Poor nikolas he was looking at a picture of liz,adien he missed them so much.he misses them a lot and loved them still i liked the song that gh had still but that changed like other things to the show,history and to the gh characters a lot take liz,jason they made them like they don't have history between them at all and made it so that did not have a son together and was so in love with each other and want to be with each other and married as a family and more
@angelamorales21186 жыл бұрын
I miss this nikoles on gh a lot
@summerofsoaps11 жыл бұрын
OMG, Nik staring at Elizabeth & Aiden's picture? BROKE ME. And I will never stop believing Aiden is Nik's son!!!
@angelamorales21186 жыл бұрын
summerofsoaps they looked alike to but i guess because nikoles was lucky brother
@PianoPlayerChris11 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else notice that same picture of Liz and Aidan next to one of Nikolas and a baby on the mantel earlier? Is that Spencer or Aidan?
@angelamorales21186 жыл бұрын
I liked nikoles telling britt about him in believing that liz son was his that was so bad because nikoles loves him a lot and liz.i wonder what would have happened if nikoles came back to gh again but he not i hoped for a long time but the tptb and Frank and n.v did not listen to the fans to bring him back to gh again.I am happy Nikolas did not marry britt I also think britt was a bad person i don't know what she was for him nikoles. I think he believed he love her because he could not have liz with him poor nikoles he told Britt things that was sad for him to say to Britt than they end up taking about things what Britt said she know nikoles would do the right thing
@angelamorales21187 жыл бұрын
poor nikoles a lot of things happened to him after Emily death a lot of bad stuff especially with more than one women after Liz he made lots of bad mistakes.i did not liked that Britt played him good and more then onces with her lies she told him then in 2015 till 16 Hayden came in and that turned out to be his worst nightmare for him and her to his and she know what to say and do to like use sex and it worked a lot still it did not
@swthrtcndy11 жыл бұрын
Oh man, you could've said it was all the way at end.