睇完昨晚的debate, 第一時間睇呢個video,再睇下面的留言,足以證明美國嘅政治,同自由開放,係幾精彩!不論你係”anyone but Trump”或者係”腐敗民主黨廢老”嘅支持者,你都可以大舒已見,睇留言亦等同兩個guests ,絕對反映到雖然美國社會嘅政治分歧,更重的是能夠共存包容,非常有幸我哋香港人在此能亨有呢啲言論自由。堅尼地球,加油👏👏👏
He can only read teleprompter. He could not debate without it! Fortunately, AI is not good enough to generate a real time responses for him (on the teleprompter).
TO: @echan275: 絕對同意✅今天美國需要一個「大壞蛋、大惡魔」去管控全球大局!去對抗「其他極端 (專制)勢力(包括共產政權)。不過、Donald Trump 只懂得利用本國稅務漏洞、去騙取稅款利益。喜歡運用個人號召力去打壓承建商和供應商。並且多次使用「破產保護令」獲得大量「利益」。漂淫並不犯法、但是、「造假及使用捐款」支付服務費就是犯法。利用Trump University 騙取平民百姓的血汗錢就是「品格」下流。我看不到他的「聰明才智」!你還記得嗎、他在2020年6月份是如何處理COVID-19? 他的智理名言:打Chlorine 入身體內抗佢病毒🦠!
I disagree with the comment " rich people do not pay tax". Over 80% of the tax came from people earning between $175K to $2M. Yes the super rich don't pay much (percentage wise), but the majority of the Americans earning less than $115 don't pay much either.
@ec1884 ай бұрын
$175K is not rich in the states if you live in San Francisco or NYC. Earning under $120K in San Francisco is considered poverty. I consider rich to have high net worth >=$100M.
@clementlo5864 ай бұрын
@@ec188 I agree with you in general. Poverty is determined by household income, i think your $120K is household income. When I was stating my case, I was referring to individual income.
You don’t see it because you get what you want! GOP was too “kind” that was why they lost. Dems get what they want by any means. GOP needs to be “cruel” to be kind.
@microfat4 ай бұрын
即係中國外交部水平。 咁都收貨嘅話,唔係盲撐係乜?
@gordonlam77434 ай бұрын
@Ginbaubabe4 ай бұрын
支持民主黨都係典型左翼 EV L 😂
@c034115114 ай бұрын
阿富汗無法呀 當地人都唔愛美式自由生活… NATO 話唔向東交換 但蘇聯無答應 就係無deal 咁做咩要做一些無答應的
May be I missed your introduction of the two gentlemen in the opening. It would be helpful to know their profile, such as age, education, occupation and city they lived in. If they immigrated to US in their adulthood, their job in HK and how big was his family. This will help to gauge their comments. People tend to be more sensitive to issues that affect them and their personal situation could bias their view.
Both guest speakers are unsuitable for these interviews. They exhibit significant bias and fail to provide objective viewpoints or meaningful contributions. Frankly, their discussions resemble two individuals arguing in a casual setting, lacking the professionalism and depth required. I felt like I wasted time watching this video.
@alhambraalhambra7344 ай бұрын
街頭訪問兩個當地平民 没有什麽尊業insight
@SavetheMotherland4 ай бұрын
Its even better??? Two normal people from society instead of possibly paid off media members that can be backed by corps.