aku suka longhouse tinga(不知道可否用這個詞,「在」哪裡,台灣有實用tinga或i哪裡) anna rais i sarawak,其實會講一些台灣的南島語學馬來語就很快(再差也能至少講 Amilika的語言,美語),我覺得長屋很好,但缺點是舀水洗澡的部份,有些人會難接受,但也是不難處哩,總有longhouse有正常浴室的,再爛也比隔壁的indonisia好,malaysia的食物我很愛,跟我們台灣東部很像,愛吃辣,讓我很喜歡,很好吃的 kagaunen(食物)。就是ayam的肉比較多,那個hanpang(台灣的語言 牛)和babuy(豬)較少,說到kopi,malaysia也是很卦guat,真的好喝。真的是很適合jalan jalan的好地方,很親切,我們台灣很多人都是娘惹,要華可以,要達雅一點也可以,很愛馬來西亞的文化,應該最有差別的是穆斯(有宗教問題的馬來人或是該說穆斯化的達亞)吧。不過在台灣,達雅的文化也是啦,不要跟人家說maka asu ti kau 會死得很難看,因為在台灣達雅的眼裡狗很愛在大庭廣眾下亂雜交,因此用那個形容就不太好,就等同於很髒的意思,rabau這樣。不過穆斯他們應該是宗教問題啦,我相信。嘿,你少說達雅囉dayak,雖然他們跟馬來人同源,但宗教different啊~
會把大馬人講成馬來人, 就英文破. Malaysia , Malaya, Malay. 三個字好嗎.
@李清華-s6m Жыл бұрын
飯店,酒店,旅館說的都是hotels ,每個地方用語不同
@kdchen0903 Жыл бұрын
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@vincentwai7070 Жыл бұрын
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@eatshitenough Жыл бұрын
馬來西亞是 220 - 415 也就是說 single phase 他們是110v 3phase 他們是220v
@eatshitenough Жыл бұрын
我們single phase 就已經是220v了 電壓大概是台灣的雙倍
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@@eatshitenough 專業👍🏻
@andrewtse7273 Жыл бұрын
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@tanjweekiang4187 Жыл бұрын
@ThomasCky Жыл бұрын
You channel is misleading. Muslim countries can eat pork & alcohol?. Can go sports toto & magnum gamble?
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
I wish I could re-edit this part in the video unfortunately it can’t, I already pinned the correct info in comment section as far as I notice the huge mistake lol. And answer to your question for majority tourism-friendly Muslim countries are actually allowed to serve pork & alcohol, ofc to non-Muslim only.
@goodBBkaraoke Жыл бұрын
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@kathychiu8175 Жыл бұрын
1.46 are u living inside a well in Penang? What do u mean that other than Penang, there's little chance of meeting Malaysian Chinese in other states???? 井底蛙
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
Guess you misunderstood my explanation, as I spoke “遇到華人機會相對低一點點🤏” not “遇到華人機會只有一點點”, I was considered some audiences heading to the East(Sabah/Sarawak) which has far lesser Chinese than Penang.
@hugolau4307 Жыл бұрын
no no..bro. you may be wrong again..chinese are 2nd largest population ratio in both our sarawak and sabah, even our oborigines are Chinese educated in both East and West Malaysia. we know where u are coming from and good explanation in your video clip. Don't think it will be less mandarin or Chinese directs speaking in East Malaysia. overall, I very proud that you have done your part to introduce our good and bad stuff for awareness to Taiwanese. overall, We Malaysian have to be proud as we are well known for our hospitality, friendly and welcoming to whole world. Selamat Datang Ke Malaysia, truly Asia!
@mataicouple Жыл бұрын
@@hugolau4307 I’m grateful for your rational educating comment bro. I didn’t aware that aborigines were all Chinese educated until your sharing. In video I was saying it’ll be slightly lesser chance to encounter Chinese in other states compared to Penang, guess I’ll use a better phrase next time for less misunderstanding. My purpose making the video was to introduce Malaysia culture and increase foreigners awareness to visit our beautiful country, at least in my knowledge I know a few audiences already planning to Malaysia because of this video which my mission has completed, thanks again for your comment bro. 😊