Lieutenant Colonels are weird

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@markwojdylo3325 Ай бұрын
“There’s this thing General Petraeus would say…and then he would sneak off and sleep with his biographer, but that’s not important.”
@carlhicksjr8401 Ай бұрын
And there went the career of a pretty smart guy.
@MarcosElMalo2 Ай бұрын
I’m howling!r
@MarcosElMalo2 Ай бұрын
@@carlhicksjr8401 I think it was the security breach more than the extra-marital affair that did him in. If it was just getting some on the side, they would have buried him in an unimportant office in the pentagon for a few years as punishment, and then let him climb out of his hole.
@AgentClaytonWebb Ай бұрын
Wenger did not disappoint on this fact…
@drd675 Ай бұрын
@@MarcosElMalo2 I remember the breach being what the FBI was more concerned with. They were sending messages without any encryption from burner emails. Imagine if instead of a fangirl, she had been a spy?
@johncox2284 Ай бұрын
I, as a warrant, would occasionally end up in a planning meeting in a room full of guys like.this. After 15 minutes of historical anecdotes, buzz words and catch phrases i would drift off to my happy place. There must be a school where they send O-5 and above to teach them how to talk like that.
@JorgeL721 Ай бұрын
Professor: Instead of saying 'y'all are good for nothing and that is why we are here.' repeat after me, In the words of Eisenhower,.....
@nealrosenberg7519 Ай бұрын
It's called ILE
@ronaldschild157 Ай бұрын
Schwarzkopf being a big breakfast burrito guy sounds about right. I once read, during Gulf War I, Schwarzkopf had a Colonel on his staff ironing the General's shirt on the deck of the airplane they were on. Picture an Army Colonel on his knees ironing a General's shirt just so Schwarzkopf could look crisp and presentable for the next media engagement they were flying to.
@craigw6557 Ай бұрын
THB, that COL probably thought it would help with getting that star. Though I'm surprised it wasn't a MAJ. Never seen of many bootlickers, umm, oak leaf, supposedly in my unit, pop up when a GO visits.
@judly85 Ай бұрын
I would love to see Chaplin and Lt Col have a heart to heart haha. Appreciate all the hard work Chief!!
@ChaplainPhantasm Ай бұрын
I'm sure the two of them are good friends. Chaplain is friendly to everyone!
@Kazperh Ай бұрын
I'll do ya one better. It doesn't fully count, but a Lt. Col in the Civil Air Patrol squadron I go to is a history buff and a Chaplin. It's like a 3 in 1 combo. Lt. Col, Chaplin, and history buff. Very funny and smart guy.
@travelingspartan2035 Ай бұрын
Tbf, a military history buff is not the worst kind of man to have as a BC. It means hes at least TRYING to learn from his predecessors.
@MarcosElMalo2 Ай бұрын
Plus, he’s trying to make his hobby relevant to his job. He is the perfect audience member of the War College lunchtime seminar. America’s military historians salute him! 🫡
@raoinshishiza152 Ай бұрын
hey thats great, do i gotta hear about it when its like 110 degrees out and im getting eaten alive by skeeters?
@mightymikethebear Ай бұрын
@@raoinshishiza152 and the BC gets 3 hot meals a day and sleeps in his own be while we eat MREs and sleep on the cold, wet ground
@Mr2915Official Ай бұрын
​@mightymikethebear I had a BC who was amazing. He would actually be out in the suck with us, he slept with us, trained with us, declined showers until everyone else had one and he would stand at the shower tent making sure everyone had time. He was a great dude, and we were genuinely sad to see him retire.
@mightymikethebear Ай бұрын
@@Mr2915Official I have met senior enlisted and officers who were not self centered.
@flabiger Ай бұрын
Got that Chuck Schumer glasses slidedown.
@tahlenri Ай бұрын
I once had a Lt Col in tech school who made us form up only to read, for 30 fucking minutes, her favorite quotes every Monday morning. I swear, she literally read quotes she gathered throughout the week off a piece of paper to us. These formations were supposed to be for accountability, passing important news and updates, and safety briefs, and take maybe 30 minutes, but her quotes would extend them damn things so long that we didn't have time to get breakfast before class, and sometimes she made us late. Absolutely inane. DLI 2008/9 time period.
@smzee27 Ай бұрын
Lmao, that sounds exactly like what I remember of DLI.
@bubbie3533 Ай бұрын
Motivator 😂😂😂
@terrinils3165 Ай бұрын
"To fight and win America's wars." If I had a nickle for every time an officer said that.
@gibberingmouther710 Ай бұрын
The only Lt. Col I can name is a tank historian. When he was bored in Afghanistan he helped make a "Plan Z" for if the base got attacked by a horde of zombies(basically copious amounts of airburst artillery followed by steamrollers).
@Brecconable 26 күн бұрын
That Plan of defence sounds like the entire offensive doctrine of the Death Korps of Krieg...
@roadhouse6999 Ай бұрын
ROTC, West Point, and OCS all teach officers that their soldiers should always know the reason why they're doing what they're doing, and that "because I said so" isn't an acceptable answer.
@modernfuture7040 Ай бұрын
To avoid getting smoked by the SM is a pretty valid reason to me 😅
@Mrhalligan39 Ай бұрын
Why don’t they teach that to NCO’s?
@AlvinYorkII Ай бұрын
BLUF: It's not acceptable, because most times it's just a flat out lie for power tripping leadership who do NOT belong in leadership roles. I use to hate "because I said so" in the military as an E5. When my guys ask why or I have to explain to them why we're changing up something that is currently functioning as intended, I don't like lying to them as to the reason why. "Because I said so" is 99.99% a lie because you weren't the one who ordered it to be done, someone higher than you was, and they explained why it had to be done so you could disseminate that information to your people. If you ever meet a leader saying "because I said so", especially if they're senior to you (LPO/CPO/LCPO), but not THE most senior (CMC/SEL), start keeping an eye on them and report them to your senior leadership if talking to the individual about it first (remember, handle at the lowest level possible) doesn't get you anywhere, because more times than not when someone talked like that in my over ten years in, it was a mid-senior leader on a power trip who was shortly after removed from that position. I may be medically retired, but I can still say for certainty there is no place for leadership on a power trip in my Navy. Communication between ranks is one of the number 1 biggest issues I've heard anyone bring up during a CO's call, and anyone who is in a position of authority (positional or otherwise) and refuses to communicate up or down the chain needs to be replaced as the weak link will always inevitably cause the entire system to falter.
@rumtumtugger Ай бұрын
@@Mrhalligan39 Not their job, making people do things "because I said so" is literally their job.
@BigbyOShaunessy Ай бұрын
This is a fundamental leadership principle. How can anyone expect a person to follow them without offering a good reason? “Because I said so” is a demand for an act of faith.
@matthewmandregan1467 Ай бұрын
My grandfather was a ww2 Korea & Vietnam era CSM and he would have cussed about this guy on his deathbed.
@anonymousm9113 Ай бұрын
I'll overgeneralize here and say that LTC is the rank where officers truly grow comfortable being themselves. Just as post-command CPTs are a lot different than newly promoted CPTs, LTCs with a couple of years in rank tend to be more mellow and philosophical than other officers. After all, by that point they are reasonably aware of whether or not they'll move on to brigade and higher levels, or they'll be retiring at the perfectly respectable rank of LTC without having to further prove themselves in positions requiring greater rank. I can imagine a big burden is lifted when they relinquish command of 800+ Soldiers and move on to instructor or staff positions. I'd say their enlisted counterparts are senior SFCs and MSGs (post-1SG time), while CW3 (funny, huh?) is where CWOs find the same balance of accomplishment and career satisfaction.
@bubbie3533 Ай бұрын
Insightful comment - nice reflection that I really enjoyed reading. 👍
@c_yo4564 Ай бұрын
The inflection and delivery on that "Odierno" was fucking hilarious
@tsalVlog Ай бұрын
heh. the ones that majored in Military Science are the weirdest of them all.
@avroarchitect1793 Ай бұрын
They're the history nerds from highschool that were waaaay too into it and then joined.
@Jams27 Ай бұрын
I never served, but I did Army ROTC in college for 3 years for "fun." I have to say, our LTC was such a cool dude. We were a split campus and he wasn't on my campus, but every time I met him he was just so chill and down to earth. Our campus CO was probably the most badass Major the US Army ever had. Major Ramsey. The man was immortal. His poor wife had to have adamantium hip replacements. We even mentioned this to her at a dining out and she chuckled and said "oh, you cadets are only half right."
@BenHyle Ай бұрын
I had a Major give a class on the Wagon Box fight once, and this reminds me of him.
@philipramsden4975 Ай бұрын
One of the LtCol's I had was a Mustang. Definitely not a weirdo, and was chill af. Always came around to shoot the shit with us enlisted guys.
@ivanbarrera3155 Ай бұрын
Petraeus catching strays!
@chaffcutter58. Ай бұрын
Lt Col. The C.O. you have when you dont have a C.O.
@avroarchitect1793 Ай бұрын
never had a CO that wasn't an LtC.
@Renaissance-Kashman-je9ri Ай бұрын
I've never served but somehow I KNOW this guy
@svenrio8521 Ай бұрын
Stormin Norman o7
@MrKronikDeception Ай бұрын
Meet Gen Odierno at a JSS Christmas 2007. Dude was massive. Like 6'6" and an easy 320.
@GimletYT Ай бұрын
😄As a retired LTC and PhD in military history...Ouch!
@WillRennar Ай бұрын
Yeah, that may not have been the answer you were hoping they'd give you, Sir, but that's definitely the main reason they're out there.
@BRITISHFURY_1664 Ай бұрын
Loving the haircut!
@cdrtej Ай бұрын
I am becoming him
@mightymikethebear Ай бұрын
I volunteered, frequently, to work far from the main camp areas during FTXs so I would not see anyone above E-7 or O-3.
@EloquentTroll Ай бұрын
USAF Lt Cols however be like "here's what I've learned from business management training"
@beowulfsrevenge4369 Ай бұрын
HOAH, LT Colonel!
@unofficialoscarherrera Ай бұрын
I hang out with LTCs all the time at BDE and this is true AF
@clone3632 Ай бұрын
Shenandoah mentioned!
@omarrp14 Ай бұрын
Average history degree officer
@flyman0xp721 Ай бұрын
I dig the fence in the background
@drewlyman9995 Ай бұрын
Worked Brigade staff for McConville in Iraq, I can tell you all kinds of things he said...
@bubbie3533 Ай бұрын
Curious what he said...
@austinrothjr Ай бұрын
“And then he would sneak off and sleep with his biographer…but that’s not important.” This is the most normie LTC thing to say and believe ever. Dude still has a god-like status around the Army and all he gave us was “The Surge” which didn’t work. His memory should be blasted into oblivion by embarrassment instead of exalted as some kind of modern Patton.
@fastfredyischristian Ай бұрын
Sounds like too many staff rides to me.
@Roman-hs2pq Ай бұрын
He just ran a sub 3 hours marathon last weekend, so he's relaxed on you guys.
@milledgewilson5025 Ай бұрын
I love battle field studies however most services can’t do them. The main ones are around the VA area and when I was at WOBIC we sit it for shure. The big issue is when you do a battle field study about the fuck ups of our leaders in the War on Terror in Iraq or AFG and you call those people out on it it is wrong
@a15thcenturysuitofgothicarmor Ай бұрын
@armynation31B5V5P Ай бұрын
So true.... LTC's. Am I right?
@josephm.burkhimer9502 Ай бұрын
Please bring back Crafton.
@LairdErnst Ай бұрын
LtCol story time.
@Adventuregirl96 Ай бұрын
I have a chance to talk to a few Lt. Cols both were well read and curious about other people. Was fun to get to talk about SEC football with a USMC Lt Col., and I later sold him my bike I had bought to ride around base on.
@edrace1882 Ай бұрын
Majors are the same way except they always start with "Back at ILE/SAMS...".
@babomberman Ай бұрын
Yea nailed it.
@hawlikd Ай бұрын
Because I was ordered to LTC! What other reason is there sir?
@millasboo Ай бұрын
Yeah Gramps kinda acted like that. He also was a massive hardass
@redthehero3387 Ай бұрын
Sounds like the rdcs from navy bootcamp.
@kellymouton7242 Ай бұрын
@dylanberl1583 Ай бұрын
These have to be accurate
@McAllisterVideos Ай бұрын
Let Lord Minty speak.... bullshit
@joeblow9657 Ай бұрын
LOL, I loved this!! Turns out nerds don't necessarily make good leaders.
@alexashworth3119 Ай бұрын
😂 👍 🇺🇸
@mb741-tnp Ай бұрын
The irony.
@user-it3qw9xg6h Ай бұрын
More home states hawaii day 3 of asking
@christopherchampion5244 Ай бұрын
I wonder if when you go to the war college you are really learning to be a professional goober as a field grade lol
@lymanfaith1183 Ай бұрын
Not weird, just mis-understood.
@notreallyeric Ай бұрын
I found that every time an officer, regardless of rank, asked a question it was because they legit didn’t know the answers..
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