comes to something like 3.14?10^-9 volts (three billionths of a volt) per m2 of magnet surface, utilising the flux. The answer seems to be that while energy from the Earth's magnetic field is technically and theoretically possible, it is not possible to generate it on a significant scale or to generate usable amounts of power. It is not possible to convert the force available on the fixed axis into usable energy. Systems such as the Lenz, rotover and flywheel are vibratory resonances. It does not produce sufficient commercial power. There is no angle change in such devices. Efforts are being made to generate electricity from vibration resonance, but this is not possible. Because there is no angle change and torque in vibration resonance. The next resonance always consumes more energy than the previous resonance. Some people also use magnetisation, which is also not possible. In order to generate energy, the production and consumption angles in a system must be seen from the east. All electrical devices invented in the history of technology work with 2 or more energy angles. For example, no device (vibration resonance) works with only neutral without phase or only 1 phase without neutral (energy transition angle). It works with 1 phase and 1 neutral (energy transition angle). Works with 2 phase (energy transition angle). It works with 3 phase (energy transition angle). The angular system, which works without using fossil fuel, produces electricity with the same principle. It realises electricity generation from 2 different mechanical angles (movement resonance). These 2 different energy transition angles are clearly visible. The law of physics explains exactly this. Closed systems are contrary to thermodynamics and do not work, but there is a difference of opinion about these systems. The definition of closed systems is not yet fully understood by scientists. If you go straight on a 1 metre road, draw a circle or go up steeply and return the same way, no matter which vehicle you use, you will never gain any energy in this work. In such systems, electrical energy with commercial value can never be produced. If you want to make a profit, you need to change your return path, your distance. You need to switch from a closed system to an open system. No fossil fuels are needed for this. A usable angular energy corridor is needed. All the anonymous projects analysed are closed systems. They run on a single-stroke engine system and do not work. An efficient system must have at least 2 or 4 time principles. Just like a fuelled engine. Intake, compression, combustion and exhaust. The production and consumption aspects of energy must be separate. Energy can never be produced and consumed in the same cell. The chambers (angles) must be separate. The principle of operation of the fuelled system and angular resonance is basically the same. Systems that do not change with angle are closed systems. Just as the principle of a single-stroke engine does not work in fuelled systems, it does not work in non-fuelled systems that do not change angle. Solar, wind and wave systems work according to the 2-time principle, but their commercial efficiency is very low. Energy production and consumption angles are different. Numerical and visual formula technique should be analysed at the same time. Accordingly, you cannot give more energy than you receive. Continuous losses occur. These losses vary according to each system. The important thing is which type of energy can be used correctly and where. This is why angular resonance is needed to produce enough kinetic energy. For example, gravity is a force, not energy. In physics terminology, force and energy are not the same thing. Force is defined as a quantitative description of the interaction between two physical bodies, such as an object and its environment. Force is proportional to acceleration. Mathematically, force is the derivative of momentum with respect to time. Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work, and work is defined (in computational terms) as the integral of force over a displacement distance. It is applied to move an object away from a certain distance. For force to be energy, it must be applied to an object. Force cannot exist without energy. We can modulate this force by applying more energy. The resulting energy is less than the total energy expended. You just convert it into a different form. During the Earth's rotation around itself (self-rotation), since the gravitational force from the sun does not create a torque, the angular momentum of the Earth remains constant because its carrier passes through the centre of mass. Therefore, the Earth's rotation time remains constant for 24 hours. Conservation of momentum in a system of bodies. In the case of a system of bodies, Newton's second law of rotational motion has the form = image. From this relationship it follows that if the algebraic sum of the torques of the external forces on the system is zero, the angular momentum of the system is held constant.
@@gianlucamakipiro3560 I want to create a clean energy system for a cleaner world. No mechanical wheel system whose angle does not change can produce energy. No system will work against the laws of physics. You can promote this project in your country. I want to realise this project and get a worldwide patent. Of course, I need a solid and idealistic investor to realise these works. I convert angular energy into mechanical and electrical energy. I am an inventor. I am ready to realise this project in any country that will support me.
@@gianlucamakipiro3560 We can use Faraday's law to generate this quantity and the answer comes to something like 3.14?10^-9 volts (three billionths of a volt) per m2 of magnet surface, utilising the flux. The answer seems to be that while energy from the Earth's magnetic field is technically and theoretically possible, it is not possible to generate it on a significant scale or to generate usable amounts of power. It is not possible to convert the force available on the fixed axis into usable energy. Systems such as the Lenz, rotover and flywheel are vibratory resonances. It does not produce sufficient commercial power. There is no angle change in such devices. Efforts are being made to generate electricity from vibration resonance, but this is not possible. Because there is no angle change and torque in vibration resonance. The next resonance always consumes more energy than the previous resonance. Some people also use magnetisation, which is also not possible. In order to generate energy, the production and consumption angles in a system must be seen from the east. All electrical devices invented in the history of technology work with 2 or more energy angles. For example, no device (vibration resonance) works with only neutral without phase or only 1 phase without neutral (energy transition angle). It works with 1 phase and 1 neutral (energy transition angle). Works with 2 phase (energy transition angle). It works with 3 phase (energy transition angle). The angular system, which works without using fossil fuel, produces electricity with the same principle. It realises electricity generation from 2 different mechanical angles (movement resonance). These 2 different energy transition angles are clearly visible. The law of physics explains exactly this. Closed systems are contrary to thermodynamics and do not work, but there is a difference of opinion about these systems. The definition of closed systems is not yet fully understood by scientists. If you go straight on a 1 metre road, draw a circle or go up steeply and return the same way, no matter which vehicle you use, you will never gain any energy in this work. In such systems, electrical energy with commercial value can never be produced. If you want to make a profit, you need to change your return path, your distance. You need to switch from a closed system to an open system. No fossil fuels are needed for this. A usable angular energy corridor is needed. All the anonymous projects analysed are closed systems. They run on a single-stroke engine system and do not work. An efficient system must have at least 2 or 4 time principles. Just like a fuelled engine. Intake, compression, combustion and exhaust. The production and consumption aspects of energy must be separate. Energy can never be produced and consumed in the same cell. The chambers (angles) must be separate. The principle of operation of the fuelled system and angular resonance is basically the same. Systems that do not change with angle are closed systems. Just as the principle of a single-stroke engine does not work in fuelled systems, it does not work in non-fuelled systems that do not change angle. Solar, wind and wave systems work according to the 2-time principle, but their commercial efficiency is very low. Energy production and consumption angles are different. Numerical and visual formula technique should be analysed at the same time. Accordingly, you cannot give more energy than you receive. Continuous losses occur. These losses vary according to each system. The important thing is which type of energy can be used correctly and where. This is why angular resonance is needed to produce enough kinetic energy. For example, gravity is a force, not energy. In physics terminology, force and energy are not the same thing. Force is defined as a quantitative description of the interaction between two physical bodies, such as an object and its environment. Force is proportional to acceleration. Mathematically, force is the derivative of momentum with respect to time. Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work, and work is defined (in computational terms) as the integral of force over a displacement distance. It is applied to move an object away from a certain distance. For force to be energy, it must be applied to an object. Force cannot exist without energy. We can modulate this force by applying more energy. The resulting energy is less than the total energy expended. You just convert it into a different form. During the Earth's rotation around itself (self-rotation), since the gravitational force from the sun does not create a torque, the angular momentum of the Earth remains constant because its carrier passes through the centre of mass. Therefore, the Earth's rotation time remains constant for 24 hours. Conservation of momentum in a system of bodies. In the case of a system of bodies, Newton's second law of rotational motion has the form = image. From this relationship it follows that if the algebraic sum of the torques of the external forces on the system is zero, the angular momentum of the system is held constant.
@@gianlucamakipiro3560 ANGULAR RESONANCE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (ARES): To create a kinetic energy corridor requires a robotic wheel system that can change its angle. Energy cannot be created out of nothing, it can only be transformed into each other. There is no violation of the law of thermodynamics. Many physicists think that kinetic energy cannot be obtained except in systems such as wind and wave energy. This is wrong. Kinetic energy is obtained by changing the resonance angle. This system is not a closed system. It is an open system. Scientists will realise that it is an open system after seeing this project. We cannot see the wind with our eyes, but we accept that it exists as a factor. We cannot see the energy corridor of a magnet, but we accept that it exists as a factor. We can measure these values. The scientific world must develop a method that can measure kinetic energy over time. After this system we have produced, scientists should also take the trouble to produce a device that can measure kinetic energy. The answer given by scientists regarding the measurement of kinetic energy is that you cannot measure kinetic energy because it is relative. It depends on the speed of an object, which is relative and cannot be measured as an absolute value. There is no power limitation on the growth of the device. It can be produced in the desired size. For 1 mgwatt solar panel, an average of 12000 - 20000 m2 open land occupation is required. I plan to make 1 mgwatt in 100 m2 with the angular system. You need to store solar energy in the battery to use it at night. In the angular system, there is no need for internal battery (energy storage) after the first movement. There is an instantaneous production and consumption system. 7/24 constant energy is received. The robotic wheel uses the force of gravity in the most efficient way by moving and changing its angle. For this system, sensors are needed to change and start the angle of the wheel at a maximum speed of 0.5 m/s. These sensors can already be produced with the desired sensitivity. Every part of the system is mobile. At each point there is a resonance element that changes the mechanical angle. The angular system consists of at least 6 cells. They are mounted on top of each other (solar panels cannot be mounted on top of each other) and connected in parallel. If preferred, it is also mounted side by side. There is no drawback. If mounted on top of each other, an average of 10 kw energy is produced in 1 m2. If it is not preferred to be high, it is mounted side by side and takes up more space. Each cell generates electricity independently. There is no mechanical connection between them. There is a parallel energy connection. Energies are combined in the transformer. In angular resonance, there is movement but no vibration. ANGULAR RESONANCE ELECTRICITY GENERATION HAS 3 BASIC FACTORS: 1: The phase of change of direction of the angle in a split-second time. 2: The stage of reaching the maximum in momentum. 3: Rotation phase in resonance.
@Steven-cr8ju Жыл бұрын
I have never seen a shop with expensive machines working in a poorly illuminated room. But a magician or a fool would.
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
Another one born every minute, am I right?
@stooky127 Жыл бұрын
Best educational 34min of my life
@michaelwarren9208 Жыл бұрын
I am dumbfounded as to why this person, skilled in many ways would spend so much time on building and falsely demonstrating a device that supposedly produces power by perpetual motion. We cannot see how he supplies the real energy source to operate his electrical tools for it is NOT the contraption he's "demonstrating" You cannot circumvent simple physics!
@miken2777 2 ай бұрын
Just because you can't understand this device doesn't mean it isn't real. Magnetic induction is easy to prove
@duaneklein7390 7 ай бұрын
❤ ok instead of 4 coils..try 6 or maybe 8 coils from a microwave. Bigger means more power with a larger frame..with an offset gears to gear up the Ratio to spin a Generator ..also in the front part you can add a pulley to use for ad on add a wind Generator???
@mathewerven9 9 ай бұрын
I always wondered if using rare earth magnets would work for this application. Giving me a reason to get that engine lathe and come out of retirement. Thanks for the videos. Can we get a material list??
@user-zo4gu4bm2c 5 ай бұрын
Все генераторы по принципу мотор + генератор у большинства блогеров не правильные. Нужно только 1 мотор и к нему подключать двойную обмотку в генераторе. Первая обмотка будет питать мотор а вторая независимая от мотора пойдет на нужды человеку.
@MrGruzavichek 2 ай бұрын
покажи на деле......
@guyinthesky6696 6 ай бұрын
Superbly crafted genius
@mikeweakley1203 Жыл бұрын
The microwave transformers are 50hz the inductive disk is made of a special 99% aluminum and 1% silver to prevent eddy current interference. The motor is a 1hp 240vac 50 hz single phase sycronious motor . The rest is easy.
@calcs001 Жыл бұрын
You forgot the hidden battery 😂
@romeoruferos8795 Жыл бұрын
This can serve as charger to our batter bank to run electricity for the whole house if only we can replicate this... good innovation...
@joh6057 Жыл бұрын
Es ist Super das Etwas gegen die Abzocke der Konzerne und gegen die Umweltverschmutzung die durch Benzin Generatoren Gemacht wird, Danke! Es sollte für alle Verfügbar Gemacht Werden!
@t95zplus58 Жыл бұрын
Glaubst du das 😂😂😂
@yjj9240 Жыл бұрын
If this is possible, I think a large company can make a lot of money if it is made and distributed for home use... Why? Hasn't it been commercialized yet? If you sell this generator to Tesla Motors Elon Musk, you can run it indefinitely without installing a battery in your car and without needing to charge it... Why isn't that company interested?
@SlikPapaRuff Жыл бұрын
lol... starting your vehicle Flintstone style
@austinalbert1739 Жыл бұрын
Ask this question out loud back to yourself. You should be able to answer it on your own. Solely on the fact that there have been many inventions like this where people end up being "suicided" for their findings of free energy. Weve had free energy long ago. They want us to keep using oil because thats the money game. If everyone had one of these then there is no need to charge for electricity anymore right? Leading for big corporations to lose money... which they will avoid by ANY means necessary. Emphasis on the ANY lol
@mikerobinson579 Жыл бұрын
@@austinalbert1739 Comments like this always refer to a conspiracy of the nebulous "they". It's a sure sign that nonsence is being written.
@todddavis9412 Жыл бұрын
I definitely want to see the uncut version of this video. This device must be manufactured in a facility that can machine the parts. This hand tooled stuff, with access to some machinery, is pretty cool for campouts and stuff, but that vibration, mitigated by rubber footies and grommets, will make the longevity of the device non-existent, as you know. Amazing video. Amazing work. Amazing demo. If I had a million dollars, I'd be banging on your door. I really hope you are somehow able to bring this to market. I just hope the powers that be don't try to stop you. Honestly, you should make all data, blueprints, and design publicly available just to get the target off your back. That's what the HHO dune buggy guy should have done. This way, you can keep tinkering and trying to make the world a better place.
@user-ht2dq9xr6m Жыл бұрын
Это фейк!Нельзя получить энергии больше чем затрачено на ее преобразование!
@hijack3 Жыл бұрын
they are either great swindlers or genius. probably both. even if they lie, they deserve to run something like a circus, or magic show :)
@x_CrossHair_x Жыл бұрын
LOL Testing Electrical equipment near open water (Good Choice)😁👍👍👍👍
@jainmax1902 Жыл бұрын
How much power does this experiment have? The question is if you can move a 110 V air conditioner for 12 hours. Greetings from Colombia. Excellent teacher.
@MsEko2000 Жыл бұрын
sungguh usaha yang sangat luar biasa untuk menghasilkan video ini. Entah itu benar atau tidak, video ini sangat menghibur dan enak ditonton. Bravo
@jomar6940 11 ай бұрын
Couple questions: will bigger/more magnets generate more rpm, hence voltage? And second question, can adding gears generate more rpms too, but will it lose power? I'm in medicine, and don't have an engineering background. Would spooling more copper wire around also generate more power?
@user-lv8sd6lw3p 7 ай бұрын
Зачем столько манипуляций? Просто возьми его работающим и подними руками достаточно высоко чтобы было понятно что он реально рабоет сам
@evanildomelevieira9057 7 ай бұрын
conforme analisei o video, pra mim ainda não provou nada, primeiro que vocês não abriram o capacitor de partida pra verificarmos, e todo video que mostra removendo a tampa dos contatos, auqela que voces colam o adesivo com o nome, removem sem mostrar o outro lado dessa tampa, tomando o cuidado para mostrar somente a frente, e se é motor ELETROmagnético como descrito , ele precisa de energia para alimentar as bobinas do micro onda, por isso chamasseELETRO, pra cria ELETROmagetismo e formar os piulsos empurrar o imâ do rotor para circularmente pelo sentido da ondas eletromagnetica nesse caso sentido da mão esquerda, direçaõ das ondas para dentro a direita..O motor assincrono, serve para realimentar a bateria embutida no capacitor, ou ate mesmo com contatos na tampa do logotipo. At´e o planeta tem seus polos magnéticos natural e geografico, mas ainda assim precisa da lua e do sol para ter gravidade e movimento.Ou seja, precisa da fonte de energia, como uma bateria de longa duração.Prova pra mim que eu estou errado!!!!
@dmitriugazinsky3801 Жыл бұрын
Все это враньё, при подключении приборов, даже нет спада нагрузки, здесь спрятана левая розетка вот и все
@rabota9675 Жыл бұрын
Дмитрий ты не переживай зато как эстетично снято прямо шедевр
@rexquinimon7984 10 ай бұрын
its cool, good to have one for our own at home thanks for that inventions notify us when your company ready to market.
@makesaveinccomm Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much buddy. I needed this. My solar 5 kWh does not provide enough power in cloudy day.
@adamlaskowski9287 Жыл бұрын
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The sound you hear of the motor spinning is an added audio effect to trick you into thinking the RPM's are picking up however the pull of the engine creates a limited perpetual motion machine capable of spinning for a long time until you place electrical demand on it. It then slows the motor as the energy required to create the magnetic field to propel the rotor would decrease therefore robbing the energy required to propel the motor/generator. Looks like to put a ton of time and effort into this however unfortunately this is no different than coupling two motor shafts together.
@swearick Жыл бұрын
He has an uncut version of the video. The motor would not spin very long at all we’re it as you say. Magnetic cogging in the custom rotor slows down a motor pretty fast. Now I understand what you are saying, that it’s impossible. But the laws you are referring to only address a closed system. There is so much in the quantum world that is flipping traditional understanding on its head. All you need to do is research Nikola Tesla and what he invented and said about it. It’s been heavily suppressed. There actually patents that have been proven to work, and yet here we are. It’s become almost impossible to change academia’s mind on anything here because they won’t even consider that this could be real. Real science considers everything and tests it. Testing it isn’t consistent with dismissing simply because it doesn’t make sense. Is this real? I don’t know but it could be
@jameswilliams9655 Жыл бұрын
Magnetism, like gravity, are forces we barely understand. The magnetic field of the permanent magnets is the prime mover in this configuration and requires physical effort to flash the stator coils by rotating the flywheel to generate a voltage. Energy is not being created. it is converting the magnetic energy of the permanent magnets to an EMF. The whole theory is energy can neither be created or destroyed, it just merely changes form. How does this violate that theory? My question is does the neodymium degrade and how much usable energy could it produce?
@maxthx888 Жыл бұрын
This tandem it’s only for see or watch, when you connect a device to the system, the frequency it’s different. The system at charge breaking and the wheel slowly the speed, or change the frequency on the electricity! He put a tester only for voltage, but the frequency ?
@Steven-cr8ju Жыл бұрын
4 sets of magnets are not capable of producing enough current to power those tools. Never. Ever.
@markoifebo6623 Жыл бұрын
On se demande quand-même un peu pourquoi la NASA n'embarque pas un tel engin à bord de ses fusées, modules lunaires et autres engins demandant une excellente autonomie ? Quand je dis ON, il s'agit de moi bien sûr. Peut-être que personne d'autre ne s'interroge à ce propos ? Se demande-t-on par exemple : Et si je mettais cet engin dans une voiture électrique : "Elle n'aurait plus besoin de batterie !" Et, un modèle réduit de cet appareil sur le porte-baguage de mon vélo ? Plus besoin de batterie non plus. Je pourrais faire Lille/Marseille avec mon vélo sans problème autre que celui de mon fessier. Mais bon... C'est beau de rêver.
@GordonDavidsonGdicm Жыл бұрын
Start it with a spring that is coiled when stopping, ready to turn the shaft when released again and then held back while the engine runs. A modern version of the old hand crank. Only needs a release method to activate again. Small battery switch.
@jbarr3551 Жыл бұрын
Are the coils all oriented the same? Wiring diagram & motor number & spec would be nice. Looks great, simple design. Love it!
@АлександрПушкин-и2ф Жыл бұрын
Класс! выдает ровно 220! то что всем нужно! Но если в этом генераторе скрыта такая мощь, почему ротор не повышает обороты до бесконечности!?
@InymMeDingyr Жыл бұрын
мощь магнитов не позволяет .. он наверное делал по расчету. видно золотая середина
@thempletonaart159 Жыл бұрын
We have a 1 april only year. Why you don't use your efforts and good manuality for serious projects and stop trolling around?
@3dr0cks 11 ай бұрын
How can just two coils that only generate 14 volts DC and no inverter provide 220 volts AC to the motor?
@dmitriyskorobogatko8393 28 күн бұрын
Всегда думал, чего не хватает что бы сделать вечный двигатель? Теперь понял - ручного стартера)))
@jefferylayfield5788 Жыл бұрын
So interesting I keep watching this for the outcome no questions just paying attention.
@jefferylayfield5788 Жыл бұрын
Question about it after the testing and outcome how well does this stand up using a 220 volt welder be it be a stick,mig , flux core or tig , aluminum welding?.
@davidanderson1150 Жыл бұрын
David Copperfield would be proud!
@chopperchuck Жыл бұрын
just going to leave this , law of conservation of energy
@indefiance11 Жыл бұрын
Unless they've buried a cord in the foliage, they couldn't hide a battery big enough to provide that much juice to all that equipment.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
20 watts? Not hard to provide 20 watts. Even a small bunch of batteries would do that long enough to make the video.
@royh4305 Жыл бұрын
@@ChristLink-Channel It is 20k watts. Some countries use comma as decimal point you know.
@ChristLink-Channel Жыл бұрын
@@royh4305 There is no way in this universe that a tiny generator like that can produce 20 kilowatts. Not even 2 kilowatts. Sorry. Ain't gonna happen.
@royh4305 Жыл бұрын
@@ChristLink-Channel Nobody knows that for sure. The weird laws of quantum mechanics have not been worked out yet.
@kyd9877 19 күн бұрын
장착한 자석의 자력이 소모되기 전까진 무한 에너지를 얻을 수 있겠죠. 이 무한 에너지 생성기의 원천은 장착한 자석의 수명이겠죠...이것만 해도 어딘가요... 완전한 무한 에너지 생성기를 얻고 싶다면 수명이 없는 무한 자석을 장착하면 에너지 또한 무한으로 얻어 질 겁니다... 무한에너지 생성기 속속 내놓는 발명가들 전부다 자석을 이용한 방식으로 만들어 무한에너지 생성기라고들 하는게 좀 아쉽긴 합니다만.... 여긴 무한 에너지는 아니고 무료 에너지 생성기군요... 잘만들었네요... 완전한 무한 에너지 생성기가나오는 그날까지 꾸준한 발명 기대 할께요..
@mudlofiragus8057 Жыл бұрын
Betul - betul sama hasil produk nya halus rapi sekali, persis buatan pabrik, meskipun baru produk uji coba
@akungame1779 Жыл бұрын
Antara percaya dan tidak, karena jika mendasarkan prinsip generator, jelas masuk akal. Tapi karena belum bisa melihatnya sendiri, sulit untuk percaya.
@leovaniselin1839 11 ай бұрын
Anda benar tentang ini, semuanya masuk akal.. Teori Nicola Tesla juga benar bahwa tenaga listrik gratis bisa dibuat dengan energi getaran dari bumi dimana pun kita berada.. Semuanya masuk akal bagi saya.. Saat ini semua bahan sudah bisa kita dapatkan dari mana saja.. Tapi kita membutuhkan dana yang besar untuk itu membuat proyek besar seperti Nicola Tesla. Anda bisa mengganti Flyweel itu dengan bahan yang beratnya sesuai dan tidak memberatkan putaran dinamo, bahkan anda bisa membuatnya dari acrylic atau anda bisa mengumpulkan besi dari break kendaraan anda dan meleburnya. Anda bisa menggunakan gear dan rantai sepeda untuk mendapatkan putaran yang cepat untuk menyalakannya. Nicola Tesla berfikir bahwa getaran bumi yang paling kecil bahkan bisa menjadi getaran yang besar, putaran kecil bisa menjadi putaran yang besar dengan memsang ukuran gear yang sesuai, bahkan listrik kecilpun bisa jadi besar jika menggunakan perangkat pintar yang benar. Semuanya menjadi mungkin
@AIHeart666 Жыл бұрын
Пока сам не соберёшь истуну эксперемента не узнаешь. Но очень хочеться верить в правду.
@soylasnoches Жыл бұрын
please, blueprint for us to help researching and upgrading the project around the world. wasn't it supposed to be free? if you guys are waiting for a "time", then, the time is Now!
@MeninoPTuga Жыл бұрын
Vê no canal tem vídeo com os permenores todos e medidas e peças.
@davidscott4045 Жыл бұрын
Lots of us have tried this tech.. it's just not viable
@user-cn8qp1yg7h Жыл бұрын
Здравствуйте . Мне очень понравился ваш генератор, просто класс. Если можно покажите соединение проводки , Обмотки генератора соединены паралельно или последовательно ? Благодарю
@pdj8471 Жыл бұрын
Not all of us has access to a electric welding torch, a milling machine, or an engine lathe. Therefore, not just anyone can build one.
@markwatson-hz3xf Жыл бұрын
Maybe they could make all the hard parts and let DIY people try making it better
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