Los Angeles wildfires were more destructive than a "nuclear strike" and "U.S.

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@BenitoC-u5h 7 сағат бұрын
@jasmin-zk7vw 7 сағат бұрын
@LeeHoho-r6g Сағат бұрын
@姜廣澍 7 сағат бұрын
@ChiKwongchow-r6v 7 сағат бұрын
如果這是核彈打擊, 美國可以把這個地方疏散,然後就美國聯邦政府接管。 。 但現在,美國將不得不應對可能耗資數萬億的重建。 但他們背負巨額債務的經濟正在下滑。 聯邦政府幾乎可以肯定負擔不起。然後,州 政府必須付責損害。 超富突然變貧困的悲劇。
@ytw501 6 сағат бұрын
[2025加州大火---閒聊問與答] 問:2025這次的加州大火,燒得很不一樣啊。 答:一樣是燒房子啊!老戲碼了,有什麼不一樣? 問:燒到富人區了,以前沒燒過富人區的。 答:嗯,這樣說來,是有點不一樣。 問:我就納悶,一月7日剛開始有火時,民眾報案,為何消防隊不理? 答:因為加州的傳統規則是,讓火自然焚燒,咱要尊重自然生態。 問:很快的就燒到市民居住點了,為何消防隊還是沒救火? 答:因為都是沒繳錢的住戶,消防隊沒必要動作。 問:後來燒到富人區了,他們應該有繳錢了吧!? 答:那時發現,消防栓沒水。 問:那水庫應該有水吧!? 答:水庫也沒水。 問:那不是海景第一線的海景房嗎?已經是海邊了,海有水吧!? 答:因為用海水撒在陸地,容易造成土地鹼化。 問:都燒到家門口了,還在擔心鹼化? 答:怕土壤鹼化後,降低當地土地價值。 問:那燒完之後呢?可以拿到火險理賠金吧!預估可以拿幾成理賠金? 答:沒有理賠金! 問:為什麼? 答:因為早在幾個禮拜前,保險公司就已經通知保戶,加州自2025年起,除非願意另外簽訂高額保險契約,否則自動解除火險賠付,絕大多數的住戶,已經失去保險給付資格。 問:那災民該怎麼辦? 答:根據經驗,聯邦政府將提供緊急援助,協助修繕和重建房屋,雖然必須經由國會通過,但從經驗上來說,應該是會通過。 問:也就是說,無論這次損失有多大,聯邦政府都會解決? 答:你答對了!不愧是美國人! 問:聯邦政府有那麼多的錢嗎? 答:咱美元有印鈔機啊,印完之後,問題就解決了。 問:印完之後?那你這樣印錢,誰來還錢? 答:全世界啊!全世界的人,只要有用到美元的,共同分擔啊! 問:怎麼分擔?誰願意分擔啊? 答:不用他們同意啊!等到他們感覺到通貨膨脹後,自然就知道了!" --------------------------------------------- [2025 California Wildfires - Satirical Q&A] Q: The 2025 California wildfires feel quite different this time, don’t they? A: Still burning houses! Same old story. What’s so different? Q: It’s burning through the wealthy neighborhoods this time. That’s a first, isn’t it? A: Oh, you’re right. That is a bit different. Q: I’m puzzled. When the fire started on January 7th and people called 911, why didn’t the firefighters respond? A: Because California’s golden rule is to “let nature run its course.” We must respect the natural ecosystem. Q: But soon enough, the flames reached residential areas. Why didn’t they fight the fire then? A: Those residents didn’t pay their dues. No payment, no service. Q: Then it spread to the wealthy neighborhoods. Surely, they’ve paid their dues? A: By then, they realized there was no water in the hydrants. Q: But California has reservoirs, right? They must’ve had water! A: Reservoirs were dry too. Q: Wait a second. Aren’t these beachfront mansions? There’s literally an ocean right there! A: Using seawater on land can cause soil salinization. Q: The fire was at their doorstep, and they were worried about salinization? A: Damaged soil could lower property values. Q: After the fire, homeowners could at least claim fire insurance payouts, right? How much do they expect to get? A: Nothing at all! Q: Why not? A: A few weeks ago, insurers notified policyholders that starting in 2025, fire insurance coverage is void unless they pay for a premium contract. Most didn’t. Q: So, what’s next for the victims? A: Based on past events, the federal government will step in with emergency aid to help rebuild homes. It’ll need congressional approval, but it usually passes. Q: So no matter how much damage there is, the federal government will fix it? A: That’s correct! You’ve got the American spirit! Q: But does the federal government even have that kind of money? A: We’ve got printing presses, don’t we? Just print more dollars, and problem solved! Q: What happens after you print all that money? Who’s going to pay it back? A: The entire world! Everyone using U.S. dollars will pitch in. Q: How will they pitch in? Who’s willing to do that? A: Consent is irrelevant! Once inflation hits them, they’ll figure it out. ------------------------------------------- [加州大火---究責該找誰.................(甩鍋找誰背鍋)] 「美國政客們大可不必為了甩鍋給中國而操碎了心、打結了腦筋,畢竟中國早就自動跳出來認領這口鍋啦!有些中國網站上的人已經道歉了,他們說:『抱歉啦,這都是我們的錯。因為中國人買了開心果,所以加州人就不得不種開心果。但問題是,開心果樹喝掉了加州92%的水,所以山火一來,根本沒水救火,這才釀成大禍。Oops!』 所以,要解決山火問題,方法簡直再清楚不過了:聯邦政府只要宣布開心果危害國家安全就好啦!接著讓總統下令禁止開心果出口中國,一切問題迎刃而解!加州立馬成為無水荒、無山火的開心果禁區天堂。多簡單啊!」 American politicians don’t need to stress out or twist themselves into knots blaming China-China’s already claimed the blame themselves! Some folks on Chinese websites have apologized, saying, Sorry, it’s our fault. Chinese people bought pistachios, so Californians had to grow pistachios. But pistachio trees drank 92% of California’s water, so when wildfires hit, no water was left to fight them. Oops. So, if we want to stop wildfires, the solution is obvious: the federal government needs to declare pistachios a national security threat. Then the president can ban selling pistachios to China, and poof-problem solved! Make the state a No water shortage, no wildfires, just a pistachio-free paradise. Easy, right?" 要買要快喔!要是等到美國聯邦政府看了咱的留言後,大受啟發,真的照辦,那時,開心果被禁,就不容易買到了."
@peterpen7062 7 сағат бұрын
消防員用的化學物質、 可以令到人生育出現問題、 以及水源受污染做成食用水致癌、 現在美國會否公佈這些後遣症的問題嗎?、 澳洲已經是一個活生生的例子.
@Chickenworm9394 6 сағат бұрын
@anglelee1999 5 сағат бұрын
@myintooaung7273 4 сағат бұрын
@marshalllee8488 6 сағат бұрын
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