タイムスタンプ/Timestamp ⏱ 0:00←スタート/start 2:07←肩たたきスタート/tap on the shoulder 21:15←オイルマッサージ/oil massage ∟22:13←右耳/right ear ∟24:00←左耳/left ear ∟25:42←両耳/ears 37:17←オイルで肩のマッサージ/Massage your shoulders with oil ∟37:23←左肩/left shoulder ∟38:40←右肩/right shoulder 42:10←お耳のマッサージ再開/Massage the ears again ∟45:50←耳塞ぎ/wrap one's arms around one's ears 47:42←タオルでオイルを拭き取る音/Sound of oil being wiped off with a wet towel ∟48:16←手についたオイルを拭き取る/Wipe off oil on hands ∟48:41←肩についたオイルを拭き取る/Wipe off oil on shoulders. ∟50:19←耳についたオイルを拭き取る/Wipe oil from ears ∟20:32←お顔全体を濡れタオルでごしごし/Wipe the entire face with a wet towel ∟55:14←耳の奥もタオルでごそごそ/The inside of the right ear is also fumbled with a towel. ∟56:24←左耳も/left ear. ∟57:05←両耳/ears 57:56←耳塞ぎ/wrap one's arms around one's ears 58:44←優しく撫でながらよしよし、寝かしつけ/Putting her to sleep with a gentle pat on the head, good boy, good boy. 耳ふ〜 右/Breathe into the right ear 0:14 47:07 耳ふ〜 左/Breathe into the left ear 0:06 47:00 オノマトペ/onomatopoeia ぽかぽか、ぬるぬる、ぺとぺと、ぐにゃぐにゃ、すりすり、とことこ、ぎゅっぎゅっ、ごしごし、ごそごそ、よしよし