Wow. I can't believe it took me this long to find this video. I am a huge fan of Lindberg, and discovered them while stationed at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa in 1990 - 1993. I was at Sunabe Sports Land (amusement park) and a song came up on this cool video jukebox called "Imasugu Kiss Me"... I thought... This is SO COOL! So I went and exchanged some dollars for Yen and played it again. My love for Lindberg was born. Soon after, Lindberg IV came out and I went and bought it and Lindberg III on CD at Fukuhara Records. But it got better... I enjoyed "Believe in Love" so much, I had a friend help translate it to Romaji and I memorized the song so I could sing it in karaoke. Now, over 30 years later, I found myself singing along with it during the end credits. If I look to my right, my CD case (yes, I still have some CDs) has Lindberg II - X, plus Extra Flight, and Flight Recorder... And some mini CDs, and somewhere in a container I have a couple of concert Laserdiscs still around. I have also told my friends that should I ever win the lottery, I'm going to fly us all to Japan and arrange a concert with Lindberg so they can see, hear, and enjoy all the music that made me happy for decades and reminds me of my love of Japan. Thank you for sharing this video, I hope Maki's voice continues to improve, and I wish good health upon all the members of the band and my fellow fans. Domo arigato gozaimashite! - Adam A Dallas, Texas, USA