Money does not stop the work of God. Never in the history of the Bible but maybe in the history of America. Do not think that God´s anointing can get limited because of lack of money. Study Act.8:39,40. Please know that money does not limit the work of God. Do not think that you will serve more because you do have more money. Even if a church moves from place to place, it is not because of money scarcity but it is God’s plan related to the Gospel of JESUS. Just forget money if you really know CHRIST. Where in the Bible is it that the Church has to believe in the ``system of money``???? What does it mean ? This so meaningless and childish thing. Again study the Book of Acts to understand that money does not have any role in the work of God. JESUS was feeding 5000 people. Was JESUS believing in the ´´system of money``???????? Even the world know this : money is a cruel master but a good servant. But you people are still discussing on that. Weak up please , there are more deep revelation of CHRIST. Please study the deep meaning of 1 John 4:4 to know what Christian owns. We do have CHRIST. Why do you still discussing on this issue? Sorry, I feel this is elementary and simple discussion. May God open the eyes of each and every one to see and know the deep treasures of CHRIST´s wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3.
@yeshuaismyking665 Жыл бұрын
What a misunderstanding mind!
@jackJesus111 Жыл бұрын
@@yeshuaismyking665 You say ”what a misunderstanding mind” for what I wrote. But can you please reply for my questions. Was JESUS beliving in a ”money system”? When JESUS was feeding 5000 men, was it because He believed in a ”money system”? How do you see Matthew 22:19-21. Matthew 22 19 Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. 20 And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? 21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. Does money matters to JESUS or not? Does money matters to the Church which is the body of CHRIST? ቆሎሴ 1 18 ንሱ ነቲ ስጋኡ ድማ ርእሱ እዩ፡ ማለት ንማሕበር፡ … JESUS was replying a lot of questions and I expect you to reply my questions instead of saying ” misunderstanding mind”.
Is it really time that you're brought all shabya, talking about money? In the name of scripture? I know most of these guys are working for Isayas' regime to do so badly to see this