The Tribulation and Daniel's 70th Week - The Rapture and the Wrath of God - The End Times

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3 жыл бұрын

When will the church be removed? Prior, during or after the tribulation? What does Daniel's 70th week say about it?
Those who are loyal to the antichrist will fully suffer the wrath of God. Revelation 11 and the Book of Daniel are key passages to understand the timeline of the Abomination of Desolation
We need to be watching for the signs prior to the end of this age.
Join us in this study and interpret the bible from an in-depth perspective.
Dr. Baruch asks a few questions which must be answered to rightly understand Biblical truth concerning the End Times.
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@Karmel8503 3 жыл бұрын
I really am grateful for this man's teachings,, thanks so much 🌺🕊
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@kymdickman8910 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz Did you listen to Baruch’s lesson, Randy?
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@kymdickman8910 Did you listen to Jesus? After Jesus warns, "Take heed that no man deceive you..." Matt 24:4
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@kymdickman8910 There is no such thing as a 3.5 years that are half of the Great tribulation or a 7 year great tribulation. However the End Times are well underway.... 1/3 of the world has already burnt up in the last 16 years.... Google how many hectares exist and how many have burnt in the last 16 years.... 1/4 of the population has already been killed off.... this last year 47 million babies were aborted world wide.... no way to actually calculate actual number with the 'day after' pill. Multiply that for 42 years since Roe vs. Wade... and we are at the cusp of 1/4 of the World population. .... thus fulfilling the pale/green 4th horseman... the other three were fulfilled with the previous world conquests The radioactive waist from Fukashima is being dumped in the Pacific Ocean every year... killing off the ocean. The Pacific is 1/3 of the World's waterways....beginning fulfilling the 2nd Trumpet and Bowl. The sad part of believing in a 7 year tribulation... is the fact that it casturates a person from seeing fulfillment that has already happened.... No Scripture even remotely offers a timeframe for how long it takes to kill of 1/4 of the worlds population, or how long it takes to kill 1/3 of the ocean.... or how long it takes to burn up 1/3 of the trees and grass. People just assume that it is instant.... When it is not
@kymdickman8910 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz I don’t think that you and Baruch are at odds in any way.
@tilltheendministries403 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% on this timing. God promises we will not face His Wrath. God never promised we will not face Tribulation. God Bless!
@brigitteludwig4572 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. So it be.
@lauraontiveros3432 3 жыл бұрын
The you will find many scriptures in the Bible say believers go through tribulation. Then the wicked go through Gods wrath. The Great has two parts. One Tribulation to purge the paganism out of the Church. Two the wrath for those that didn’t repent. In 2 Thessalonians it say be careful not to be deceived because the Antichrist has to come first before Jewish Jesus does.
@sassysara223 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, he actually does. The church will be raptured.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
The Word of God notes that it is MAN who states that the wrath of God has come.... Rev 6:16,17. This is a claim of man... and not of God! This is the ONLY place in Scripture that the term "wrath" (Greek: orge) is used in a temporal and physical nature.... as is the mindset of the carnal man. There is a major difference between wrath; 'orge" and "thumos". And if you were to ask a Greek speaking person, they would tell you that thumos is more like anger than wrath. We are not appointed to wrath ....orge.... 1 Thess 5:9,10. The wrath of God (orge) abides on the unbeliever... John 3:36. God's wrath is defined as eternal... Rev. 14:10... forever burning with fire and brimstone. The temporal wrath/anger (thumos) of Revelation's bowl/vial judgments is temporal and physical in nature.... it "lasts for a night".... temporary. Unlike His eternal wrath (orge)... We are not appointed to wrath (orge) but to eternal salvation and eternally living with Him... 1 Thess 5:9,10... our appointment is eternal in nature... just as the wrath that we are not appointed to is eternal. The 7th trumpet is the end... and not prior to the bowls Study the nature of the 7th trumpet.... "time is no more", " the mysteries of God are finished", Jesus rules and reigns forevermore, everyone is judged according to theirs... REv. 10:6,7, 11:15-18.... You cannot have the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and then the beast making war with the saints and overcoming them afterward. John ate the book in Rev. 10 for the purpose of "prophesying again". He does so... Rev. 12-16 is a repeat. The bowls and the trumpets are parallel. Jesus comes at the 7th trumpet... 2 Tim 4:1, Matt 16:27, Rev 22:12, Rev 11:15-18, 1 Cor 15:51... and He states that He is STILL coming like a thief... just prior to the 7th bowl... Rev. 16:15. Now study the trumpets and bowls side by side... why do you think the River Eurphradies is in the same number of both? How can Jesus come like a thief after He already came like a thief in your narrative? He can only come 'like a thief' once... otherwise the first would announce the second. Jesus comes like a thief in the night when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise.... 2 Peter 3:10, Matt 24;35,36, Mark 13:31,32.
@onfireforJESUS75 3 жыл бұрын
Actually scripture tells us we the church/ bride are not appointed to his wrath.
@wan4891 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, dr Baruch, for your bible based teachings for the coming endtimes.
@fotografodyck 2 жыл бұрын
I am thankful for Dr. Baruch’s teaching !
@ladyrangeline9715 3 жыл бұрын
The Integrity of this teaching is so refreshing to my soul! Thank you!
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@1956firefly 3 жыл бұрын
What you have said is exactly what the holy spirit has been teaching me. Praise God
@felipekennedy3135 3 жыл бұрын
amen. just as it is written.
@loveisraelorg 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for commenting. Make sure to subscribe and follow our weekly bible studies. May God bless you. Shalom from Israel!
@JesseMgala 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question, Sir. What is the day of the Lord and how long will it take based on the Scriptures? Is it the 7-year tribulation which will start when the 1st seal is opened in Rev 6:1?
@byyykusto 3 жыл бұрын
@@JesseMgala Which one of the Christs Apostles ever preached 7-years of tribulation? Are you in Apostles teaching?
@JesseMgala 3 жыл бұрын
@@byyykusto If I heard it correctly, even Rabbi Baruch mentioned of a 7-yr trib. But for him, only the 2nd half of it or so is the wrath of God. Daniel prophesied about a covenant of "one seven" with Israel. To some Bible teachers, that is the 7-yr trib. Daniel 9:27 He will confirm a covenant with many for *one 'seven.'* In the middle of the *'seven'* he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. " To my mind though, if I add the number of years the two witnesses will prophecy, 3.5 years and the number of years the woman, _Israel,_ will hide, which is 3.5 years also, then that makes it 7years. Parallel to the time the woman is hiding, the beast will also reign over all nation for 3.5 years. Revelation 11:3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth." 7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. (1260/360=3.5yrs) Revelation 12:6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days(3.5yrs). 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time(1yr), times(2yrs) and half a time(0.5yr), out of the serpent's reach. (1 + 2 + 0.5 = 3.5yrs) Revelation 13:5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. (42÷12=3.5) Using simple math: 3.5 + 3.5 = 7yrs. That is according to Apostle John.
@byyykusto 3 жыл бұрын
@@JesseMgala You have missed my question. Give me one Christ's Apostles preaching 7-years of tribulation.
@JesseMgala 3 жыл бұрын
@@byyykusto I told you, John hinted about a 7-yr trib. You don't have to agree with me and I'm fine with that.
@kilabergdorf4772 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this clarification. I have had some of the same questions and as well have determined we will not go through God’s wrath but will have tribulation. Your teachings are very helpful. God Bless you.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
The Wrath (Greek: orge) that we are not appointed to is defined in REv. 14;10 as forever burning with fire and brimstone... most are brainwashed into believing that God's wrath (orge) is temporal when it is His anger (thumos). Unfortunately many English translations used wrath in the place of anger... confusing thumos with orge.... God's anger is temporal and lasts for a night as seen in the bowl/vial judgments. We are not appointed to Hell.
@batgirlte9953 2 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz so are you saying you think we will see His anger/wrath? You confused me.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 2 жыл бұрын
@@batgirlte9953 I don't offer my "thoughts", I offer what the Word of God actually states. If you remove all speculation, assumption, conjecture, opinion, and flat out lies... and just rely on the Word of God, the fabled rapture ceases to exist. It's the lies that confuses you. Wrath is Hell....Rev. 14:10. David experienced God's anger when he sinned with Bathsheba however he never experienced Gods wrath... which is hell.
@irissaenz5845 3 жыл бұрын
May God bless you abundantly Baruch and the Spirit of wisdom and truth be upon you. Shalom
@andiswagoba7569 3 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite teachers. May the Lord bless you, may the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you, may the Lord lift you up by His countenance and Father God continue to give you His peace. I'm not a Rabbi to be saying this blessing, but Dr baruch korman is chosen by God.
@BranchofTheTrueVine02 3 жыл бұрын
Halleluyah praise ABBA YHWH, I was studying Daniel today and I just took a break at verse 8 and found this. Given me some good questions to consider while I finish my studies. May our creator bless you all and be with you in the most qodesh name yahshua 🙌🙌🙌
@elythagez9830 3 жыл бұрын
Sound teaching!!!Thank you brother Baruch ! I am being fed and edified every time I hear you teaching! It breaks my heart to know that so many unsuspecting ‘Christians’ who are in churches that teach otherwise are being had and they don’t know it. 😭😭😭😭
@pattyoconnell1950s 2 жыл бұрын
I am studying the Word Of God with Dr Baruch …
@deborahdianalaker4073 3 жыл бұрын
Shalom brother I know how hard it is to speak the better truth but we will not be alone in anything we go through .Hallelujah !may Yahweh bless and keep you .
@carmenfrancis6726 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you my brother shalom
@SuperSynoptic 3 жыл бұрын
We believe that we are living in the days of travail, yet we continue to walk in the light and to keep the faith.
@angelamcentee1277 3 жыл бұрын
He revealed this truth to me and I always find myself showing others who believe they will be raptured before the Tribulation, and they argue because they can't understand why Yeshua would put His bride through this. Shalom.
@patriciabarron7707 3 жыл бұрын
Its troubling, those pre trib folk. They have no understanding of church history and tremendous persecution of Christian's over the centuries.
@shirleyneufeld2861 3 жыл бұрын
I find a lot of arrogance in peoples views/attitudes about the bride of Christ not having to go through the tribulation. Firstly, it is not Biblical, secondly, if Christ himself was persecuted, suffered and died - the perfect, sinless Son of God, who do we think we are that we should be spared from suffering for Him?As a matter of fact, Christ himself says we WILL suffer persecution if we are His. He also says, that as the world hated Him, so will they hate us. It is very evident today how hated Christians are today and as we progress further into these last days, this persecution will only increase. But praise be to God, He promises to be with us to the very end and after this, eternity in glory with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
I find all three of your comments interesting . Is your LAMB your ATONEMENT for everlasting life? Like I said in my comment as a friend! The BODY of CHRIST which is Jew and Gentile is the believers that are in HEAVEN in Rev 4:5 = are the 7 lamps and at Rev.4:1 the door open and the Trumpet called!!!, Rev4:2 immediately in the SPIRIT!!! Clearly is the rapture and the 7 lamps are the 7 church's or BODY OF CHRIST before the first SEAL is open. Note: three fall FEAST left or LORD APPOINTED TIME. GOD BLESS
@angelamcentee1277 3 жыл бұрын
@@shirleyneufeld2861 Absolutely, and we do so joyfully, I want to be singing in that moment. Blessings.
@angelamcentee1277 3 жыл бұрын
@@patriciabarron7707 The more we seek the more is revealed. Pray for them and reach out to them, it is our duty.
@zoro3327 3 жыл бұрын
Every good and perfect gift cometh down from the Father of Lights and I receive it always...Shalom
@corinnecharles9525 3 жыл бұрын
I thank our Lord SO MUCH for His ENLIGHTENMENT of His Holy Words that you BLESSED us with+++ Jesus BLESS you too. Shalom.
@williamback6154 2 жыл бұрын
It's really special when I receive Revelations from the HOLY SPIRIT that I have 2 Teachers and they're both GOD'S Chosen People.
@frankieclayton9303 2 жыл бұрын
This is coming to those who don't believe and have a relationship with Jesus Christ
@maryannvicente774 3 жыл бұрын
Last night i have a dream. In my dream i saw Houses and somebody gave me a box of Pearl when i opened i saw 1 big Pearl and some small ones, i heard a voice saying .. take care of this Pearl. When i woke i remembered my dream and prayed for it And i remember John 14, and in the Bible Pearl represent the Kingdom of God. Come Lord Jesus ... bring us to your Home ... in the Kingdom of Your Father.
@shelleygiesbrecht4759 3 жыл бұрын
Amen! Thank you for this teaching! I agree with you. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ!
@kathrynfayemontjoyharvey5555 3 жыл бұрын
May God richly bless you for your faithfulness!!I love learning about our Savior!! Especially from a Jewish brother!
@catypaps 2 жыл бұрын
Dr . Baruch - Thankyou for your teachings As the they reveal truly what the scriptures say -
@rebamoon4965 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Baruch hit the nail on the head...the Pre-Trib heresy is taught by many otherwise solid pastors/teachers. Many of our brethren will not be a Berean to study to show thyself approved. It's takes no effort to regurgitate as Baruch said what a famous pastor is teaching...and selling lots of books. Indeed, most concerning! Thank you for clear teaching.
@felipekennedy3135 3 жыл бұрын
@ashamaryjacob733 2 жыл бұрын
Can believers take this vaccine, is this related with beast
@tonybasoni8443 2 жыл бұрын
RM,......Yes this teaching is very clear and Baruch is a fantastic teacher, the problem however is, he is not teaching correctly. For example, there is no such thing as a rapture. The whole concept is fake and is nothing but manmade unbiblical nonsense.
@silvestra2762 4 ай бұрын
Shalom! God bless you and your family!🙏 ❤Israel!
@caroleparent7302 3 жыл бұрын
Dear man of God je vous écoute du Québec Canada and so happy that i find your teaching and i am practicing my english with you you are the best teacher in the world and i like the subtitle xxxshalom🤗🤗🤗
@helenpeffer4980 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Baruch. This teaching is very informative.
@jjcardinale1367 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you all for sharing
@jamescole3152 3 жыл бұрын
I really like the way you go into the minute details.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@felipekennedy3135 3 жыл бұрын
Just as it is written in the Holy Word of God, thank you brother.
@Princelargo 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome biblical truth. Thank you and bless you.
@Hannah-xx7ou 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for clarifying the catching away as before the wrath of God is poured out.
@PippaMarks 3 жыл бұрын
I am so Blessed for your channel to be in my recommended 😇 Great teaching 🙏🏻🫂 Subscribed 🥳
@sephardim4yeshua155 3 жыл бұрын
Isaiah 26 gives the timing of our “going into our rooms”, the rooms that are many in the Fathers house. We will go into our rooms before the wrath.
@darlenegarza877 2 жыл бұрын
Go inside your house on the land..
@richardbrownjr6813 3 жыл бұрын
@edinadorothea8045 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you the LORD YESHUA JESUS mam like you..Teaching the truth..I always believed we are not going to great trubulation..I read the Bible many time .The Holy Spirit is the one teach ..GOD YHWH BLESS Dr.Baruch
@johnnylugo442 3 жыл бұрын
@frankieclayton9303 2 жыл бұрын
Amen thank you lord Jesus christ for this
@wandashaw490 2 жыл бұрын
I believe if we are alive we will go thru satan tribulation but not the wrath of God. God Bless 🙏
@gustavotrevizo6957 3 жыл бұрын
Shalommmm amigos..!!!
@0797899041 3 жыл бұрын
thank you, Doctor Baruch
@helenpeffer4980 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful teaching. Thank you Dr Baruch
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@realpine 2 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz Ok then it will happen again!! are you happy now :)
@batgirlte9953 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your teachings. This has been something bugging me for over a year. Saved August 2020 I would love a pre-trib Rapture but I kept thinking, no, God didnt tell us we will be with Jesus in the air before ANY of the nastiness happens. In fact He said we would be persecuted. (Scary, yes, without a doubt, specially when children are involved.) But we dont get a choice here. We are blessed that we dont have to experience God's wrath! Thank you God! All honor and GLORY belongs to HIM. I struggle with identifying where birth pangs end and where Tribulation begins. Clearly the world is melting before our eyes. To us there is no question. And the speed at which it is happening is mind boggling. Is it a war in Israel that actually starts the tribulation? I think once that first sign triggers, the rest of the timing falls into place because of what the bible tells us. Praying every day that my son and I will be strong with the Lord's help. But the one thing that should unite us is Salvation, believing in Jesus and all He did for us. Recognizing that we are sinners in need of a savior. Knowing that without Jesus we dont stand a chance. Thank you Jesus for your gift of grace. And for Your mercy that is renewed every day! And then secondly that we wait 'patiently' for our blessed HOPE. (stay close to Jesus because the devil looks to devour us. Jesus knows what we are feeling) I just pray for the Lord to send the angels to protect and help us. The Lord is our refuge. Bottom line is Jesus will come for us. One last question, do you think it is ok to mix holy oil together and bless our homes and children?
@thecryofthewatchman 3 жыл бұрын
I believe that the Church will be removed before the wrath of God poured out on this world.
@charleneturner706 3 жыл бұрын
Aren't we, as believers, taken out before the man of lawlessness is revealed? Is he revealed at the making firm the covenant with the many? Or is he revealed at midweek when he exalts himself in the temple?
@KingsDaughter. 2 жыл бұрын
Not before. Read Matthew 24. It says immediately after those events we will be gathered
@robertbrown6879 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your teaching. It is very good.
@degeneffe20 2 жыл бұрын
Shalom! Very good!
@jamescole3152 3 жыл бұрын
"Pre Wrath Rapture". That fits every verse, even the ones about Noah and Lot.
GOD BLESS, some just don't see yet but will for the fig tree is 73 and at the end of Jacob trouble they are 80= dont see past this year or past FEAST of TRUMPET 🛫❤ . Plus the largest population of Jewish people haven't return home yet? What will send them home? 2004 has the second eclipse or X in area of little egypt = 7 year. Interesting isn't. GOD BLESS
@beeinthebodytorahclass2002 3 жыл бұрын
The story of Lot symbolizes the final judgment when God rains down hell fire, as He did upon Sodom and Gomorrah. It's the second death, the lake of fire, and the 2nd death has no power over God's people. The wicked surrounded Lot's house on every side and tried to break in. The Book of Revelation says the wicked surround the City (camp) of the saints and just when they get ready to strike down the holy City God RAINS DOWN FIRE FROM HEAVEN AND DESTROYS THEM ALL. See Revelation 20:9 So just like with righteous Lot, who ate the Passover Feast, we are safe in the HOUSE. And just like with ancient Israel, we are safe in the HOUSE, so long as there is the blood of the Lamb on our door post (heart). God connects these 2 events in Scripture when His Word tells us that Lot "made a FEAST and baked UNLEAVENED BREAD for the holy visitors (angels), and they did eat." Genesis 19:3 (this is the Passover Feast) My belief is that being in the HOUSE simply means being a member of the household of God, in other words a truly converted and holy person in Messiah Yehoshua. A saint who obeys His Law including keeping the FEASTS. Nowhere does Scripture say Lot or Noah were raptured but they were safe inside the house and the ark. It was AFTER the destruction of the wicked, and in Noah's case the whole world, that Lot WENT UP A MOUNTAIN, and likewise Noah's Ark rested high upon the MOUNTAIN. This tells us that we will enter the era of God's Kingdom on earth, His holy Mountain, AFTER the destruction of this evil world. Shabbat shalom!
@marriagesupperofthelamb 3 жыл бұрын
@@beeinthebodytorahclass2002 How about Lot’s wife? What does she typify? I believe she typifies the falling away right before the man of sin is revealed!! Don’t take the va666sin tisane your life. Luke 17:32-33 (KJV) 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
@beeinthebodytorahclass2002 3 жыл бұрын
@@marriagesupperofthelamb That could be! She looked back and longed to save the life she had in sodom. She did not want to leave it behind. And so she lost the life she longed to save. Remember Messiah said if any man looks back he is not fit for the kingdom! As for this vaccination, it has nothing to do with worship so it does not qualify as worshiping the beast. The mark of the beast is given to those who worship the beast. This means they obey a manmade religion that is contrary to the Word of God. An example would be keeping the sabbath on any day other than the seventh day and ignoring God's commandment to keep holy the seventh day (Saturday) God bless!
@cashed-out2192 3 жыл бұрын
Neither were raptured
@lizjansevanrensburg572 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome message!!
@MsGinahidesout 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful! Also you look very sharp in that suit!
@rogerboyd7185 2 жыл бұрын
Good teaching!!
@nicholas77 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your fine teaching. What you communicate is exactly what I've been pondering upon recently; we need to study the Word ourselves, as individuals. If we do it in the right way, the Spirit itself will shed light on the text so to say. It is definitely correct; we have been given both the Scripture and the Spirit. I also see clearer what you mention in regards to Acts 14.22. If I told you about all the tribulation I have gone through, you might not believe me. I live in Norway, such an innocent and peaceful country many may think. However the devil is here, too. If a guy seriously intends to follow Christ, it doesn't matter where he or she resides. It may be a terror regime or a prosperous so-called democracy. Satan is the same. Everywhere. Good luck and God bless, brother. Stand firm in the Lord always. Remember our God is faithful and victorious.
@patamena6151 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u
@eloigibors 2 жыл бұрын
❤️ very good teaching, the difference between the great tribulation and the wrath of God. ❤️ ❤️ more appropriate if DR. Baruch explained the difference when it happened? Tq ❤️
@johnnytrammell3774 2 жыл бұрын
Amen; I pray for the peace of Israel! 🙏
@jdm3111 3 жыл бұрын
Could you please explain Revelations 3:10 "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."................. That refers to the tribulations, when the antichrist will rise, not the wrath of God yet, but the begginng of the 7 years. Pre-trib rapture confirmed and there are many more verses in other chapters that confirm that. I believed it would be mid-trib/prre wrath as well from what I had been taught, but when I started reading and searching for the truth it spoke differently to me. Holy Spirit shows clearly we are not appointed to the 7 years tribulations, not just the last 3.5 years..... Jesus Himself spoke about it and Paul even more details... Shalom
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
John 17:15, Psalm 91... No Scripture even remotely offers a rapture prior to tribulation..... or a 7 year tribulation
@qwerty-so6ml 3 жыл бұрын
For Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed for this generation, watch/listen to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia:
@terrenceyura7923 2 жыл бұрын
@Puppythuppa 3 жыл бұрын
It's a sound Biblical teachings, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.! John8:31-32; 2Timothy2:15..!! 🤗🇮🇳🤝🇮🇱🕎♎🙋‍♂️👍
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@Puppythuppa 2 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz Daniel's 70th Week was Futuristic According to Christ and His Apostles.! Yes the 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 A.d by the Romans But Did Antichrist came came and made a Covenant with many including the Nation of Israel? NO.!! In order to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth, one NEEDS to KNOW the Whole Truth of Scriptures including Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Bible Prophecy.!
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 2 жыл бұрын
@@Puppythuppa Wrong, NEVER does the Word of God EVER state that the anti-christ will CONFIRM (meaning it is already in play) a covenant with anyone! We are not called to ADD TO and interpret Scripture as you exemplify, but to RIGHTLY DIVIDE what is ALREADY WRITTEN. You confuse the man of perdition with the abomination of desolation! Thus attempting to make Jesus into a liar concerning what He states.
@angelamorris3268 3 жыл бұрын
@sarahlynn4790 3 жыл бұрын
I am so GLAD that someone else sees what I do. Because this is EXACTLY how my Bible reads. Sometimes, I have to question if I am reading the same scriptures that everyone else is. This is EXACTLY, I mean EXACTLY what my Bible says.
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenist. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@sarahlynn4790 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz I find it interesting that a man named Randy wants to explain the Jewish Scriptures to a Jewish man. JS Jews know and understand that God adds time for unbelief. You run into a lot of issues with your interpretation. This video might help you understand a little better.
@sarahlynn4790 3 жыл бұрын
Also, if you cannot understand with what is happening in Israel and particularly Jerusalem that there will DEFINITELY be a third temple then you are going to be really confused about what is about to happen. There is NOBODY who lives in Israel who doubts there will be a third temple soon. I have been in Palestine for two years and even the people here know that. Did you miss the war in just a few months ago? What do you think that was about?
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarahlynn4790 The next temple comes out of Heaven.... not made of hands. The man of perdition sits in the place of God declaring to be God. The place of God is not longer a building.... but the hearts of men. Our bodies are the temple. Jesus changed the location... and the reason the vail was ripped in two. The ideal of a 3rd temple being rebuilt is a distraction from the truth!
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@sarahlynn4790 Interesting... the Jewish man offers the singular interpretation of John Nelson Darby who conjured the futuristic Daniel's 70th week ideal in the 1830's.... Prior to the Pony Express... when the Book was still sealed up... Dan 12:4... until the time of the end when the combustion Engine was invented along side the internet. And yet 1000's of Jews are coming to Christ today when the read the Daniel 9 passage, because they understand that their Messiah had to come prior to the temple destroyed. The false narrative of a futuristic temple in this passage is destructive to Israel being saved.
@lyoung8584 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for a LOGICAL explanation of the End times Scriptures! I worry that much of the western believers have been too quick to accept the pre trib rapture + therefore aren't expecting to face hard times, true persecution or even the anti-christ. What if that's what causes many to fall away? I was initially taught the pre trib but after much more study of Gods word + thoughtful prayers... I feel the pre wrath rapture is founded in Gods word. The tribulation will REFINE + make ready the bride! I pray I have the steadfast devotion, willpower, faith to endure what's coming. I know Jesus promised that we should not worry about what to say in our hour of trial bc the Holy Spirit will guide us. Thanks again! I love your teachings. I listen ed to all of the Book of Revelation last week and loved the way you go through sentence by sentence! There's no wild gymnastics w verses or substitute words or meanings. Maranatha!
@rogerboyd7185 3 жыл бұрын
son of man! Good teaching!!!
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
I find it totally amazing that a Jew would think that Daniel's 70th week is about a futuristic tribulation.... totally ignoring their history and buying into a singular interpretation of Scripture (1 Peter 1:20) created in the 1830's! Daniel 9:26,27: "... shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. [27] And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. This passage of Scripture is fulfilled perfectly by history shortly after the 69th week occurred: After Messiah (Jesus) was cut off by the cross, Titus (who's father Vespasian became Emperor of Rome... making him a prince) confirming the peace treaty covenant with the Roman Senate, that Israel made with Alexander the Great to squelch the Jewish Uprising, this is the 7 year war known as the Roman Jewish War or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 AD and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD... In the middle of that week (7 year war 66-73 AD) Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the city and the temple was caught on fire. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold seekers wanted the gold...Matt. 24:1-4,15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD. How do someone come up with the idea that a futurist 7 year tribulation Period of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You DON'T.... Rather this idea is a singular interpretation (1 Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830's named John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the Word of God, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN! A serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this as futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2000 years ago.
@sonjasamperl1405 Ай бұрын
@jennymason1785 3 жыл бұрын
What about between 6th and 7th seal when all say to the rocks fall on us for the wrath of the Lamb has come?
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
The Word of God notes that it is MAN who states that the wrath of God has come.... Rev 6:16,17. This is a claim of man... and not of God! This is the ONLY place in Scripture that the term "wrath" (Greek: orge) is used in a temporal and physical nature.... as is the mindset of the carnal man. There is a major difference between 'orge" and "thumos". And if you were to ask a Greek speaking person, they would tell you that thumos is more like anger than wrath. We are not appointed to wrath ....orge.... 1 Thess 5:9,10. The wrath of God (orge) abides on the unbeliever... John 3:36. God's wrath is defined as eternal... Rev. 14:10... forever burning with fire and brimstone. The temporal wrath/anger (thumos) of Revelation's bowl/vial judgments is temporal and physical in nature.... it "lasts for a night".... temporary. Unlike His eternal wrath (orge)... We are not appointed to wrath (orge) but to eternal salvation and eternally living with Him... 1 Thess 5:9,10... our appointment is eternal in nature... just as the wrath that we are not appointed to is eternal.
@SpotterVideo 3 жыл бұрын
Multiple Second Coming Visions in Revelation??? (book not in chronological order ?) Christ returns at the end of Revelation chapter 6, with signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as are found in the Olivet Discourse. Those at the end of the chapter are hiding from the wrath of the Lamb. Why would they be hiding if Christ is not present? The "kings", "captains", "might men", "free", and "bond" are also found in chapter 19 at the return of Christ. He returns at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, and the time of the judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:15-18. The beginning of chapter 12 is a history lesson containing the fall of Satan, and the birth and death of Christ, who is the seed promised to crush the head of Satan in Genesis 3:15. The Second Coming is found in the "harvest" of chapter 14, which is related to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew chapter 13. He comes as a thief at Armageddon, and we find the greatest earthquake in history in chapter 16. This occurs when the 7th angel pours out his vial. How powerful is an earthquake which moves islands and destroys the mountains? What is happening to the planet? He comes on a horse in chapter 19. Chapter 20? Does He come with the fire, and the judgment of the dead at the end of chapter 20, which agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, and 2 Timothy 4:1? (The time of the judgment of the dead is also found in Revelation 11:18.) There are no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46. Why does an angel come down from heaven with a key to unlock the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2, if the pit was not already locked? Revelation 9:14 proves some of the angels were previously bound in some manner. Because the two witnesses were bodily resurrected from the dead in Revelation 11, the "first resurrection" at the beginning of Revelation 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the book. The principle of "Recapitulation" means there are multiple visions of His return.
@kalaunderwood3245 3 жыл бұрын
Hello! I’m pretty new to Hebrew but while studying a verse in the Bible the word “Kala/Kallah” caught my attention due to that being my name. In researching a little further I found that it is a word to refer to a bride. I thought that was neat due to my studying about the bride of Christ. But then I also thought it interesting the word also refers to “restraining”. Does this point to the verse ESV For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way.? Thoughts?
@qwerty-so6ml 3 жыл бұрын
For Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed for this generation, watch/listen to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia:
@mkin6370 2 жыл бұрын
I think that you are mostly correct, in that the majority of what is being taught is not specified in the Bible in regards to how it all will come about. Below is what I've determined to be the chronological order of events. I will be sending your organization an email with the subject line Mkin63 - 6th Seal Dilemma; with more information on how I came up with this theory. Seals 1-5 (prior and leading up to Daniel's 70th week) Trumpets 1-5 (1st half) Bowls 1-5 (2nd half) Seal 6, trumpet 6, bowl 6, 7th seal (rapture) 7th trumpet (The Lord returns with His saints) 7th bowl.
@trevorbates9017 2 жыл бұрын
The important thing here is to follow righteousness, as Yeshua taught us, and know we are entering into these last days correctly, and regardless of what befalls us. My own scrutiny of this point is that the great tribulations will be ushered in by the four horsemen who will descend upon from the area we were warned to watch out for the signs of their coming. Analysing those horsemen suggests that we will all have to pass through that period of time. It is the last chance for true repentance because when the black horse comes, followed by the green horse, we find details which infer that this planet will open a portal in space that will deliver us into the dimension that we pray to and worship when we worship our Deity. This is forbidden territory for the evil, the unrepentant and the unrighteous, but because they too have an indestructible spirit they will have to go somewhere else...and it don't sound good.
@LyleCooper 5 ай бұрын
"Jacob's trouble will begin AFTER the midpoint?" I always thought Jacob's trouble (the first time) was because He had to work an extra 7 years for the woman He loved. He was TRICKED Into this extra seven years. Then along came Daniel and spoke of a 7 year period as the final week of the 70th weeks determined for Daniel's people. It just makes sense that the ENTIRE WEEK of 7 years was in Jeremiah's mind when he wrote of "Jacob's trouble." Again it just makes good sense that the 1/3 destruction or "HURT" upon the earth during the first six trumpets will be centered on Israel in the Middle East. That certainly spells "trouble" for "Jacob."
@byyykusto 3 жыл бұрын
Which one of the Christ's Apostles ever preached 7-years of tribulation? Are you in Apostles teaching?
@timothyjones6845 3 жыл бұрын
Will you have a discussion on the chapter if Isaiah 54 or presentation
@robertbrown6879 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you that referring to the entire tribulation period, Daniel's 70th week, is God's wrath or the Day of the Lord. I think that is totally incorrect and to some extent or a great extent I think the reason that some Bible teachers do this is to support their end time theory whether it is pre-tribulation rapture or a preterist type view. That's what I notice anyway.
@samsuchiang6403 2 жыл бұрын
Very much appreciated about your explanation and it's very clear to understand but you did not touch Mathew 24:22, it's sound that chosen one's will have to face huge suffering during that time let's say during tribulation and Mathew 24:13 refers that only stubborn believers will be save.
@eliethgranados1922 3 жыл бұрын
Por favor editenlo en español, Dios los bendiga
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
No necessiaro... no hay correcto
@lezzimars6061 2 жыл бұрын
But did you notice the 6th seal / 7th trumpet and 7th bowl is the same event? The day of the Lord
@untalluis2186 3 жыл бұрын
@felipekennedy3135 3 жыл бұрын
The seals judgements are of the tribulation, The trumpet judgements are of the Wrath of God that starts after the Abomination of Desolation
@johnpeterson4868 3 жыл бұрын
The seven years of Daniel starts in the sixth trumpet or second woe. I’ve seen the first five seals and heard the first trumpet September 29,08 and from that time God started sealing the 144000 and come September feast of trumpets Gods through sealing the tribes then the first four trumpets wipe out 1/3 of the earth and sea Rev 7,9,14 .
@martinboros296 3 жыл бұрын
Dear brother Baruch , What is your opinion to the verse 2.Tess 2,2-3 ? I think there is a clue for teaching, that rapture will be before 70. Daniel's week. Thank You brother for Your testimony!
@Kman. 3 жыл бұрын
The rapture PRECEDES the entire 7yr tribulation period, yes. I skipped thru this video, but this guy is either mid or pre-wrath or SOMEthing other than holding to a PRE-tribulation rapture, correct?
@witnesstruth7457 2 жыл бұрын
If a person were raptured prior to the tribulation, who can justify his worthiness, does a child go to school to learn and never be tested?
@tonybasoni8443 2 жыл бұрын
WT,.....There is no such thing as a rapture. It is nothing but fake, manmade nonsense.
@nancyking2867 3 жыл бұрын
Wrath and tribulation are not the same thing, we are not appointed to wrath, but will go through tribulation.
@nicol1022. 17 күн бұрын
@youareon2something 3 жыл бұрын
@LyleCooper 5 ай бұрын
"I know of no place in scripture where the 70th week is called "the tribulation." Jesus said, "after 'the tribulation' of those days..." This is after the 70th week, but was He referring to the days of great tribulation He had previously mentioned, or was He referring to the entire week? We don't know.
@nonyemicheal6152 3 жыл бұрын
Shalom.Jesus Christ is at The door.Rev 3vs20 Isaiah 60vs8.
@frankieclayton9303 2 жыл бұрын
Who rejected the truth about Jesus christ yeshua and his divine holy words commands covenant teaching and depending on what Jesus christ said have a relationship with the holy spirit knowing the savior voice spending time alone worshipping submitting to Jesus christ will and ways dieing to live mark 8:34-38
@robertbrown6879 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 state that the "rapture" will not occur until the Anti-Christ sits in the Temple of God (sanctuary) claiming to be God?
@Puppythuppa 2 жыл бұрын
What about the chaos and destructions on the earth during the Opening of the first 6 SEALS? From Chapter6:1-8. ONE THIRD OF THE EARTH'S POPULATION IS KILLED.!! Verse 8. How will the BELIEVERS survive or protected between the Period of Second seal, Verse3, and the Fourth Seal, Verse 7-8.???? My question is if the Seals are not the Wrath of God, How's that One Third of Earth's Population is killed, 6:4,7-8.!!
@tonybasoni8443 2 жыл бұрын
BOBH,.....These things are all spiritual things, they are not talking about physical things.
@shaunm8692 2 жыл бұрын
Been looking through a few channels tonight, incl Dr Baruch's channel, but I haven't found an answer to this question: Revelation 16:3 and 16:4 say that the sea and rivers of fresh water have become blood. If this is literal then why do we have water again mentioned subsequently in Revelation 16:12, which refers to the waters of Euphrates ? And further how do birds survive as referenced in Revelation 19:1 if there has been no fresh water or seafood, for example for the seagulls ? And what about vegetation and plant life also ? How does the rest of Revelation play out on a human level if the fresh water and sea have become blood as has already occurred earlier according to Revelation 16:3 &16:4 ? - Humanity and animal life would only survive a few weeks, which is insufficient time for the balance of Revelation's subsequent events to be completed.
@tonybasoni8443 2 жыл бұрын
SM,.....The Bible is a spiritual book, it speaks of spiritual things. Revelation is all spiritual, it is not talking about physical things. All these things are spiritually discerned by the spiritually alive. The spiritually dead cannot understand these things, and the entire church is spiritually dead.
@beeinthebodytorahclass2002 3 жыл бұрын
Responding to some of the comments below who defend the pre rapture theory- God's faithful people today, like Israel in Egypt, will not be pre raptured BUT, like Israel in Egypt, we will have a divine covering and protection. When all of the Egyptians' cattle was destroyed, not one of Israels' cattle was destroyed. When Egypt was in darkness, the Israelites in Goshen had light! Do not fear but trust the MIGHTY HAND of God who CAN and WILL do all these things!! The Israelites in Egypt were NOT taken out of Egypt until AFTER the plagues fell and it will be the same for us! God bless you. Shabbat shalom!
@LyleCooper 5 ай бұрын
Who is this 70th week period of time FOR? This is EASY to answer: Daniel wrote that the entire 70 weeks (of years) was for HIS people, the Jews. It will be the Day of the Lord that is for the nations. However, that being said, God will begin the Day of the Lord first, then a few days later (probably the ten days of AWE) will start the 70th week, so God will effectively place the entire 70th week INSIDE the Day of the Lord, so that every judgment of the WEEK will also come with God's wrath from the DAY.
@datepalm1969 2 жыл бұрын
The beginning of Daniel's 70th week may coincide with Rosh Hashanah (Festival of Trumpets)!!! Once I firmly thought that the beginning of Daniel's 70th week could not be related to any of the festivals of the Old Testament because God will 'shorten' (cut short), or bring forward the coming of Christ to a date that is not known to anyone other than God, and is not even known to Christ. (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:32) However, in recent times my opinion has changed because whilst the date of the coming of Christ can still be fluid between the 6th and the 7th seals, the beginning of Daniel's 70th week can still be 'fixed' and linked to one of the festivals like Rosh Hashanah (Festival of Trumpets). Having said that, the following parts of Daniel's prophetic vision that involves the ram 🐏 and the first five (5) horns on the goat 🐐 need to be fulfilled PRIOR TO the beginning of Daniel's 70th week: 🔹The Kurd-Iran 🇮🇷 coalition (depicted as the ram 🐏 in Daniel 8:2-4, and interpreted as Media and Persia in Daniel 8:20), must first attack and invade many nations in the Middle East, which include but are not limited to Iraq 🇮🇶 (see Note below), and Syria 🇸🇾, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Jordan 🇯🇴, and the entire Arabian Peninsula (but not the State of Israel 🇮🇱 and Egypt 🇪🇬). Note: In Daniel 7:4, Iraq 🇮🇶 is depicted as the lion-like 🦁 beast having eagle's wings that are plucked, and it was made to stand on its feet as a human, and a human's heart was given to it. This is a perfect depiction of the current highly weakened political and military power of Iraq 🇮🇶 (descendents of ancient Babylonia) in the present time, in comparison to ancient time and also in comparison to its ranking as the world's 4th largest army prior to the Gulf War in 1991. 🔹Turkey 🇹🇷 (depicted as the goat 🐐 having one (1) horn in Daniel 8:5-7, and interpreted as Grecia/Greece in Daniel 8:21-22, see Note below), must swiftly attack and defeat the Kurd-Iran 🇮🇷 coalition of forces. Note: In the books of Daniel, Joel, and Zechariah, the term 'Grecia/Greece' is a mistranslation of the name 'Javan/Yavan' (Noah's grandson) whose descendents once occupied the geographical region that is predominantly occupied by modern day Turkey 🇹🇷. Therefore, the mistranslated term 'Grecia/Greece' does not refer to modern day Greece 🇬🇷, but refers to modern day Turkey 🇹🇷. 🔹Turkey 🇹🇷 (depicted as the goat 🐐 having four (4) horns in Daniel 8:8,22), must establish a four (4) division Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East, which will not include the State of Israel 🇮🇱 or Egypt 🇪🇬. The four (4) division Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East is depicted as the leopard-like 🐆 beast having four (4) wings and four (4) heads in Daniel 7:6. Daniel's 70th week will begin when the Antichrist (depicted as the 'little horn' on the goat 🐐 in Daniel 8:9-12), confirms or affirms a covenant of peace with the State of Israel 🇮🇱, which will also coincide with the commencement of the construction of the third Jewish Temple on the 'holy place' in Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15) Here's the link for an almost virtual tour of the yet to be constructed Jewish Holy Temple: - To emphasise, the 'beginning' of Daniel's 70th week is time-marked by the 'beginning' of the construction of the third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, which will be ready for the daily sacrifices either 220 days or 250 days from the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. I think the 250 day figure is more accurate because the desolation that includes the destruction of the third Jewish Temple will take place 1,290 days from the middle of Daniel's 70th week rather than in the middle of Daniel's 70th week, or 1,260 days from the middle of Daniel's 70th week (i.e. 1,260 + 1,290 - 2,300 = 250 days). (Daniel 8:13-14; 9:27; 12:11) The 'great tribulation' will begin in 'middle' of Daniel's 70th week, or 1,260 days from the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. (Daniel 9:27) In conclusion: - The beginning of Daniel's 70th week may very well coincide with Rosh Hashanah (Festival of Trumpets). However, because the aforementioned prophetic scriptures of the ram 🐏 and the first five (5) horns on the goat 🐐 need to be fulfilled PRIOR TO the beginning of Daniel's 70th week, it is highly unlikely that Daniel's 70th week will begin on Monday, 6 September 2021, particularly given that 6 September 2021 has already been and gone! 😂 Instead, the following date of Rosh Hashanah is much more likely: 🔹Sunday 25 September 2022. The next date of the Rosh Hashanah which follows 25 September 2022 is Friday 15 September 2023. However, the beginning of Daniel's 70th week on 15 September 2023 is highly unlikely because the last seven (7) lunar year period (or 2,520 days of Daniel's 70th week), to the end of this age and the beginning of the New Millennium, needs to fit in between now and NO LATER than 7 April 2030; i.e. it must fit in PRIOR TO the expiration of 2,000 years from the death of Christ on 7 April of AD 30. Therefore, Daniel's 70th week cannot begin after 14 May 2023, which is seven (7) lunar years (or 2,520 days) prior to 7 April 2030 that time-marks exactly 2,000 years from the death of Christ on 7 April of AD 30. So, if the beginning of Daniel's 70th week happens to coincide with the Rosh Hashanah (Festival of Trumpets), it is likely to be on the Rosh Hashanah that is PRIOR TO 14 May 2023, and the only candidate date for that Rosh Hashanah is: - 🔹Sunday 25 September 2022. Revelation 22:20 ESV He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
@itsyaboy777 2 жыл бұрын
On the contrary it is forbidden for the church to be included in Daniel's 70th week. The time of Jacob's trouble is for the Jewish people not the church! The people who will be here during the tribulation are simply called tribulation saints they are not a part of the church who are raptured before the tribulation.
@carolgoering6585 3 жыл бұрын
I heard this man repeat what others have said and taught and were completely wrong. He said Matt 24 was referring to the rapture. Before you reply with a negative comment, I suggest you open your Bible and read Matt 24. Understand what the apostles were asking and Jesus describes the events in chronological order. The verse that says "but of that day and hour no man knowas" comes 7 verses AFTER the tribulation ends. The verse right before it is the Earth passing away. Nobody knows the day or hour of the Earth passing away. Jesus never mentioned the rapture. That is why Paul say "I tell you a mystery".
@Raymond1C 3 жыл бұрын
The rapture is a false teaching and the mystery in Romans 11 about the Son of man coming and all Israel being saved has been fulfilled in this generation but their eyes haven't opened yet. God bless you
@carolgoering6585 3 жыл бұрын
@@Raymond1C you can believe anything you want, it’s your right. But there are even OT verses that point to a rapture.
@Raymond1C 3 жыл бұрын
@@carolgoering6585 Don't worry you'll find out like everyone else that the rapture was a false teaching. In the meantime dont get vax'd. God bless you
@carolgoering6585 3 жыл бұрын
@@Raymond1C Jesus is preparing mansions in Heaven for us. He said he will come again and receive us. After the tribulation the Millennium on earth starts. At some point we will be in Heaven. When do you think that will be? Also please give me your explanation of 1 Thessalonians 4:16&17 John 14:2-3 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, ((I will come again, and receive you unto myself;)) that where I am, there ye may be also.
@Raymond1C 3 жыл бұрын
@@carolgoering6585 Good Morning and God bless you. Yes Jesus has already prepared the new Jerusalem and I witness and testify of that on this earth. Jesus said in Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 is on the last day of this world which will be judgement day. When those alive and those that are dead will be resurrected. Revelation 20:12-15 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. God bless you
@leemc7807 2 жыл бұрын
What about the Scripture in 2 Thessalonians 2 7-8. ?
@AbaloneKid 3 жыл бұрын
WE THANK GOD FOR BRETHREN LIKE YOU WHO GIVE US A CHANCE TO EXPRESS WHAT A DISCIPLE OF JESUS CHRIST WOULD, KNOWING GOD PAYS ATTENTION TO ALL WE DO AND KNOWS IN ADVANCE OUR FAITHFUL ACTIONS AND YOURS AS WELL, BELOVED! MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU IN GLORY FOR ALL YOU DO TO SERVE HIS GLORY AND IN SO DOING BLESS WE, YOUR EVERLASTING FAMILY OF FOREVER. WE ARE IN THE WORLD TO SHARE THE GOSPEL. God the Son has given us that command! We shall overcome any road blocks the enemy of our soul places in our path. The Lord is our shepherd. THE GOOD NEWS Blood coming from all over his body and NAKED hanging on that cross like torture weapon! What a Lord and God and Savior! He had to do it. HE is God the Son and only His body and blood could pay the sins price of ALL ever! 1 John 2:1-2. SUBSCRIBED. This channel is a blessing known to God before the world was made. Ephesians 1:1-14. Oh Lord bless this channel. I will pray for you and those gathered here.There is a Crown in Heaven awaiting all who faithfully share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a soul is saved. ( "JESUS SAVES" below) 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. " For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? 20 For you are our glory and joy." The Apostle Paul further testified; Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." JESUS SAVES Mark 16: verse 15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God." The Birth Of Jesus Christ Isaiah 7:14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal, the body was mutilated, the blood was poured out, but the bones were not broken, buried in a Tomb and risen on the 3rd day. Isaiah 53: "5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." John 14.6 1 Corinthians 15: "1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" BY HIS BLOOD "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7 “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5: 21. Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him." Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life) Ephesians 2:8 " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast." Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and rescue us from eternal death. Because of Jesus' death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting in His death and in the shedding of His blood as payment for our sins, as well as in His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day, and we will be saved! John 20:24-31; See 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4. Romans 10: "9 If you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart man believes in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 13 For the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Salvation and forgiveness of sins is a blessing of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject salvation, "perish"(John 3:16) which means their sins are judged and suffer separation from God forever called the second death. Rev.21:8
@bygodsgrace86foreverandeve11 3 жыл бұрын
Revelation 18:23 KJV: And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. But in the original Greek text, the word used for sorcery was pharmakeia. And in Greek, pharmakeia could mean magic, sorcery, witchcraft, enchantment, drugs or medication. ... The administering or usage of drugs. Magic, sorcery, witchcraft; often found in connection with idolatry.
@rockkstah2550 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Pre-Wrath is the real deal.. Very true! GOD’s wrath is Trumpets and Bowls, this guy got it right! As for the seals, it is what keeps the wrath of GOD sealed up until all the seals are removed. Then the Wrath begins due to the fact that the scroll is now wide open. This guy affirms what I already know, and many pre-tribulationist I speak with cannot handle the truth..
@rockkstah2550 3 жыл бұрын
@ForHisGlory777 in what way?
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@rockkstah2550 The Word of God notes that it is MAN who states that the wrath of God has come.... Rev 6:16,17. This is a claim of man... and not of God! This is the ONLY place in Scripture that the term "wrath" (Greek: orge) is used in a temporal and physical nature.... as is the mindset of the carnal man. There is a major difference between wrath; 'orge" and "thumos". And if you were to ask a Greek speaking person, they would tell you that thumos is more like anger than wrath. We are not appointed to wrath ....orge.... 1 Thess 5:9,10. The wrath of God (orge) abides on the unbeliever... John 3:36. God's wrath is defined as eternal... Rev. 14:10... forever burning with fire and brimstone. The temporal wrath/anger (thumos) of Revelation's bowl/vial judgments is temporal and physical in nature.... it "lasts for a night".... temporary. Unlike His eternal wrath (orge)... We are not appointed to wrath (orge) but to eternal salvation and eternally living with Him... 1 Thess 5:9,10... our appointment is eternal in nature... just as the wrath that we are not appointed to is eternal. The 7th trumpet is the end... and not prior to the bowls Study the nature of the 7th trumpet.... "time is no more", " the mysteries of God are finished", Jesus rules and reigns forevermore, everyone is judged according to theirs... REv. 10:6,7, 11:15-18.... You cannot have the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and then the beast making war with the saints and overcoming them afterward. John ate the book in Rev. 10 for the purpose of "prophesying again". He does so... Rev. 12-16 is a repeat. The bowls and the trumpets are parallel. Jesus comes at the 7th trumpet... 2 Tim 4:1, Matt 16:27, Rev 22:12, Rev 11:15-18, 1 Cor 15:51... and He states that He is STILL coming like a thief... just prior to the 7th bowl... Rev. 16:15. Now study the trumpets and bowls side by side... why do you think the River Eurphradies is in the same number of both? How can Jesus come like a thief after He already came like a thief in your narrative? He can only come 'like a thief' once... otherwise the first would announce the second. Jesus comes like a thief in the night when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise.... 2 Peter 3:10, Matt 24;35,36, Mark 13:31,32.
@rockkstah2550 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz nowhere in my "narrative" I said HE comes like a thief.. I never said we are appointed to the wrath of GOD either! What does "PRE-WRATH' mean to you and did you watch this man's video at all? As for the parallelism between Trumpets and Bowls, two completely different things. Trumpets get fulfilled first before the Bowls just because the river Euphrates is mention in both doesn't make them parallel. The proper order, the Seals get undone beginning from Rev 6:1 through Rev 8:5, Seal 1 through 7. Trumpets get Blown in order beginning from 1 through 7. The Bowls get poured out beginning from the 1st bowl through the 7th Bowl. Nowhere it says, that when the first trumpet sounds, the first bowl get's to be poured out, NO SIR! Rev 6:12-17 and Matt 24:29-31 have many things in common. Also 1Thess 4:6 and 1 Cor 15:52 GOD has a "trumpet" that HE only blows, that is NOT of the 7th trumpet that is mention inside the scroll when the Seal were removed by HIM. Or GOD himself would've mention along with the 7th trumpet inside the scroll, that when the angel blows the 7th trumpet, I will blow my trumpet to call all the saints. NO, NONE AT ALL... The Beginnings of the 7th Trumpet. Rev 11:15-19 it has nothing to do with calling of the saints, but rewarding of prophets and saints that are already(past tense) in heaven in HIS presence. WHAT IS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE 7TH TRUMPET IS AS FOLLOWS: Rev 12:1-6 is about the Woman and the Dragon. Rev 12:7-17 Lucifer gets cast down to planet earth. Rev 13:1-10 the 1st beast Rev 13:11-18 the 2nd beast Rev 14:1-5 Jesus the Lamb and the 144,00 Rev 14:6-13 3 Angelic beings preaching repentance to earth dwellers. Rev 14:14-20 Is how JESUS ended up with red stain garment of blood in parallel with Rev 19-11-21. Again they have something in common. Rev 15:1-8 Is the 7 plagues which is still under the umbrella of the 7th Trumpet. Again the 7th Trumpet has NOTHING to do with the 7th bowl if were going to parallel it. The start of the 7 trumpet begins in Rev 11:15 and ends in Rev 15:8. GOD HIMSELF DOESNT BLOW THE 7th TRUMPET.. Its an angelic being whom HE orders to do it..
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 3 жыл бұрын
@@rockkstah2550 Really long response.... starting with misquoting and then loosing their audience because they clearly didn't comprehend to begin with... yawn!
@rockkstah2550 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandyRoth-mo3lz yeah, your response the first time..... yawn!😂
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