Lifetime of Listening #29 - 2000/Y2K - 52 Albums/Years/Weeks

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@andrew6889-p5c 2 ай бұрын
Another great video. De Stijl is worth a mention.
@mikegutterman3427 2 ай бұрын
Happy to see the love for a great Louisville band!
@gloomforged 2 ай бұрын
Torn between Radiohead, YLT, and Shellac for this year. Probably have to go with Radiohead. This was getting daily play in the instrument shop I worked at and as importantly, got me to go back and give a listen to The Bends and OK Computer.
@ErwinvanMaanen 2 ай бұрын
Great choice for that year Darren. The For Carnation is also a great favorite of mine and I played it to the thread. I relish the first two tracks 👍🎶
@Matt-pi3rh 2 ай бұрын
I managed to see TFC at my favorite local venue (RIP, Rudyard’s); bought the CD & a shirt (RIP, TFC shirt). They were asked for an encore but Brian said they only knew the album tracks. “We’re not that band.”
@carlosbuchlein 2 ай бұрын
The For Carnation is a superb choice. Another great release of 2000 was Radian's TG11.
@grahamwales3249 2 ай бұрын
Hot Snakes - Automatic Midnight. That’s it. Actually. deftones ‘white pony’ got some play as well. This year I think I was going back and listening to a lot of older stuff maybe?
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
If I'd picked up on "Automatic Midnight" this year, and not further down the line, it would definitely have been in the mix. Not my favorite Snakes, but an impressive record nonetheless. Cheers, D
@robc1515 2 ай бұрын
Love Spiderland and never heard The For Carnation, sounds like I need to rectify that situation. On board with your Shellac and YLT picks but for me 2000 was all about At the Drive-In’s Relationship of Command. Specifically the opener Arcarsenal which I was (and still am) obsessed with. That blasting in headphones on the way to work was my soundtrack to the year. Still love (most) of what The Mars Volta do, their most recent is a great almost-pop record, but Arcarsenal never gets old.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, you should absolutely seek TFC out if you're a "Spiderland" fan. Much more in the vein of tracks like "Don, A Man" and "For Dinner" if that gives you a better idea of what to expect. Cheers, D
@Tcoldsteel 2 ай бұрын
You supported Doves? Wow, impressed. Their first album is the best in my opinion.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, first album (agree, probably their best), smaller venues, and Barry Wilde Club must have thought we were a good fit on that bill. Crazy few months on that flyer...Muse, Doves and Coldplay all just starting out! Cheers, D
@timjk 2 ай бұрын
Wow never herd of The For Carnation. For me its easily Queens and Rated R. Very closely followed by At The Drive In - Relationship in Command. In Australia 78 Saab with Picture a Hum, Can't Hear a Sound. Feel like I might be about to fork off in a completely different direction to you over the 00s
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Easy to miss them...a few EPs and just this album was all they ever did. But, a really great record, and an important part of the Slint family tree. Maybe my last "deep-dive" post-rock year, my listening broadened out a little more after this, although my band was still doing similar stuff for a bit yet. Cheers, D
@michaelsylvain2172 2 ай бұрын
As the only non-post rock kid at the very serious-faced party, I'm not sure my (full length) record of the year would even make it in the door. But that's fine by me: it's The Noise Made by People by Broadcast, and Come On Let's Go might be a quietly beautiful anthem for my 90s and 00s - "what's the point in wasting time on people you'll never know..." And Papercuts is a beautiful track, too. To be honest, I love me some post rock now, and by 2000 I'd also come round to Slint - I just took against them at the time because so many niche people were so bloody THIS IS AMAZING that I couldn't not sniff at them contrarily. My loss, innit. For the record, I was clearly in a strange place in 2000 myself, musically, too. Jurassic 5's Quality Control, Blackalicious's Nia and Kid Koala got a bunch of love back then. Alongside Squarepusher and Broadcast and weird ambient drone. But my other favourite record is an ep - BoC's In a Beautiful Place Out in the Country. TFC definitely nail tense but Boards of Canada have woozily familiar and simultaneously unplaceable discomfort all in one. That track is one of my favourite noises ever made by any people. Best not to dwell on who the people they were sampling was, though, as if it could be more spookily spectral. I've papped right on, eh. Might give TFC a spin now, because Saturday night isn't for easy listening.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
"No-one puts Mikey in the corner" A thoroughly gratuitous Swayze-ing, but honestly, there are a goodly smattering of "Who?"s down here this week (and Broadcast are a very good shout too, BTW). Post-rock is nowt but a convenient hook to hang our "you know what I means" on, and twas ever thus. Just look at pics of Slint circa "Spiderland". They look like the underage drinkers in the pub in "Hot Fuzz". They were literally copping whatever just-turned-20 hardcore kids in '90-something KY were listening to that week (there's a "more-than-your-RDA" of King Crimson in there, truth be told), and in response, a journo or two over here conjured up a piece of pith (sorry) for a shot at a catchy byline. I love that TFC record because of what it doesn't do. It sounds "post-rock" in the way Low did at the turn of the millennium, i.e. not really. I dunno. For whatever reason, it jived with me majorly back then, and I remember it being my go-to soundtrack for late-night drives back from rehearsals out in the Norfolk sticks. Just that kind of record. Dx
@Joe.Copalman 2 ай бұрын
I loved 1000 Hurts because it felt like Albini set his smartass persona aside and opened up a bit emotionally. And Todd Trainer's drum part during that bridge/blown-out harmonics part before the outro on 'Shoe Song' is just so fun to play. That YLT album is soooooo good but it was also the soundtrack to me doing a bunch of dumb, hurtful stuff, so I can't listen to it anymore (with the exception of 'Cherry Chapstick,' which I refer to as my third-favorite Sonic Youth song).
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Much less Albini-playing-a-character on 1000 Hurts, definitely..."Mama Gina" being a prime case in point. 2001 is my "can't listen to that one" year, so I sympathize! Perfectly good records ruined by bad life choices. Cheers, D
@alanwilson1724 2 ай бұрын
Another great selection! I haven't heard Dianogah but I'll definitely check them out. I'm struggling to think of many other albums from 2000 but Automatic Midnight by Hot Snakes is probably my favourite. My most personally important album from this year is the On the Seven by Sawyer, released on the Human Condition label from Edinburgh. It's the band I played in so I'm slightly biased! Lack of promotion on our part meant it was inevitably going to go nowhere... If you're interested, give me your address and I'll send you a copy. I won't be offended if you're not.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Cheers Hot Snakes, but was a bit late to AM. Drop me a message via discellany AT gmail DOT com and I'll reply with my contact info. Just googled Sawyer and saw that one of your number ended up in Part Chimp...Colour me intrigued! D
@trainsurfer7593 2 ай бұрын
Ah - you did it again! You made me go looking for my copy of TFC, which I haven't listened to in years and years - only to find that I've either sold it or lent it out (and not got back)! Luckily, the whole album is here on KZbin so I'll hook the laptop up to the amp & speakers and let that eerie restrained power flow over me. See you next week!
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Phantom records? I have a few myself! I wanted to mention "Smeared" by Sloan back in '93, but it's nowhere to be found. Definitely didn't sell it, no idea where it's gone! TFC is such a great record. Almost went Shellac, but one play of this set me straight. Utterly mesmerising once it gets going. Cheers, D
@ChristopherANeal 2 ай бұрын
First off, thank you for using a screenshot of one of my comments! Secondly, 2000 was a difficult year for me. It started with a fire in my apartment building that damaged all of my musical things, from guitars to records, some beyond repair. But, that was also my first full year working at a music store; one of the rare ones that sells both instruments and recordings, so much of the year was me using my employee discount to replace or repair my gear in increments (the Tele was first). As a result, I didn't hear a lot of new stuff, since I was focussed on restoring the lost pieces of my various collections. But, one thing that did make a huge impact was Smile by the Jayhawks. It started my interest in Alt Country, which will become hugely significant for me in a few years, and while it's far from their best work, it opened a proverbial door. As always, great video, Darren!
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Cheers Chris! There was no shortage of supporting evidence in last week's comments section for '99 being sucky, so thanks for helping confirm that I'm not just an old curmudgeon! D
@blackearwax 2 ай бұрын
My old band did our first ever gig supporting TFC in Tunbridge Wells. I was like a dog with two tails. Great choice and spot on review, indeed I would say this LP just pips Spiderland for me. It's a ten out of ten perfect beaut
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Cheers. Spiderland...TFC...the parallels are all there, from personnel to atmosphere to track count. Yeah, it's not overshadowed by it's better-known precedent in any way, I reckon. D
@Harrispilton22 2 ай бұрын
Another fallow year for me. I remember being a bit dissapointed by The Avalanches debut, half a good album. Elliot Smith's 'Figure 8' was most listened to would have been 'Blue Jam' by Chris Morris....his Radio One series was deranged (can you imagine that getting aired today??) The CD was just as terrifying. It came out on Warp & the music that was used to incredible effect included Labradford, Aphex Twin, Brian Eno. Genuinley unsettling fact I cant go back to listen to it now.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
I still have the "Jam" DVD, and for what is on the surface comedy, it's (even today) a pretty tough sell. The guy's a genius for sure, but boy did he go full dark for that series. The plumber and the baby? "The Gush"? I think Bark Psychosis "Pendulum Man" featured heavily in one scene/skit, too. Cheers, D
@michaelsylvain2172 2 ай бұрын
That Blue Jam series and CD was incredible. I couldn't not listen but it was... well. Transfixingly, brilliantly terrifying. And brilliant
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
RE The For Carnation: Being a massive fan of Skag Heaven (an all-time top 10 LP for me), I was always keen to check out what those guys did after Squirrel Bait. So For Carnation was a must. Yeah, it's good n dark. I just wanted something more, though.
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
Shellac - I'll have another listen. I've always admired them more than liked them. Too dry and technical, and often repetitious to the point of annoyance. Albini's tone is very love it or hate it too, imo.
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
Fwiw you encouraged me to have a look at my stuff from 2000. I seemed to have lost some interest at that point. If I had to go with one album, I think it would be one I only discovered after the event - which I appreciate goes against the spirit of your series. But, let's paper over that crack in my selection for a sec - I'm going with Broadcast's The Noise Made by People. The vocals are of course wonderful. But more than that is the exploration of almost totally forgotten '50s and '60s thus retro futuristic sound textures and production choices.
@craighudson6684 2 ай бұрын
Like 99, limited list of choices. Coldplay was a regular play, but they only lasted 2 albums with me. Honourable mention for Placebo and Black Market Music, though not as strong as 98’s Without you I’m nothing. My album of the year was a grower, eventually cementing itself as a staple… PJ Harvey
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
I was in an "off-to-the-side" period with PJH around about this time, but would reconnect a little later. Was this the one that won her the Mercury? I forget..if so, Margaret from Moonshake/Laika was in her band circa this record, so maybe I should circle back on it one of these days. There was a slightly tenuous band link with Chris Martin via Will, our drummer, and I think we might have actually bumped into him more than once. The one I referenced in the video was at the Norfolk summer fest I mentioned an episode or two back (it was an annual thing, he was at the 2000 one). The other time was him and Simon Pegg at Will's local in London (the inspiration for the pub in "Shaun Of The Dead"). Strange times! Anyway, Coldplay. With you on that one...two albums and I'm out. Cheers, D
@craighudson6684 2 ай бұрын
Ref PJH, I had to Google Mercury Prize - only artist to have won twice, first in 2001 for this album. I cannot compete on the meeting current/future stars! I did manage to arrange a “meet and greet” for my wife with Wet Wet Wet (meaning Marty Pellow). Ref don’t meet your heroes (or in this case heart-throb) he was miserable and didn’t say a word. Worked a treat then!
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Ha! The Wets! Around these parts, we refer to him as Farty Pillow whenever they pop up on the '80s video channel. I don't feel quite so childish/mean-spirited now! D
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
2:11 - didn't know that one. Just listening now. Drums're great, but who nicked the guitarist's Tube Screamer?? Kept expecting a big f*** off ear full of distortion - it never happened. 😅
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Dianogah? Great band. The two bass thing throws a lot of people expecting something heavier. The high (Jay) and low (Jason) bass interplay was really something to witness live...(more on that in 2001). Cheers, D
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
@@discellany One of the bass's must've been a six string baritone thing though? I mean, there's a lot of picked stuff that sounds like a conventional guitar.
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Nope! As I recall, Jay played a RIC and Jason a Jazz. Jay did spend a lot of time up around the 12th fret though. D
@discellany 2 ай бұрын
Link to a video from the PRF BBQ a few years back...still rocking the RIC and JB combo... Also, sidenote (which got cut from the video)!...Kip, Dianogah's drummer, played with The For Carnation for a while. Symmetry! Cheers, D
@Unfunny_Username_389 2 ай бұрын
@@discellany Whoah interesting. They have a cool sound. Reminds me slightly of the first Polvo LP. Which I think may have been two basses? What I would say is that there's definitely a guitar on that opening track Kaisakunin. Sounds nylon as well! Btw have you ever heard that Polvo LP from 2013 called Siberia?? I was never a big fan but my sweet lord that '13 album is incredible.
Lifetime of Listening #30 - 2001 - 52 Albums/Years/Weeks
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