D tiga belas 是 D13, D dua puluh empat 是 D24,猫山王是 Musang King ,XO 不是 SO ,XO 是老树的 D 24,今年因为榴莲盛产,而且很多猫山王不能出口大陆,因此本地榴莲比较便宜! 吃榴莲在马来西亚不止是好吃那么简单,很多学问的。这档榴莲蛮不错的!非常新鲜!不心鲜的榴莲会裂开,千万别买。榴莲跌下来后会有淡淡的鲜花香味,越久香味就会消失,付钱就是要吃比较香浓的味道!
Sean first it's too expensive the seller sells and second next time it's best for you to just try one type of durian and wait for half hour to taste another type of durian