We all start conceal carrying and you are telling everybody the environment is great........Either you having been living under a rock or everybody else in the US are living under rocks......
@@ubcTech We been living in this country all our life and what we see is the downward trend of the society and the politics.....when we talk about it, it seems some new immigrants are getting upset and starting ordering us who been living in this country around? WTF is going on here? We got some kings and queens moved to our country and starting to ordering us around? What the BS.....
@jackli4319 Жыл бұрын
提醒更正一下:是rockville,而不是rockview。多说一句,马里兰是全美家庭收入中位数最高的州,经济水平在美国前茅,人均经济甚至胜过加州。Montgomery county 和harward county是全美最富的十个county当中的两个。另外刀刀对华盛顿DC的误解太深了,其实DC的治安和MD巴尔的摩比起来算好太多了。
@daodao-ca Жыл бұрын
提问不代表个人观点,提出的大众感兴趣的问题,个人误解谈不上。 感谢纠正RockVille。😁
@xuyn987 Жыл бұрын
MD median household income高主要是因为离DC近,就像北VA一样, 但是MD治安不好,尤其是baltimore。
Dao Dao actually I have a question for you. As I understand in Canada everyone enjoys free medical care but my friend in Canada told me he still has to pay for medical insurance. I do not feel comfortable to ask him more so can you do an episode about that? Thank you in advance!
@phoebewang4199 Жыл бұрын
helps people who don't have group benefits coverage cover the cost of things provincial/territorial health care plans. For instance, private insurance may cover all the costs of dental care and the costs of prescription drugs beyond government medical plan.
@joytotheworld3044 Жыл бұрын
@@phoebewang4199 Thank you.
@danling9308 Жыл бұрын
@@joytotheworld3044 some may buy private medical care via private insurance