Some of the very good questions that we all wanted answers. The Minister is very sharp and efficient in answering the questions with diligent and methodically adhering to their effective political policies. Congratulations and well done Vijitha for your honesty, sincerity to the party and credibility to the public nation of SL. Still the Immigration and Emigration Department is very ineffective and the staff working there seems to be from another world or with different views. They are not bothered or unresponsive to emails, calls or even personal visits with regard to pending Dual Citizenship issues. How can we come to Lanka and invest when the Dual citizenship cannot be obtained for our children who are prepared to come to the country they are born and do a voluntary service to our people. Therefore, we hope the Dual citizenship officers can open their eyes and take action promptly and effectively responding to Lankan needs in a very efficient and effective manner in the future. Are they doing this purposely just to sabotage or disrepute the government is yet a question. Thank you.
Should have made Vijitha Herath the Prime Minister..Not against Equality, but feel like he would have made a better fit for the environment of Sri Lanka..