Longevity Changes Needed - 10 Things To Add For A Better Gameplay Experience in Deep Rock Galactic.

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@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Well I was apprehensive uploading this video as It's the least amount of editing i've ever put into one. But it's been a great response with tons of great ideas in the comments. It's nice to know that the community feels the same way. You get a little burnt out late game and could really use something to spice it up. I shouldn't have used the button "b" as the example as that is your flares, sometimes I just say things off the top of my head, not sure if you can tell or not. A great suggestion in the comments was both left and right bumper, I love this as it would feel more like your throwing the dwarf. Most importantly to the point of this video is "easy changes" I believe that is very important as GSG already has roadmaps and plans. We also can never know what "easy changes" truly are, what might seem easy to us, could actually be very difficult and not worth the time for the DEVS. I realise this and accept it fully before I even made this video. Maybe a few years ago these would have been easy, but now it just might not be the case. However with that said, if there is anything that is simple, and makes for more fun over all. It should be considered. A few things here, Firstly regarding the ammo lock, I suggest this be similar to when people choose for no dwarf duplication when late joining. Just a choice. Not for everybody. Simply just don't join those games. If the host is down you should be able to call it without any request required. Chances are, if this is infuriating you, then your the type of person this mechanic is made for. Trigger happy ammo callers who use their entire clip on 1 grunt and then double dip. If I CHOOSE to host a mission with the option for people NOT to do this, then what's the problem. Just don't join those games. Personally I have plenty of friends that don't do this however when you play with randoms its extremely common for them to do this and can actually cause the mission to fail due to the entire teams DPS falling. I've experienced it enough to include it in this video, and others haven't so that's why the choice to do this is important. It is for people that have PTSD from this happening constantly. Secondly regarding the damage dealt. I really think some of you need to look at this in a different way. Damage doesn't mean meta or kills at all. This is FPS mentality at its best. And all these meta deep rock videos aren't helping. A lot of builds in deep rock are team builds, like slowing everything down with the sludge pump while everyone else kills the enemies. Or any crowd control AOE build where they may not even get the kills, they just want to put damage out on things. This is where damage dealt can validate people who have a low kill count, but a high damage. To say that this makes people more toxic is the same logic as kills making people more toxic. Take away kills and nobody can compare stats. What about the people with low kill counts that look like they haven't done anything when in reality they were helping so much with tons of damage? Let's be real guys, games have included damage dealt for decades now, and if people are toxic about it then thats a fault on them. People are already being toxic on builds in a non competitive PVE game. That's no fault of the devs. Thats stupid FPS mentality that people bring with them to this game and it simply doesn't belong. Since this will still likely be a hot topic for people I would just suggest a recent stats button where you can only see your own. But the idea that this somehow ruins the game? maybe i'm just old but it's never ruined other games. Thirdly, I am happy to hear the equipment overclock suggestion is well received. With the exception of the argument from the Devs that "it would change the function the equipment is supposed to do" well simply just don't make the overclock have that function? it really is very simple, the flares don't stop being flares if they ping for minerals or enemies. It still lights up the room. I mean I have pretty decent understanding of game balancing, since I've witnessed all the perks and things that GSG have changed over the years. I would argue that they are very good at it as well, some of the best. This game is very well balanced. But to dismiss the overclocks completely in fear of that? No, you could make more paint jobs for all the equipment, and overclocks that only EMPHASIZE the basic function. The lights for the scout are used to find minerals and enemies, sending out a ping only helps. If there is something that does throw off the balance then remove it. Also this is a pve game after all, fun should be the goal here, this competitive mentality is a new thing for deep rock that's never been an issue before all the call of duty players started playing this game. Fourth, I said korosite and its actually the ebonite events 🙈 I was referencing. Fifth, I had an entire 3 minutes dedicated to the 5th class talk going on in this game. I deleted it because i wasn't really sure how this video was going to be received (got hate from reddit as usual) and I wanted to make it shorter. Another reason why i deleted it is because of how incredibly difficult and how many hours it would take for them to do that. All those overclocks, animations, balancing. However if for some miracle it was to be done, This is my thoughts: A female dwarf with a smaller Bosco (let's call it Rosco for now) It comes with 2 charges that she can choose to heal, or revive from a distance. Rosco would also double as a jetpack for her to get around. Again this would be a bit much to create and defeats the purpose of the video. So my suggestion would be to make a female dwarf body cosmetic so any dwarf can be a female. with a ton of new feminine cosmetics to go with it. Six, I think this game needs to really up their cosmetics seeing as how that's all we are obtaining now n days. I like the idea of a new cosmetic kind of like aura or something that emits from the dwarves. For the gunner he would have a smoke trail from his cigar and gun that would trail behind him, the scout would have gold nuggets falling out (not real nuggets that fall out but just the animation when he is running) The engineer would have springs and bolts falling behind him, and the driller would have maybe a pet swamer following him. Then you add about 3 more for every dwarf. On top of that, you change the cosmetic system so instead of just picking a color scheme, you pick what parts of the dwarf have the specific color available that your choosing. So instead of the accents being blue, I can make the primary blue, and the accents black. It would be based on the color cosmetic offered. Seven, another Idea I didn't add because I don't think it would be as welcomed, is lives. That's right, a new mode where you have lives. Or instead, you can no longer revive, but grab their dog tag and revive them at a station that you have to find later in the mission. This one is not going to be for everyone but for the hardcore players, this could add a whole new exciting way to play the game. Perhaps some sort of Elite Deep Dive but only 1 long mission with lives, or no revives, only at designated stations. Either or. (obviously this is a high level player thing but it would be interesting) Perhaps a new mission type all together. Eight, I didn't mention this because its not necessarily "easy" to make. But new warnings and modifiers would be welcomed. Imagine regenerative grabbers? like a bunch of them, or double nitra missions for low ammo builds for lots of fun. I mean the list goes on. But again this isn't "easy" and if we are just coming up with anything here then I have a big enough imagination to come up with stuff way better then this list. Like an entire story campaign as you craft the space rig, console by console with a Karl DLC. However this is supposed to be "easy" upgrades, not difficult ones. (the devs already got things planned out) Lastly, the wave based testing mode is actually something they should have done years ago, why? because then you can test all of these things out. They could have literally had the community game testing new mechanics or ideas out in this mode. What better way to get a lot of data really quick then to release something new and have all the players test it in the wave based mode before adding it to the actual game. Thanks for all the likes and comments, you guys really are the best community ever.
@RocketSlug 2 жыл бұрын
The statues and loot piles reminds me of the prestige system in Hades. It's purely cosmetic and a resource dump for end game players with all of the upgrades from the rest of the game
@harzroller9862 2 жыл бұрын
I love it too
@mrtspence 2 жыл бұрын
The matrix core suggestion is so fantastic. Custom Missions sound like a blast. Overclocks on gear also would be godlike. An overclock on the grapple that lets me break my legs even faster and more recklessly would be so sick.
@feelsgoodman2171 2 жыл бұрын
I would love a overclock that allow you to put a zipline in a super vertical angle for those annoying missions where all the caves are vertical.
@MrHeythere555 Жыл бұрын
Devs said they wouldn't overclock gear like ever sadly
@BeHappyTo Жыл бұрын
its currently free via mods lol
@Kati_Gory 2 жыл бұрын
for the gunners mega shield, it should stick on him, reducing his movement to like 50% or even 25%. it’ll prevent cheesing while making the gunner have a cooler support aspect.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I like it, almost like a proper tank you know.
@cherryrook8684 2 жыл бұрын
Would shooting then just stop gunner from moving at all? His primary’s already reduce movement speed by 50% while shooting .. it would be hard to use that way
@lordtachanka4381 Жыл бұрын
@@cherryrook8684 it would reduce it by 25 percent when shooting because it would take 50% of 50%
@sleebs7814 2 жыл бұрын
my addition wishlist is this: 1. Ziplines can connect to each other, (whether this be an overclock mechanic or overhaul to existing ziplines) and let players ride them end to end, switching lines at connection points automatically 2. More dwarf-to-dwarf mobility (i really like the dwarf-tossing concept!) 3. things to spend resources on OTHER than overclocks, whether that's more cosmetics or something completely new. 4. MORE BEERS! 5. bedroom / bay customization, i do like the space rig cosmetic ideas, but i think starting with more personal areas to the player would be wise. you could swap out the terminal in each bay with a little multi-use shop that lets you buy posters, knick-knacks, and maybe swap the lighting.
@mkultra_0684 2 жыл бұрын
loadout drops is an interesting concept but i feel like that would be insanly OP.
@Kaltsit- 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, we need alcohol drops.
@Skibomber59 2 жыл бұрын
Load out drops would definitely need that locking feature. I would be super annoyed if someone was constantly calling down load out changes. Maybe instead of it’s own unique things it’s just an alternate use of resupplys, get a lot less ammo but change load outs. That way if you don’t want to switch (because face it ALL four dwarves almost never will), ammo is still an option
@whatdoinamethis7963 2 жыл бұрын
here is a idea: loadouut drops: price 250 nitra, can only be called in by host and lets you change your loadouts once, and has 1 slot that any amount of players can use, but can only be used by said player one time
@DingoZed 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldnt be that overpowered if they also transferred the % of ammo you have rather than a full loadout.
@Kaltsit- 2 жыл бұрын
@@DingoZed yeah, but that’s some hard calculation.
@theone614777 2 жыл бұрын
Idk if management would appreciate piles of gold/statues all over the rig. Might be too messy. But maybe management could make have a event to add a new “trophy room” For the dwarfs nick-nacks.
@user-bv5sk6nc6u 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, exactly. My thought is that you can buy a room-space with entrance behind equipment terminal. You can stack a piles of gold and other materials there and expand that space further by paying credits.
@TheDaxter11 Жыл бұрын
I dunno, based on DRG being a massive company and the space rig being bigger than the portion we get to see (there's no way they only canonically have 4 dwarves working for them) I think the parts of the space rig we see are squad/team rooms. In which case, why not allow a bit of personalisation?
@HazopGaze 2 жыл бұрын
So... Regarding the pinned comment, specifically the Damage Dealt stat. My issue with this comes down to a concern of how it's intended effects risk unintended negative effects, too. While yes, everything added always has this chance, I think it's a bit more clear on how it could happen with this, specifically. You're right about it validating players with low kills but high damage through crowd control-type builds that slow and soften up targets that are then killed by someone else. You're also right that it's not the devs fault that some players are toxic about post-game stats. However, I think it's worth noting that not having as many of these in post-game screens helps curb that toxic mentality by giving those sorts of players less room to belittle their team, as they have less information that can then be used in a toxic manner. On top of that, it runs the risk of adding a more competitive feel to the game. That's something that I don't think would be good for DRG, with it's design being around team cooperation rather than competition. This being something that I think ties into why we don't have more post-game stats visible, when it clearly could have been implemented much earlier. Humans in general have this nasty competitive side to them, one that is easier to bring out the more you indicate to them how their performance is measured. I think, if we're going to have that in DRG, it should be something the players actively seek out, rather than having the game itself give this feeling of pitting players against each other through gauging who did how much on any given team. At least, having the game do that as little as possible. I suspect this is the same reason why live stat trackers, damage numbers and similar things are mods and not base game features.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
You make some good points here, perhaps even to the point of replacing that idea with one that does unify the dwarves more. In my eyes, there is NOTHING in this game pinning people against each other yet it's happening anyway. So your point is to prevent this as much as possible by not even having anything that can further this. (another reason why the leaderboard wave mode is important, let the ppl get their competitive nature out on that) I think it does come down to experience however, I am old, and have experienced many end game screens with lots of stats. And every time it's more been about appreciating what one brings that another one doesn't. I've never had these stats be a problem but that's because I'm almost always playing with friends, and also its just my individual experience which is anecdotal. So perhaps instead of this idea, it should be " a previous mission stats console where you can see a more detailed breakdown of your stats in the last mission, and only your stats". I see your points and I appreciate your insight. Thanks for the thoughtful comment
@harzroller9862 2 жыл бұрын
Why not add a team damge that shows the teams total damnge and the maybe a rework so the kills are pooled together.
@grungyemu 2 жыл бұрын
If the goal is to remove any toxicity or nasty competitive streaks (as opposed to healthy competition), then why not just get rid of the post-game stats altogether? Even right now it's easy to be toxic when someone goes down over and over and you have to revive them, and the post-game stats reflect that. Even the amount of kills is something that can be toxicified. There will always be the potential for someone to be toxic, but it's not the responsibility of someone who's not toxic to regulate the behavior of someone who is toxic. If the number of kills and minerals mined and deaths and revived is going to be in the game, I see no reason why each individual doesn't get to know about everything that each member of the team contributed, including damage.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
@@grungyemu couldn't agree more. Last night I ran an all damage gunner on a 3 dreadnaught haz 5 mission. by the end I had like 5 kills and everyone else had double digits. looked like I did absolutely nothing that mission. When in reality I was putting insane damage on the dreadnaughts. By NOT having a damage stat this invalidates having a damage build. I recognize that others will have more kills because I rely on them in order to survive and keep my ammo for the big enemies. This is teamwork at its best. People will be toxic with 0 stats lol thats just people.
@benji-menji Жыл бұрын
Kills should also count assists so that it counts enemies you had an effect on even if you didn't get the final hit.
@user-ls1jn1by8m 2 жыл бұрын
@bzkfrt 2 жыл бұрын
A seeded wave mode would be so great! There could be a leaderboard refreshing every week or month with a new seed, bringing new challenges. The idea of a big vault where you could pile up all your goods and stuff would be really cool too.
@QuintonCenter Жыл бұрын
There are also plenty of ways to add lore reasons for a wave mode. Something like the dwarves are tasked with defending a mine head deep in the core of the planet to see how much morkite it can extract (sort of like refineries) except the mine head has a limited heath pool and, unlike Doretta, can’t be repaired. It could also be made more interesting by having shield generators that protect the hit point pool and can be repaired, with the bugs only being able to damage the mine head when the shields are down. I’m a relatively new player and even I would love playing this type of mission!
@garrettmccullough2249 Жыл бұрын
Having a giant vault of riches and trophies would be the most Dwarven thing ever. I love that idea. And the wave mode would be great too of course.
@DeathlyDrained Жыл бұрын
@@QuintonCenter Yes! A survival mode with something like that would be amazing
@nicolasferrer3523 2 жыл бұрын
Equipment over locks 100% would add sooooo much to the game. Now that each class has 3 primary and 3 secondary weapons I feel like this is a big possibility
@Hrrrrrrrrrreng 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking, isn’t a smart stout line; hey guys I think I know how to make the power drills work on minerals!
@ImortalZeus13 2 жыл бұрын
Equipment overclocks are strange. Because every team member is relying on using your support tools to work the way they expect. So you couldn't have anything too intense. Everyone expects platforms and ziplines to work like everyone else's.
@nicolasferrer3523 2 жыл бұрын
True I didn’t think about that, I was also thinking maybe a Second choice for a support tool for each class, but that would have the same issue :(
@whoknows4540 2 жыл бұрын
@@ImortalZeus13 this is a common comment and the devs themselves have said similar things. but if the overclock emphasis what it already does then it really could work. Like flares still light the cave, pinging for minerals or enemies only helps, it doesn't prevent anything at all. but at the end of the day we don't know how hard these things are to implement. It might seem easy but actually be very tough to do. I think the main point of this vid is pick the easy stuff, and if equipment overclocks aren't easy to balance then scrap them.
@GlyphidGuard Жыл бұрын
Movement tool overclocks
@unusualguy1 2 жыл бұрын
It would be cool if they slowly but surely introduced more story elements and maybe full on story campaigns you can do with a group of friends. I can see a lot of potential for that. Could be an entire quest series of finding Karl, or a series about the precursors of this planet and all those error cubes.
@DeathlyDrained Жыл бұрын
I have to say, I think the rivals are the precursors. But yeah, more lore = big +
@Vadamist 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'd really like equipment overclocks. Especially for engineer because I feel like there's so much potential, especially whenever I see those large pre-placed sentries on Point Extraction. There could be support sentries which don't do much damage but inflict more statuses, a sentry which has all 500-600 ammo in it at once but takes forever to setup, sentries on wheels that follow you around or go over to designated marker points like Bosco, etc. I'm sure there's also many creative possibilities with the platform gun aswell. The problem is that the devs are aware the equipment OCs idea exists, but have previously spoken out against it citing that players would be toxic to other players who aren't using the "meta". I don't really understand this reasoning as the 1% of people who actually care already do that with the "non meta" weapon OCs.
@bluegolisano7768 2 жыл бұрын
the concern in terms of toxicity is simple; devs of DRG don't want the playerbase to be like League's from 2014 where you'd get called a r- n- f- s- bitchbaby cuckboxed assr- whore for not doing the exact build that Dumbfuck #384 of the Minute thinks is super OP but is probably still massively inefficient. also some of the suggested OCs in the vid would be a severe bitch to set up.
@WartimeFriction Жыл бұрын
I want to attach my turrets to Molle and make a mini BETC. Could call her MollC
@serthiag7373 2 жыл бұрын
I love the idea of overclocks for equipement so ill just drop a few here Gunner: Zip line now allows you to dash through not matter the angle but you must dash through. The entire length of it/zip lines now can be thrown at an angle of up to 75° although movement speed is reduced all throught/zip lines can now be way longer (clean) Shields now no longer provide shelter but actually give a damage boost and are red for dramatic effect/shield is now on a cooldown and not on a charge base becoming permanent yet destructible/shields now release an electric shock all around themselves Driller: C4 now very big boom/many smaller boom/elemental boom Drills now consume more fuel to drill terrain but deal extra damage to enemies (comes with extra fuel)/drills damage to enemies is reduced significantly but are now way faster at mining terrain/drills can now mine minerals Engineer: Platform gun can now "draw" platforms with a beam instead of single shots/platforms now damage enemies walking through them/platforms now become jumpy and will act like a trampoline Scout: Hook has now a windup and acceleration (a lot slower at the beginning but on a long hook will give you tons of speed)/hook can now hold 2 charges/hook can now grapple enemies and bring them toward you Loved your ides for the flare gun, would love to se some semipermanent flares tho
@rollifahrer7 2 жыл бұрын
I want a vote feature for calling drop pod... It's frustrating when you have 1 early caller, but 3 people wanna get secondary Objective!
@shadesinsertlastname1631 2 жыл бұрын
they should make that a toggle setting for the host like one of each class
@PandaStyle07 2 жыл бұрын
The arena thing would be great, and the equipment overclocks is something I thought about and I think it's the next step the game should take for Season 3 since adding more weapons would feel kinda lackluster for now imo. The minerals thing could be something like Payday's 2 vault where the more money you have the fuller your vault looks, although what you suggested is more customizable which is nice. I also thought of adding a 5th class but that one is really dicey, I just think adding a new class would be the thing that changes the game the most, but it will also affect balancing the most, and the devs don't seem too thrilled about adding more classes. Also like a monthly raid were you go fight a Glyphid or Mactera Queen or something, and then the damage dealt is shared for everyone else playing, like your typical Server wide boss, but the rewards would have to be something special idk, maybe a unique skin for a weapon, it could also be a good time to implement guilds properly
@alaikee 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to have deep dive style missions (double main objective) as normal missions, i enjoy that a lot
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
That's a great idea, would make for more unique missions and maybe that's something you could do with a blank matrix core.
@BadShotDR 2 жыл бұрын
1. I wish there was a massive but reasonably expensive upgrade at the Abyss Bar that basically allowed you to buy any Daily Special beer at any time. Or if not that, perhaps have an option to spend some of your brewing ingredients to reroll the Daily Special. 2. Inspired by what you said about mission customization (and pre-planning options from Payday 2), I wish there were humorous options you could spend resources on to spice up your next mission, such as spending an ample sum of gold to put guns on Molly, give Doretta an armor upgrade, or perhaps have a slightly different version of Bosco. 3. Flare upgrades would also be nice; perhaps increasing the maximum amount carried, their brightness, or the recharge rate.
@dablaire89 2 жыл бұрын
Right now there’s no reward for promoting to Legendary III rank. Would love if they add more cosmetic reasons for the grind. Maybe an example would be a subtle aura/glow around the characters model that’s visible in missions? This gives you another way to brag about your rank. ;)
@468erpeashooter9 2 жыл бұрын
Well, I tell you what, I love Deep Rock Galactic, it is my favorite thing at the moment (not just game), but I haven't really been able to play it for the last month due to my busy schedule. I've really only been able to play video games in 45 minute-1 hour stretches at a time, and since Deep Rock Missions can sometimes take longer than that, I've really only been playing this game called Dauntless. Now that school is over, that problem should dissapear, and I'll be able to contribute to the player counts as much I was able to in April and May.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
I hear you mate. 6 day a week job and I'm in a band. It's brutal when missions take forever to complete. Also dauntless was a good time, played it for about 2 months. Welcome back and thanks for the comment 🙏⛏️🪨🍻
@23UAS 2 жыл бұрын
6:40 Totally agree on that one! I've been stacking gold lately helping my green beard friends, but I have nothing to spend it on now! I want a huge Scroudge-McDuck-style vault to fill it with gold!
@kajek1229 2 жыл бұрын
Overclocks for tools is an idea i had not so long ago, it was for grappling hook : This would be an unstable overclock Cons- now you can accelarate momentum depending on position and distance from grappled ground. Now scout instead of going in a straight line he would go into a swinging movement. Cooldown is way shorter. Cons - grappling hook no longer cancells a fall and Has a shorter range. This would result in spider-dwarf.
@frynsesmadrer1 2 жыл бұрын
Dwarf toss is a fantastic idea. I hope the devs watch this video.
@matthewboyd8689 2 жыл бұрын
One update to tutorial Resuply is 80 nitra Has a friend play it and I don't remember seeing it at all
@iohannes_rpg 2 жыл бұрын
now go and tell about it to devs - i love all of it. i have level 890 and dont know what to do with all res... - and always we have mods
@stanman3192 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I'd really really love to see support tool cosmetics, I really want to customize engis sentries
@janachten3167 2 жыл бұрын
For starters, you can't toss a dwarf! That just crazy! A lot of suggestions you gave would changes the hart of the game imo... This community is one of the nicest know to man! The help you get when you're still new to the game is amazing, even from the seasoned player's. There really doesn't have to be extra aid for these noobs. The others can carry them just fine like they been doing from day one. And the minute you implement a best damage score to compete for you'll ruïne everything and make the game just as toxic as so many out there. The lack of competition and the joy of teamwork must remain untouched! Please! This makes the game do amazing. I agree that the use of resources to pimp the space rig sounds great. But it doesn't fit the lore. The resources go to the company. It's not yours. Just like the space rig isn't yours. Pimp the hell out of your room if you want to. The company wouldn't care. And the big contrast to the embarrassment of the general state of the space rig will make it even stand out more. And a golden pick axe. That needs some more work. But I see where your going with this. Good post. Keep it coming. Rock and Stone!
@harzroller9862 2 жыл бұрын
For the mineral thing you could have it be like a company cut. Where they company give you bobels for your hard work. So it's thematic
@GoonCaved 2 жыл бұрын
Thing is, you use the ‘company’ resources to buy moustaches and unapproved overclocks for weapons, so I really don’t think in terms of the lore this would be an issue
@whoknows4540 2 жыл бұрын
It's about FUN, not the company. All of those resources we are gathering which is the basic function of the game are things we spend on cosmetics. They are our own individual resources, seeing someone elses pimped out space rig would only incentivise people to grind, not embarrassment?? Literally think of almost any other game and that's the way it works. In an RPG or MMO when you see someones gear you think "I want to look like that" and then they grind. Not "oh look how cool they look, I'm going to sulk" I really don't understand this opinion. Anything to make players want to grind more will only increase the longevity of the game. Decorating the space rig would do that and I put fun over company lore anyday. "there really doesn't have to be extra aid for these noobs" no there doesn't at all, but wouldn't it be cool if when you where playing with one you had a carry buff? again, not needed, not disagreeing with you there. Would also have to be miniscule, just thinking of this in terms of more fun. And again to the point, new players wanting to someday get to that level. Damage stats have been in so many games, toxic people will be toxic, with this logic we shouldn't show kills either because people will compete for them. People are doing that anyway, thats the people, not the game. If its a worry then just add a previous stats option that only you can see and only your own. Your opinion on this is a popular one, i'm just confused as damage is a literal strategy for people that DON'T get a lot of kills. I think people hear damage and think, META/MOST KILLS. but that's not the case. This isn't Call Of Duty. Games like this have builds that inflict tons of Area of Effect Damage and might not get the kills. Then on completion screen they look like they haven't done anything with 2nd lowest kills. So NOT having damage is actually already negatively impacting the experience for people who focus on damage and not kills. Too many people have FPS mentality with this game. If people shame others then they are loser friends that can't play COD so they come here to flex. Watch Meta videos on this game and then go in with that mentality in a damn PVE game. Play with better people. What is this game becoming now n days.
@azogtheuglee4889 2 жыл бұрын
I once saw someone suggest a room where you could cutomise the Drop Pod & Honestly that sounds amazing If you're host then you can costomise the main drop pod & everyone in your game can see it & if you're joining a game you can customize the mini Drop-Pod you deploy with can be customised as well.
@zerozanmato 2 жыл бұрын
A creature gallery that uses gold and minerals to make the statues, they'd be super expensive and require a number slain to construct. Higher tiers requiring even more investment and kills (encounters for passive creatures). So a Diamond tier Dreadnaught or something would be absolutely incredible to achieve/see.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
This is perfection. GSG please 🙏
@Kiwi9552 2 жыл бұрын
Two of those suggestions have been suggested over and over and adressed by the devs in the past: Damage done on end mission screen: They don't want to add something like this cause it might cause toxicity, where someone things the other player hasn't contributed enough. Tho personally I would like such a feature, since it would make evaluating elemination builds and tactics much easier. Overclocks for equipment: They want people to be able to expect what a mobility tool of a player can do without knowing that players build. So the oveclocks would have to be rather minor and not as pronounced as with the weapons. I still think they could make something work tho.
@shadesinsertlastname1631 2 жыл бұрын
maybe they can add dmg done to the exp screen
@cold_ultra 2 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, i love the idea of haz 6 only perks, in fact I tought overclocks could only be used in deep dives because of how OP some of them looks
@binnieb173 2 жыл бұрын
Other ideas would be platforms that glow, or even the gunner zip line gets a small turret or it can glow... Light is a huge issue in the game and only the scout can light up large areas of a cave. I REALLY like your ping idea for the flare gun. Also... I want a poker table in the rig. I think it would be an amazing add, wouldn't be TOO hard to do, and you could allow dwarves to bet with the ingame money or minerals.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
I would be playing poker in drg more then drg😂
@23UAS 2 жыл бұрын
An overclock for the Sludge Pump that ads glowing effect for puddles (and nothing more).
@user-hf4sd5yk8l 2 жыл бұрын
i think being able to call down a weapon locker of sorts would be great for deep dives in case a player wants to switch out a weapon/loadout
@Terminarch 2 жыл бұрын
I NEED a double nitra mission mod! Would significantly shake up weapon balance for one mission and let people go hog wild every now and then :)
@Paul-A01 Жыл бұрын
Thats funny because I was interested in a half nitra mod. Or no nitra but lots of loot bugs. Sometimes you get plenty and dont have to ration your ammo.
@Count_Goatenberg 2 жыл бұрын
Equipment Overclock ideas: Bounce Pads Engi's platforms now bounce all dwarves up at equal to impact velocity at the cost of lower ammo & smaller platforms. Multiplast Platforms Breaking a deployed Platform with the pickaxe replenishes 75% of the original platform (when engi does it) at the cost of lower total ammo. Reinforced safety Rope You can't get knocked from the Zipline at the cost of more limited deployment angle and lower ammo. Cargo Line The Zipline can transport an inventory of minerals in a basket across where it can be picked up again at the cost of lower dwarf transportation speed. Buddy Harness The Scout can grab one Teammate at a time with the grappling hook at the cost of range. Tongs Tip The Grappling hook can pick up items (like Aquarqs, Batteries, Fuel Canisters etc) at the cost of recharge time Large Drilltips The Reinforced Powerdrills create a substantially larger hole, but heat up quicker. Trance Lighting Flare gun flares apply a movement speed nerf to most enemies at the cost of burning less bright red and with a flickering effect Efficiency Flares Flare Gun Flares burn noticeably less bright but a lot longer at the cost of lower total ammo. Also I have a concept for the regular Flare's upgrade tree: Tier 1 More Charges Faster recharge Tier 2 Longer Burn brighter core I don't think there should be too many ways to mess with the standard flares because flare management is a core part of the game + the Scout should nonetheless remain the angel of light (so to speak) Btw I only came up with very special Equipment overclocks, of course they should also add more "vanilla" Overclocks, like a massively range boosted zipline or just more ammo more magazine size, you know the drill....
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Man that scout harness is great lol Love all the ideas. This game could potentially reach a whole new level of fun. Key word here being FUN! I don't care about competition, it really doesn't matter to me at all what people say or how toxic some players can be. Just add things to make the game more fun. Simple.
@Count_Goatenberg 2 жыл бұрын
That's what DRG is all about. ROCK AND STONE!
@Fennalope 2 жыл бұрын
hear me out. Flare overclocks Sticky Flares. Flares stick to surfaces but because of how sticky they are you cant throw them as far because they stick to your hands Mini Flares You have many more flares and they recharge quickly but they light up a smaller area and burn out quickly Jumbo flares You have 2 flares that light up a huge area, they recharge slower and you cant throw them very far
@Count_Goatenberg 2 жыл бұрын
@@Fennalope yeah that could be fun, I love the Jumbo Flares concept, although they come dangerously close to being as good as the Flare gun....
@Fennalope 2 жыл бұрын
@@Count_Goatenberg well they wont be as bright as the flare gun im sure
@shanehunt3019 2 жыл бұрын
Everything sounds great with exception to ammo locking. Just doesn't feel right, even if it "prevents" bad ammo plays.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Fair enough 👍
@ARTEMISXIX 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Especially since ammo efficiency can vary wildly from build to build. I could skip 2 resupplies on a Gunner while an Engi might efficiently be double dipping. Ammo locking would be meta redefining in a very bad way as it'd curate builds that focus on ammo efficiency.
@whoknows4540 2 жыл бұрын
Its would be optional though...just like late character duplication. You also could just request one if you need it. This one is a big one for me as I always get people that shoot out their entire mag for 1 fester flee then take 2 ammos.
@matthewboyd8689 2 жыл бұрын
Using blank matrix cores to add specific mutators and anomalies sounds perfect.
@Bobko98BG 2 жыл бұрын
Man, the ideas are dope. It's just incredible how many more things can be added to the game. As it currently is, the game itself is definitely not boring, don't get me wrong, but just imagine if every few months we got similar ideas implemented. That's a lifetime subscription for me right there. They'll keep me hooked until I grow a gray beard.
@snoozyyaloozy5511 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl I would also love Mobility Weapon clocks as well. Imagine different clocks for the platform gun that change the shape of the platforms. As an example, a clean clock that turns your platforms into walls instead, so you could block entrances or build quick cover. Or another platform gun clock could be an unstable that makes your platform gun spray out plastecrete in a stream, having the clock give an insane ammo boost, but causes the gun to rapidly drain ammo and become somewhat difficult to control. Another kind of mobility clock I could think of is for the Scout's grappling hook, which could be an unbalanced that lets you both reel yourself in and repel yourself down, but in doing so slightly lowers the rate the grapple hook moves you. Maybe you could also throw in an unstable/clean that lets you swing with the grapple instead of reeling you for fun so the scouts that run hover M1 and homebrew powder DB can have the time of their lives Lol. Edits: Lots of grammar mistakes
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this is an incredibly good idea. Like just overall mobility overclocks. Like what if the driller could move slower but could take more damage like a tank? OR maybe any class can use any mobility overclock. The platform overclock is very interesting indeed. Clearly the community wants more things! hopefully the devs can deliver.
@snoozyyaloozy5511 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheLegendOfFLG to be honest, I've had the platform gun clocks in my mind for years. clocks for it would be absolutely perfect, as in they can let you change how you play engi entirely with it, rather than just having to use it for simply stopping fall damage or helping the scout get resources. Like you could also throw in a balanced clock for the plat gun that makes it shoot large globs of plastecrete, but it reduces ammo. Lets you plug up large areas and kinda gives you both the ability of the wall plats, and regular plats. I could probably also come up for some with Driller's drills as well. Like a balanced that lets Driller quickly rocket forward like 20 meters while destroying terrain with his drills when he presses R, but consumes like 8 gas and instantly overheats the drills. The downside being that mining terrain normally is slightly slower. Lastly, one I could think of for Gunner's zip might just be a reversal of what his zip gun currently does. Instead of only having a small up and down angle, you can instead shoot the zipline straight up or down with only some variation to the angle. That way you can get teammates up and down caves like a ladder, rather than allow them to move across chasms or long distances. As a gunner main myself, I would honestly love a clock like this.
@jacob-2271 2 жыл бұрын
voting for a resupply would be a pretty cool option
@autarch6376 2 жыл бұрын
As a lvl 240 (550 in the game) I still need a ton of gold and minerals, havent missed out on a single ore, from what i can remember. Still love your suggestions, many sounds cool
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Your a G, deff have friends like this as well. Personally I used to always do that. But now with 200 blank matrix cores, 30 mil gold, and 20k of every mineral. I literally don't know what I'm doing in these missions anymore. Just enjoying the basic gameplay I guess lol 😆
@yoyie1867 2 жыл бұрын
Archived deep dives have always been on my mind,....like,....they should be a thing
@ScampiTheSighted Жыл бұрын
Would be neat if the error cubes you extracted had a chance to end up on the space rig, tucked away in hidden areas
@Valor4540 2 жыл бұрын
I would LOVE to see glowing platforms as a oc/upgrade
@SirSpootDRG 2 жыл бұрын
These are REALLY good ideas good job!
@bencurwen 2 жыл бұрын
1, 8, 9. Would love to maybe see the rest, but these three are an easy YES. They only add and should be easy to implement (not that I actually know how hard it would be to make) into the game. Your point of an 3000 level dwarf practically having a palace that others would only dream of be soooooo sick. Nothing but the best, for managements finest. ROCK AND STONE!!
@benji-menji Жыл бұрын
My opinions: 1. I think the only limits to mission selection should be what the game can already make. There should even be the ability to seed the runs using that feature. The only cost being that it's end game and requires a special matrix core only awarded once everything else has been collected. This could also allow legacy dives as well. 2. I think the locked resupplies should be a lobby setting or just not be in the game. I would rather we trust in each other to play the game and punish those who don't. 3. Whether you use hoards or something else, I think a long term money sink could be fun for those who like hoarding. 4. I don't think we should go too far with late game content. I'm currently obsessed with drg, but I want to play other games too. If there are too many interesting features that require 1000+ hours, then I'll burn out and the ending would be bitter sweet. If there is anything that should keep me playing, it should be helping green beards. Instead of having to collect for my sake, I could help someone get to end game. Otherwise, I think that's the best cut off point for the drg experience. 5. I think the game needs to be able to provide all of its content it has made and be self sufficient by the time it goes eol. I think this game deserves to be eternal so when that time comes, the final version needs to have all the content from the past within. As someone who appreciates game archiving, I think we shouldn't loose anything. 6. Why not make new tools for each class? Maybe, there could be a shield like the rival shields that push enemies for gunner. Or a sticky bomb launcher like demoman tf2 for driller. Oh, and a long range flash light like in GTFO for scout.
@guscavin3011 Жыл бұрын
As a player coming from Payday 2 and Risk of Rain 2, I would definitely recommend against adding hazard six. Difficulty creep is a real killer in PvE games, and even if it seems like something cool and new, it wouldn't have a positive long term effect. The way I see deep rock, it's weapon system is almost like a naive version of payday 2's where everything technically can be optimized to hit breakpoints, but it's not really necessary and also unpredictable since enemy stats change with player count as well as difficulty. The more difficulties you add, the wider the disconnect becomes between green beards and golden Eclipse 8 players. Sure, having a high skill ceiling is nice, but it's usually not a good idea to have a ceiling so high that only one or two builds per class can actually survive the highest difficulty. In payday 2's case, builds and weapons became more and more powerful yet restrictive, whereas in risk of rain 2's case players became insanely good to the point where they were playing a different game, and became very hard to associate with for newbies on rainstorm. I love both of those games, but the difficulty creep has done something irreversible to them.
@Houstonruss 2 жыл бұрын
Just pull a warframe and make the individual player rooms bigger, customizable, and load in when they connect to a host.
@discountdisco2273 2 жыл бұрын
Add housing. Easy fix. Each host has his own space rig to decorate which other players can explore
@pierre-andredion5977 Жыл бұрын
Hitting the nail on the head. 2 mins into the video, my overwhelming thought was: "HAZ6 WHEEEEN??!!??". Having perks only for haz6 knocks it outta the park and takes all the cakes, even the ones that are a lie. Other than that, my mind always wanders to these: -Loadout randomizer -A function to go in a mission with no upgrades, with bonus XP or more creds -A loadout testing-room on the rig (I'm sure many want this one) -Triple warning missions -More beers to unlock (bit you've covered that very well in this video) -More overclocks, or customizable overclocks -and finally... UPGRADES FOR FLAAAAARES!! Keep the content coming amigo. Hope to see you on Hoxxes!
@Baalielieseee 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, I like the idea of being able to customize the base. Not like I have plenty of minerals available but as you've mentioned. Imagine a player with a level that is over 9k!! The part on maybe having overclocks for equipment like the flaregun or drills or whatever else there is... I think this might have a chance to put the game out of balance. Simple example as you gave in the video... like with gunners shield... people could cheese through the stage with doretto once it enters the second fase with those rocks falling down... I do like the idea of having OC's for equipment, but the devs will have to be really carefull not to put the game out of balance. Also the survival mode sounds freaking insane!! I've always been a fan of these kind of games where you have nothing else to do than kill and survive and see how long you'll last like Crimsonland for example. Maybe make it co-op or like a VS mode where you can challange a friend and you both get an own cave (which are exactly the same) with the same spawns and see how you both fair against it. Again another cool video from you! Thanx a lot always enjoy your vids. Keep up the good work R&S ⛏️
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for being here! ppl like you make the hard work all worth it. I agree with the balance thing. Its why it could be a good idea to make these things only available for haz 6, that way they don't have to put all the work into balancing the rest of the hazard levels. (survival mode is secretly the one I kinda want the most)
@elkpants1280 2 жыл бұрын
Having a system that gives you rewards for helping unprompted dwarves would be really cool roo
@CoolSs 2 жыл бұрын
the sudden player drop is unnatural . i don't play coop in DRG . so from what i heard the servers were having problems . the player number seem to be stabilized . That being said . i actually like those ideas . especially the scout flare mineral rader and loadout resupplier .
@Stuboi0 2 жыл бұрын
I still find it unusual that a co-op game doesn't have a dedicated wave-based mission. Sure, you get "waves" in missions themselves, but having a mission where the sole purpose is to exterminate hordes, not just dreadnoughts, would give an extra option for players. Challenge levels, anomalies and hazards also dictate what level would be considered "successful". After reaching the required target - a drop pod then becomes available to pick up the team should they wish to bail at any point. Naturally, when everybody dies, mission fails - but hanging around for longer earns greater rewards like more blank matrix cores, higher gold multiplier etc.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. I can play wave based survival modes for days. I literally don't even care about xp or progression. I just enjoy that type of gameplay experience.
@grizzlybeartacos 2 жыл бұрын
a map editor + functionality to share custom created maps would be sick for the longevity of the game. probably a lot of work though. I hear there are a lot of calls for baked in twitch support as well, which I imagine would make it easier for new players to keep coming to the game.
@spencerowen7614 2 жыл бұрын
Matrix cores for custom missions is a perfect idea. Double XP should absolutely be excluded since new players would be super tempted to use all their cores for that without realizing how important and hard they are to get (at low level). Resource hoards in the space rig is also awesome especially if you could choose where they go. (Personally I'd like to see Phazyonite excluded from hoards and have you gain cosmetic mastery by placing mineral hoards) For "greybeards helping greenbeards" I've got an idea. After finishing the perk tree and promoting every dwarf at least once, you can spend a good deal of perk points to unlock versions of existing perks with the "Karl's" prefix that have buffs for each unpromoted dwarf in the party. "Karl's Will" would give you a free up for each unpromoted dwarf in the party for a max of 3. Same goes for "Karl's Medicine (field medic)", "Karl's Senses (heightened sense) but x2" etc. If you use these perks, you only benefit when your team is under-geared and you never have more charges than the team would otherwise have in total if they had unlocked and equipped the normal versions. Two exceptions though: unpromoted dwarves can technically equip these perks before promoting, unlock all mods for their weapons, and even equip overclocks if unlocked when using a different promoted dwarf, so technically a loophole. But personally I don't think it's that big of a deal, since unpromoteds using IW probably won't use it correctly. Also experienced players looking to exploit this would need at least a group of 3 all in on it to get any benefit at all, and I don't think they'd be willing to sacrifice their promotions forever for the sake of the exploit outside of meme-ing.
@ThishandlefeatureISdumb 2 жыл бұрын
I think a really big thing you as a veteran player forgets about is new player experience. A lot of the points you make cater to the really veteran greybeards and while that is important, the vast majority of players or people that own the game aren’t at that level. On steam achievements for the game, 87.3% owners completed their first mission (tutorial), 46.3% completed their first assignment, 25.2% promoted any dwarf at least once, 18.3% completed a deep dive, 6.6% completed an elite deep dive, and 2.4% earned a gold promotion. Player retention is important for game’s longevity but so is new player influx. I think the first assignment mission should have more tutorials teaching people small things such it’s polite to only take one resupply when playing with 3 others, what the various unique things like enorl pearls, bitter-gem, condensed gold looks like etc. I also think there ought to be an introduction to the overclocks as well as a test room in the space rig where you can test out overclocks. Lastly, I think you should be allowed to choose the weapon you want the overclock to be rolled on. Say I want hoverclock on scout, I can choose m1000 for scout and roll on the overclocks that way. I have certain builds I really want to try out but I gotta wait for the weekly matrixes as well as hoping I get the right overclocks which is annoying as an intermediate player (I’m currently lvl70)
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct sir. I agree. I actually wanted to talk about the tutorial aspect but didn't want to make this video any longer. There NEEDS to be a better tutorial. I'm thinking one based on roles. And what you mentioned about playing with others. I agree with this, as someone who constantly has friends playing this game for the first time, not many of them know what's going on or enjoy it right off the bat. There needs to be something done about that. First impressions are everything.
@LucidLiuxx Жыл бұрын
On the topic of customising the space rig, being able to customise your own bay that loads into another player's spacerig when you join would be amazing. Just having small little desk statues like a statue of one of the classes, a small jadiz crystal in a jar, a little drop pod figurine, a miniature barrel etc. would be so amazing. They already have the 4 different bays with different objects inside of them, so being able to customise your own one that you load into when joining would be nice
@raven75257 2 жыл бұрын
This game needs a voting system. Being kicked right before finishing the mission sucks, but what sucks more is complete dismissal of this issue by devs and the community
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Well said
@Alienoiable 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, before I start off, I wanna say : I'm basically going to say that most of those are a bad idea. Not ALL of them though, but most. So be prepared. I'll try to not make it sounds aggressive but I suck at expressing myself so I hope you'll forgive me for it. 1) It's been suggested a lot. I'm personally not a fan of it, as it kinda kills the fun of randomness into optimising missions, which veterans don't even need anyway. The plants option is also really terrible. Basically, you're just using plants to have basically the best beer at all times. Boring, unfun and terrible for balance. I'm fine with cutting a bit the grind for overclocks but just making us get "more cores" is not exactly the best idea out there, as it doesn't exactly reduce the grind : you still have to pay to forge them and still have to go through machine events. that means designing entirely new systems just for that. Simple thing to say but not so easy to do. 2) Adding damage dealt or more stats to the mission completion is just going to create more toxicity. It's not a competitive settings, nobody needs detailed stats. It can be good in some situations, but in most situations it just won't. People have proven this many times over many other video games. That's a no from me. Locking resupply is also not a great idea idea. I mean it looks good at first glance but that's not accounting for all scenario when the flexibility is lost. Also, that leave potentially a LOT of room for trolling still so that solves literally nothing : how do you decide who gets to lock what ammo ? What happen when they leave ? What happen if you're down but they really need the ammo to keep on fighting and clutch the game ? etc etc etc... It's also creating more chasm in the community and reducing the overall amount of lobbies people will want to play on, further reducing the choices they have. 3) Changing loadout mid mission, with the mission system we have right now, is just... stupid. It basically makes it so you don't even have to bother about making builds since, you know, you can just change loadout anyway. A praetorian swarm/a bet-c/a random dread/a robot wave ? Here, just let me change loadout so I don't even have to bother with facing a challenge. 4) Overclocks for equipment is not bad by any means but... Powercreep. Simple as that. That would need an overall change in the balance of the game, and that's an incredibly grueling task to do. Also, that's even more overclocks into the pools, adding to the already existing grinds. 5) Meh. What even is the point then ? Not helpful for traversal and we kinda to have it already but better : the cave angels in azure weald. It's actually good that it's just something that's tied to one biome, as it would otherwise just make traversal tools pointless entirely. 6) Imagine you pick something that's supposed to be a bonus but you're stuck to it and it ends up being something terrible, like making you forced to use the terrible mele combat mechanic in a game that's entirely design around staying away from enemies ? Oh, there's a leech trying to grab you or a menace shooting at you ? Guess what, you're stuck with a crappy melee weapon. And if it wasn't stuck to you, that would be like picking up berzerker for free. So quite on the OP side all of a sudden. 7) You don't need perks, you're already helping out by playing with them. Why would you want the devs to waste time development on something only a fraction of their playerbase will ever get to use ? Not that it's a bad idea but it's simply not worth doing. Same goes for "haz 6 perks". Haz 6 is also not happening, because it would need the devs to entirely rebalance the game. 8) That's actually a fun idea. And I'm on board with this one. 9) Kinda boring. Removing more than half of the gameplay is not fun. Also leaderboards are a terrible idea : toxicity, cheats, mods, you name it ! All the reasons to never have that, ever. 10) Sure, why not. I don't really see the point personally but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea.
@100nitrog 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be neat to have something like a Scrooge McDuck loot room on the space rig; it would just be a chest deep pool of gold and minerals with a slow effect so it feels like you're wading through it.
@benjamincasatimcintosh2918 2 жыл бұрын
i agree with the spending of cores and havong ocs for equipment
@matthewboyd8689 2 жыл бұрын
The expensive statue idea actually sounds great.
@IllIIIlllIlIIlll 2 жыл бұрын
They need to add some late-game content, make it very difficult (much more difficult than Haz5.5, as this is already too easy if you have a decent team), but make it give unique rewards or something really powerful. Think of raids from Division or Destiny.
@Haidex_ 2 жыл бұрын
a trainning room would be so fantastic for testing the new stuff you got moving dummies, bigger bulkier dummies, smal fast moving ones flying ones, multiple ones and so much more, it's so annoying to have to load in a mission just to test your brand new oc
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! On console it's rough. As a drg content creator I spend most of my time testing builds and not even doing missions. Would be nice to get damage numbers as well.
@MrDjDigChannel 2 жыл бұрын
most of everything you want to eat on PC through mods)) and the choice of missions, and new modifiers and overclocks and animations :) it's a pity that mods are not available on consoles😢
@nemtudom5074 2 жыл бұрын
0:52 No. Randomize the negative modifiers. If you let them choose it, they will just develop one meta playstyle against that matters the least and they will turn this entire mechanic into a pathetic and shameful mess.
@FamiAoi 2 жыл бұрын
I WOULD LOOOOOOVE a wave-based mission, possibly a bunker mission on the planet's SURFACE in any of the biomes. You recover a pre-set base from a mutated korlok tyrant-weed with limited resources and upgrades, so you semi-tower-defense some parts and protect a core. At the end, the core (by the story) will both mask the planet from competitors and also keep the bugs from dismantling the base, which is why you were getting those big sentient rocks on the drilldozer missions (I guess, I dunno). The korlok was using the rock you get on the drilldozer mission to call out to space for its kind to come seed the planet, but it was also keeping the bugs away. The last thing DRG needs is a planet covered in korlok tyrant-weed jungles. You drop in and locate the base by following power conduits and the korlok variant's whale-like call. You clear the base and you repair the core. phase 1, the ground trembles, they are coming, set the timer, 5-8 minutes for you to repair the conduits to the surface wind turbines. There are 3 of them. Each one increases the base power. Someone will have to stay behind and immediately begin activating electric walls, automated turrets, resupply consoles, platforms, and various traps like sludge moats to slow enemies or air disruptors to slow and damage flying enemies (oh there will be a lot of flying enemies) phase 2, defend gradually larger and larger waves with stronger and stronger enemies while constantly repairing the base and reactivating downed fortifications and refueling traps. As the core gains more power and begins to annoy the bugs, you'll start attracting a deviant lootbug. They're coming in the dozens to EAT your power conduits and disable your defenses by their mighty nibbling abilities. That's all. Just an onslaught of baddies and hungry lootbugs. Toss in a dreadnaught or two with tons of detonators designed to consistently deactivate or break the base to get to the core, yeah. Oh, the korlok grows around the core. It's attracted to whatever those sentient meteor things are I guess, I have no idea. I hope people scroll past this dumb idea. :)
@practicallyprinz Жыл бұрын
I had an idea to have a bunch of equipment reclamation missions, the missions would draw from a random selection of past players caves, with all the destruction still generated, just with nitra veins being respawned. The goal is solely to extract the equipment and would be a complex set of disassembly and carrying the bits to a collection point. You could do this for the point extraction rig, doretta's chassis and the oil pump rig. And since it's a reclimation mission your team isn't going to be concerned about any mineral collection it'd just award a lot more credits as an incentive if players are low on funding..
@aliceleblanc7713 2 жыл бұрын
The average player count has been going up over time, there are spikes and dips but its overall been fine, unlike the clickbait suggests. From a year ago average players is up around 70% on steam. The spike in November of last year was huge and bound to go back down, that's not an issue. October of '21 was around 4.7k average while December of '21 was around 10.8k and we are currently around 9.8k.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, this is all true. Do you think it's sustainable forever? Things eventually slow down even for the best games in the world. So the suggestions in the video would increase longevity. Clickbait thumbnail aside, there are some things on this list that really would go a long way for Deep Rock. All good if you disagree though, that's what the dislike button is for. R&S ⛏️🪨😉
@whoknows4540 2 жыл бұрын
Yet on console when you get 1 dwarf to gold it's a .4% achievement. Not 4, POINT 4. Sure people download the free game and play it, new people constantly are doing that. But are people continuing to play it? If so then the achievement wouldn't be .4% as the game has been out for years.
@avelinileva 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing ideas. We NEED to get this in DRG!!!!!!!!!!
@bubume8277 2 жыл бұрын
8 is a really good idea and a survival mode would be amazing. I was loving it in Left 4 Dead 2. Also I think deep dives, especially elite are not special enough. Elite or even new type of deep dive should have a mission type that you can't do in normal missions, something to make it feel really special.
@nicon4206 2 жыл бұрын
Wave mode/firefight would be awesome!
@bardobardo3479 Жыл бұрын
a survivor mode with infinite wave and enemies have a chance to drop nitra/ or spawn hulli horder/a bunch of loot bugs etc not just regular enemies
@davieboy86 2 жыл бұрын
Pressing B on a controller throws a flare so throwing a dwarf would have to be something else, maybe both bumpers?
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
I really like that. Would feel like your actually throwing and catching a dwarf. Great suggestion.
@muggletoast2231 2 жыл бұрын
The blank matrix core use would be fantastic. And an even trade imo
@PSChrisDC Жыл бұрын
my idea: 3 new mission types: 1. defending mission, where you have to reach a point to defend in 5-10mins,then a wave comes to destroy either a pod or a value machinery (strategic point etc) 2. bug nest extermination, where you have to burn/shoot /destroy some bug nests with already a lot of present bugs. either calling some fire pods to burn everything down or just shoot it like everything else. maybe infinite bug spawn till the nest is down or so. 3. head hunt: kill certain amount of certain type(s) of bugs, like 10 menaces or 50 spitters etc. where the objective type of bugs Is most common
@Alkiskond 2 жыл бұрын
Great ideas - thank you !!!
@StormerSage Жыл бұрын
7:51 Me and the boys filling the space rig with Dorettas
@TheKerberos84 Жыл бұрын
If the make it possible to grab items while on the Zipline. And if there is no Scout in a Lobby, the others get Flares who last longer and are brighter. If you can choose on the fly, if the Flares stick to the surface or follow the laws of Gravity. I would love that. The Lobby host should get a message if someone calls the Exit Pod. Which can be granted or denied.
@faken6252 2 жыл бұрын
Equipment OC’s and ESPECIALLY loadout resuplies are something I want so bad in this game
@psyjinx 2 жыл бұрын
All I want is an "Endless" Deep Dive called "For Karl". Full roguelike. You'd find special cores throughout. Select your buffs instead of items when placing a core in the system after a traditional core event. Seasonal rewards for certain progression levels. Reached Floor 7? Here's a temporary Platinum Tier armor paint for the Season.
@whatdoinamethis7963 2 жыл бұрын
there should be a bathroom. don't ask. it just fits. to be more specific, there should be a bathroom in the spacerig. not the caves. that would be weird. but also funny. mostly weird. this is going on too long. I need to stop.
@Bookslayer10 Жыл бұрын
Many of these ideas have already been discussed by the community, so I'm mostly just passing on the general consensus. 1. Because of how important it is for players to unlock overclocks, other places they can spend them need to be treated VERY carefully. I'd say that a temporary mission boost isn't enough to justify spending a core, if they are getting something new it should be a permanent unlock. At least lock the option to spend cores to players who have already forged all the overclocks, so that new players don't waste them. In general, customizing missions seems like it would be tough to do right. 2. Damage dealt would certainly clear up a lot of information, and probably wouldn't be that bad. Sure, it could promote more toxicity - but so does kill count, so it wouldn't make it much worse. Locking resupplies isn't very good though. A lot of DRG's design promotes cooperation and trusting your teammates, instead of limiting what people can and can't do. In general, giving more control to the host over other players isn't desired by a lot of people. The host already has the ability to kick, so all the extra features do is make it more convenient to control people; it promotes the behavior that the devs want to discourage. If you find someone doing something you don't want, you need to use your words to stop them, which is a better interaction than that player just being forced to do what you want, because there is learning involved. It's certainly a fine line, and you could certainly argue that the host deserves more convenient ways to control people, but the devs haven't been enthusiastic when asked in the past for abilities to - for example - limit your lobby by player level. 3. Any type of utility drop that costs nitra, gold, or other resources won't work. The devs already had those types of things in the game, and they removed them for a reason - too much friction in teams on what to spend their resources on. I mean, could you imagine if you were all running out of ammo, and you finally got enough for a supply, but then the scout calls down a loadout change because a praetorian swarm came up? It would be infuriating. Plus, there are probably technical issues, so even if it was a free terminal to find in missions, it still would be a challenge to add. 4. Equipment overclocks are also very tricky. The devs have certainly considered and rejected them before, on the grounds of wanting each class to always provide the same utility. Now, you could just make the overclocks not substantially change the tools, but at that point the mod tree for equipment should just be expanded - what is the point of overclocks if they can't have any meaningful downsides? 5. This seems janky and only moderately useful in specific situations. I don't see much of a point adding this to the game long-term. You can already bounce off of people's heads, try goofing off with that. 6. Temporary powerups you can randomly find do seem cool. Of course, if they could be planned around, they would obviously create friction over who should get them... 7. Legacy perks for veterans helping new players seem unnecessary. The act of helping is the reward, not anything separate; adding a reward just devalues the original act. Also, people could exploit it of course. Hazard 6 likely isn't coming, as well as other late game content, simply because the audience that wants it isn't big enough for the effort required from the devs. Already, only a fraction of players ever try out hazard five or deep dives. More importantly, however, is that there isn't a lot of consensus on what a higher hazard level would actually look like. Some people want the standard hazard scaling, which means tankier, faster, and stronger enemies; some want more enemies spawned, because bullet sponges aren't fun for them; some want entirely new challenges by giving the enemies unique new strategies instead of simply cranking the stats up. There are so many options, haz 6 would likely disappoint a large part of those who want it. For that reason, it's best to just leave it to the modding community, where you can add difficulty however you want. 8. Customization would be nice. Picking from past space station season loadouts has potential. I do think that a money/mineral sink would be great to have, but again - how many players is that really going to be fun for? How many have actually bought out the shop, forged every overclock, etc? 9. Wave based game mode would be boring and repetitive. We already have defense portions in every mission; the unique objectives and map dynamics is what makes those defense portions fun each time. Taking away that randomness and variety would just produce something of lower quality. I guess it would be interesting in how different it is from the rest of the game, but compared to adding in something that actually improves or expands on the base game loop? It's a resounding meh, especially if you want it to be actually balanced. I mean, giving players infinite ammo already turns the weapon balance on its head - there would be no reason to take ammo capacity upgrades. As for a testing site, the devs have stated they'd rather players test out builds in the field. That's good for like 98% of players, and encourages going out into the world instead of "self-isolating" in a testing bay. If you really care that much about accuracy and reproducing conditions, you can use mods for a testing ground and enemy spawner. Also, a leaderboard might not go over very well. It's competitive, which means it's starting off lower than other ideas, but maybe it would work? There already is a sort of competition around speedrunning the deep dive each week. It sounds like something that only premade teams would really like. Also, it probably would be vulnerable to cheating, because DRG really doesn't have any need to stop that stuff yet. 10. I'm a for the ability to replay seeds, but because the mob spawns are randomized externally of the seed, you won't get the same enemies throughout the mission, which could have been a large part of what made the seed stand out in the first place. 11. Lives probably won't work, they've already been talked about, and honestly I don't understand why you would want them in any co-op game. 12. The female medic dwarf is literally a joke. It's already been suggested hundreds of times. No, the devs don't want to add a support/healer class. No, the devs can't add in a female class. Yes, the devs would like to add in female dwarves, but with how the game system is structured, adding in all the new model rigging, cosmetics, voice actors, etc. Would take too much work.
@UrMomGreen. 2 жыл бұрын
I want mini mule as 2nd Bosco. Added another perk for engi turret like fire or gatling high fire rates. Able to bring Bosco in multiplayer? Maybe. Ammo supply with turret on top or shield around it with cap ammo/duration.
@zenniththefolf4888 Жыл бұрын
A tower defense style gamemode would be awesome. Building up defenses against endless waves of bugs would be pretty cool imo. They could add the ability to drop in pods for fortifications, buildables, loadouts, and so much more. The possibilities are endless I think
@bravoxray 2 жыл бұрын
These are all brilliant. I'm also getting feedback from my friends that they no longer want to play this game because it feels repetitive.
@maleable11 2 жыл бұрын
The Deck custamization is just the current cosmetic situation where once they're all baught... there's nothing left to purchase. I'd say not just matrix cores, but also crafting materials be used to make custom missions if you want to help incintivise millionaire dwarves to mine and collect
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! There needs to be motivation for getting as many minerals as possible. Nothing will unite everyone more then having the same goal of getting rich!
@DewaKopling 2 жыл бұрын
I would love if DRG have a medieval armor for the dwarves or even a new map area on the planet that have ancient ruins and buildings thats secretly have easter egg info about Karl
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck that sounds dope as hell! Like man made ruins and shit.
@DewaKopling 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheLegendOfFLG Imagine The Bugs has their civilization and us Dwarves just stumble upon their ancient city :D
@Supwisebs 2 жыл бұрын
Medieval armor is the dream 👌
@Whitewing89 2 жыл бұрын
So that wave mode with the leader board. You could have that cost minerals and then people would always need to grind them to play the ranked survival mode.
@gigabot3662 2 жыл бұрын
Circle/B is my flare/flashlight button and I think it's the default. That or I've been using it so long there it feels like like it. If you're curious I put salute on R2 because I rarely to never use R2 in game. And I put interact on R3, shoot on R1, and moved secondary to right d-pad.
@MarkNapalmov 2 жыл бұрын
I just want an ability to cut off Dreadnough's head and place it in my bloody space rig.
@spinomitegames9000 2 жыл бұрын
I think that if they add an ammo lock, then the host should be able to see ammo for each item. E.G. A bar for each weapon they have. There should also be an option to automatically grant permission at certain ammo thresholds. 50% on one gun, 50% across all weapons, 50% health, (or 25% with resupplier), etc.
@nemorianderson Жыл бұрын
Here is my suggestion on what to add. I really love this game overall, but the thing that gets me bored and frustrated - is when the game generates a huge cave with extremely high ceilings and all tangled up, and I'm literally spending 2 hours on the mission, half of that time looking for that last vein of morkite or whatever, that generated in a small pocket behind the dirt wall somewhere around 100m height under the ceiling (god damned hollowed bough). So, my suggestion is to add some kind of scanning/searching drones, that you can launch and they will find and highlight for you the things that's you missing, like a dirt wall with unexplored cave, or the last deposit of mineral, fossil, flower or mushroom. It can be implemented somehow in order to not break current game controls or loadouts (and spelunking progression). Here's how it's may be realised. 1) If the game realises that you are stuck. It's possible to do, just by monitoring goal completion, amount of resources left on the map, and the time from when you last time picked that resource. Then mission control may say something like looks like you stuck there (in the most pathetic or sarcastic manner). And offers you help with scan drones. Wich you can now - call dropped as a resupply (for resources) - activate on Molly (or other deposit structure) - unlock seek option on Bosco (only single obv) - get sent automatically 2) You can call it any time same as a resupply, but it will cost you resources. Like the reasonable amount of resources, that way that it will be expensive enough to spam call on every mission, but affordable enough to use as a last resort It will be a huge helper thing that will exclude that upsetting scenarios when you just stranding caves all around seeking for the last damn fossil
@niffler9355 2 жыл бұрын
I’m fairly certain that it’s built into the enigine itself that loadout swaps require a full on reload. That’s the reason there’s no firing range on the space rig
@YouTenaza 2 жыл бұрын
Some great ideas here. Specially the custom mission. But I left the game since season 2 started because: - Massive performance drops and crashes. - I'm sick of the robots.
@Pugol Жыл бұрын
an april fools race mode where everybody is scout with special powder and have to get the highest amount of kills or mineral winner would get credits depending on how much they did ranging from 500 to 1500 and the rounds would be like 5 mins.
@bardobardo3479 Жыл бұрын
hidden geodes, with possible elite mobs or boss, so in order to open/mine it you would also spawn a strong enemy or horde
@Zippokovich 2 жыл бұрын
Super easy solution to needing a button for requesting a resupply - the clients can call for a resupply as normal and it puts a hologram where they place it, it then notifies the host and if he pressed the resupply button within a set time then it 'accepts' the request and it lands where the hologram is.
@TheLegendOfFLG 2 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant 👏 👌
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