喇沙精神完全概括地显現在喇沙的校歌內。勇敢,男儿志气,闖天下的豪情,高舉喇沙的旗幟的忠貞情懷,永遠熱愛社會,教育了一代又一代的喇沙仔!但我对喇沙的愛源於所有修士对学生的博爱与关懐,这种不分贫富平等的爱尤其难得。Brother Michael 見我天天放学後留在图书館温习,有一天一言不发地从他修士袍口袋中拿出一个萍果放在枱上给我,是我永远的回憶。多謝喇沙!
@lsholneduhk4 жыл бұрын
I am hoping that La Salle's sacrifice during and after the war can be chronicled in the 香港地方誌 which is under preparation today.
@wcwaiwilson4 жыл бұрын
Great great piece that says it all! Salute to the production team! Don't miss the uplifting instrumental rearrangement of our School Song at the end! Well done!