Ho Lun Ho 臨場+針對性指揮摩連奴絕對第一,問題是前2任留下球員真係有不合格,實力上下風就要在攻守有取捨,摩連奴執教任何球隊在任何頂級聯賽都可以奪冠,得失球差也是首屈一指,成功從來不會只有一個因數,管理者(自私)和球員乏力(揸流灘)下這樣成績實屬難得。費格遜和摩連奴管理手法和更衣室統治沒有多大分別。
師兄講緊最得罪人個記者會應該係呢個: kzbin.info/www/bejne/hai5dJuwZrx9jsk 最令到曼聯人討厭嘅一段係 "I sit in this chair with Porto, Man United out, I sit in this chair with Real Madrid, Man United out. So is not something new for the club and of course being Manchester United manager and losing a Champions League tie at home is a disappointment, obviously." "That is not the end of the world. I sit in this chair twice in the Champions League and I knock Man United out at home at Old Trafford," 師兄講果段football heritage係幾日後, 足總盃前嘅記者會 其實卡卡都講過摩連奴喺每場PC之前都會prep好晒自己段speech, 佢講football heritage果段似係為自己/球員減壓, 但最後輿論一致都係插佢, 賭輸左