Prophet ( saws) assor from mugrib, one day, the divine time is over over. So need divine sajrae, adem sajraei ta uba, divine imam of all the Muslims. Those who claiming the imam Mehdi. What is their divine charter ? Syddena yassin bin Abdullah ..... Bangladesh...
@tawhidiimam-87012 жыл бұрын
Two kinds of divine. 1) days divine,2) nights divine. Days divine time is over. Full lights moon, one night divine running time is now by khalifa of God 💯. Divine time accept judge didn't of God 💯. So need divine imam of all the human. Full lights moon one night divine the charter is own of God 💯.the charter is intact sulotion all in Human. Amen...
@tawhidiimam-87012 жыл бұрын
Prophet ( saw) the divine time is khatme Hoga. Asr from mugrib, one day the divine time is over over. So need divine imam of all the Muslims,. Divine imam is khalifa of Allah. Those who claiming the imam Mehdi. What is their divine charter ? Syddena yassin bin Abdullah.. Bangladesh.( two kinds of divine in the hole Qur'an. 1) days divine. 2) nights divine. Days divine time is over over. The night divine running time is now by khalifa of Allah 💯. Divine time accept judge didn't of Allah 💯. So need divine imam of all the human.)...
@tawhidiimam-87012 жыл бұрын
Divine time culture. Udoy full lights moon is the fourteenth part. Every udoy moon is one day. First udoy moon was first prophet adem alaihi oasalam. Second udoy moon was nuhio alaihi oasalam. Three udoy moon was dawod alaihi oasalam. Fourth udoy moon was Abraham alaihi oasalam. Fifths udoy moon was musha alaihi oasalam. Sixth udoy moon was Jesus's. Seventh udoy moon was prophet ( saw). Total seven days divine time was all in prophets. Eight udoy moon is khalifa of Allah 💯. Nine udoy moon is khalifa of Allah 💯. Ten udoy moon is khalifa of Allah 💯. Elven udoy moon is khalifa of Allah 💯. Twolve udoy moon is khalifa of Allah. Tharteen udoy moon is khalifa of Allah 💯. Fourteen full lights moon is khalifa of Allah 💯 more divine, more divine time is khalifa of Allah 💯 so divine culture ok understand. Salaam. SYDDENA MOHUMMUD ABDULLAH....