的確美國社會傳統有個所謂制度化的種族主義(institutionalized racism)。她立国後的歐洲中心主義 (Eurocentrism) 早在十九世紀中葉後就经由種族論述,政客,媒體及电影娛樂界的操弄下做極度醜化華人或亞裔移民之能事!因此基本上,他們在經濟繁榮時忽視崋人存在的時候也是華人日子過的較好的時候。相反地,当經濟蕭條時,華人常會無端受到攻擊成待罪羔羊!想当初,美國法庭历史上是如何不公平對待中國移民的?否則美國怎麼會有句諺語You do not even have a Chinaxxx’s chance? 影射一個人在一件事上的勝算極低!在美華人不應該忘記早期先民的血淚史!
@ttw26882 ай бұрын
确实。 所以那些一天到晚说美国好的人,都应该让他们来美国感受一下😢
@felixchen21902 ай бұрын
@@ttw2688 說的太好了👍👍👍!
@seelengcheong54882 ай бұрын
@@ttw26881450 最喜欢美国, 奉美爹为神
@oliversong4752 ай бұрын
反向加沙种族灭绝事件, 如果没有答案,继续询问......
@oliversong4752 ай бұрын
“Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16).
[We know it's hard to change the mindset and behaviors of the mafia boss in a community. But, sorry, people. It's time for the world to move on from America's dictatorship on international order] The US was created upon European immigration and colonization, African slave trade, genocide of aboriginal people, and conquest and forced annexation of foreign territories. Rampant racism against minorities, widespread drug abuse, frequent gun violence, cruel exploitation of new immigrants as cheap labor, ridiculous gap between rich and poor, looting of global wealth through addictive money printing, economic and military coercion of "allies and foes" around the world, bombing and killing of millions of civilians in foreign lands under the cover of "human rights, democracy and liberty", are some of the key features of American led so called "rule based international order". The American tyranny of dictatorship on international order based on lie fabrication, economic coercion and military bullying will soon come to a slow end, following the outcry from the world against the atrocities happening in Gaza. A truely open, free and democratic international order based on UN Charter will be restored for all of humankind, which is exactly what the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative are looking for.
Not like what you thought. Jeff is absolutely correct in responding and that's the best he could reply so as not to get him and his company involved in any political arguing or believing in which they don't have any factual evidence. He is doing business on those with good facts anyway!