If we engage in persistent sin, it should not surprise us that we'll experience a desensitized conscience leading to spiritual blindness. I've seen it happen over and over, and it's so sad. Spiritual blindness happens one compromise at a time. Pretty soon, a Christian is one in name only, and some even turn away altogether. We believers need to encourage each other in our culture so that we will not allow our hearts to become hardened leading to spiritual blindness. If we live in isolation, however, or just ignore where others are spiritually, the slippery slope of spiritual blindness quickly becomes a downward straight shot. We need to hold one another accountable, and when we're 'called on something,' we need to prayerfully consider what is said to us. No one likes to be told that they are exhibiting signs of compromising the Word of God or that they're believing the lie that sin isn't really sin, but it just may be the conversation that keeps us on the right track. Thanks for the teaching, Dr. G.