LIVE Buffalo Bills fan REACTION to road victory against Detroit Lions

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The Bills Bunker

The Bills Bunker

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@TheBillsBunker 2 күн бұрын
A little late getting the video out… some technical difficulties!!
@I_Queen_Aries_I Күн бұрын
No worries!! Appreciate your content and hope your channel grows!❤ God bless, Go Bills 🤍💪🏼🦬
@powerjae4651 Күн бұрын
Go Bills! Hope you had fun at the game.
@TheBillsBunker Күн бұрын
It was a fun game to be at! Awesome atmosphere in Detroit. Go Bills!
@MajorBlessingsAlways Күн бұрын
Cooking again/still. Thanks for sharing! Go Bills!
@TheBillsBunker Күн бұрын
Let's go Bills!
@bflobudha2929 Күн бұрын
You literally at every game 😂 im jealous!
@TheBillsBunker Күн бұрын
Im dedicated to bringing ya'll the content!! All those that watch my content live from stadiums are there virtually, and in Bills Mafia Spirit
@RyanRe-rd6wv Күн бұрын
No he wasn’t I didn’t see him in Miami on Thursday Night Football
@Swenolo Күн бұрын
Bro Ryan it’s only one game chill pit
@Swenolo Күн бұрын
Bro Ryan it’s only one game chill out
@RyanRe-rd6wv Күн бұрын
I was there in Miami so why should I chill out
@Swenolo Күн бұрын
I want to be there 😂
@ChubbyJontheBartender 21 сағат бұрын
Go Bills! Big Dubs! Also, SOOOOO glad we arent building a dome, that place seems so sterile
@A-a-ron-happiness Күн бұрын
At the end of video, that’s my boy I thought he moved to Florida
@ronintsukebin9163 Күн бұрын
Why didn't Josh run after the Coleman catch? 4 chances for him to get a touchdown inside the 5 or so. They passed, Bass missed a field goal and we came out with nothing. Was shaking my head in the absolute stupidity of the play calling. By the way, a healthy Detroit would have beat us.
@dyates6380 Күн бұрын
Not necessarily. I'm so sick of Detroit's fans carping on and on about injuries. I watched one video yesterday with a few Lions fans and they said that "If Hutchinson was playing he'd have had FOUR sacks .... at least". LOL. WHAT? So the last three games zero sacks (and the last time I looked San Francisco and LA had some pretty good pass rushers, but Hutch would have gotten "four at least"? LOL. I'm not saying the Bills would have won, because Detroit is the best team in the league basing it on all aspects of the game, but with the Bills offense humming and the D line coming up big and shutting down their vaulted run game, I wouldn't have counted it a definite loss to the Bills. The Bills started three back ups in the secondary and Milano went out in the latter part of the third quarter. No way would that have been an automatic win for Detroit.
@colleenandres3800 Күн бұрын
You must be loaded to be able to go to all these games!🤣
@TheBillsBunker Күн бұрын
Travelling with Fans of Buffalo makes things so much easier!
@calibillz2855 Күн бұрын
I would go to the bills game but I never flew on a plane
@pappyprimetime7510 Күн бұрын
I like how you get more drunk at the end of these games.
@TheBillsBunker Күн бұрын
Zero alcoholic beverages were consumed in the making of this video
@RixenAce Күн бұрын
he's just high on life
@Cdubs24 Күн бұрын
@@TheBillsBunkerI got a really cool Josh Allen shirt!!! It’s him diving the touchdown against the 49ers in the snow. Isn’t that cool bro
@scarecrow6741 Күн бұрын
Are they still two games back from the chiefs? Hahahahaha
@bambiboi3244 Күн бұрын
I wish i could to every bills game but um broke
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