🥳🥳🥳恭喜發財 !!! Congratulations GiGi again ! Besides 沒有你還是愛你, 談情說愛 has also reached 4M. 💃💃💃GiGi has released a new song 透光者. It's a new folk song style and new singing techniques. GiGi tells stories and sings about the sorrows of young girls......Sounds great !!! 🥺🥺🥺
🎉🎉🎉恭喜發財 !!! Congratulations GiGi ! 沒有你還是愛你 is already 4M. 🎉🎉🎉Looking forward to 🤩🤩🤩3.99m談情說愛 to 4m, 64K 透徹 to 1m, 7.76m 蜚蜚 to 8m, Only For Me, 真話的清高, 複雜......GiGi's good songs will make dreams come true !!! 💖💖💖
@Yumi1221fanSY10 ай бұрын
@shukyeezoeshum346810 ай бұрын
@@Yumi1221fanSY 有你真好! 👍💪😘
@Gigiyim0409CL2 жыл бұрын
那段rap 簡直係神來之筆,為Sally Bibi Gi trio 帶來了無限驚喜!Gigi 又-次証明自己可以駕馭多種曲風,rap 得輕鬆自如!🦀🦀AD 拔刀相助!
Eric Kwok 講過Gigi 太強嘅性格好難唱R&B, 原來當佢放鬆到係可以勁到咁!要跟得上周筆暢同Sally真係唔易!有呢個機會都要你有實力。呢個節目亦鍾意咗Bibi,唱功好好,個人好放,高音比較實,段rap亦較自然,Gigi需要學習,但佢已經好了不起,只係17歲,出道半年。另外,魔動閃霸太有才,《真的漢子》段rap又係好正!👍