calm and beautiful shots, peaceful atmosphere, amazing 💚
@kenstreetcinema9 минут бұрын
@@astralfilmsstudio thank you so much ☀️
@iwvovwi4 сағат бұрын
Beautiful, wonderful and GREAT video work👏👏👏 Respect you❗
@kenstreetcinema3 сағат бұрын
@@iwvovwi thank you so much and I respect you too!🙌☀️
@LubichARTS4 сағат бұрын
Cool Shots and great color grading! The Mist Filter looks really good in the sunlight!!! The video has a smooth vibe!
@kenstreetcinema4 сағат бұрын
@@LubichARTS thank you! It’s the first time using them. I love it!
@AndrzejSrodaPhotography6 сағат бұрын
Great work ! I’m relaxed ,good to see you back👍😉🎅
@kenstreetcinema6 сағат бұрын
@@AndrzejSrodaPhotography thanks! Got that K&F Black mist diffusion filter 1/2 that I wanted to try on the GH7 :)
@KAMUI_CREATOR4 сағат бұрын
We are impressed with your work! It is so wonderful that it is hard to believe that the work was produced with the same camera as mine. The camera work, the angles, the settings, everything is a teacher. I will order Black Diffusion(^^)
@kenstreetcinema3 сағат бұрын
@@KAMUI_CREATOR Thank you! I mostly use Kodak film Lut from Davinci Resolve. Just a little bit of color grading. But the K&F black diffusion mist 1/2 helps against the digital look of these hybrid cameras. And when shooting against the light it’s just adorable!