Shabbat shalom this is SUPERB TEACHINGS!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Praise the most high God and thank you for the gift of eternal life through the blood of yeshua.
@campbellfalls743011 күн бұрын
Nashville here, can never get enough of your teachings. Yeshua, is KING ❤
@RudydeGroot5 күн бұрын
There can be only _One_ King. And that's _not_ Jesus.
@Bobbychildree12 күн бұрын
Though our numbers are few, G-d loves us and is faithful to us. There are “multitudes, multitudes in the valley of indecision” - those are our Christian brothers and sisters whose consciences are telling them they should be following Torah as well as the New Testament, but their churches and teachers are telling them not to follow Torah. It’s still Ephraim and Judah, false gods or the One True G-d. Choose you this day Whom you will serve. Thank you Monte - a true Israelite.
@wordpresslife755112 күн бұрын
Yes sir!! I’m a Christian and I’ll say this I learned more about my faith in Christ from messianic brethren in one year than the last 15 years in different churches. Not badmouthing all the churches but a lot of them don’t teach the ENTIRE Bible. I love how Monte takes verses from the Torah and connects them to the New covenant scriptures. It’s SUPERB TEACHING. Since I’ve been keeping sabbath I feel much closer to God than I ever did before!! I still get “beat up on” and been called “trying to be Jewish” but you know something I DONT CARE!! I asked God if I’m accepting false doctrine and he communicates with me in dreams.
@marianhoover820611 күн бұрын
@@wordpresslife7551I have found the same! Just started keeping sabbath this past year. Made all the difference! I love the Messianic teachings! Monte is excellent!
@jacquelinebourque804111 күн бұрын
"Churchgoers" are following man and not GOD. They're the ones who will hear "I NEVER KNEW YOU" (Matt 7:21). They call us "Legalists"
@HerbertPrince11 күн бұрын
@@wordpresslife7551 Hang in there, we all go through what you have. But there are some who are still searching for truth in the scriptures, as you may be the one Yah uses to reach them. Some Christian churches don't teach what we have been blessed to know, only because they don't have anyone who knows what to teach. I was on a journey to want to know the truth many years ago. Most of my previous church family have disowned me, but I don't care, as someday I will stand alone in front of my Creator and will have to give answers to what He will ask. HalleluYah ! 🖖
@boblam0312 күн бұрын
Amen...Shabbat Shalom HalleluYAH ❤
@colettemarx363512 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from the UK. Thank you for the excellent teachings.
@user-wv6nn6zq1w12 күн бұрын
Shabbat shalom❤
@sandralang436012 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Joshua Texas.
@dianefaust621812 күн бұрын
Shabbat shalom!😊
@joshbenton408012 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from New York Brothers and Sisters.
@JanetMosquera-b2v12 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom to all you brothers and sisters in Christ, from the Netherlands, thanks so much Rabbi Monte was a learnsome teaching, Praise The Lord! Love and Shalom.
@geraldienjansenvanvuuren966612 күн бұрын
Absolutely mind-blowing!! Thank you and Shabbat Shalom from South Africa!
@Servant_Of_Yeshua_HaMashiach12 күн бұрын
This was a very powerful teaching!! Thank you so much brother Monte!! Shabbat Shalom to all, all the way from Florida, USA!!🇺🇸
@RuthLloydAndersem12 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Idaho
@user-wv6nn6zq1w12 күн бұрын
Thank you dear Brother,shabbat shalom.❤
@alanverzmoter969412 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from South Africa 🙏🏻
@SGOV8612 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from Suriname🇸🇷 South America.
@marionyarem130212 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom
@gaeilgesinger112 күн бұрын
Excellent. Thank you! Shabbat Shalom from North Texas
@marianhoover820611 күн бұрын
It makes my heart weep and jump for joy at the same time. Thank you!!
@Marie-h5s12 күн бұрын
We are captive to a money focused life of employment, instead of living with our families together, planting gardens and fruit trees and having food producing pets for food security, good health, abundance, peace and joy. We are Ephraim now and we have seventeen Sustainable Development Goals that afflict our nations; oppression is ever present and looking to get worse if we do not turn back to honor and follow the written wisdom and guidance of our Creator, YAHUVEH, the proven God of Israel and the whole earth. We have lost our identity as children of the God of Israel.
@ilyleforever336611 күн бұрын
Oh wow I just spent 6.00 something on amazon and could only afford 4 of the books. I'll look into the bulk prices and see if I can afford more maybe later. Watch your online and KZbin teachings Greg, thank you and Praise YHVH for HIS salvation to you, me and us all ❤
@williamb839412 күн бұрын
Todah rabah, Monty, from the NorthLeft coast USA.
@jewelssylva373811 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom. ✝️🛐 I pray blessings on Monte for faithfully studying the Word in order to teach us ... all these years. Blessings❣️
@maggieclark780712 күн бұрын
Thank you for this Word! We are coming into our true identity. So looking forward to that day when Yerushalayim says, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of Adonai."
@patriciahowell372112 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from NC
@naomiail153425 күн бұрын
Hope all are paying attention. YAHS blessing ❤
@mirelac850712 күн бұрын
Amen! Amen! HalleluYah!
@lastremnantofgodsarmy149512 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom brother Monte and family. Thank you for the Torah portions. It is very helpful and I have been sharing them on my channel in hopes to encourage all to study and take part in the Torah
@johanswart173012 күн бұрын
@m.c.a.v314412 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom Monty and to your family and to your ministries.
@OO-qr1ks15 күн бұрын
@dianefaust621812 күн бұрын
Gives me the desire to go to Israel. 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤A mighty King, Yeshua. 😂
@jacquelinebourque804111 күн бұрын
Why a black heart? Is your blood black too? STOP the nonsense!
@drgerni11 күн бұрын
Moses was of the house of Levi
@inisfree7712 күн бұрын
thank you for your ministry. LOVE Shabbat oops you left single ladies out of your prayer....was not what I desired but did not meet a fellow not a widow,, grandmother or time/
@Curious-i5m12 күн бұрын
But they said they wanted me to do it..
@elisabeth568212 күн бұрын
Shabbat Shalom from France ! Thanks for illuminate my compréhension of TORAH There is an important Testimony on KZbin intitulated , " Rabbi Died and Saw The SHOCKING Truth About MESSIAH - NDE" Site:" Second Chances " ❤
@u_g76312 күн бұрын
Messiah Yeshua !!??
@davidpatrick181312 күн бұрын
What time does this start on Sabbath evening?
@ssanz376112 күн бұрын
Why dont you go back Monte Judah?
@jacquelinebourque804111 күн бұрын
Who are you to tell Monte what to do?
@senatorjosephmccarthy272011 күн бұрын
15: 41. The people of Ephraim have migrated to the same island Manasseh/the British occupied, until the New World was discovered by the Jew Christopher Columbus and Spanish crew, providing for the people of Ephraim to migrate to the land now named the United States of America, Praise to Yehovah. All the 10 northern tribes of Israel have been dwelling in their respective countries for hundreds of years. Among the many proofs, Isaiah 9: 11 is part of a prophecy of America's 9•11 attack. See 'The Harbinger' by Jonathan Chan. Isaiah 28: 1 - 5 is a prophecy of Hurricane Katrina hitting the New Orleans, Louisiana area. These make up the 🌿 House of Israel 🌿 🔹Asher is what's left of South Africa. 🔹Dan is Dan's mark Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland. -- Scandinavia in English is saying 'See the land of Dan'. 🔹Ephraim is USA. Also called Israel because of being head of the 10. 🔹Gad is Belgium. 🔹Issachar is Finland. 🔹Levi is among the tribes, Gen. 49: 7. 🔹Manasseh is England, Scotland? Wales, Canada, New Zeal-land, Australia. 🔹Naphtali is Sweden. 🔹Reuben is France. 🔹Zebulon is Hol(y)land Holland. 🔹Simeon is among the tribes, Gen. 49: 7. These make up the 🌾 House of Yehuda 🌾 🔹Yehuda is Judah. 🔹Benjamin is with Judah.
@senatorjosephmccarthy272011 күн бұрын
Ephraim = efr Y am rai is not ommited. 15: 55. Deuteronomy 28: 1 - 68 is a prophecy to the House of Israel, that is, to the 10 northern tribes, In These End-days. And "the stranger among you" are the Millions of non-Israelites who have been coming into the United States across the Rio Grande for decades, and many others. And in the other 10 tribes' countries, are the Millions from the Middle East countries who have been Allowed in by all the said countries' governments! Yehovah warns those strangers will get up above the Israelites, in their own countries, and will Take everything from the Israelites. Because of the Israelites having turned away from their Creator. These Scriptures warn the Israelites will be taken captive into all the countries of the world as slaves, until Yeshua returns and delivers those remnant still alive. Deuteronomy 28.
@uberfine11 күн бұрын
Rabbi, none of us living now had anything to do with how the Israelites responded to Adonai, yet you talk as though the separation from Him is our specific doings. Why is that?