⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The MAKER did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
@0083tuu Жыл бұрын
@kingambassadorstorah-mw6df Жыл бұрын
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The MAKER did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The CREATOR did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
@wen hay 源水濁度過高時,水廠一定是停機的,因為你不會為了榨出幾低水而耗損所有淨水耗材的生命,所有水廠都有一套標準最高能處理的濁度,不是因為處理不了,而是效率不好,而且耗壽命,假設正常濁度你每五天要反沖洗一次,但你遇到濁度暴高時,你還持續產水,那你可能兩個小時就要反洗一次,那你只是更加耗能而已,你看台灣的水廠,颱風天如果夾帶大批泥沙進入水庫時,他一樣會停機,自來水廠也會怕他的高級淨水設備壽命減少,反洗只在第一道,但他能降的濁度有限,必竟是粗過濾,而RO設備也怕時常停機,大型馬達加壓常停機的話,管內就容易有水槌效應,導致UF破管的機率增加,提早下課,至於我為什麼說海淡水的TDS比較高,你去查海淡水的標準就知道了,海淡水的TDS 400ppm以下就算是合格的了,而家裡的飲用水會通常都會在200ppm以下,而你喝三年不覺得比較不解渴,那可能是你拿外島的自來水做比較,外島的自來水內會混一定比例的海淡水,所以水質會接近海淡水,你若跟一般本島的自來水或礦泉水比,你就能比較出差異性來。
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The CREATOR did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The CREATOR did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The MAKER did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The MAKER did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
@王怡潔-k9f Жыл бұрын
@kingambassadorstorah-dg8se Жыл бұрын
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The CREATOR did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The MAKER did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿
⚠忏悔你的罪⚠ 相信为你而死并在三天后复活的弥赛亚👑📜 天国被赐予☰🕎🏴 造物主派他的独生子降世,不是要定罪,而是要借着他赐下永生🤴🏾👸🏿 ⚠REPENT⚠ Believe the MASHIACH Who died for you and rose again after three days👑📜 FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS OFFERED☰🕎🏴 The CREATOR did not send His only begotten Son into the world to condemn it but to give eternal life through Him🤴🏾👸🏿