跟英國師傅既我十幾年前逆向換返香港牌。都可以講下D分別: 英國多雨,D線消失真係好正常,迴旋處留意下路的闊度就可以知道一條定三條。 雙程路泊滿車通常都係住宅區發生,其實兩邊都揸慣既人會發覺其實英國D行車線係窄過香港。 高速公路匯入:匯入線又叫加速線,一進入加速線就要留意要匯入既線道調整車速車距。 我自己都唔中意Smart motorway,因為無左路肩(hard shoulder) 緊急情況時要靠control 轉車速同封路。係呀,D牌可以做封路。即是右箭咀同X。但問題係司機通常都唔睇,所以就撞埋去架死車度。 National speed limit 冇補充 禮讓方面,小社區互相認識就會禮讓D,大城市我行我素係差D。 燈位轉右:除非綠色右箭咀,否則所有轉右既路口都要give way (其實都係世界標準,左軚的就係轉左要give way)。其實以前香港都好多袋口位,而家cut 晒所以香港司機先冇aware 到。 黃格、巴士專線同泊車係council 既財路。尤其係泊車,加埋私人公司外判抄牌員! 單黃係部份時間唔可以wait or park ,雙黃係全日唔可以wait or park (可以 drop off,但不能pick up)。 紅線禁區係London 專有,規則同香港一樣no stopping for any purpose。 閃黃燈同閃頭燈其實香港都有........ 意思一樣。以前晌香港我都有帶英國呢個習慣返去,對面D司機又明我想點,同埋香港D巴士見我閃頭燈讓佢出站都會閃黃燈回我架。
Driving in different countries is fun and definitely an eye opener. Those round-abouts were a good challenge, especially when I'm used to driving on the other side.
@mmwalison2 жыл бұрын
有睇開Luby, 想問咩係 2+ lane? 係 Birmingham 好多
@r24044 Жыл бұрын
我而家都在英國學緊揸車,在住宅區和BUILD UP AREA揸下咁,最高速都係40miles,好易揸,係間中去到d路泊滿晒車,對面又有對頭車就要考自己判斷,同埋路太窄,有時都好驚hi到旁邊d 死車或者驚有人失驚無神係車gap間走出黎。
Motorway has hard shouder (extra lane on the right). Only use in an emergency. Put on hazard light and immediately leave the car and stay behind crash barrier in all weather conditions) then call AA or other emergency service. People had been killed before when another sleepy drive drove into a parked car).
About the smart motorways , they sometimes change speed depending on road conditions , but it might not update quick enough , sign is saying 40mph when road is all clear , also this applies to narrowed lanes when there is road works, the key is to follow the flow of traffic and not to suddenly slow down.
Petrol prices apps I type petrol prices at Android apps store, there are many apps displayed, can you advised which one should be installed ? Thank you !